Constant Contact vs eSputnik: Best Email Marketing Tool

Constant Contact vs eSputnik: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Welcome to our comprehensive showdown between two prominent players in the email marketing arena: Constant Contact and eSputnik. As we gear up for 2024, choosing the right email marketing tool is more crucial than ever for businesses looking to connect with their audience effectively. This article will dive deep into the features, benefits, and nuances of both platforms, helping you decide which tool is the best fit for your email marketing needs. Let’s kick off our comparison with a critical aspect

User Interface and Ease of Use

Constant Contact

Constant Contact has always been renowned for its user-friendly interface, making it a favorite among small businesses and marketing novices. The platform prides itself on simplicity and ease of use. From the moment you sign in, you’re greeted with a straightforward, clean dashboard that demystifies email marketing.

Creating a campaign in Constant Contact is a smooth experience, thanks to its intuitive drag-and-drop editor. This feature allows even those with no prior design experience to craft beautiful, professional-looking emails. The platform offers a variety of templates, each customizable to suit your brand’s style and message. This approach makes email marketing less daunting and more accessible for everyone.


eSputnik, while slightly less known than Constant Contact, offers a robust interface designed for more experienced marketers. The platform is a bit more complex and feature-rich, catering to users who require advanced functionalities. While this means a steeper learning curve, it’s not overwhelmingly complicated.

The strength of eSputnik lies in its versatility. The platform allows for more detailed customization of emails, enabling users to create highly personalized and dynamic content. This level of customization is a powerful tool for businesses looking to engage their audience in a more targeted and nuanced manner.

Navigating the Platforms

Navigating an email marketing platform efficiently is key to a productive and stress-free experience. Both Constant Contact and eSputnik offer unique navigation experiences that cater to their respective user bases.

Constant Contact has built its platform with simplicity and ease of use at its core. The navigation is intuitive, making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for without any hassle. This simplicity is especially beneficial for those who are new to email marketing or prefer not to spend time learning a complex system. The dashboard and menus are laid out in a manner that is straightforward and logical. Users can easily access different parts of the platform, whether it’s managing their contact list, creating a new email campaign, or analyzing the results of previous campaigns. The ease of navigation in Constant Contact is a significant time-saver, allowing users to focus more on creating and refining their email campaigns rather than figuring out how to use the platform.

eSputnik, while offering a more sophisticated set of tools and features, also focuses on providing a navigable experience, albeit with a slightly steeper learning curve. The platform is designed for users who need more from their email marketing tool, and as such, the navigation reflects this complexity. It offers a more detailed dashboard and a broader range of menus and options. For users who are accustomed to email marketing platforms or have specific, advanced requirements, eSputnik’s navigation allows for easy access to its more complex features. Once users become familiar with the layout, they find that the advanced tools and settings are organized logically, enabling them to manage intricate marketing campaigns with ease. The platform’s depth becomes an asset, providing seasoned marketers with the tools they need at their fingertips.


Constant Contact

  • Email Plan: Starting at $20/month based on the number of contacts. Includes email marketing, customizable templates, and reporting.
  • Email Plus Plan: Starting at $45/month based on contacts, including additional features like automated email series, online donations, and surveys & polls.


  • eSputnik operates on a pay-as-you-go model, where you pay for the number of emails sent.
  • Email Marketing: Charges per email sent, starting at around $1.5 per 1,000 emails.
  • SMS Marketing: Charges per SMS sent, with prices varying based on the country.
  • Viber Messaging: Also offers Viber messaging services, with prices depending on the volume.
  • The platform also provides advanced features like automation, segmentation, and personalization, with prices varying based on usage.

Features and Functionality

When exploring the features and functionality of email marketing tools like Constant Contact and eSputnik, it’s essential to consider how these aspects align with your business needs and marketing goals.

Constant Contact has positioned itself as a reliable and user-friendly platform, offering a range of features that cater to the fundamental needs of email marketing. The platform is designed to be approachable, making it a favorite among small businesses and individuals who are either new to email marketing or prefer a more straightforward approach. The emphasis is on providing essential tools that are easy to use yet effective. This includes a variety of customizable templates, an intuitive email editor, efficient list management capabilities, and basic yet functional automation tools. Additionally, features like social media integration and event management add to the platform’s versatility, making it a well-rounded choice for various marketing activities. The focus on simplicity does not take away from the platform’s effectiveness; rather, it ensures that users can quickly leverage these tools to create impactful email campaigns without a steep learning curve.

On the other hand, eSputnik offers a more advanced set of features, targeting users who require a deeper level of functionality and customization in their email marketing endeavors. The platform caters to those with more experience in email marketing or businesses that need sophisticated tools to handle complex marketing strategies. eSputnik excels in providing advanced segmentation, detailed automation workflows, and comprehensive analytics. These features allow for a high degree of personalization and targeting, which are crucial for businesses aiming to craft highly tailored and effective email campaigns. The ability to create dynamic content and integrate deeply with other systems and databases makes eSputnik a powerful tool for executing data-driven, personalized marketing strategies. While this might mean a more complex interface and a steeper learning curve, the trade-off is the ability to execute highly sophisticated and targeted email marketing campaigns.

In essence, the features and functionality of Constant Contact and eSputnik reflect their intended user bases. Constant Contact offers ease and efficiency, making it an ideal choice for those who value simplicity and straightforward functionality in their email marketing tool. eSputnik, meanwhile, provides a suite of advanced tools designed for users who need a more robust, feature-rich platform to support complex, data-driven marketing strategies.

The decision between these two platforms should be guided by the level of complexity and sophistication you need in your email marketing efforts, as well as your comfort level with utilizing more advanced features.

Evaluating the Tools at Hand

When assessing the tools offered by Constant Contact and eSputnik, it’s crucial to consider how they align with your specific email marketing requirements and objectives.

Constant Contact has established itself as a highly accessible platform, offering a range of features that cater to the core aspects of email marketing. The platform’s primary strength lies in its straightforwardness and user-friendliness, making it an ideal choice for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketing beginners. Its suite of tools is designed to facilitate ease of use without compromising on effectiveness. Users can quickly create visually appealing emails with the drag-and-drop editor, manage their contact lists efficiently, and access basic automation features to streamline their marketing processes. Additionally, Constant Contact provides valuable tools like social media integration and event management capabilities, which are beneficial for enhancing online presence and managing various marketing activities. These features, though not overly complex, are thoughtfully designed to meet the essential needs of most email marketing campaigns, making the platform a reliable and effective choice for those seeking simplicity and efficiency in their marketing tool.

eSputnik, conversely, offers a set of more advanced tools tailored for users with a deeper understanding of email marketing or those requiring a higher level of functionality from their marketing software. The platform is geared towards medium to large-sized businesses or marketing professionals who need to manage intricate, data-driven campaigns. eSputnik excels in areas like advanced segmentation, which allows for highly targeted email campaigns, and sophisticated automation workflows, which enable businesses to create personalized customer journeys based on detailed behavioral data. The platform’s robust analytics capabilities provide deep insights into campaign performance, facilitating data-driven decision-making. For businesses looking to leverage detailed customer data and execute complex marketing strategies, eSputnik’s array of advanced features offers the necessary tools to do so effectively. This advanced functionality, while powerful, does come with a learning curve, making eSputnik more suited for users who are comfortable navigating more complex software.

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Automation and Segmentation

Constant Contact

In the world of email marketing, automation is a key factor in driving efficiency and ensuring timely communication with your audience. Constant Contact offers a solid automation framework that covers the basics like welcome emails, anniversary or birthday emails, and autoresponder series based on user actions. This level of automation is perfect for businesses looking to automate essential parts of their email marketing without needing overly complex systems.

Segmentation in Constant Contact is also user-friendly. It allows you to divide your audience based on simple criteria like demographics, engagement levels, or past interactions with your emails. This helps in tailoring your messages to different segments, ensuring higher relevance and engagement.


eSputnik steps up the game in automation by offering more sophisticated and flexible automation workflows. These can be customized extensively to trigger emails based on a variety of user behaviors and interactions, both within the emails and on your website. This advanced automation is a powerful tool for businesses looking to create highly personalized customer journeys.

When it comes to segmentation, eSputnik provides a more detailed approach. You can segment your audience based on a wide array of criteria, including complex behavioral data. This allows for incredibly targeted email campaigns that can address the specific needs and interests of different segments of your audience.

Enhancing Engagement and Personalization

In the realm of email marketing, the ability to engage and personalize content for your audience is paramount. Both Constant Contact and eSputnik offer tools to enhance engagement and personalization, albeit in different ways that reflect their respective user bases and capabilities.

Constant Contact focuses on providing tools that allow for a good degree of personalization with ease. Its platform is designed to cater to users who want to create more personalized email campaigns without delving into overly complex functionalities. The platform allows for basic personalization techniques such as including the recipient’s name or customizing content based on simple segmentation criteria. This level of personalization can be significant in making emails feel more personal and relevant to the recipient, thereby increasing engagement rates. Moreover, Constant Contact’s user-friendly interface ensures that implementing these personalization strategies is straightforward, making it accessible even to those with limited technical expertise. This simplicity in creating personalized content is particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses or marketers who aim to make their emails more engaging without needing extensive resources or advanced skills.

eSputnik, on the other hand, offers a more advanced approach to personalization, suited for businesses that require a deep level of customization in their email marketing efforts. The platform’s strength lies in its ability to handle complex personalization and segmentation strategies. With eSputnik, users can leverage detailed data to create highly targeted segments and tailor their messages accordingly. The platform allows for dynamic content creation, where the email content can change based on the recipient’s past behaviors, preferences, or interactions with previous campaigns. This sophisticated level of personalization means that businesses can send highly relevant and engaging content to each segment of their audience. Such targeted communication can significantly enhance engagement rates and overall campaign effectiveness. However, to fully utilize these advanced features, a user needs to have a good understanding of email marketing principles and be comfortable working with more complex tools.

In essence, while both Constant Contact and eSputnik aim to enhance engagement and personalization, they do so catering to different levels of user expertise and needs. Constant Contact offers a more straightforward approach, making it easier for users to implement basic yet effective personalization strategies. In contrast, eSputnik provides a platform for advanced personalization tactics, suitable for users who require detailed segmentation and dynamic content capabilities to engage their audience effectively.

Analytics and Reporting

Constant Contact

Analytics and reporting are crucial for any email marketing strategy, and Constant Contact provides a comprehensive suite that’s easy to understand and use. The platform offers essential metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates. This information is presented in a clear, straightforward manner, making it easy for users to gauge the performance of their campaigns and make informed decisions.

Constant Contact also includes comparative reporting, which allows users to compare the performance of different campaigns side-by-side. This feature is particularly useful for identifying trends and pinpointing what works best for your audience.


eSputnik takes analytics a step further by offering more in-depth and customizable reporting options. The platform provides detailed insights into not only how your emails are performing but also how they are influencing customer behavior and engagement across channels. This includes advanced tracking of customer journeys and interactions.

One of the standout features of eSputnik’s analytics is the ability to create detailed segments based on campaign data and then use this information for more targeted future campaigns. This level of analysis is invaluable for businesses that rely heavily on data-driven strategies.

Making Data-Driven Decisions

In the current landscape of digital marketing, the capacity to make data-driven decisions is a critical factor for success. Constant Contact and eSputnik, while both providing analytics and reporting capabilities, cater to different levels of data utilization and decision-making processes.

Constant Contact offers an analytics experience that is tailored for clarity and ease of use. The platform understands that not every marketer is a data scientist and therefore presents key metrics in a straightforward manner. This approach is particularly advantageous for small to medium-sized businesses or marketers who require a quick understanding of their campaign’s performance without being overwhelmed by complex data. The insights provided by Constant Contact are actionable, meaning they can easily be translated into practical steps for campaign improvement. For example, insights into open rates and click-through rates can inform decisions about the best content and timing for future emails. This level of analytics is about providing users with the knowledge to make informed, yet uncomplicated, improvements to their marketing strategies.

eSputnik, conversely, is designed for a deeper dive into data, offering comprehensive analytics that can drive sophisticated marketing decisions. The platform caters to users who are comfortable navigating detailed reports and utilizing complex data sets. With eSputnik, businesses can analyze a broad range of metrics that go beyond basic email performance, delving into customer behavior and engagement across multiple channels. This depth of analysis is beneficial for medium to large-sized businesses or those with a dedicated marketing team that can interpret and act on complex data. The ability to segment audiences based on detailed behavioral data, track customer journeys, and predict future trends allows for a highly strategic approach to email marketing. This level of detail in analytics enables businesses to fine-tune their campaigns with a high degree of precision, often leading to improved engagement and conversion rates.

In essence, the analytics and reporting capabilities of Constant Contact and eSputnik are reflective of the platforms’ overall approaches. Constant Contact simplifies the process, providing essential insights for straightforward, actionable strategies. eSputnik offers a more detailed, data-rich experience, suitable for businesses that rely heavily on data-driven decision-making in their marketing efforts.

The choice between Constant Contact and eSputnik in terms of analytics should be based on your business’s capacity to handle and interpret data, the level of detail you require from your reports, and how central a role data plays in informing your marketing strategies.


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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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