SendGrid vs SalesHandy: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Choosing between SendGrid and SalesHandy? Our article breaks down the pros and cons to identify the top email marketing tool for you

Hello there! Are you on the fence about whether to choose SendGrid or SalesHandy for your email marketing needs? It’s a common dilemma in the digital marketing world. Both tools have their unique strengths and choosing the right one can significantly impact your marketing strategy. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dissect these platforms, comparing key features, pricing, user experience, and more, to help you make an informed decision. Let’s get started with a crucial area of comparison.

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Ease of Use: Navigating the Platforms

In the bustling world of email marketing, the usability of a tool is a game-changer. Let’s compare how user-friendly SendGrid and SalesHandy are, especially for those who are not tech wizards.

SendGrid: The Straightforward Approach

SendGrid is known for its straightforward, intuitive interface. It’s designed for users who want to get their email campaigns up and running without getting bogged down in complexities.

Simple and Clean Interface

When you log into SendGrid, you’re greeted with a clean, uncluttered dashboard. This simplicity is a huge plus for beginners or those who prefer a no-fuss approach. Navigation is intuitive, making it easy to find what you need, be it creating campaigns, managing contacts, or analyzing reports.

Intuitive Campaign Creation

SendGrid’s email campaign editor is where it really shines. The drag-and-drop functionality allows you to easily design emails without needing advanced design skills. It’s about making email creation as painless as possible, offering a range of templates that are both aesthetically pleasing and mobile-responsive.

Analytics for Easy Understanding

The platform also excels in presenting analytics in a user-friendly way. Understanding how your campaigns are performing is essential, and SendGrid delivers this information in a straightforward, digestible format.

SalesHandy: The Power of Simplicity

SalesHandy might not be as well-known as SendGrid, but it’s a gem when it comes to ease of use. It’s designed for efficiency, making it a great choice for those who value simplicity and speed.

Streamlined Email Tracking

One of SalesHandy’s standout features is its email tracking capability. It’s incredibly easy to set up and use, providing real-time insights into email opens and clicks. This feature is invaluable for sales and marketing professionals who need to track engagement with minimal effort.

Simplified Email Outreach

SalesHandy simplifies the process of sending bulk emails. Its interface is geared towards making email outreach as straightforward as possible. Whether it’s for cold emailing or follow-ups, the platform streamlines these tasks, saving valuable time and effort.

Effective Template Management

Creating and managing email templates in SalesHandy is a breeze. The platform offers a user-friendly way to create, store, and use templates, making repetitive emailing tasks more efficient.

Deliverability: Getting Your Emails Seen

Deliverability is arguably one of the most critical aspects of email marketing. If your emails don’t reach the intended inboxes, all your efforts go in vain. Let’s take a deeper look at how SendGrid and SalesHandy tackle this essential element.

SendGrid’s Comprehensive Deliverability Features

SendGrid has built a strong reputation around its deliverability capabilities. It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about ensuring they land where they are supposed to – in the recipient’s inbox.

The backbone of SendGrid’s high deliverability rates lies in its robust infrastructure. They have built an advanced system designed to handle email delivery at scale. This system includes sophisticated algorithms and processes to ensure that your emails navigate through various spam filters and ISP regulations successfully.

One of the key offerings of SendGrid in terms of deliverability is the provision of dedicated IP addresses. This feature is particularly beneficial for high-volume senders as it allows them to build and maintain their own sender reputation. Having control over your sender reputation plays a crucial role in ensuring high deliverability rates.

SendGrid also emphasizes proactive deliverability monitoring. They offer tools and insights to help you understand how your emails are performing. This includes metrics like open rates, bounce rates, and spam reports. Such insights are invaluable for tweaking your email strategies to maximize inbox placement.

SalesHandy’s Focus on Engagement for Deliverability

SalesHandy may approach deliverability indirectly, but its features are designed to enhance email engagement, which in turn positively impacts deliverability.

The platform’s strength lies in its email tracking feature. Knowing when and how often your emails are opened gives you valuable insights into recipient engagement. This data can be used to optimize your email sending times and improve your content, thereby increasing the chances of your emails being marked as important by recipients and email providers.

SalesHandy’s automated follow-up feature is another tool in its arsenal to improve deliverability. By keeping your emails consistent and engaging, you maintain a good sender reputation, which is a key factor in email deliverability.

Additionally, SalesHandy’s template management allows you to create and optimize your email content effectively. Well-crafted emails are more likely to engage recipients, leading to better email performance and, consequently, better deliverability.

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Pricing and Plans

Finding the Right Fit for Your Budget

Understanding the pricing and plans of email marketing tools like SendGrid and SalesHandy is crucial for businesses aiming to make a cost-effective decision. Let’s delve deeper into their pricing structures to see how they cater to different budgetary needs.


  • Free Plan: Offers up to 100 emails per day forever.
  • Essentials Plan: Starting at $14.95 per month for 50,000 emails per month, with no daily sending limit. Includes basic email features.
  • Pro Plan: Starting at $89.95 per month for 100,000 emails per month, includes advanced features like dedicated IP addresses and sub-user management.
  • Premier Plan: Custom pricing for high-volume senders needing advanced features and customization.


  • Free Plan: Basic features including email tracking and scheduling.
  • Regular Plan: Priced at $9 per user per month, offering unlimited email tracking and templates, and mail merge features.
  • Plus Plan: At $22 per user per month, includes advanced features like team reports, team templates, and document tracking.
  • Enterprise Plan: At $49 per user per month, adding features like dedicated account manager and custom integration.

SendGrid’s Flexible Pricing Approach

SendGrid’s pricing model is designed to accommodate a wide spectrum of users, from individuals and small businesses to large corporations. This flexibility is one of SendGrid’s standout features, making it accessible to a diverse range of customers.

The journey with SendGrid often begins with a free plan, which is a great starting point for small businesses or those new to email marketing. This free option typically includes a generous email limit per month, allowing users to explore and experience the platform’s basic features without any financial commitment.

As businesses grow and their emailing needs become more sophisticated, SendGrid’s paid plans come into play. These plans are structured around email volumes, a model that benefits businesses with varying emailing requirements. The pricing adjusts as you scale up or down in your email marketing efforts, providing a cost-effective solution that aligns with your usage.

For larger enterprises or businesses with advanced email marketing needs, SendGrid offers premium plans. These plans include advanced features such as enhanced analytics, dedicated IP addresses, and priority support. While these come at a higher cost, they are essential for businesses that rely heavily on email marketing and require deeper insights and control over their campaigns.

SalesHandy’s Cost-Effective Solutions

SalesHandy positions itself as an affordable and effective solution, particularly suited for sales-oriented email tasks. Its pricing structure is straightforward, offering clarity and predictability to businesses.

SalesHandy’s plans are tier-based, with each tier offering an array of features suited to different stages of business growth. The basic plans, while more affordable, include essential features like email tracking and automated follow-ups, crucial for sales teams and small businesses focusing on outreach and engagement.

As you move to higher tiers, SalesHandy introduces more sophisticated features. These include advanced tracking, team collaboration tools, and higher email sending limits. These plans are tailored for businesses with intensive email outreach campaigns and larger teams.

One notable aspect of SalesHandy’s pricing is the absence of a free plan. However, they mitigate this by offering a free trial period, allowing potential users to experience the platform before making a financial commitment. This trial is particularly useful for assessing whether SalesHandy aligns with your specific sales and email marketing needs.

Customer Support and Resources: Navigating Through Challenges

Effective customer support and accessible resources are crucial for navigating the complexities of email marketing tools. A deeper examination of SendGrid and SalesHandy’s support structures reveals how they assist users in overcoming challenges and maximizing their platforms’ potential.

SendGrid’s Multilayered Support Approach

SendGrid has developed a comprehensive support system to cater to its diverse user base. This system is built on the understanding that users have varied preferences and needs when it comes to seeking assistance.

SendGrid’s customer support is multifaceted, offering several channels such as email, phone, and live chat. The diversity in these options means that whether users need quick solutions to pressing issues or have more complex inquiries, there’s a suitable channel for them. The availability of these support channels, however, tends to vary depending on the chosen plan, with more immediate and direct options typically reserved for higher-tier plans.

Beyond direct support, SendGrid places a strong emphasis on empowering users to self-serve. Their extensive knowledge base is a treasure trove of information, containing a wide array of articles, step-by-step guides, and frequently asked questions. This resource is particularly beneficial for users who prefer to troubleshoot issues on their own or who wish to learn at their own pace.

Additionally, SendGrid encourages peer-to-peer support through its community forums. Here, users can exchange ideas, share solutions, and seek advice from fellow users. This type of support can be incredibly valuable, offering practical insights and tips from others who have firsthand experience with similar challenges.

SalesHandy’s Focused and Responsive Support

SalesHandy may have a more streamlined approach to customer support compared to SendGrid, but it’s notably efficient and user-focused.

SalesHandy primarily offers support via email. Their support team is known for being responsive, attentive, and helpful. While the absence of phone support might be a drawback for some users, the quality and effectiveness of their email support often compensate for this, ensuring users’ concerns and questions are addressed thoroughly.

In addition to direct customer support, SalesHandy provides a wealth of educational resources. Their blog is rich with informative articles that cover a broad range of topics related to sales and email marketing. These articles are not just troubleshooting guides but are also designed to educate users about best practices and new trends in the field.

For users new to the platform or to email marketing in general, SalesHandy offers valuable training and onboarding resources. These resources are designed to ensure a smooth start and to help users fully utilize the platform’s features.

Analytics and Reporting: Measuring Success

In email marketing, the ability to track and analyze your campaigns’ performance is crucial. It helps you understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing for data-driven decisions. Let’s compare how SendGrid and SalesHandy fare in providing analytics and reporting capabilities.

SendGrid: In-Depth Analytics for Data-Driven Strategies

SendGrid offers comprehensive analytics features that give you a detailed understanding of your email campaigns.

Detailed Campaign Analytics

With SendGrid, you can access in-depth analytics about your email campaigns. This includes metrics like open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and more. Such detailed information is essential for understanding the effectiveness of your campaigns and making necessary adjustments.

Real-Time Reporting

SendGrid provides real-time reporting, allowing you to see how your campaigns are performing as they unfold. This immediate feedback is invaluable for making quick adjustments to improve your campaigns.

Customizable Reports

Another significant feature of SendGrid is the ability to customize reports. You can tailor the reporting tools to focus on the metrics that matter most to you, making the data more relevant and actionable for your specific needs.

SalesHandy: Focused Reporting for Sales Emails

SalesHandy, while not as comprehensive as SendGrid in analytics, offers focused reporting features tailored for sales-oriented email campaigns.

Email Tracking Metrics

SalesHandy excels in providing key metrics for email tracking, such as open rates and click rates. This information is particularly useful for sales teams to gauge the interest level of prospects and leads.

Link Tracking

Apart from email opens and clicks, SalesHandy also provides link tracking. This feature lets you know how recipients are interacting with the content and links within your emails, offering insights into user engagement.

Simplified Data Presentation

SalesHandy’s reporting is designed to be straightforward and easy to understand. This simplicity is beneficial for users who need quick insights without the complexity of overly detailed data.


In conclusion, both SendGrid and SalesHandy stand out as competent and valuable email marketing tools, each with its unique strengths and offerings.

SendGrid shines with its in-depth analytics, comprehensive deliverability features, and a flexible pricing model that caters to a wide range of business sizes and needs. Its robust infrastructure and detailed reporting make it ideal for businesses that rely heavily on data-driven strategies and need granular control over their email campaigns. Additionally, SendGrid’s user-friendly interface and extensive customer support resources ensure a smooth and efficient email marketing experience.

On the other hand, SalesHandy is a strong contender for sales-focused email campaigns, offering efficient tracking and reporting features that are essential for sales teams. Its straightforward approach to email tracking and analytics, combined with responsive customer support and cost-effective pricing, makes it an attractive option for small to medium-sized businesses and sales teams looking for an effective way to manage their email outreach and engagement.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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