QlikView vs Baremetrics: The Best Analytics Tool for You

Explore the differences between QlikView and Baremetrics in our comparison, focusing on analytics for SaaS and subscription-based businesses.

Diving into the vast ocean of analytics tools can be a daunting task. Today, we’re setting sail to explore two noteworthy islands in this vast sea: QlikView and Baremetrics. While both offer refuge for those seeking data-driven insights, they cater to different types of explorers. Let’s embark on this journey with a closer look at their data visualization capabilities, ensuring our voyage is simple, engaging, and most importantly, illuminating.

QlikView Baremetrics
QlikView Baremetrics
G2 Score -4.1 out of 5G2 Score -4.6 out of 5
TrustRadius Score -8.0 out of 10TrustRadius Score -10.0 out of 10

Data Visualization: Painting Your Data Story

In the realm of data analytics, visualization is the art of painting a story with your data. It’s about turning numbers and metrics into insights that can inform decisions, drive actions, and ultimately, shape the future of your business. Let’s see how QlikView and Baremetrics wield their brushes in this critical aspect.

QlikView: The Master Painter

QlikView is akin to a master painter, equipped with an extensive palette of tools to bring your data to life. It offers a highly customizable platform, allowing businesses to create complex, interactive dashboards and reports that can drill down to the minutest detail. With QlikView, you’re not just viewing static charts; you’re engaging with your data, exploring connections, and uncovering insights through its associative data model.

The strength of QlikView lies in its ability to cater to a wide range of data visualization needs. Whether you require high-level overviews or detailed analyses, QlikView provides the flexibility to craft precisely what you need. Its comprehensive suite of visualization options ensures that you can present your data in a way that’s not only visually appealing but also maximally informative.

However, wielding QlikView’s extensive capabilities requires a certain level of expertise. Crafting the perfect data visualization in QlikView can be akin to creating a masterpiece painting, demanding time, skill, and a deep understanding of both the tool and the principles of data visualization.

Baremetrics: The Clear Visual Storyteller

Baremetrics, on the other hand, can be seen as the clear visual storyteller, offering a more focused but equally powerful approach to data visualization. Designed primarily for SaaS businesses, Baremetrics excels in presenting financial, subscription, and customer data in clear, straightforward dashboards. It takes the complexity out of data analysis, providing pre-built visualizations that immediately offer insights into business health, growth trends, and customer behavior.

The beauty of Baremetrics lies in its simplicity and immediacy. Without the need for extensive customization or deep technical know-how, businesses can quickly get a clear picture of their performance. This approach allows teams across the organization to access and understand critical business metrics, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making.

While Baremetrics offers less in the way of customization compared to QlikView, its strength is in its ability to deliver clear, actionable insights with minimal setup. It’s the tool for businesses that value speed and clarity in their data visualization, particularly those in the SaaS realm where financial and subscription metrics are key.

Pricing: Charting the Cost of Discovery

The cost of an analytics tool isn’t just about the sticker price; it’s about the value it delivers in uncovering insights, driving decisions, and ultimately, propelling your business forward. Here’s how QlikView and Baremetrics fare when it comes to their pricing strategies.

QlikView: The Customizable Expedition

QlikView pricing

QlikView offers a pricing model that’s as customizable as its analytics capabilities. Much like a tailored expedition, the cost of using QlikView can vary widely based on the needs and scale of your business. This includes considerations such as the number of users, the server requirements, and the level of access to various features and support services.

This tailored approach ensures that businesses only pay for what they need, allowing for a solution that perfectly fits their requirements. However, this also means that understanding the full cost requires engaging with Qlik’s sales team for a customized quote. For larger enterprises or organizations with complex, specific analytics needs, this model can offer significant value, as it provides a powerful, bespoke tool that can tackle sophisticated data analysis.

The commitment to QlikView is not just financial; businesses must also consider the investment in time and resources needed to fully leverage the platform’s capabilities, especially given its steep learning curve.

Baremetrics: The Transparent Voyage

Baremetrics pricing

Baremetrics, on the other hand, opts for a more straightforward, subscription-based pricing model. This model is clear and transparent from the outset, with costs based on the scale of your data and the size of your business. Baremetrics provides several tiers of service, each with a defined set of features, making it easy for SaaS businesses to understand what they’re getting and how much it will cost.

For startups and growing SaaS companies, this clarity is invaluable, allowing for easier budgeting and cost-benefit analysis. The subscription model also means that as your business grows, you can scale your Baremetrics usage accordingly, moving to higher tiers as needed without any surprise costs.

While Baremetrics offers a simpler pricing model, it’s important for businesses to evaluate how the platform’s specific focus on SaaS metrics aligns with their broader analytics needs and whether its features justify the subscription cost at their scale of operation.

Integration Capabilities: The Culinary Art of Data

The power of an analytics tool significantly hinges on its ability to integrate with other systems—be it for gathering data, enhancing functionality, or sharing insights. Here’s how QlikView and Baremetrics master the culinary art of integrating various data sources to serve up a feast of insights.

QlikView: The Versatile Chef

QlikView stands out as the versatile chef in the kitchen of analytics, equipped with a broad set of tools to integrate with an extensive array of data sources. From traditional databases and ERP systems to modern cloud services and web APIs, QlikView can ingest data from virtually anywhere. This versatility is powered by its comprehensive suite of connectors, as well as its open API, which facilitates custom integration scenarios.

The strength of QlikView’s integration capabilities lies in its robust ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) features, which not only allow for efficient data ingestion but also ensure that data is accurately transformed and harmonized for analysis. This makes QlikView a powerful choice for organizations with complex data ecosystems looking to consolidate their insights in one place.

However, the sophistication of QlikView’s integration capabilities means that navigating its kitchen requires expertise. Setting up and managing integrations can be complex, often necessitating a dedicated IT or data team to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Baremetrics: The Specialized SaaS Chef

In contrast, Baremetrics is like a chef specializing in a particular cuisine—in this case, SaaS and subscription data. It offers seamless integration with a focused set of platforms, particularly payment processors and subscription management systems such as Stripe, Braintree, and Chargebee. This specialization enables Baremetrics to provide out-of-the-box insights that are immediately relevant to SaaS businesses, including MRR, ARR, churn rate, and customer lifetime value.

Baremetrics’ integration process is designed to be straightforward, allowing even those without technical expertise to connect their data sources and start receiving insights quickly. This ease of integration makes Baremetrics an attractive option for SaaS startups and growing businesses that need to keep a close eye on their financial metrics without getting bogged down in complex data integration setups.

While Baremetrics excels in its niche, its focused approach means it might not offer the breadth of integration capabilities found in more versatile tools like QlikView. However, for SaaS businesses, the depth and relevance of its integrations can provide more immediate value.

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Customer Support and Community Engagement: The Crew Behind the Tools

The quality of customer support and the vibrancy of the community surrounding an analytics tool can significantly impact your experience. It’s not just about solving issues; it’s about learning, growing, and innovating through the collective knowledge and experience of users and experts.

QlikView: The Experienced Fleet

QlikView boasts a robust support structure akin to an experienced fleet, ready to guide its users through thick and thin. With a comprehensive support system that includes direct assistance, extensive documentation, and a vast array of training resources, users have multiple channels to find the help they need. Whether it’s navigating through complex data integration challenges or customizing dashboards, QlikView’s support system is designed to ensure users can leverage the tool’s full potential.

Beyond official support, QlikView benefits from a large, active community. This community is a treasure trove of knowledge, with forums, user groups, and social media channels where users can share insights, ask questions, and learn from each other’s experiences. The strength of this community lies in its diversity, encompassing users from various industries and skill levels, all united in their quest for data-driven insights.

Baremetrics: The Agile Crew

Baremetrics, on the other hand, can be likened to an agile crew that’s quick to respond and adept at navigating the specific needs of SaaS businesses. The tool offers direct customer support through various channels, ensuring that users can get timely help when they need it. The focus here is on efficiency and relevance, with support tailored to address the unique challenges faced by SaaS and subscription-based businesses.

In addition to its direct support, Baremetrics fosters a vibrant community, particularly appealing to startups and growth-focused SaaS companies. Through dedicated forums, insightful blog posts, and interactive webinars, Baremetrics encourages users to dive deep into the nuances of subscription analytics. This community engagement not only provides a platform for problem-solving but also fosters a culture of sharing best practices and growth strategies tailored to the SaaS model.


As we draw our comparative journey between QlikView and Baremetrics to a close, it’s clear that each tool offers distinct navigational aids for traversing the vast data seas. The choice between them doesn’t boil down to which tool is superior in a general sense, but rather which is the most aligned with your specific needs, business model, and growth trajectory.

The journey through data analytics is ongoing, with each business charting its own course through an ever-evolving landscape. Whether you choose the robust, customizable voyage offered by QlikView or the streamlined, SaaS-focused journey with Baremetrics, the goal remains the same: to harness the power of data to illuminate the path to informed decisions and strategic success.


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