Constant Contact vs Sender: The Best Email Marketing Tool

Evaluating email marketing tools for 2024? Read our detailed comparison of Constant Contact vs Sender to find the best fit for your marketing needs

Hey there! If you’re torn between Constant Contact and Sender for your email marketing endeavors, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’re going to dissect these two popular platforms, giving you the lowdown on what each brings to the table. From their features to pricing, we’ll cover it all, helping you decide which one is the perfect match for your business. Let’s dive in!

Feature Comparison: What’s on Offer?

Constant Contact: A Comprehensive Toolkit

Constant Contact has been a familiar name in the email marketing world for years. It’s like that reliable friend you can always count on. The platform offers a rich array of features designed to cater to various marketing needs. It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about building relationships with your audience.

At the core, Constant Contact provides a robust email editor, a plethora of customizable templates, and straightforward list management. These features are intuitive, making it easy even for beginners to craft professional-looking emails. But the platform doesn’t stop there. It also includes social media integration, allowing you to broaden your marketing reach beyond the inbox.

Sender: Simplicity Meets Efficiency

Sender, while not as widely known as Constant Contact, has been making waves with its simple yet effective approach to email marketing. Think of Sender as that new kid on the block who’s quickly becoming everyone’s favorite. It focuses on delivering key functionalities without overwhelming users with unnecessary complexities.

Sender shines with its straightforward interface, making it a breeze to create and send emails. The platform offers a solid range of templates, and its email editor is a joy to use, especially for those who appreciate simplicity. What sets Sender apart is its focus on deliverability, ensuring your emails don’t just get sent, but they actually land in your subscribers’ inboxes.

Customization and Personalization

The Art of Customization in Constant Contact

Constant Contact has carved out a reputation for making email customization both accessible and effective. The platform offers a wide array of templates, each designed with different industries and occasions in mind. What’s impressive is how these templates serve as a starting point; they’re like a canvas waiting for your personal touch.

The real magic happens in the email editor, where customization goes beyond just adding your logo or changing colors. You can rearrange elements, insert custom images, and tweak layouts to mirror your brand’s aesthetic. This flexibility ensures that even if you start with a template, the final product is uniquely yours.

But customization isn’t just about looks. Constant Contact allows you to personalize your emails based on the recipient’s data. This means you can address your customers by name, reference their past interactions with your business, or tailor content based on their interests. Such personalization can significantly boost engagement and make your emails feel more like a one-on-one conversation than a broad broadcast.

Sender’s Approach to Personalized Emails

Sender may not have the same breadth of templates as Constant Contact, but it certainly holds its ground in the customization arena. The platform offers a streamlined, intuitive email editor that makes personalization straightforward.

What stands out with Sender is its commitment to ensuring that emails are not just seen but also felt. It’s about creating a connection with each recipient. This is achieved through tools that enable you to segment your audience and tailor messages accordingly. You can create dynamic content blocks that change based on who is receiving the email. For example, a promotional email can show different products to different users based on their past purchase behavior.

The platform also excels in making sure that your emails look great across all devices. This is crucial in an era where more and more people are reading emails on their smartphones. The responsive design of Sender’s templates ensures that your personalized emails look perfect, no matter where they’re viewed.

The Importance of Personal Touch in Email Marketing

In the world of email marketing, personalization is key. It’s not just about standing out in the inbox; it’s about creating a connection with your audience. Both Constant Contact and Sender recognize this, albeit with different approaches.

Constant Contact provides an array of tools and features that make customization a breeze, even for those who might not have much design experience. It’s about empowering businesses to craft emails that not only convey their message but also echo their brand’s personality.

Sender, with its focus on dynamic content and audience segmentation, takes personalization to a new level. It allows for a more targeted approach, ensuring that each email speaks directly to the recipient’s needs and interests.

Automation: Streamlining Your Campaigns

In today’s fast-paced world, automation is key, and both platforms offer this invaluable feature.

Constant Contact’s automation tools are about saving you time while keeping your audience engaged. You can set up welcome emails, trigger campaigns based on user actions, and even resend emails to non-openers, all with just a few clicks.

Sender steps up with automation features that are not only easy to use but also incredibly effective. From automated welcome sequences to re-engagement campaigns, Sender makes it easy to keep your audience engaged without constant manual intervention.

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Pricing: Finding the Best Value for Your Business

Constant Contact

  • Email Plan: Starting at $20/month based on the number of contacts. Includes email marketing, customizable templates, and reporting.
  • Email Plus Plan: Starting at $45/month based on contacts, including additional features like automated email series, online donations, and surveys & polls.


  • Free Plan: Up to 2,500 subscribers and 15,000 emails per month. Includes basic features like newsletters and subscription forms.
  • Standard Plan: Starting at $11/month for up to 5,000 subscribers and 60,000 emails. Includes advanced features like autoresponders and transactional emails.
  • Professional Plan: Custom pricing based on higher volumes of subscribers and emails, including additional features like dedicated IP and webhooks.

The Financial Side of Constant Contact

When we talk about Constant Contact’s pricing, it’s all about understanding the value behind the price tag. This platform operates on a tiered pricing model, which is based on the number of contacts in your email list. This approach makes it easy to predict your monthly expenses as your business grows.

The entry-level plan of Constant Contact includes all the essential features like email creation and sending, basic automation, and reporting. But as you scale up, you get access to more advanced features. These might include more sophisticated automation, online donations, and even event management tools. For a small business, the basic plan might be just the ticket. But as your needs grow, you may find yourself eyeing the more feature-rich plans.

Elastic Email’s Pay-as-You-Go Model

Now, let’s switch gears to Sender. What sets Sender apart in the pricing arena is its flexibility. They offer a very appealing pay-as-you-go model. This means you only pay for what you use – no hidden fees, no surprises. It’s like paying for a cup of coffee only when you drink it.

For businesses with irregular email sending schedules or those just starting out, this can be a huge advantage. You aren’t locked into a monthly fee, giving you the freedom to adjust your spending based on your actual usage. Additionally, Sender also offers monthly plans for businesses with more consistent email sending needs, which can be more cost-effective in the long run.

The Value Behind the Price

When considering the pricing of these two platforms, it’s essential to weigh the features and support you’re getting for your money.

Constant Contact, with its tiered pricing, offers a predictable expense that aligns with your business growth. The platform’s ease of use, combined with a comprehensive set of features, ensures that you’re getting good value for your investment.

Sender, with its flexible pricing model, is ideal for those who prefer a more adaptable approach to expenses. The platform’s focus on simplicity and efficiency means you’re not paying for bells and whistles you don’t need.

Customer Support and Resources: Ensuring You’re Never Left in the Dark

Constant Contact: A Closer Look at Support Services

Constant Contact is like that friend who’s always there when you need them. Their customer support is highly acclaimed and for good reasons. They offer a variety of support options to suit different preferences and needs. Whether you prefer a quick chat over the phone, an email exchange, or even live chat, Constant Contact has got you covered.

But their support isn’t just about being available; it’s about being helpful. The staff are known for being knowledgeable and friendly, making even the most complex issues seem manageable. Plus, for those who like to figure things out on their own, Constant Contact provides a rich library of resources. From detailed how-to guides and video tutorials to webinars and community forums, there’s a wealth of information at your fingertips.

Sender: Navigating Support Options

Sender might not have the same level of support infrastructure as Constant Contact, but they definitely don’t fall short in ensuring their users are well taken care of. The primary mode of support here is via email. They have a dedicated team that is responsive and efficient, ensuring that queries are addressed in a timely manner.

In addition to email support, Sender offers a comprehensive knowledge base. This resource is packed with articles, guides, and FAQs. It’s particularly useful for those quick fixes or when you’re looking for step-by-step guidance on using the platform. While they might not offer phone support, the quality of their written resources and email responses often makes up for it.

The Role of Support in Your Email Marketing Journey

The level and type of customer support can significantly impact your experience with an email marketing platform. It’s not just about having someone to answer your questions; it’s about ensuring those answers propel your marketing efforts forward.

Constant Contact’s broad spectrum of support options is a big plus, especially if you’re new to email marketing or if you prefer having multiple channels of support. Their approach is very hands-on, providing you with the confidence that help is always a call or click away.

Sender, with its more streamlined approach to support, caters well to the self-sufficient marketer. If you’re someone who prefers to explore and learn at your own pace, the resources provided by Sender will be more than sufficient. And when you do need direct assistance, their email support is both effective and reliable.


In this comprehensive exploration of Constant Contact and Sender, we’ve delved into various aspects of these email marketing platforms. From their feature sets to pricing models, and customer support systems, we’ve uncovered the strengths and unique offerings of each. As we conclude, it’s essential to reflect on these insights to guide you towards making the best choice for your email marketing needs.

Constant Contact stands out as a well-established, feature-rich platform that caters to a broad spectrum of users, from beginners to seasoned marketers. It’s characterized by its user-friendly interface, extensive template gallery, and robust customer support. This platform is designed to simplify the email marketing process, making it accessible even to those who are just starting out. The tiered pricing structure of Constant Contact adds to its appeal, offering scalability and predictability in costs.

Sender, with its focus on simplicity and efficiency, offers a refreshing take on email marketing. It appeals particularly to those who value straightforward, no-frills marketing tools. The platform’s pay-as-you-go pricing model is a notable feature, providing flexibility and cost-effectiveness, especially for businesses with varying email volumes. While it may not offer the same level of customer support as Constant Contact, its commitment to deliverability and user-friendly design makes it a strong contender in the market.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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