ConvertKit vs Sendy: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

In-depth comparison of ConvertKit and Sendy for 2024. Learn which email marketing tool offers the features and functionality you need.

Choosing the right email marketing tool can be like picking the perfect pair of shoes: it needs to fit just right. With 2024 already buzzing with digital marketing trends, two major players, ConvertKit and Sendy, are vying for your attention. But which one really stands out? This guide dives deep into the heart of both platforms, giving you the insights you need to make the best choice for your business.

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The Battle of User-Friendliness: Making Sense of Complexity

Email marketing tools can often feel like a maze. In this critical battle of user-friendliness, we pit ConvertKit and Sendy against each other to see how they fare in simplifying this complexity.

Understanding ConvertKit’s User Interface

ConvertKit has built a reputation for its exceptionally user-friendly interface. Imagine stepping into a cockpit where every control is clearly labeled and within easy reach. That’s ConvertKit for you. Its dashboard is a masterclass in intuitive design, greeting users with clarity and simplicity. For those who dread the thought of navigating complex software, ConvertKit is a breath of fresh air.

What makes ConvertKit stand out is its commitment to simplifying complex tasks. Email campaign creation, often a daunting task, is transformed into a pleasant experience with ConvertKit’s visual editor. Picture yourself effortlessly dragging and dropping elements to craft your email, almost like playing a well-designed video game. This ease of use extends to its automation features as well. Setting up email sequences is no longer a chore but an intuitive process, empowering even the least tech-savvy users to create complex email journeys with a few clicks.

Sendy: A Different Approach to Simplicity

In contrast, Sendy approaches user-friendliness from a different angle. It’s like stepping back in time to a classic car with manual gears. There’s a sense of control and rawness to it. Sendy’s self-hosted setup offers a straightforward, no-frills approach to email marketing. The initial setup requires some legwork, akin to setting up your own little post office. But once you’re past that, you’re in for a straightforward ride.

Sendy’s interface might lack the modern aesthetic of ConvertKit, but it compensates with its straightforwardness. There’s a charm in its basic approach, appealing to those who prefer a more hands-on experience. However, this simplicity comes at the cost of some advanced features found in other tools. It’s a trade-off – simplicity for sophistication.

Weighing ConvertKit’s Intuitiveness Against Sendy’s Straightforwardness

When we weigh ConvertKit’s intuitive nature against Sendy’s straightforward approach, it’s clear that they cater to different audiences. ConvertKit is like a friendly guide in a complex jungle, holding your hand at every step. Its focus on user experience makes it an ideal choice for those who want to spend less time figuring out software and more time creating impactful email campaigns.

On the other hand, Sendy appeals to those who appreciate minimalism and have a knack for figuring things out on their own. It’s less about hand-holding and more about giving you the tools and letting you build the path. This approach suits users who prefer a lean, focused tool without the bells and whistles.

And the Winner Is…

In the battle of user-friendliness, the right choice depends on what you value more. If you seek a tool that turns complexity into simplicity, making the process of email marketing as smooth as possible, ConvertKit is your ally. But if you relish simplicity in its most basic form and are comfortable with a bit of technical work, Sendy will not disappoint. Each tool has its unique strengths in making email marketing accessible. Your choice will hinge on whether you prefer an intuitive, guided experience or a straightforward, hands-on approach.

Pricing Models: Balancing Cost and Value

In the world of email marketing tools, pricing is a pivotal factor that can sway your decision. Let’s delve deeper into how ConvertKit and Sendy approach their pricing models and what it means for you as a user.

ConvertKitFree Plan: Offers basic features for up to 1,000 subscribers, including email broadcasts, landing pages, and forms.
Creator Plan: Starting at $29/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, including automation and third-party integrations. The price increases with more subscribers.
Creator Pro Plan: Starting at $59/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, adding advanced features like newsletter referral system, subscriber scoring, and advanced reporting.
SendySendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that integrates with Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) for sending emails.
One-Time Fee: A one-time purchase price of $69, which allows you to install Sendy on your own web server.
Amazon SES Costs: After purchasing Sendy, you’ll need an Amazon SES account. Amazon SES typically charges $0.10 per thousand emails sent, plus data transfer fees. This can be significantly cheaper than other email marketing services for large volumes of emails.

ConvertKit’s Subscription-Based Pricing

ConvertKit adopts a subscription-based pricing model, which is quite common in the realm of SaaS (Software as a Service) products. This model is particularly appealing because it scales with your business. As your subscriber list grows, so does the plan you’re on, and consequently, the price you pay. However, this scaling isn’t just about numbers; it’s also about value.

The beauty of ConvertKit’s pricing lies in its straightforwardness and transparency. There are no hidden fees or sudden price hikes. You get a clear picture of what you’re paying for and what you’re getting in return. This clarity is crucial for businesses that need to budget their expenses meticulously.

Another significant aspect of ConvertKit’s pricing is that it doesn’t discriminate features among different tiers. Whether you’re just starting out or have a subscriber list in the thousands, you get access to all the features that ConvertKit offers. This all-inclusive approach ensures that small businesses have the same powerful tools at their disposal as larger companies, leveling the playing field in many ways.

Sendy’s Unique Pricing Approach

On the other side of the spectrum, we have Sendy, which breaks the conventional subscription model. Sendy requires a one-time fee for the software, which is a refreshing change for those wary of ongoing monthly or annual payments. Once you’ve bought the software, it’s yours to use indefinitely.

But there’s more to Sendy’s pricing than just the initial purchase. It operates in tandem with Amazon SES (Simple Email Service), which adds a variable cost to the equation. This cost is based on the number of emails you send, making it a pay-as-you-go model. For businesses with large email lists but infrequent email campaigns, this can lead to substantial savings.

However, this model does require a bit more from the user, not just financially but also in terms of effort. Managing your integration with Amazon SES and keeping track of your email costs adds a layer of complexity. It’s a trade-off between lower costs and a bit more management on your part.

Deciding Between ConvertKit and Sendy: A Matter of Priorities

Choosing between ConvertKit and Sendy’s pricing models boils down to your priorities and how you operate. ConvertKit offers a worry-free solution where you pay a predictable amount based on your list size and get access to a full suite of features. It’s ideal for businesses that prefer a straightforward, all-encompassing approach and are willing to pay for convenience and scalability.

Sendy, in contrast, appeals to those who have a more hands-on approach and are looking to minimize ongoing costs. The combination of a one-time fee and pay-as-you-go pricing can be highly economical, especially for those with large subscriber lists who don’t send emails frequently.

Striking the Right Balance

In the end, both ConvertKit and Sendy offer compelling pricing structures, each with its unique advantages. Your choice will depend on whether you value predictable, all-inclusive pricing or a more flexible, cost-effective model that requires a bit more involvement. Understanding your business’s needs and growth trajectory will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial and operational strategies.

Scaling with Your Business: Adaptability and Growth

In the dynamic landscape of email marketing, the ability of a tool to grow and adapt with your business is crucial. ConvertKit and Sendy offer distinct approaches to scalability, each with its own merits and considerations.

ConvertKit: Designed for Growth

ConvertKit shines as a tool that not only grows with your business but also facilitates that growth. Its tiered pricing model is a testament to its scalability. As your business expands and your subscriber list grows, ConvertKit smoothly transitions you to higher tiers, each offering greater capacity to handle your growing audience. This seamless scaling is a boon for businesses that experience rapid growth and need a marketing tool that can keep pace without any hitches.

The real power of ConvertKit in terms of scalability lies in its feature set. As your marketing strategies become more sophisticated, ConvertKit offers the advanced features necessary to support them. This includes complex automation capabilities, detailed segmentation, and advanced analytics. These features allow for more targeted, personalized, and effective email campaigns, which are essential for businesses as they scale up and require more nuanced marketing tactics.

Moreover, ConvertKit’s user-friendly interface remains a constant benefit, regardless of how large your business or subscriber list becomes. This ease of use ensures that even as your campaigns and strategies become more complex, the tool itself does not become a hurdle in your marketing efforts.

Sendy: A Different Perspective on Scalability

Sendy offers a different perspective on scalability. Its one-time purchase model and integration with Amazon SES make it highly scalable in terms of list size and email volume. You can manage large volumes of emails at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional subscription models. This aspect makes Sendy particularly appealing to businesses that have large email lists but do not require frequent communication.

However, the scalability of Sendy in terms of features and capabilities presents a different picture. Unlike ConvertKit, Sendy’s feature set remains relatively static, regardless of how much your business grows. While it covers the basics of email marketing well, it may not offer the same level of sophistication in automation and segmentation as ConvertKit. This could be a limiting factor for businesses whose marketing strategies evolve to require more advanced features.

Furthermore, the technical aspect of Sendy means that as your business grows, the resources and effort required to manage your email marketing may also increase. This includes maintaining your integration with Amazon SES and ensuring high deliverability rates as your email volume grows.

Making the Right Choice for Your Business’s Future

In choosing between ConvertKit and Sendy for a growing business, it’s important to consider not just where your business is now, but where it’s headed. ConvertKit is an ideal choice for businesses that anticipate a need for more sophisticated marketing features and prefer a tool that offers ease of use alongside powerful capabilities. Its ability to grow in features and complexity with your business makes it a long-term partner in your marketing journey.

On the other hand, Sendy is well-suited for businesses that expect significant growth in subscriber numbers but do not necessarily require advanced marketing features. Its cost-effective model and scalability in handling large email volumes make it an attractive option for businesses focused on basic email marketing at a large scale.

Aligning Tools with Business Trajectories

Both ConvertKit and Sendy offer scalable solutions, but in different respects. Your choice will depend on how you envision your business growing and the role you expect your email marketing tool to play in that growth. Assessing your long-term marketing strategies and how they align with the capabilities of each tool will guide you to the right decision.

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Integration and Compatibility: Playing Well with Others

In our digital age, an email marketing tool’s ability to integrate with other software is not just a perk—it’s a necessity. Let’s explore how ConvertKit and Sendy fare in terms of integration and compatibility with other systems.

ConvertKit: The Integration Champion

ConvertKit truly excels in this area. It boasts a vast array of integrations with popular platforms like Shopify, WordPress, and Zapier. This means that whether you’re running an e-commerce site, a blog, or need to connect various apps, ConvertKit has got you covered.

What’s more, these integrations are not just about linking systems; they enable you to create a more cohesive and automated workflow. For instance, you can set up triggers in ConvertKit based on customer behavior on your Shopify store, leading to more targeted and effective email campaigns. This level of integration makes ConvertKit an extremely versatile tool, adaptable to various business needs.

Sendy: Limited but Focused

Sendy’s approach to integration is more limited compared to ConvertKit. It does offer some integration capabilities, particularly through its API, but the range is not as extensive. This might not be an issue for businesses that require only basic email functionalities or those who have the technical know-how to create custom integrations.

However, this limitation can be a drawback for businesses looking for a more plug-and-play solution with wide-ranging integration options. Sendy’s focus is more on providing a cost-effective email solution rather than an all-encompassing marketing tool.

Choosing the Right Fit

If your business relies heavily on integrating your email marketing with other platforms, ConvertKit is the clear winner. Its wide range of integrations and the ease with which it syncs with other tools make it a powerhouse for a comprehensive marketing strategy. On the other hand, if your needs are more straightforward, and you prefer a tool that does one thing well (i.e., send emails affordably), Sendy could be the right choice.

Customer Support: Ensuring You’re Never Alone

In the world of email marketing, having reliable customer support can be the difference between a minor hiccup and a full-blown crisis. Let’s evaluate the customer support offerings of ConvertKit and Sendy.

ConvertKit: Hand-Holding at Its Best

ConvertKit is renowned for its customer support. With a dedicated support team, users can expect quick and helpful responses to their queries. Whether you’re struggling with setting up a campaign or need advice on best practices, ConvertKit’s team is there to assist.

Additionally, ConvertKit offers a wealth of resources, including tutorials, webinars, and a comprehensive knowledge base. This level of support is particularly beneficial for businesses that are new to email marketing or those who prefer having guidance readily available.

Sendy: Self-Sufficiency Required

Sendy’s customer support is more hands-off. While there is a support system in place, the responses are not as swift or extensive as ConvertKit’s. This approach aligns with Sendy’s overall ethos of providing a more self-contained, cost-effective solution.

Users of Sendy are expected to be more independent, with a reliance on community forums and the documentation provided. This can be a hurdle for users who are not as technically inclined or those who prefer having a robust support system.

Weighing Your Support Needs

If excellent customer support is high on your priority list, ConvertKit is undoubtedly the better option. Its commitment to assisting users through various channels ensures that you’re well-supported throughout your email marketing journey. For those who are comfortable with a more DIY approach and don’t mind delving into forums and guides, Sendy’s model might suffice.

Analytics and Reporting: Measuring Success

Understanding the impact of your email campaigns is crucial for any email marketing strategy. Let’s delve into how ConvertKit and Sendy handle analytics and reporting.

ConvertKit: In-Depth Insights

ConvertKit offers a comprehensive analytics dashboard that provides a wealth of information. You can track open rates, click-through rates, subscriber growth, and more. What sets ConvertKit apart is the way it presents data – it’s not just numbers, but actionable insights.

For instance, ConvertKit can help you identify which subscribers are most engaged, which emails are performing best, and where you might need to tweak your strategy. This level of detail is invaluable for businesses that rely heavily on data-driven decision-making.

Sendy: The Basics Covered

Sendy’s approach to analytics is more basic. It covers the essentials like open rates and click-through rates but doesn’t dive as deeply into analytics as ConvertKit. This can be sufficient for businesses with straightforward email marketing needs or those who use separate tools for in-depth analysis.

While Sendy’s reporting provides a good overview, it lacks the depth and user-friendly presentation found in ConvertKit. This may not be a deal-breaker for everyone, but for those who rely on detailed analytics to drive their marketing strategies, it might be a limitation.

Making the Right Choice for Your Data Needs

If analytics and detailed reporting are critical to your email marketing efforts, ConvertKit is the clear choice. Its robust analytics capabilities can provide the insights needed to refine and improve your campaigns. On the other hand, if your needs are more basic, and you’re looking for a straightforward overview of your email campaign performance, Sendy might be sufficient.

Deliverability: Ensuring Your Emails Reach the Inbox

Email deliverability is a key factor in the success of your email marketing campaigns. Let’s see how ConvertKit and Sendy stack up in this crucial area.

ConvertKit: High Deliverability Rates

ConvertKit has a strong reputation for high deliverability rates. This is partly due to their strict policies on list management and email practices, which help ensure that users are sending high-quality content to engaged subscribers. Additionally, ConvertKit continuously works on maintaining strong relationships with email providers to keep their deliverability rates high.

Having your emails consistently reach your audience’s inbox can significantly impact your campaign’s effectiveness, making ConvertKit an attractive option for businesses where email deliverability is paramount.

Sendy: Relying on Amazon SES

Sendy uses Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) for sending emails, which generally has good deliverability rates. However, because Sendy allows you to manage your own email servers, your deliverability can vary based on how well you manage your email list and follow best email practices.

While Amazon SES is a robust platform, the onus is more on the user to maintain their email list’s health and reputation. This can be a double-edged sword, providing great control but also requiring more vigilance.

Choosing Based on Deliverability

If ensuring your emails consistently land in your subscribers’ inboxes is a top priority, ConvertKit offers a more managed, reliable solution. However, if you’re comfortable taking on more responsibility for managing your email deliverability and appreciate the control it offers, Sendy could be a viable option.

Template Variety and Customization: Crafting the Perfect Email

The appearance and feel of your emails can significantly influence engagement rates. Let’s compare how ConvertKit and Sendy stack up in terms of email templates and customization options.

ConvertKit: Creativity Meets Simplicity

ConvertKit offers a range of templates that are sleek, modern, and easy to customize. The templates are designed with responsiveness in mind, ensuring your emails look great on any device. What’s impressive about ConvertKit’s templates is their simplicity; they are not overly flashy, which aligns well with current email marketing trends favoring minimalist designs that focus on content.

Customization is straightforward in ConvertKit. You can easily modify templates to match your brand’s look and feel without needing extensive design skills. The drag-and-drop editor makes it a breeze to add elements like images, buttons, and dividers, making it easy to create professional-looking emails quickly.

Sendy: Functionality Over Flair

Sendy takes a more basic approach to templates. The options are limited compared to ConvertKit, and while they are functional, they lack the aesthetic appeal of ConvertKit’s offerings. This may not be a significant issue for businesses that prioritize content over design or those who have the resources to create custom templates.

Customization in Sendy requires a bit more technical know-how. If you’re comfortable with HTML and CSS, you can create custom templates that meet your needs. However, for users without these skills, template customization in Sendy can be challenging.

Choosing the Right Tool for Email Design

If having a variety of visually appealing, easy-to-customize templates is important to you, ConvertKit is the better choice. Its user-friendly editor and modern templates make it easy to create emails that resonate with your audience. On the other hand, if you have the technical skills to create your own templates or prefer a more straightforward, content-focused approach, Sendy’s basic templates might suffice.

Mobile Optimization: Reaching Subscribers on the Go

With the increasing use of mobile devices to check emails, mobile optimization is a critical factor to consider. Let’s see how ConvertKit and Sendy ensure your emails look good on smaller screens.

ConvertKit: Mobile-First Design

ConvertKit’s templates are designed with mobile responsiveness in mind. Emails created using ConvertKit automatically adjust to fit the screen size of various devices, ensuring a seamless reading experience for your subscribers, whether they’re on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

This mobile-first approach is crucial in today’s world, where a significant portion of emails are first opened on mobile devices. ConvertKit ensures that your emails are not just readable but also visually appealing on any device.

Sendy: Basic Responsiveness

Sendy’s approach to mobile optimization is more basic. While emails sent via Sendy are generally responsive, the level of optimization depends largely on the template you use. If you’re using custom HTML templates, you’ll need to ensure they are mobile-friendly.

For businesses with the ability to create and test their own mobile-responsive templates, Sendy can work well. However, for those who prefer a more hands-off approach, this might be a limiting factor.

Opting for Mobile-Friendly Email Marketing

For businesses prioritizing reaching their audience effectively on mobile devices, ConvertKit’s mobile-first approach makes it a more suitable choice. Its responsive templates ensure that your emails always look their best. Sendy, while capable, requires more effort and technical skill to achieve the same level of mobile optimization.


When it comes to picking between ConvertKit and Sendy for your email marketing needs in 2024, the decision boils down to your specific requirements, technical expertise, and budget. ConvertKit emerges as a robust, user-friendly tool suitable for businesses of all sizes. Its strengths lie in its intuitive interface, extensive integration capabilities, comprehensive analytics, and responsive customer support. It’s an ideal choice for those who value ease of use, detailed reporting, and excellent deliverability, and who are willing to invest a bit more for these features.

Sendy, on the other hand, stands out for its cost-effectiveness, especially for those with a large subscriber base. It’s a great option if you’re comfortable with a more hands-on approach to email marketing and don’t mind managing the technical aspects, such as server setup and email deliverability. Its pay-as-you-go pricing model can lead to significant savings, but it does require a higher level of technical expertise. In summary, if you’re looking for a comprehensive, easy-to-use email marketing solution and are willing to pay for premium features, ConvertKit is the way to go. However, if your priority is to minimize costs and you have the technical skills to manage your email platform, Sendy is an excellent choice.

Both ConvertKit and Sendy have their unique advantages and can be powerful tools in your email marketing arsenal. Your final choice should align with your business goals, technical comfort level, and budget constraints. No matter which tool you choose, remember that the effectiveness of your email marketing ultimately depends on your content, strategy, and the way you engage with your audience.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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