Iterable vs Sendy: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Explore the showdown between Iterable and Sendy to find out which email marketing tool best fits your business needs

Choosing the right email marketing tool is crucial for the success of your digital marketing strategy. It’s like picking the perfect running shoes for a marathon. You want something that not only fits snugly but also enhances your performance. Today, we’re diving deep into the world of email marketing tools, comparing two notable contenders: Iterable and Sendy. Our mission? To help you decide which tool is the best fit for your unique marketing needs.

Iterable Sendy
G2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 8.6/10TrustRadius Score – 9/10

Ease of Use

In the digital world, ease of use isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Imagine you’re a chef in a kitchen. You wouldn’t want to waste precious time fumbling with complicated gadgets when you have a masterpiece to create. The same goes for email marketing tools. Let’s see how Iterable and Sendy stack up in terms of user-friendliness.

Iterable: The User-Friendly Giant

Iterable is like the friendly giant of email marketing tools. It’s powerful, yet surprisingly easy to navigate. From the get-go, Iterable impresses with its sleek, intuitive interface. Setting up campaigns feels like a breeze, thanks to its drag-and-drop functionality. You don’t need to be a tech wizard to create visually appealing emails that resonate with your audience.

One of Iterable’s standout features is its workflow designer. It allows you to craft complex customer journeys with ease. Imagine plotting a treasure map, where X marks the spot for customer engagement. Iterable’s designer tool lets you do just that, guiding your subscribers through personalized experiences without getting lost in a sea of code.

Moreover, Iterable shines in its segmentation capabilities. Segmentation is like hosting a dinner party and knowing exactly what each guest prefers to eat. Iterable makes it simple to segment your audience based on behavior, demographics, and engagement, ensuring your messages hit the mark every time.

Sendy: The Underdog with a Punch

On the other side of the ring, we have Sendy. Sendy is like the agile underdog that packs a surprising punch. It’s a self-hosted email marketing tool, which means you’ll need to roll up your sleeves a bit to get it set up. However, once you’re past the initial setup, Sendy is surprisingly straightforward to use.

Sendy’s main appeal lies in its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, especially for those with a large subscriber list. Its interface is clean and uncluttered, making it easy to navigate your way through creating campaigns and managing lists. While it might not offer the same level of sophistication as Iterable in terms of design and automation, Sendy excels in delivering no-frills, efficient email marketing.

A significant advantage of Sendy is its affordability. Because it leverages Amazon SES for sending emails, the cost per email is incredibly low. This makes Sendy an attractive option for businesses looking to maximize their ROI without sacrificing performance. Think of it as dining at a high-quality, yet surprisingly affordable restaurant. You get the flavors without the hefty price tag.

However, it’s worth noting that Sendy’s simplicity also means that it lacks some of the advanced features found in Iterable. For businesses that require detailed analytics, intricate automation workflows, or sophisticated segmentation, Sendy might feel a bit limiting. It’s like having a reliable, straightforward cookbook but missing those gourmet recipes for special occasions.


IterableIterable does not publicly list its pricing, as it typically offers custom pricing based on the specific needs of a business.
The platform is designed for larger companies with advanced needs in cross-channel marketing campaigns, including email, SMS, push notifications, and more.
Features usually include workflow automation, segmentation, A/B testing, and personalized messaging.
Interested users need to contact Iterable directly for a customized quote based on their scale and requirements.
SendySendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that integrates with Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) for sending emails.
One-Time Fee: A one-time purchase price of $69, which allows you to install Sendy on your own web server.
Amazon SES Costs: After purchasing Sendy, you’ll need an Amazon SES account. Amazon SES typically charges $0.10 per thousand emails sent, plus data transfer fees. This can be significantly cheaper than other email marketing services for large volumes of emails.
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Deliverability and Performance

When it comes to email marketing, getting your emails into the inbox is half the battle. Think of it as sending out invitations to a big party. It doesn’t matter how fancy or well-written your invites are if they never reach their intended recipients. So, let’s compare how Iterable and Sendy ensure your emails not only get delivered but also perform well.

Iterable: Ensuring Your Invites Hit the Inbox

Iterable takes deliverability seriously. It’s like having a personal guide to ensure your email invitations reach their destinations. With a robust infrastructure and partnerships with major email service providers, Iterable works diligently to maintain high deliverability rates. This means your emails are less likely to end up in the spam folder and more likely to engage your audience.

But Iterable doesn’t stop at just getting your emails delivered. It also provides comprehensive analytics and A/B testing tools to help you understand how your campaigns perform. Imagine being able to peek into your guests’ homes to see how they react to your party invites. Iterable’s analytics give you insights into open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics, allowing you to tweak your campaigns for optimal performance.

Additionally, Iterable supports dynamic content and personalization at scale. This means you can tailor your emails to fit the unique preferences and behaviors of your recipients. It’s like customizing each party invite based on what you know your guests will love, making them feel special and increasing the likelihood they’ll RSVP ‘yes.’

Sendy: Maximizing Reach on a Budget

Sendy, with its reliance on Amazon SES for email delivery, boasts impressive deliverability rates at a fraction of the cost. Amazon SES is known for its high deliverability, thanks to its stringent email sending policies and robust infrastructure. By leveraging SES, Sendy ensures that your emails have a strong chance of reaching the inbox without breaking the bank.

However, when it comes to performance analysis and optimization, Sendy’s offerings are more basic compared to Iterable. Sendy provides essential metrics such as open rates and click-through rates, but its capabilities for deep analytics and A/B testing are limited. It’s akin to getting feedback on your party invites but not being able to dive into the nuances of each guest’s preferences.

That said, Sendy’s simplicity can be a strength. For businesses with straightforward email marketing needs, Sendy offers a no-nonsense approach that allows for efficient campaign management without the complexity. It’s perfect for those who prefer a straightforward party planning checklist: simple, effective, and to the point.

Integration Capabilities

In today’s digital ecosystem, your email marketing tool doesn’t operate in isolation. It’s part of a larger network, much like a node in a vast web of interconnected systems. Integration capabilities are crucial because they determine how well your email marketing tool can communicate with other software you use. Whether it’s your CRM, analytics platform, or e-commerce system, seamless integration can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. Let’s delve into how Iterable and Sendy stack up in terms of integration capabilities.

Iterable: The Integration Powerhouse

Iterable stands out as a versatile player in the integration game. It’s akin to having a universal adapter when you’re traveling across different countries. No matter where you are, you can plug in and stay connected. Iterable offers extensive integration options with a wide array of platforms, including CRM systems like Salesforce, e-commerce platforms like Shopify, and analytics tools like Google Analytics.

What makes Iterable particularly impressive is its flexible APIs and webhooks. These allow for custom integrations that can fit nearly any use case. Whether you need to sync customer data in real-time, trigger emails based on specific actions within your app, or integrate with a niche platform unique to your business, Iterable has the capability to make it happen.

This level of integration opens up a world of possibilities for personalized and cohesive customer experiences. Imagine being able to trigger a welcome email the moment a new customer signs up on your platform, followed by targeted follow-ups based on their interactions with your website or app. Iterable makes this level of sophistication accessible, enabling you to weave email marketing seamlessly into your broader marketing strategy.

Sendy: Focused Integration with a DIY Twist

Sendy, with its lean and focused approach, offers a different integration experience. It doesn’t boast the extensive out-of-the-box integration library of Iterable, but it shines in its simplicity and flexibility for those willing to put in a bit of DIY effort.

The cornerstone of Sendy’s integration capability lies in its use of Amazon SES and its API. For developers and businesses willing to get their hands a little dirty, Sendy’s API allows for custom integrations that can cover a wide range of needs. This could involve syncing with your existing CRM, connecting to your e-commerce platform, or automating email sends based on specific triggers.

However, this approach means that you might need additional resources or technical know-how to fully leverage Sendy’s integration potential. It’s like having a set of basic, reliable tools in your shed. With some creativity and elbow grease, you can build just about anything, but it might take more time and effort compared to using a more comprehensive, ready-made solution.

Customer Support and Community

In the fast-paced world of email marketing, having access to responsive and helpful customer support can be a game-changer. It’s like sailing through uncharted waters; a knowledgeable guide can help you navigate through storms and avoid hidden reefs. Similarly, a vibrant community can provide invaluable insights, tips, and solutions. Let’s explore how Iterable and Sendy fare in terms of customer support and the community surrounding them.

Iterable: Premium Support with a Human Touch

Iterable places a strong emphasis on customer support, understanding that timely help can make a significant difference in marketing campaigns. It offers a comprehensive support system that includes email, live chat, and phone support, ensuring that help is just a few clicks or a phone call away. This multi-channel approach to customer service is akin to having a Swiss Army knife; whatever the problem, you have the right tool at your disposal.

Beyond the basics, Iterable also provides a wealth of resources such as detailed documentation, a knowledge base, webinars, and a community forum. These resources are designed to not only solve immediate issues but also to educate and empower users to make the most of the platform. It’s like having a library and a council of wise mentors at your disposal, ready to guide you through any challenge.

Iterable’s commitment to customer support extends to offering dedicated account managers to certain tiers of customers. This personalized service means you have someone who understands your business and can provide tailored advice and support. It’s like having a personal trainer, but for your email marketing campaigns.

Sendy: Self-Service with a Side of Community Support

Sendy takes a more minimalist approach to customer support, reflective of its overall philosophy. The platform provides a detailed FAQ section and documentation to help users troubleshoot issues on their own. While direct support options are more limited compared to Iterable, Sendy relies on its user community to fill the gap.

The Sendy community forum is an active space where users can ask for help, share insights, and offer solutions to one another. It’s a testament to the power of community; even without a vast array of direct support options, users can often find the help they need through peer-to-peer assistance. This environment fosters a sense of camaraderie and collective problem-solving, akin to a neighborhood watch program where everyone looks out for each other.

However, for businesses that require immediate or personalized support, Sendy’s approach may feel lacking. The reliance on self-service resources and community forums means that getting a specific issue resolved can take longer, especially if it requires expert intervention. It’s the trade-off for the platform’s affordability and simplicity.


In conclusion, choosing between Iterable and Sendy as your go-to email marketing tool boils down to understanding your own business needs, resources, and priorities. Both platforms have their unique strengths and cater to different types of users.

Iterable shines with its user-friendly interface, sophisticated automation capabilities, extensive integration options, and premium customer support. It’s ideally suited for businesses looking for a comprehensive, all-in-one email marketing solution that can seamlessly integrate with a wide array of other tools and platforms. Iterable is perfect for those who need advanced features to craft personalized, dynamic customer journeys and are willing to invest in a premium service to achieve that.

Sendy, on the other hand, stands out for its affordability, simplicity, and efficiency, particularly for businesses with large email lists. It appeals to users who are looking for a straightforward, no-frills email marketing solution that delivers solid performance on a budget. Sendy is best suited for those with the technical know-how to leverage its API for custom integrations or those who prefer a leaner approach to email marketing.

Ultimately, the decision should align with your marketing goals, technical capabilities, budget constraints, and the level of sophistication you require from your email marketing operations. Whether you prioritize advanced features and seamless integrations offered by Iterable, or the cost-effectiveness and simplicity of Sendy, ensure that your chosen tool aligns with your business strategy and helps you effectively engage with your audience.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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