How to Use OptinMonster: An Explainer

How to use OptionMonster

Building an email list, capturing leads, and growing conversions are critical for any online business. OptinMonster, a powerful conversion optimization toolkit, makes this easier. This in-depth guide will walk you through OptinMonster’s many features, explaining how you can use them to meet and surpass your digital business objectives.

Getting Started with OptinMonster

To kick things off, you’ll need to create an OptinMonster account and integrate it with your website. OptinMonster supports various platforms, including WordPress, Shopify, and BigCommerce. It’s as simple as installing the relevant plugin and connecting it to your OptinMonster account.

Building Campaigns with OptinMonster

The core functionality of OptinMonster is its robust campaign builder, which lets you create a variety of lead capture forms.

  1. In the OptinMonster dashboard, click ‘Create Campaign’.
  2. Choose the campaign type (popup, fullscreen, slide-in, etc.).
  3. Pick a template or start from scratch.
  4. Customize your campaign with the drag-and-drop builder.

Remember, design is key to conversions. You might find our guide on high converting design elements useful.

OptinMonster’s Display Rules

OptinMonster provides a variety of ‘display rules’, which control when and where your campaigns appear on your site. This granular control ensures your visitors see the most relevant campaigns, boosting conversion rates.

Some popular display rules include:

  • Exit Intent®: Triggers a campaign when a visitor is about to leave your site.
  • Page-Level Targeting: Shows campaigns based on the page a visitor is on.
  • Time-Based Display: Shows campaigns after a visitor has been on your site for a specific time.

Audience Segmentation with OptinMonster

Understanding your audience and tailoring your campaigns to them is a key aspect of conversion rate optimization. OptinMonster supports this with detailed audience segmentation options.

In the campaign builder, go to ‘Display Rules’, then ‘Who should see the campaign?’. You can then specify demographic information, behavioral patterns, and more.

OptinMonster’s A/B Testing

A/B testing is essential in maximizing your campaign effectiveness. OptinMonster has a built-in A/B testing feature, which allows you to test different campaign elements to see what works best.

To run an A/B test:

  1. Go to your dashboard, find a campaign, and click ‘A/B Split Test’.
  2. Name the variant and make your changes.
  3. Save and publish both the original campaign and its variant.

OptinMonster will then collect data on both versions, allowing you to compare their performance. For more on A/B testing, check out our Ultimate Guide on A/B Testing.

Integrating OptinMonster with Email Service Providers

OptinMonster integrates with most popular email marketing software. This allows you to automatically send collected leads to your email provider, where you can further nurture them.

To connect an email provider, go to ‘Integrations’ in the campaign builder, and follow the prompts for your provider. For an overview of various email tools, consider our Email Marketing Tools Comparison.

Real-Time Behavior Automation with OptinMonster

With features like OnSite Follow Up Campaigns® and OnSite Retargeting®, OptinMonster allows you to automate campaigns based on a visitor’s real-time behavior, effectively nurturing leads on-site.

Analytics and Reporting in OptinMonster

Understanding campaign performance is critical in refining your conversion optimization strategy. OptinMonster’s analytics and reporting feature offers insights into impressions, conversions, and more.

In the dashboard, click ‘Analytics’ next to any campaign to view its performance. You can also integrate OptinMonster with Google Analytics for deeper analysis.


OptinMonster is a dynamic tool that can significantly boost your lead generation and conversion rates. By understanding its features and how to use them effectively, you can create an efficient, automated conversion rate optimization process for your business. Remember to always test your campaigns, analyze their performance, and refine your strategy based on data, not guesswork.

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