Crazy Egg vs Heap: The Best Analytics Tool for You

Compare Crazy Egg with Heap to determine the best analytics platform for automatic data collection, user behavior insights, and website optimization

In the digital age, where every click and scroll is a breadcrumb trail left by your audience, choosing the right analytics tool can feel like picking the right compass in a vast and sometimes overwhelming landscape. Enter Crazy Egg and Heap, two standout analytics platforms that promise to not only track those breadcrumbs but also to help you understand what they mean for your business. Whether you’re a seasoned digital marketer, a product manager, or a business owner, navigating through the features, strengths, and limitations of each tool can be daunting. Let’s embark on this journey to uncover which tool, Crazy Egg or Heap, might be the best fit for your needs.

Crazy Egg
crazy egg
Heap logo
G2 Score – 4.2 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 7.6/10TrustRadius Score – 8.2/10

User Interaction Insights

Understanding how users interact with your website or app is crucial for improving user experience, optimizing conversion rates, and ultimately driving growth. Here’s how Crazy Egg and Heap approach the challenge of providing actionable user interaction insights.

Crazy Egg:

Specializing in visual analytics, Crazy Egg offers a suite of tools designed to give you a graphical representation of how users engage with your website. With features like heatmaps, scroll maps, session recordings, and more, Crazy Egg allows you to see exactly where users click, how far they scroll, and how they navigate through your site. This visual approach to analytics makes identifying problem areas and opportunities for optimization both intuitive and straightforward. Crazy Egg shines in its ability to make complex user behavior data accessible and actionable, particularly for website optimizations focused on improving the user interface and experience.


Heap takes a slightly different approach, focusing on automatic event tracking and a comprehensive analysis of user interactions across your website and digital products. Without requiring manual setup for tracking specific actions, Heap captures a wide array of user interactions out of the box, providing a rich dataset for analysis. This data can then be used to create custom events and funnels, offering deep insights into user behavior, conversion paths, and potential friction points. Heap’s strength lies in its detailed and flexible analysis capabilities, making it a powerful tool for businesses looking to dive deep into how user behavior impacts their digital strategy.

Integration Capabilities

The digital tools landscape within a business is often vast and varied. An analytics tool’s ability to seamlessly integrate with other software can significantly enhance its utility and the insights it provides. The ability for an analytics tool to play well with other systems and software in your marketing and product tech stack is not just a convenience; it’s essential for holistic analysis and streamlined workflows. Here’s how Crazy Egg and Heap stack up in their ability to integrate with other digital tools.

Crazy Egg:

Known for its straightforward, visual-based analytics approach, Crazy Egg focuses on providing insights into user behavior on websites. It offers basic integration capabilities, primarily with website builders and content management systems like WordPress, Shopify, and Wix, making it easy to embed Crazy Egg across various platforms. While Crazy Egg can be integrated into a wider digital ecosystem using third-party tools or custom scripts, its direct integration offerings are somewhat limited compared to more comprehensive analytics platforms. This makes Crazy Egg particularly effective for users primarily interested in enhancing their website’s user experience without the need for extensive integration with other business intelligence tools.


Heap shines in its integration capabilities, designed to fit seamlessly into a broader digital analytics ecosystem. Beyond capturing data from your website, Heap integrates with a variety of platforms and services, including CRM systems, email marketing tools, and even other analytics platforms. This wide range of integrations allows Heap to pull in data from across your marketing and product stack, providing a more unified view of customer behavior and interactions. Heap’s focus on capturing data from all user interactions makes these integrations particularly valuable, as they enable businesses to correlate behavior across different platforms and touchpoints, enriching the insights available for analysis.

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Ease of Use and Learning Curve

The best analytics tool is one that not only offers comprehensive insights but is also accessible to users of varying skill levels within an organization. The ease of initial setup, the intuitiveness of the user interface, and the overall learning curve are crucial factors that determine how quickly a team can start leveraging the tool to its full potential. Here’s how Crazy Egg and Heap fare in these regards.

Crazy Egg:

With its focus on visual analytics, Crazy Egg is designed to be intuitive from the outset. The platform emphasizes ease of use, with simple setup procedures and a user interface that makes navigating through different types of visual data straightforward. Tools like heatmaps, scroll maps, and session recordings are presented in a way that’s easy to understand, making it possible for users across the organization to draw actionable insights with minimal training. This accessibility is one of Crazy Egg’s strong suits, ensuring that teams can quickly start optimizing their websites without a steep learning curve.


Heap offers a powerful platform for analyzing user interactions through automatic event tracking, which captures a vast array of user actions out of the box. While this comprehensive data collection is a significant advantage, it also introduces a more complex setup and analysis process, particularly for users unfamiliar with event-based analytics. The platform requires a deeper understanding of how to best organize and analyze the data, which may necessitate a more substantial investment in learning and adaptation for the team. However, Heap does provide extensive documentation and support resources to help users climb this learning curve, unlocking the platform’s full potential for in-depth analytics.

Customer Support and Community Engagement

The level and quality of support provided by an analytics tool, along with the engagement and resources available through its user community, are crucial for navigating challenges and leveraging the tool to its fullest potential. Here’s how Crazy Egg and Heap approach customer support and community engagement. Robust support and a vibrant user community can significantly enhance the learning experience, providing valuable resources for troubleshooting, learning best practices, and staying updated on new features and capabilities.

Crazy Egg:

Crazy Egg aims to make its platform as intuitive as possible, minimizing the need for extensive support. However, when users require assistance, Crazy Egg offers a comprehensive knowledge base filled with articles, guides, and how-tos, designed to help users troubleshoot common issues and learn how to use the platform effectively. For more direct assistance, Crazy Egg provides email support, ensuring that users can get help with specific queries. While Crazy Egg might not offer real-time support channels like live chat or phone support across all plans, the resources available are geared towards enabling users to quickly find answers to their questions and get back to optimizing their website’s user experience.


Recognizing the complexity of its platform and the sophisticated analytics needs of its users, Heap provides a robust support system. This includes extensive documentation, an online help center, and direct support through email and chat for more immediate assistance. Heap also fosters a sense of community among its users through forums, user groups, and regular webinars, where users can share insights, ask questions, and learn from each other as well as from Heap’s own experts. This community engagement is complemented by Heap’s educational resources, including case studies, best practice guides, and a blog that explores broader topics in data analytics and user experience optimization.

Scalability and Future-proofing

The ability of an analytics platform to grow with your business, accommodating increased data volume, more complex analysis needs, and integrating with an expanding tech stack, is crucial. Here’s how Crazy Egg and Heap address the challenge of scalability and future-proofing. As businesses grow and evolve, their analytics needs often become more complex and varied. The chosen analytics platform must not only meet current needs but also adapt and scale to future requirements.

Crazy Egg:

Initially designed to provide straightforward, visual insights into website user behavior, Crazy Egg is particularly well-suited for small to medium-sized businesses focused on optimizing their web presence. Its simplicity and ease of use are significant advantages for businesses at this scale. However, as businesses grow and their data analysis needs become more sophisticated, they might find Crazy Egg’s capabilities limiting. While Crazy Egg offers essential insights for website optimization, businesses requiring advanced segmentation, deeper integration with other data sources, or more granular analysis may need to look beyond Crazy Egg or supplement it with other analytics tools to meet their evolving needs.


Built with a focus on comprehensive, event-based tracking from the outset, Heap is designed to scale with businesses as they grow. Its automatic data capture model means that it begins with a rich dataset that can be mined for insights as a company’s analytics maturity evolves. Heap’s ability to handle large volumes of data, along with its sophisticated user segmentation and funnel analysis features, makes it an excellent choice for businesses anticipating rapid growth or those with already complex analytics requirements. Additionally, Heap’s extensive integration capabilities ensure it can remain a central part of an expanding tech stack, making it a future-proof choice for businesses looking to invest long-term in their analytics infrastructure.

In considering Scalability and Future-proofing, Heap emerges as the stronger candidate for businesses looking for an analytics platform that can grow with them, offering the depth and flexibility needed to accommodate more sophisticated analysis and larger data volumes over time. Crazy Egg, while highly effective for its targeted use cases around website optimization, may require augmentation with other tools as a business’s analytics needs evolve.


Crazy Egg:

crazy egg price


heap price


Concluding our analysis of Crazy Egg versus Heap, it’s clear that both platforms offer unique strengths tailored to different stages of business growth and analytics needs.

Crazy Egg excels in providing intuitive, visual insights into website user behavior, making it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized businesses focused on immediate website optimization. Its user-friendly interface and straightforward analytics tools, such as heatmaps and session recordings, allow for quick identification of areas for improvement, enhancing user experience and conversion rates without requiring deep technical expertise.

Heap, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive analytics solution designed for scalability and depth. With its automatic event tracking and sophisticated data analysis capabilities, Heap is suited for businesses with complex analytics requirements or those anticipating rapid growth. Its strength lies in providing detailed insights into user behavior across websites and apps, supporting advanced segmentation, funnel analysis, and integration with a broad tech stack. This makes Heap a future-proof choice for companies looking to invest in a long-term analytics strategy.

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Abir Das
Abir Das is a seasoned writer with a Bachelor's in Technology, specializing in insightful reviews and comparisons of business software. His expertise lies in dissecting complex software tools, helping readers navigate the evolving landscape of business technologies.
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