HubSpot Email Marketing vs Omnisend: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Choosing the right email marketing tool for 2024? Read our comparison of HubSpot Email Marketing and Omnisend to inform your decision with key insights.

Welcome to the ultimate showdown between two of the most popular email marketing tools as we head into 2024: HubSpot Email Marketing and Omnisend. In this detailed exploration, we’ll uncover which tool stands out as the go-to choice for businesses looking to enhance their email marketing strategies. Our goal is to make this read as engaging and informative as possible, using simple language to dissect the features, benefits, and potential drawbacks of these platforms. So, let’s jump right in!

HubSpot Email MarketingOmnisend
HubSpot Email Marketing tool
G2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars
G2 Score –   4.5 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 8.5 out of 10TrustRadius Score – 6.0 out of 10

Feature Set: The Bread and Butter of Email Marketing Tools

When it comes to choosing an email marketing tool, the range and quality of features offered are usually the deal-makers or breakers. Let’s dive into what HubSpot and Omnisend have in their arsenal.

HubSpot Email Marketing: A Comprehensive Approach

HubSpot has always been a frontrunner in offering a holistic marketing solution. Its email marketing tool is part of a larger suite that includes CRM, sales, and service hubs. This integration offers a seamless experience, allowing you to manage your contacts and email campaigns in tandem with other marketing efforts.

The key features of HubSpot’s email marketing include:

  1. Drag-and-Drop Email Builder: It’s intuitive and doesn’t require any coding skills, making it easy for anyone to craft professional-looking emails.
  2. Personalization: HubSpot excels in personalization, allowing you to tailor your emails based on contact list data, ensuring more relevant and engaging content for your audience.
  3. A/B Testing: This feature lets you test different email versions to see what resonates best with your audience, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  4. Analytics: HubSpot provides in-depth analytics, giving you a clear picture of how your emails are performing in terms of opens, clicks, and conversions.

However, it’s important to note that HubSpot can be overwhelming for beginners due to its extensive feature set. Also, to fully leverage its power, one might need to invest in its broader suite of tools, which can be a considerable investment.

Omnisend: Tailored for E-commerce Success

Omnisend positions itself as an email marketing tool specifically designed for e-commerce businesses. It focuses on integrating with e-commerce platforms and providing features that help convert visitors into customers.

Omnisend’s standout features include:

  1. Product Picker: You can directly insert products from your store into your emails, saving time and ensuring accuracy in your promotions.
  2. Automated Workflows: Designed with e-commerce in mind, these workflows help in sending timely emails for cart abandonment, welcome series, and post-purchase follow-ups.
  3. Segmentation: Omnisend allows detailed segmentation based on shopping behavior, ensuring that your emails are targeted effectively.
  4. SMS Marketing: Alongside email, Omnisend includes SMS marketing, a valuable tool for immediate customer reach.

Omnisend’s focus on e-commerce means it’s highly specialized, but it might not be as flexible for non-e-commerce businesses. Also, while it’s user-friendly, some advanced features may require a bit of a learning curve.

Both HubSpot and Omnisend offer impressive features, but your choice will depend on your specific needs. HubSpot is ideal for those looking for an all-in-one marketing solution, while Omnisend is perfect for e-commerce businesses seeking specialized tools.

Ease of Use: Simplifying Email Marketing for Everyone

In the fast-paced digital world, the ease of use of any tool can be a game-changer. Let’s see how HubSpot and Omnisend fare when it comes to user-friendliness, especially for those who might not be tech wizards.

HubSpot Email Marketing: User-Friendly with a Learning Curve

HubSpot has worked hard to make its interface as user-friendly as possible. The dashboard is clean, and navigating through different features is quite intuitive. For someone who is new to email marketing or even HubSpot itself, the initial setup process is guided and informative, helping you get started without feeling lost.

The drag-and-drop email builder in HubSpot is a standout feature for ease of use. It allows you to create beautiful emails without any knowledge of coding. You can easily add images, call-to-action buttons, and customize layouts with a few clicks.

However, due to its comprehensive nature, HubSpot can be a bit overwhelming. There are so many features and tools available that it might take some time to understand and use them effectively. But, once you get the hang of it, HubSpot becomes a powerful ally in your marketing arsenal.

Omnisend: Intuitive and E-commerce Focused

Omnisend, with its focus on e-commerce, has designed an interface that is intuitive and straightforward. The platform understands that e-commerce businesses often need to move quickly, and its tools are aligned with this need for speed and efficiency.

The email builder in Omnisend is also based on a drag-and-drop interface, making it easy to create engaging and visually appealing emails. The platform also provides various templates, which are a great starting point for creating your campaigns.

One of the biggest advantages of Omnisend is its simplicity. The platform does not overwhelm you with too many features but instead provides what you need to effectively run your email marketing campaigns. This focus makes it particularly appealing to those who are either new to email marketing or need to launch campaigns with minimal fuss.

In terms of ease of use, both HubSpot and Omnisend have their strengths. HubSpot offers a more comprehensive toolset but requires a bit of a learning curve. Omnisend, with its intuitive design and e-commerce focus, makes it easier for users to start their email marketing campaigns quickly and efficiently.

Automation and Workflow: Streamlining Your Email Campaigns

In the world of email marketing, automation isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have. It’s the key to sending timely, relevant, and personalized content to your audience. Let’s compare how HubSpot and Omnisend handle automation and workflow capabilities.

HubSpot Email Marketing: Sophisticated and Seamless Automation

HubSpot’s automation features are among the most advanced on the market. Its ability to create detailed, custom workflows is unparalleled. You can set up a range of triggers based on user interactions, such as email opens, website visits, or form submissions. These triggers can initiate various actions like sending targeted emails, updating contact information, or assigning tasks to sales teams.

What makes HubSpot’s automation truly powerful is its integration with the HubSpot CRM. This means all customer interactions are tracked and can be used to create highly personalized and effective email campaigns. The level of customization available in HubSpot’s workflows allows for incredibly tailored marketing strategies.

However, this sophistication does come with a complexity that might be intimidating for beginners or small businesses that don’t need such detailed automation.

Omnisend: Streamlined Automation for E-commerce

Omnisend’s approach to automation is specifically tailored for e-commerce needs. Its automation workflows are designed to target common e-commerce scenarios like cart abandonment, welcome series, and post-purchase follow-ups. These workflows are easy to set up and can be highly effective in converting leads into customers.

A standout feature in Omnisend is its capability to integrate email and SMS into the same workflow. This omnichannel approach ensures that your marketing messages reach your audience through the most effective medium.

While Omnisend’s automation features are robust and suitable for most e-commerce needs, they may not offer the same level of detail and customization as HubSpot. However, for many e-commerce businesses, the simplicity and focus on industry-specific workflows are exactly what’s needed.

HubSpot offers a more sophisticated automation platform that can cater to a wide range of business needs, albeit with a steeper learning curve. Omnisend, on the other hand, provides streamlined and effective automation workflows that are perfect for e-commerce businesses looking for simplicity and efficiency.

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Analytics and Reporting: Gaining Insights into Campaign Performance

The success of email marketing heavily depends on understanding how your campaigns perform and using those insights to make informed decisions. Let’s delve into the analytics and reporting capabilities of HubSpot and Omnisend to see which tool gives you a better handle on your campaign’s success.

HubSpot Email Marketing: In-depth Analytics for Data-Driven Decisions

HubSpot’s analytics capabilities are robust and insightful. With its comprehensive reporting features, you can track a wide array of metrics, including open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and more. These analytics go deep, offering granular insights into how different segments of your audience interact with your emails.

One of the unique strengths of HubSpot is its integration with the entire CRM platform. This means you can see not just how your emails are performing, but also how they are influencing your broader marketing goals, sales pipeline, and customer engagement.

However, the depth and breadth of HubSpot’s analytics might be overwhelming for some users. The platform offers so much data that it can be challenging to distill the most actionable insights, especially for beginners.

Omnisend: Streamlined Analytics for E-commerce

Omnisend’s approach to analytics is tailored to the needs of e-commerce businesses. It provides essential metrics such as open rates, click rates, and sales generated from each campaign. This focus on e-commerce-relevant metrics makes it easier for store owners to understand the direct impact of their email campaigns on sales.

A particularly useful feature in Omnisend is its sales dashboard, which shows not just how emails are performing in terms of engagement, but also how they are contributing to sales. This direct link between email campaigns and sales outcomes is invaluable for e-commerce marketers.

While Omnisend’s analytics are comprehensive in the e-commerce context, they might not offer the broader marketing insights provided by a tool like HubSpot.

HubSpot offers more in-depth and comprehensive analytics, suitable for businesses that require detailed data analysis across various marketing channels. Omnisend, with its e-commerce-focused analytics, provides clear and actionable insights specifically geared towards online sales and marketing.

Integration Capabilities: Expanding Your Marketing Toolkit

In today’s digital landscape, the power of an email marketing tool is often enhanced by its ability to integrate with other software and services. Let’s explore how HubSpot and Omnisend stack up in terms of integration capabilities.

HubSpot Email Marketing: A Hub for Integrations

HubSpot truly excels when it comes to integration capabilities. As a comprehensive marketing platform, it offers seamless integration with a wide array of tools and services. This includes CRM systems, social media platforms, content management systems, and more. The HubSpot App Marketplace is a rich repository of integrations, offering solutions for almost every conceivable need.

These integrations allow businesses to unify their marketing efforts across different channels and platforms, providing a more cohesive and efficient workflow. For example, integrating HubSpot with an e-commerce platform like Shopify can streamline your sales and marketing efforts, offering a single view of customer interactions across multiple touchpoints.

However, navigating through the vast array of integrations and setting them up can sometimes be a bit complex, particularly for smaller businesses or those with limited technical resources.

Omnisend: Focused Integrations for E-commerce

Omnisend, with its e-commerce-centric approach, offers a range of integrations specifically designed for online retailers. These include direct integrations with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. The focus here is on providing tools that directly enhance e-commerce marketing efforts, such as integrating product feeds, customer purchase data, and more.

While the range of integrations offered by Omnisend is not as extensive as HubSpot’s, they are highly relevant to e-commerce businesses. These integrations are generally straightforward to set up and use, making them accessible even to those without extensive technical knowledge.

In the realm of integrations, HubSpot stands out for its wide range of options and the ability to create a fully integrated marketing ecosystem. Omnisend’s strength lies in its targeted approach, offering key integrations that are specifically beneficial for e-commerce businesses.

Pricing and Scalability: Finding the Right Fit for Your Budget

In the quest for the perfect email marketing tool, pricing and scalability are crucial factors. It’s important to find a solution that not only fits your current budget but also grows with your business. Let’s compare how HubSpot and Omnisend measure up in terms of cost-effectiveness and scalability.

HubSpot Email MarketingHubSpot’s email marketing tool is part of the HubSpot Marketing Hub, which offers the following plans:
Free Tools: Basic email marketing features with HubSpot branding.
Starter Plan: Starting at $45/month, includes email marketing, ad management, landing pages, forms, and more.
Professional Plan: Starting at $800/month, offers advanced marketing automation, smart content, and A/B testing.
Enterprise Plan: Starting at $3,200/month, adds features like adaptive testing, advanced reporting, and custom event triggers.
OmnisendFree Plan: Includes basic email marketing features, allowing up to 15,000 emails per month but with a daily limit.
Standard Plan: Starts around $16 per month for up to 500 subscribers, including automation workflows, SMS campaigns, and audience segmentation.
Pro Plan: Starting from around $99 per month for up to 500 subscribers, adding features like advanced reporting, web push notifications, and unlimited emails.
Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing for large-scale businesses, offering features like dedicated account management, deliverability support, and custom IP address.

HubSpot Email Marketing: Comprehensive but Premium-Priced

HubSpot, known for its comprehensive suite of marketing tools, follows a tiered pricing model. This model caters to businesses of different sizes and needs, from small startups to large enterprises. The basic plans are relatively affordable and offer a good range of features, but the more advanced capabilities are reserved for higher-tier, more expensive plans.

One of the advantages of HubSpot is its scalability. As your business grows and your marketing needs become more complex, HubSpot can scale with you, offering more advanced tools and integrations. This makes it a good long-term investment for businesses that anticipate rapid growth or have ambitious marketing goals.

However, for smaller businesses or those with a tight budget, the cost of the higher-tier plans can be a significant consideration. The comprehensive nature of HubSpot means you’re paying for a lot of features, some of which may be beyond your current needs.

Omnisend: Cost-Effective with Focus on E-commerce

Omnisend offers a straightforward pricing structure, which is particularly attractive for small to medium-sized e-commerce businesses. Their plans are based on the number of subscribers and the volume of emails sent, making it easy to choose a plan that matches your business size.

One of the appealing aspects of Omnisend’s pricing is its scalability. The platform allows you to start with a more basic plan and upgrade as your subscriber list and email volume grow. This scalability, coupled with a focus on e-commerce-specific features, makes it a cost-effective choice for online stores looking to maximize their email marketing ROI.

While Omnisend is generally more affordable than HubSpot, it’s important to note that some advanced features and integrations may only be available in the higher-tier plans.

In terms of pricing and scalability, your choice between HubSpot and Omnisend will depend on your business size, growth trajectory, and specific marketing needs. HubSpot is a more comprehensive, albeit pricier, solution that scales well for growing businesses. Omnisend offers a more budget-friendly and e-commerce-focused alternative, ideal for online retailers looking for effective email marketing tools without a hefty price tag.


In conclusion, both HubSpot and Omnisend present compelling options for email marketing in 2024, each catering to different needs. HubSpot stands out as a comprehensive, all-in-one marketing solution, ideal for businesses seeking a wide range of advanced features and integrations. Its scalability makes it suitable for growing businesses, but its premium pricing can be a consideration for smaller companies.

Omnisend, on the other hand, is a strong contender for e-commerce businesses, offering targeted features and integrations at a more budget-friendly price. It’s user-friendly and scalable, making it a great choice for small to medium-sized online retailers looking to enhance their email marketing efforts without breaking the bank. Ultimately, the decision between HubSpot and Omnisend should be guided by your specific business requirements, budget constraints, and marketing objectives. Both tools have their unique strengths, and the right choice will depend on what best aligns with your business’s email marketing strategy for 2024.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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