How Jurny Can Boost their Website Traffic to 10k in 3 Months! (Our Take!)

WinSavvy helps VC-Funded Startups scale their digital marketing with a focus on SEO and social media retargeting.

This is a pro-bono analysis.

In a sea of startups, every innovative idea deserves its moment in the spotlight. We’ve handpicked and analyzed your website, offering free marketing insights, as our way to nurture the next big thing. We’re passionate about educating and propelling startups like yours forward. If you find our insights valuable, and would like to discuss it further, feel free to schedule a call.

Startups with VC-funding of $1-20 Million can request their own spotlight too.

In order to reach this goal, a single three pronged strategy is what would be needed. Here’s what we suggest –

#1. Jurny needs to show the world what it is about in simpler terms.

Jurny's homepage currently has scrollable sections that are not user friendly and optimized for conversions. We suggest it be replaced with text and an email optin-bar above the fold beside the button "start for free".
Jurny’s homepage currently has scrollable sections that are not user friendly and optimized for conversions. We suggest it be replaced with text and an email optin-bar above the fold beside the button “start for free”.

#2. Content Plan for Jurny

Jurny has blog articles that are not SEO optimized. As Jurny starts to scale, it needs to focus more on inbound marketing and it also needs to come off as a thought-leader in the space.

The current articles are too short, have no internal links and are poorly formatted.

Here are a list of 100 blog post title suggestions along with relevant keywords that you can use to fix it. You can create it pretty fast if you use AI along with content editors (but take care, the articles have to be carefully optimized to improve readability and more importantly, insert internal links for faster indexing by Google) –

  1. How AI is Revolutionizing the Hospitality Business
  2. Top Benefits of Automating Short-term Stay Management
  3. The Future of Property Management: What to Expect
  4. Simplifying Daily Tasks for Airbnb Hosts: Tips and Tricks
  5. Enhancing Guest Experiences with Modern Tech
  6. Streamlining Hotel and Rental Property Operations with Automation
  7. The Role of IoT in Modern Hospitality Management
  8. Advantages of One-Click Integrations for Airbnb Reservations
  9. Secrets to Managing Multiple Booking Platforms Efficiently
  10. Boosting Revenue in Hospitality: Proven Strategies
  11. How Seamless Check-ins Elevate Guest Experiences
  12. The Rise of Digital Key Technology in Hotels and Rentals
  13. The Importance of Smart Security in Vacation Rentals
  14. Benefits of Having a Custom Booking Website for Your Property
  15. How AI Chatbots are Transforming Guest Communications
  16. Consolidating and Analyzing Reviews: Why It Matters
  17. Implementing Dynamic Pricing in Your Rental Business
  18. The Role of Guest Screening in Today’s Rental Market
  19. Coordinating Housekeeping and Maintenance: Best Practices
  20. The Financial Side of Hosting: Simplifying Reporting and Collections
  21. Making the Most of Niche Listing Sites for Your Rental
  22. Local Recommendations: Enhancing the Guest Travel Experience
  23. Integrating Smart Home Technology into Rentals
  24. Leveraging Real-time Market Analysis for Pricing Strategy
  25. The Power of Automated Guest Inquiries and Responses
  26. Incorporating Sentiment Analysis to Understand Guest Feedback
  27. Security Measures Every Property Manager Should Consider
  28. Transforming Property Operations for Maximum Efficiency
  29. Key Components of a Modern Guest App
  30. Ensuring Hassle-free Hosting with Streamlined Finances
  31. The Growing Role of Automation in Vacation Rental Management
  32. Unlocking the Potential of Smart Locks in Hospitality
  33. Tips for Effective Channel Management in the Digital Age
  34. The New Age of Contactless Check-ins and Check-outs
  35. Amplifying Your Property’s Reach: Expanding to Global Listing Sites
  36. The Benefits of Real-time Dashboards in Hospitality
  37. Predictive Analytics: Forecasting Demand in the Rental Market
  38. How to Optimize Resources in Property Management
  39. Enhancing Guest Safety with Next-gen Technology
  40. Driving Direct Guest Bookings: Strategies that Work
  41. Understanding and Acting on Guest Complaints Efficiently
  42. Why Automated Reviews are a Game-Changer for Hosts
  43. The Role of AI in Guest Inquiries and Troubleshooting
  44. Elevating the Guest Travel Experience: What Guests Really Want
  45. Noise Sensors and Their Role in Maintaining Property Etiquette
  46. Harnessing Data Insights for Better Decision Making
  47. Best Practices for Property Care Coordination
  48. Tips for Handling Chargebacks in the Hospitality Business
  49. Exploring the Potential of CO2 Sensors in Rentals
  50. The Revolution of Property Management Systems: What’s New?
  51. Enhancing Property Security with Smart Doorbells and Cameras
  52. The Advantages of One Dashboard for All Booking Platforms
  53. Incorporating Augmented Reality in Modern Guest Experiences
  54. The Power of Sentiment Analysis in Understanding Guest Reviews
  55. The Importance of Seamless Integrations in Channel Management
  56. Safeguarding Your Property: Advanced Guest Screening Tips
  57. Strategies for Boosting Revenue in the Vacation Rental Market
  58. Guest-Centric Amenities: What Modern Travelers Seek
  59. Staying Ahead with Comprehensive Review Analysis Tools
  60. Housekeeping and Maintenance: Innovations and Efficiency
  61. Capitalizing on Real-time Analytics in the Rental Industry
  62. How Modern Tech can Streamline Property Operations
  63. Reducing OTA Commissions: Why and How?
  64. The Evolution of Digital Key Solutions
  65. Understanding the Benefits of IoT in Property Management
  66. A Deep Dive into AI-powered Property Management Systems
  67. Driving Direct Bookings with a Seamless User Experience
  68. Advanced Guest Communication: The Role of Cutting-edge AI
  69. Navigating the World of Dynamic Pricing in Rentals
  70. How Guest Screening Ensures Peace of Mind for Hosts
  71. Embracing Tech for Enhanced Guest Safety and Comfort
  72. Best Practices for Handling Guest Complaints and Inquiries
  73. Predictive Analytics in Pricing: The Future of Rentals
  74. Creating an Immersive Guest Experience: Modern Trends
  75. Key Performance Metrics Every Property Manager Should Monitor
  76. Implementing Smart Home Tech for a Better Guest Stay
  77. Elevating Short-term Stays with Digital Innovations
  78. Ensuring Quality Property Care with Coordinated Solutions
  79. Top Tips for Boosting Revenue in the Hospitality Sector
  80. Embracing Automation for Efficient Property Management
  81. The Significance of One-Click Integrations in Today’s Rental Market
  82. Creating a Memorable Guest Experience with Smart Recommendations
  83. Guest Safety: Implementing Advanced Security Measures
  84. Navigating the World of Dynamic Pricing: An Introduction
  85. Guest Communication in the Age of AI and Automation
  86. Incorporating AI Tools for Efficient Guest Inquiry Handling
  87. Tackling Guest Complaints with Automated Solutions
  88. The Power of a Unified Dashboard in Property Management
  89. Boosting Direct Bookings: Why a Custom Website Matters
  90. How IoT is Shaping the Future of Hospitality
  91. The Impact of Automated Review Responses on Guest Relations
  92. Navigating Financial Challenges in the Hospitality Industry
  93. Enhancing the Guest Journey with Modern Tech Tools
  94. Unlocking the Potential of Smart Thermostats in Rentals
  95. AI in Hospitality: Predictions for the Future
  96. Streamlining Housekeeping and Maintenance for Better Guest Satisfaction
  97. Top Trends in Guest Experience Enhancement
  98. Maximizing Property Potential with Global and Niche Listing Sites
  99. Why Real-time Dashboards are Essential for Modern Property Managers
  100. Modern Property Management: Embracing the Digital Revolution

#3. Off-page SEO Plan

Jurny’s blog has a good Domain Rating of 38. However, its lack of a comprehensive blog is preventing its domain authority from getting distributed and drawing in relevant customers.

We also suggest reaching out to blogs in the industry, asking to guest post. With the influx of GPT4 and other content marketing software, most blogs are not too agreeable to this suggestion, so you may need to keep some marketing budget aside for payments for backlink insertions and guest post placements.

However, you should hire a seasoned SEO guy for this as you already have a very high spam score and you don’t want to get backlinks from the wrong websites.

Here’s a list of 25 high quality and relevant blogs in your niche that you should try to write for in order to build thought leadership-

  1. Hotel Technology News: A blog dedicated to hotel management and technology, providing insights on the latest tools and trends in the industry.
  2. Hospitality Net: Offers a platform for global hospitality professionals to share their industry expertise.
  3. Tnooz: Focuses on technology in the travel industry, including property management and hospitality.
  4. Lodging Magazine: An online magazine providing news and articles on hotel management, operations, and technology.
  5. Skift: Covers various aspects of travel, including hospitality and property management.
  6. VRMB (Vacation Rental Marketing Blog): Shares tips and strategies specifically for vacation rental owners and managers.
  7. Hospitality Technology: A blog that covers technology trends and solutions in the hospitality industry.
  8. PhocusWire: Provides news and analysis on travel technology, which can include property management and hospitality tech.
  9. Revinate Blog: Shares insights on hotel reputation management, guest feedback, and hotel marketing.
  10. HotelSpeak: Offers tips and trends related to hotel marketing, technology, and operations.
  11. GuestRevu Blog: Focuses on guest feedback and reputation management for hotels and vacation rentals.
  12. Hotel Tech Report: Features reviews and articles about various hotel technologies, including property management systems.
  13. Rentalpreneurs: Shares tips and resources for vacation rental owners and property managers.
  14. FlipKey Blog: Provides advice and insights for vacation rental owners and property managers.
  15. BookingSuite Blog: Offers articles and advice on property management and improving guest experience.
  16. Cloudbeds Blog: Shares insights and tips on hotel management, reservations, and hospitality trends.
  17. Wheelhouse Blog: Offers tips on pricing strategy and revenue management for vacation rentals.
  18. Airbnb Hell: While it might seem unconventional, this blog could provide a unique opportunity for Jurny to share solutions to common Airbnb and property management challenges.
  19. Travel Tech Media: Covers a range of topics related to travel technology, including property management systems.
  20. StayFi Blog: Shares insights on WiFi technology and guest experience in vacation rentals.
  21. Rentals United Blog: Offers articles on vacation rental management, distribution, and technology.
  22. Tokeet Blog: Focuses on vacation rental management and the technology that supports it.
  23. Little Hotelier Blog: Shares tips and trends for small hoteliers, including insights on property management.
  24. Kigo Blog: Provides insights on vacation rental management, marketing, and technology.
  25. Vacation Rental Formula: Offers a range of articles and resources for those managing vacation rentals.

Would You Like us to help take Jurny’s Traffic to 10k and beyond?

What we showed you was just the basics. But of course, a plan is only as good as it’s execution. So, you could execute all of this yourself, or you could count on us to do it as well.

We could do so much more, such as-

  1. Reverse HARO and get experts to share their thoughts with us for the Jurny blog,
  2. Use Javascript code to massively boost Jurny’s twitter presence,
  3. Create leads for capture and grow inbound marketing for Jurny.

You can reach me directly by filling out this form in the sidebar or schedule a meeting here.

At WinSavvy, we manage everything, from digital marketing strategy formulation to execution, ensuring you can focus on what you do best – running your startup. We also provide weekly updates and I am personally available as a dedicated point of contact for any of your queries.

Best regards,
Adhip Ray
Founder, WinSavvy

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