Crazy Egg vs Baremetrics: The Best Analytics Tool for You

Choosing between Crazy Egg and Baremetrics for SaaS analytics? Compare their features, financial metrics tracking, and user interface

In today’s digital era, where data is as gold, having the right analytics tool in your arsenal can catapult your online presence from obscurity to prominence. But in the vast ocean of analytics platforms, how do you find the one that truly fits your needs? Today, we’re navigating the waters between Crazy Egg and Baremetrics, two behemoths in the realm of digital analytics. Each boasts its unique strengths, but your choice depends on what treasures you’re hunting for in the data deep.

Crazy Egg
crazy egg
Baremetrics logo
G2 Score – 4.2 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 4.6 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 7.6/10TrustRadius Score – 10/10

User Behavior Insights

Understanding how users interact with your website or application is pivotal. It’s not just about tracking visits but about unraveling the story behind each click and scroll. Here’s how Crazy Egg and Baremetrics stand up to the task of providing insightful user behavior analytics.

Crazy Egg:

Imagine having the ability to see your website through your visitors’ eyes. Crazy Egg makes this possible with its suite of visual analytics tools, including heatmaps, scroll maps, and session recordings. These tools offer a window into your users’ journey, showcasing where they click, how far they scroll, and what captures their attention. Crazy Egg excels in breaking down complex user interaction data into easily digestible, actionable insights.

This allows you to optimize your website layout, content placement, and overall user experience based on real user behavior. The strength of Crazy Egg lies in its simplicity and direct approach to understanding user engagement on your site.


Stepping into the Baremetrics world, the focus shifts from website interaction to the nuanced analytics of your business metrics. While not a direct competitor in the realm of website user behavior, Baremetrics shines in providing detailed insights into SaaS and subscription business metrics such as churn rate, lifetime value (LTV), and revenue growth.

Through its clear, comprehensive dashboards, Baremetrics offers a deep dive into the financial health and customer lifecycle of your business. Although it doesn’t provide the same level of on-page user behavior analysis as Crazy Egg, Baremetrics brings to light the broader user engagement trends and their impact on your business’s bottom line.

Integration Capabilities

The digital tools landscape within a business is often vast and varied. A tool’s ability to integrate seamlessly with other platforms not only amplifies its utility but also ensures that insights are comprehensive and reflective of your entire digital strategy. Here’s how Crazy Egg and Baremetrics fare in terms of knitting themselves into the broader fabric of your business’s digital infrastructure.

Crazy Egg:

Focused on providing actionable insights through visual analytics, Crazy Egg maintains a straightforward approach to integration. It easily embeds into almost any website with just a snippet of JavaScript, ensuring that regardless of your site’s underlying technology, you can start gathering user behavior data quickly. While Crazy Egg offers direct plugins or easy integration guides for popular CMS like WordPress, Shopify, and others, its ecosystem of third-party integrations is more focused.

It integrates well with website optimization and A/B testing tools but doesn’t natively connect to a broader range of digital marketing or CRM platforms. This focus ensures Crazy Egg remains highly accessible for its core functionality—optimizing website user experience—but may require additional steps or tools to integrate this data with broader marketing insights comprehensively.


As a platform designed to provide deep insights into SaaS and subscription business metrics, Baremetrics shines in its ability to integrate with a variety of payment processors and billing systems such as Stripe, Braintree, and Chargebee. This seamless integration allows for real-time tracking of crucial business metrics directly from your payment infrastructure.

Beyond financial integrations, Baremetrics also offers connections to other business tools, enabling a holistic view of your business performance across different platforms. However, the focus remains on integrating sources that contribute to the understanding of business health, customer lifecycle, and financial metrics, rather than on-page user behavior analysis.

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Customer Support and Educational Resources

A robust support system and comprehensive educational resources are not just value-adds; they’re essential components of any digital tool, helping users maximize their capabilities and navigate challenges effectively. Here’s how Crazy Egg and Baremetrics stack up in these areas.

Crazy Egg:

Crazy Egg aims to make its platform as intuitive as possible, minimizing the need for extensive support. However, when users require assistance, Crazy Egg offers a range of support options, including a comprehensive knowledge base filled with articles, guides, and tutorials designed to help users navigate the platform’s features and functionalities. For more direct assistance, Crazy Egg provides email support, ensuring users can reach out with specific queries. While the platform might not offer real-time support channels like live chat or phone support, its resources are geared towards enabling users to quickly find answers to common questions and issues.

In terms of educational content, Crazy Egg maintains a blog and resource section that offers insights into website optimization, user experience best practices, and how to effectively leverage Crazy Egg’s tools within your digital strategy. These resources are valuable for users looking to deepen their understanding of web analytics and apply these insights to improve their site’s performance.


Recognizing the complexity of SaaS and subscription business metrics, Baremetrics places a strong emphasis on customer support and educational resources. The platform offers support through multiple channels, including live chat and email, facilitating quick responses to user queries. Additionally, Baremetrics provides an extensive library of resources, including articles, guides, webinars, and case studies, specifically tailored to the intricacies of subscription model analytics.

Baremetrics also fosters a community around its platform, encouraging users to share insights, strategies, and successes. This community aspect, coupled with regular educational content updates, ensures users not only have the tools but also the knowledge to effectively analyze and grow their subscription business.

Scalability and Future-Proofing

The digital landscape is dynamic, with businesses continually evolving and expanding. An analytics tool’s ability to scale and adapt to future needs is pivotal for long-term success. Here’s how Crazy Egg and Baremetrics address the challenge of scalability and future-proofing.

Crazy Egg:

Primarily known for its website visualization tools, Crazy Egg is an excellent starting point for businesses focusing on enhancing their website’s user experience. Its straightforward approach and tiered pricing model allow for scalability, accommodating growing traffic and expanding website analysis needs. However, Crazy Egg’s focus on website interaction data means that businesses outgrowing the platform’s capabilities—especially those needing broader marketing or operational insights—may need to supplement with additional tools or transition to more comprehensive analytics solutions as they scale.

Crazy Egg’s continuous updates and feature enhancements show a commitment to adapting to the changing digital environment, ensuring that the tool remains relevant and useful for website optimization efforts. Yet, its specialization may limit its scalability for businesses whose future analytics needs will span beyond website user behavior.


Designed with SaaS and subscription businesses in mind, Baremetrics offers deep insights into financial, customer, and growth metrics essential for these models. Its integration with a variety of payment processors and the ability to track a wide range of business metrics make it a scalable solution for subscription-based businesses looking to monitor and analyze their growth over time.

As your business scales, the complexity and volume of data you manage will likely increase. Baremetrics is built to handle this complexity, offering detailed analytics that can support businesses as they move from startup phases to maturity. Its focus on providing actionable insights into financial health and customer behavior ensures that Baremetrics remains relevant and valuable as your business evolves, making it a future-proof solution for subscription model analytics.

Pricing and Value Proposition

The investment in an analytics platform is significant, not just in terms of the initial cost but also regarding the potential return on investment (ROI) it can provide. Here’s a closer look at the pricing structures of Crazy Egg and Baremetrics and the distinct value each platform offers.

Crazy Egg:

crazy egg price

Crazy Egg’s pricing model is designed to be accessible and scalable, catering to a wide range of businesses from small startups to larger enterprises. The platform offers several tiered pricing plans, starting with a basic option suitable for smaller sites looking to gain initial insights into user behavior, and scaling up to more advanced plans that offer greater data capacity and additional features like advanced integrations and priority support.

This tiered approach allows businesses to select a plan that matches their current needs while providing the option to scale as their website traffic and analytics requirements grow. Crazy Egg’s value proposition lies in its ability to provide immediate, visual insights into user behavior on your website, helping to quickly identify and address areas for improvement, ultimately aiming to enhance user experience and conversion rates.


Baremetrics price

Unlike Crazy Egg, Baremetrics caters specifically to SaaS and subscription-based businesses, with its pricing model reflecting the platform’s focus on in-depth financial analytics. Baremetrics offers a straightforward pricing structure based on your company’s monthly recurring revenue (MRR), ensuring that the cost aligns with the size and scale of your business. This pricing strategy emphasizes the platform’s value in providing real-time insights into key performance indicators like churn rate, lifetime value (LTV), and revenue growth.

Baremetrics stands out for its ability to offer detailed analytics that help subscription-based businesses make informed decisions aimed at reducing churn and increasing customer retention, crucial factors that directly impact the bottom line.


Concluding our exploration of Crazy Egg and Baremetrics, it’s clear that each platform serves distinct purposes within the analytics spectrum, tailored to different business needs and growth stages. Crazy Egg excels in providing intuitive, visual analytics focused on enhancing website user experience. It’s particularly suited for small to medium-sized businesses that prioritize immediate insights for website optimization. With its user-friendly interface and straightforward pricing, Crazy Egg is a solid choice for those looking to understand and improve how visitors interact with their site, ensuring scalability within the realm of web optimization.

Baremetrics, on the other hand, stands out for its comprehensive analytics tailored to SaaS and subscription-based businesses. Offering deep dives into financial metrics, customer behavior, and growth trends, Baremetrics is designed to scale with your business, providing invaluable insights that support long-term strategic planning. Its focus on subscription model analytics makes it a future-proof tool for businesses aiming to monitor and enhance their financial health and customer lifecycle over time.

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Abir Das
Abir Das is a seasoned writer with a Bachelor's in Technology, specializing in insightful reviews and comparisons of business software. His expertise lies in dissecting complex software tools, helping readers navigate the evolving landscape of business technologies.
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