QlikView vs SAS Visual Analytics: The Best Analytics Tool for You

Discover the strengths and differences between QlikView and SAS Visual Analytics in our comprehensive comparison of their BI and analytics capabilities.

In today’s data-driven world, where every bit of information could unlock the next groundbreaking insight, choosing the right analytics tool is akin to selecting the perfect key for a treasure chest. It’s a choice that could illuminate the path to untold riches or leave you fumbling in the dark. Enter our two contenders: QlikView and SAS Visual Analytics. Each tool offers a unique blend of capabilities, designed to help you navigate through the complex seas of data. But which one will be the compass that guides you to your El Dorado? Whether you’re a data analyst seeking to unveil deep insights or a business leader aiming to make informed decisions, this guide is your first step in choosing the analytics tool that best fits your journey.

QlikView SAS Visual Analytics
QlikView SAS Visual Analytics
G2 Score -4.1 out of 5G2 Score -4.4 out of 5
TrustRadius Score -8.0 out of 10TrustRadius Score -8.4 out of 10

Area of Comparison: Ease of Use and User Interface

In the realm of analytics, the journey to insight is as critical as the insights themselves. The ease of use and the intuitiveness of the user interface (UI) can significantly impact how swiftly and effectively you can navigate through data and arrive at actionable knowledge. Let’s dive into how QlikView and SAS Visual Analytics compare on this crucial front.

QlikView: The Navigator’s Tool

QlikView positions itself as the navigator’s tool, designed for those who wish to steer directly into the heart of data. Its UI is a blend of sophistication and functionality, offering a wide array of customizable dashboards, reports, and analytics options. This flexibility allows users to tailor their analytics environment closely to their needs, making QlikView a powerful companion in the quest for data-driven insights.

However, this power comes with a caveat: the learning curve. New users might find themselves adrift amidst QlikView’s extensive features and capabilities. Mastery requires time and dedication, but for those willing to chart the course, QlikView offers a rich landscape of data exploration opportunities, enabling deep dives into complex datasets.

SAS Visual Analytics: The Guided Journey

SAS Visual Analytics, on the other hand, embarks on a mission to simplify the analytics journey. Its UI is crafted to guide users through data exploration, visualization, and analysis with a more structured approach. The platform offers a variety of ready-to-use templates, drag-and-drop functionalities, and automated analytical suggestions, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.

The focus on accessibility does not mean SAS Visual Analytics lacks depth. It still offers powerful analytical capabilities, but with an emphasis on guiding users to insights more seamlessly. This makes SAS Visual Analytics an attractive tool for organizations looking to democratize data analytics across teams, enabling more members to participate in the discovery of insights without needing deep technical expertise.

Pricing: QlikView vs SAS Visual Analytics

Let’s navigate into the crucial waters of Pricing, a decisive factor for many organizations as they choose their analytics companion. The cost of these tools isn’t merely about the price tag attached; it’s about understanding the value they deliver for the investment made. Pricing structures, transparency, scalability options, and additional costs all play pivotal roles in this decision-making process. Let’s dissect the pricing strategies of QlikView and SAS Visual Analytics to see which platform might offer the treasure of value you’re seeking.

QlikView: Tailored Solutions with Transparent Costs

QlikView pricing

QlikView adopts a transparent and straightforward pricing model, designed to accommodate businesses of various sizes and needs. The platform typically offers a license-based pricing model, which includes initial license fees and ongoing maintenance costs. This model allows for scalability, as organizations can purchase additional licenses as their needs grow.

One of QlikView’s strengths in its pricing strategy is the clarity with which it presents costs to potential buyers. Businesses can plan their investments with a good understanding of upfront and recurring expenses. Additionally, QlikView offers bespoke solutions, which means that the pricing can be tailored to fit specific organizational requirements, adding value by aligning closely with the unique analytics needs of each customer.

However, for smaller organizations or startups, the initial investment in QlikView can be a significant consideration, though the ROI from its powerful analytics capabilities can justify the expense for many.

SAS Visual Analytics: Comprehensive but Complex Pricing

SAS Visual Analytics pricing

SAS Visual Analytics is known for its comprehensive suite of analytics tools, and its pricing structure reflects the depth and breadth of its offerings. The platform employs a subscription-based model, where the cost is influenced by a range of factors, including the number of users, the volume of data being analyzed, and the specific features and services required.

While SAS offers robust analytics capabilities, understanding the full scope of potential costs can be challenging for potential users due to the complexity of its pricing model. Organizations interested in SAS Visual Analytics often need to engage directly with SAS representatives to obtain a customized quote that matches their specific needs and usage expectations.

This customized pricing approach ensures that organizations pay for exactly what they need, but it requires a thorough evaluation to understand the total cost of ownership fully. Larger enterprises and organizations with complex analytics requirements may find the investment in SAS Visual Analytics justifiable for the advanced capabilities it offers.

Customer Support and Community Engagement: QlikView vs SAS Visual Analytics

Continuing our voyage into the depths of decision-making between QlikView and SAS Visual Analytics, we find ourselves at the crossroads of Customer Support and Community Engagement. In the vast, often uncharted territories of data analytics, the support and resources available to navigate through challenges can make all the difference. It’s not just about having a compass; it’s about having a seasoned guide to help you read it. Let’s delve into how QlikView and SAS Visual Analytics stand in terms of providing that guiding light.

QlikView: Charting a Collaborative Course

QlikView understands the importance of a supportive crew in your analytics journey. It boasts a comprehensive customer support system, including access to a dedicated support team, extensive online resources, training materials, and an active user community. This multi-faceted approach ensures that users can find help and guidance through various channels, whether it be direct support for urgent navigation issues or community advice for more exploratory questions.

The QlikView community is particularly noteworthy, offering a platform for users to share insights, ask questions, and exchange tips and tricks. This vibrant community acts as a collective brain trust, where users from different sectors and levels of expertise come together to enhance their collective understanding and utilization of QlikView.

SAS Visual Analytics: The Experienced Navigator

SAS Visual Analytics, on the other hand, brings its long-standing tradition of excellence in customer support to the table. With a history steeped in data analytics, SAS provides users with not just technical support but a wealth of knowledge and best practices accumulated over the years. Support options include dedicated account managers for enterprise clients, a comprehensive knowledge base, and training sessions ranging from user guides to advanced analytics techniques.

The SAS community is a testament to the platform’s legacy and influence in the analytics space, comprising seasoned professionals and experts. While the community might seem more intimidating to novices due to the technical depth of discussions, it remains an invaluable resource for gaining advanced insights and finding solutions to complex analytical challenges.

Data Integration and Management: QlikView vs SAS Visual Analytics

When sailing the vast oceans of data, having a reliable and efficient method to collect, integrate, and manage this data is like having a state-of-the-art navigation system on your vessel. Both QlikView and SAS Visual Analytics offer powerful capabilities in this area, but they do so with different approaches and tools. Understanding these can help you choose the right analytics partner for your data journey.

QlikView: The Master Collector

QlikView stands out for its ability to handle a wide variety of data sources, from traditional databases to more modern cloud-based systems. It excels in integrating this data through its associative model, which allows users to explore connections and relationships across different data sets intuitively. This model ensures that data is not siloed but can be freely explored and analyzed, providing a comprehensive view of the information landscape.

The platform also offers robust data management capabilities, allowing for the transformation and enrichment of data within the tool. However, the power of QlikView’s data integration and management comes with a need for a certain level of expertise to fully leverage these features. Businesses that have dedicated data teams will find QlikView a powerful ally in managing complex data ecosystems.

SAS Visual Analytics: The Guided Integrator

SAS Visual Analytics, on the other hand, provides a more guided approach to data integration and management. It offers a range of tools and features designed to simplify the process of pulling data from various sources and preparing it for analysis. SAS’s strength lies in its analytics pedigree, providing not just integration tools but also ensuring that the data is ready for advanced analytical processes.

The platform’s data management capabilities are designed to be accessible, with a focus on automating many of the tasks involved in data preparation. This makes SAS Visual Analytics an attractive option for organizations looking for a balance between powerful analytics capabilities and ease of use in managing data.

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Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning Capabilities: QlikView vs SAS Visual Analytics

Exploring further into the analytics journey, let’s set our sights on the realm of Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning Capabilities. This domain is crucial for organizations looking to not just understand their past and present but also to predict future trends and behaviors. Advanced analytics capabilities can significantly elevate the strategic decision-making process, offering insights that are both deep and actionable. Let’s compare how QlikView and SAS Visual Analytics fare in this advanced exploration.

QlikView: The Intuitive Explorer

QlikView, with its user-centric design, provides a robust platform for advanced analytics that caters to users who prefer intuitive exploration over complex coding. It offers various advanced analytics features, such as associative data modeling and dynamic dashboards, which empower users to discover patterns and insights through interactive visualizations. However, when it comes to machine learning capabilities, QlikView tends to rely more on integration with external tools rather than built-in functionality.

The platform excels in making complex data analysis accessible to users with varying levels of expertise, emphasizing self-service BI. This approach allows for quick insights and faster decision-making but may require additional resources for those looking to delve into more sophisticated machine learning projects.

SAS Visual Analytics: The Data Scientist’s Lab

SAS Visual Analytics, on the other hand, is like a well-equipped lab for the data scientist. Known for its powerful statistical analysis capabilities, SAS incorporates a wide range of advanced analytics and machine learning tools directly into its platform. Users can leverage SAS for predictive modeling, forecasting, text analytics, and more, utilizing both visual tools and programming options.

SAS’s strength lies in its deep analytical capabilities, backed by decades of development in statistical software. This makes it an attractive choice for organizations with dedicated data science teams looking to leverage machine learning and advanced analytics to drive their business strategies. The breadth and depth of SAS’s analytics capabilities ensure that users can tackle complex data challenges within a single ecosystem.


Embarking on a data analytics journey is a strategic decision that influences how your organization navigates its future. Whether you choose the intuitive and collaborative environment of QlikView or the depth and expertise of SAS Visual Analytics, the key to success lies in leveraging your chosen platform to uncover actionable insights that drive informed decision-making and strategic growth.


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