Constant Contact vs MailUp: The Best Email Marketing Tool

Find out if Constant Contact or MailUp is the top email marketing tool for 2024 with our comprehensive comparison tailored for marketers

Welcome to our in-depth exploration of two prominent email marketing tools: Constant Contact and MailUp. As 2024 approaches, the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, making the choice of an email marketing tool more critical than ever. In this article, we’ll dissect these platforms, comparing them across various facets to help you decide which is the best fit for your marketing needs. Let’s dive into our first area of comparison.

User Interface and Ease of Use

Constant Contact

Constant Contact has long been applauded for its user-friendly interface. It’s designed with the user in mind, making it a hit among small businesses and those new to email marketing. From the get-go, the platform is intuitive. The dashboard is clear and straightforward, ensuring that even first-time users can navigate it with ease.

Creating an email campaign in Constant Contact is a seamless process. The platform offers a drag-and-drop editor, which allows even those with no technical background to design attractive, professional-looking emails. Moreover, there’s a plethora of customizable templates for various purposes and industries, making the design process even more accessible.


MailUp, while offering a robust set of features, approaches user interface with a slightly different angle. It’s designed for users who have a bit more experience in email marketing. This means that while it offers more advanced features, the platform might initially seem a bit more complex to new users. However, once you familiarize yourself with its interface, MailUp reveals its powerful capabilities.

The platform provides greater flexibility in terms of customization and control over your email designs. This is a big plus for users who desire more sophisticated and tailored email campaigns.


Constant Contact

  • Email Plan: Starting at $20/month based on the number of contacts. Includes email marketing, customizable templates, and reporting.
  • Email Plus Plan: Starting at $45/month based on contacts, including additional features like automated email series, online donations, and surveys & polls.


  • Pay Per Speed Plans: MailUp’s pricing is based on sending speed rather than the number of contacts. Starts at around $65/month for the slowest sending speed.
  • Monthly Plans: Also offers traditional monthly plans based on the number of emails sent, with prices starting at around $85/month for up to 400,000 sends.
  • Prepaid Credits: Alternatively, you can buy prepaid credits for sending emails without a monthly fee.
  • All plans include features like email automation, transactional emails, and analytics.

Navigating the Platforms

The ease of navigating an email marketing platform significantly influences the user experience, affecting both the efficiency of campaign creation and overall satisfaction with the tool. Constant Contact and MailUp offer different experiences in this regard, shaped by their respective user interfaces and feature sets.

Constant Contact is designed with a focus on simplicity and intuitiveness. Its platform is structured in a way that allows users, especially those who might not be very tech-savvy, to quickly find their way around. The main dashboard is cleanly organized, with clearly labeled sections and a logical layout. This intuitive design extends to its campaign creation process, where users can easily access different elements like templates, contact lists, and reporting tools. The smooth navigation in Constant Contact is a significant time-saver, making it easier for users to focus on crafting their email campaigns rather than figuring out how to use the platform.

MailUp, while offering a more complex suite of features, also puts considerable effort into ensuring that its platform is navigable. It is true that the platform might initially present a steeper learning curve, especially for those who are new to email marketing tools. This is due in part to the advanced features and customization options that MailUp offers. However, for users who are familiar with such platforms, or once you get accustomed to the interface, navigating MailUp becomes more straightforward. The platform is organized to facilitate access to its rich functionalities, from detailed segmentation and automation workflows to comprehensive analytics. For seasoned marketers, the depth of features available at their fingertips is well worth the initial investment in learning the platform’s navigation.

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Features and Functionality

Constant Contact

Constant Contact offers a suite of features designed to meet the needs of most email marketing strategies. The platform’s strength lies in its comprehensive yet straightforward tools, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking for essential functionalities. Key features include a wide range of customizable templates, efficient contact management, social media integration, and basic automation capabilities.

One of the standout aspects of Constant Contact is its emphasis on user engagement tools. Apart from email campaigns, the platform provides options for creating surveys, polls, and event invitations, which can be integral to interactive marketing strategies. These features not only help in maintaining communication with your audience but also in gathering valuable feedback and data.


MailUp, on the other hand, positions itself as a more advanced email marketing solution. It offers a rich set of features that cater to users looking for a higher degree of customization and control. Along with standard features like email creation and list management, MailUp excels in areas such as detailed segmentation, advanced automation workflows, and dynamic content.

The platform is particularly notable for its powerful automation tools. Users can create complex, behavior-triggered email sequences, which are essential for nurturing leads and personalizing the customer journey. Additionally, MailUp offers extensive integration capabilities, allowing businesses to seamlessly connect the platform with their CRM, e-commerce systems, and other marketing tools.

Suitability for Different Marketing Needs

In the dynamic world of email marketing, the suitability of a tool can vary greatly depending on the specific needs and capabilities of a business. Constant Contact and MailUp, with their distinct feature sets, cater to different segments of the market.

Constant Contact has carved out a niche for itself as a user-friendly platform that simplifies email marketing. Its appeal lies in its straightforward approach, making it a popular choice for small to medium-sized businesses, as well as for individuals and marketers who are either stepping into the realm of email marketing for the first time or looking for an uncomplicated solution. The platform provides all the necessary tools to create effective email campaigns, including a variety of templates, list management features, basic automation, and integration with social media platforms. These tools are designed to be accessible and easy to use, offering a quick and hassle-free way to set up and run email campaigns. For businesses that do not require advanced segmentation or intricate automation workflows, Constant Contact offers a balance of simplicity and functionality, making it a practical choice for straightforward email marketing requirements.

On the other hand, MailUp positions itself as a more comprehensive solution, suitable for businesses and marketers who need a higher degree of customization and control over their email campaigns. The platform is especially well-suited for medium to large-sized businesses or marketing professionals looking to leverage advanced features such as detailed segmentation, complex automation, and extensive integration capabilities. With its sophisticated toolset, MailUp allows users to craft highly personalized and targeted email campaigns, automate intricate customer journeys, and glean deep insights from analytics. This level of functionality is particularly beneficial for businesses with more complex marketing strategies, as it allows for greater precision and effectiveness in their email marketing efforts. The advanced features of MailUp are best utilized by those who have a solid understanding of email marketing and are comfortable navigating a more complex platform.

In essence, the choice between Constant Contact and MailUp depends largely on the specific marketing needs of a business, the level of complexity they are comfortable managing, and the depth of features required. Constant Contact is an ideal solution for those seeking an easy-to-use platform for standard email marketing activities, while MailUp is more appropriate for users who require a robust set of advanced tools to execute sophisticated, data-driven campaigns.

Automation and Segmentation

Constant Contact

In the world of email marketing, automation serves as a key factor in driving efficiency and ensuring timely communication. Constant Contact provides a straightforward automation system that covers the essentials like automated welcome emails, anniversary or birthday greetings, and follow-up emails based on customer actions. This automation is designed to be simple yet effective, catering to businesses that require basic automated functionalities without the complexity.

Segmentation in Constant Contact is also user-friendly and straightforward. It allows you to easily categorize your audience based on standard criteria such as demographics, engagement levels, or previous interactions with your emails. This segmentation capability is crucial for tailoring your campaigns to different audience segments, ensuring more relevant and targeted communication.


MailUp offers a more advanced approach to automation. The platform allows for the creation of sophisticated, multi-step automation workflows that can be customized extensively to respond to a variety of user behaviors and interactions. This advanced automation is a boon for businesses looking to create personalized and complex customer journeys.

In terms of segmentation, MailUp provides a deeper and more detailed approach. You can segment your audience based on a wide range of criteria, including intricate behavioral data. This enables incredibly targeted and precise email campaigns, addressing the specific needs and preferences of different segments of your audience.

Personalizing Customer Interactions

The ability to personalize customer interactions is a critical component of successful email marketing. It determines how effectively a business can connect with its audience on an individual level. Constant Contact and MailUp offer different levels of personalization capabilities, each suited to diverse marketing strategies and objectives.

Constant Contact provides a platform where personalization is handled in a straightforward and accessible manner. The focus here is on enabling businesses, especially those with limited resources or technical expertise, to add a personal touch to their email communications. The platform allows for basic yet impactful personalization options, such as including the recipient’s name in the email or customizing content based on simple audience segments. These features, while not overly complex, are significant in enhancing the relevance of the emails, making them more engaging and likely to resonate with the recipients. For small to medium-sized businesses or individuals looking to step up their email marketing game, Constant Contact offers the tools to create personalized content easily, fostering a stronger connection with their audience.

MailUp, catering to a more advanced user base, takes personalization to a deeper level. The platform offers sophisticated tools that enable businesses to tailor their emails based on detailed subscriber data. This includes not just basic personalization but also the creation of dynamic content that changes based on the recipient’s behavior, preferences, or interactions with previous campaigns. For businesses that have accumulated extensive customer data and seek to leverage this data for highly targeted marketing, MailUp provides the necessary functionalities. This level of personalization allows for the creation of highly relevant and engaging email content, significantly increasing the effectiveness of the campaigns. It’s a powerful way to not only grab the attention of the audience but also to maintain it, leading to better engagement and conversion rates. However, to fully utilize these advanced features, a higher level of expertise in email marketing and data analysis is required.


After a thorough comparison of Constant Contact and MailUp, it’s evident that both platforms offer distinct advantages tailored to different types of users and marketing needs. As we conclude, let’s summarize the key insights to guide you in choosing the best email marketing tool for your needs in 2024.

  • User Interface and Ease of Use: Constant Contact stands out for its user-friendly interface, ideal for beginners or those who prefer simplicity in their marketing tools. MailUp, with a more complex interface, caters to users who require advanced features and customization.
  • Features and Functionality: Constant Contact offers essential features for effective email marketing, making it a great choice for small to medium-sized businesses. MailUp provides a more extensive set of advanced features, suitable for larger businesses or marketing professionals with complex campaign needs.
  • Automation and Segmentation: For basic automation and segmentation, Constant Contact is a reliable and straightforward option. MailUp excels in offering sophisticated automation workflows and detailed segmentation, ideal for highly targeted marketing efforts.
  • Personalizing Customer Interactions: Constant Contact simplifies the personalization process, suitable for basic personalization needs. MailUp, on the other hand, offers advanced tools for deep personalization, catering to businesses with extensive customer data.

Making Your Decision

  • For Simplicity and User-Friendly Experience: Opt for Constant Contact if you’re looking for an easy-to-use platform with essential features that cover the basics of effective email marketing.
  • For Advanced Features and Customization: Choose MailUp if your business requires a more robust platform with advanced capabilities for sophisticated, data-driven email marketing strategies.

Remember, the effectiveness of your strategy is not just about the tool you choose but also about how you use it. Whichever platform you select, commit to understanding its features, know your audience well, and continually refine your approach based on performance insights.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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