ActiveCampaign vs Elastic Email: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

ActiveCampaign vs Elastic Email: Discover which is the superior email marketing tool for 2024 with our detailed comparison on features, usability, and value.

In the vibrant and ever-evolving world of email marketing, the quest for the perfect tool is endless. As we approach 2024, two giants stand out in this arena: ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email. Both platforms have carved out their niches, but how do they stack up against each other? This comprehensive guide dives deep into a head-to-head comparison to help you decide which is the best email marketing tool for your needs in 2024.

ActiveCampaignElastic Email
activecampaignelastic mail
G2 Score – 4.5 out of 5 stars
G2 Score –  4.3 out of 5 stars

TrustRadius Score – 8.0 out of 10TrustRadius Score – 8.0 out of 10

User Experience: The Ease of Getting Started

In the world of email marketing, the first impression often comes from the user experience (UX) – how easy is it to get started? Let’s compare the UX of ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email to see which one leads the way.

ActiveCampaign: Intuitive and User-Friendly

ActiveCampaign is renowned for its user-friendly interface. From the moment you sign up, the platform guides you through a seamless onboarding process. The dashboard is intuitively designed, making navigation a breeze, even for beginners. You’re greeted with a clear layout of features like automation, campaign creation, and contact management – all accessible with just a few clicks.

One of the highlights of ActiveCampaign’s UX is its visual automation builder. This tool is a game-changer, especially for visual thinkers. It allows you to create complex email workflows through a simple drag-and-drop interface. This visual approach not only saves time but also makes it easier to understand and manage your email sequences.

Moreover, ActiveCampaign scores high on customization without compromising simplicity. The platform offers an array of customizable email templates that are easy to tweak to fit your brand’s style. Whether you’re crafting a quick campaign or setting up a detailed automation sequence, ActiveCampaign makes the process straightforward and hassle-free.

Elastic Email: Simplicity Meets Functionality

Elastic Email, on the other hand, takes a more minimalist approach. The platform offers a clean and uncluttered interface, which is a big plus if you prefer a straightforward, no-frills experience. The setup process is quick and efficient, allowing you to jump straight into creating campaigns.

While Elastic Email’s interface might lack some of the visual flair of ActiveCampaign, it compensates with its functional simplicity. The platform has a straightforward toolbar for navigating between different features like email creation, contact lists, and reports. For users who value a no-nonsense approach, this can be quite appealing.

However, when it comes to automation and template design, Elastic Email is a bit more basic compared to ActiveCampaign. The platform offers a decent selection of templates, but they are not as visually striking or as customizable. Similarly, while Elastic Email provides automation features, they are not as robust or intuitive as those offered by ActiveCampaign.

Automation Capabilities: Simplifying Email Marketing

Automation is a cornerstone of modern email marketing, offering the ability to send timely, personalized messages to your audience without constant manual intervention. Let’s see how ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email stack up in this crucial area.

ActiveCampaign: Mastering the Art of Automation

ActiveCampaign is often celebrated for its sophisticated automation capabilities. This platform allows you to create detailed, multi-step email sequences that can be triggered by various subscriber actions, like opening an email, visiting a webpage, or even making a purchase. The depth and flexibility of these automations are where ActiveCampaign truly shines.

The platform’s visual automation builder is a standout feature. It’s not just about automating emails; you can set up complex workflows that include conditional paths, wait times, and actions based on user behavior. This level of detail enables you to craft highly personalized experiences for your audience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Moreover, ActiveCampaign integrates automation with its CRM features, allowing you to manage and nurture leads more effectively. This integration is a boon for businesses looking to align their marketing and sales efforts seamlessly.

Elastic Email: Keeping Automation Simple and Effective

Elastic Email takes a more streamlined approach to automation. While it may not offer the same level of complexity as ActiveCampaign, it covers the essentials well. You can set up basic autoresponders and time-based sequences that are straightforward and easy to implement.

The platform focuses on simplicity and ease of use, making it a good choice for those who are new to email marketing or businesses that need basic automation without the bells and whistles. You can still personalize your emails and set up automated sequences, but the options are more limited compared to ActiveCampaign.

One of Elastic Email’s advantages in automation is its straightforward setup. It’s easier to get an automated campaign up and running quickly, which can be a significant time-saver for busy marketers or small business owners.

Email Deliverability: Ensuring Your Messages Reach the Inbox

Email deliverability is a critical factor in the success of any email marketing campaign. It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about making sure they land in the inbox, not the spam folder. Let’s compare how ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email handle this crucial aspect.

ActiveCampaign: High Deliverability with Proactive Management

ActiveCampaign has a strong reputation for high email deliverability rates. One key reason is its proactive approach to managing deliverability. The platform uses various technologies and best practices to ensure that your emails have the best chance of reaching your audience’s inboxes.

ActiveCampaign provides tools to optimize your email campaigns for better deliverability, such as spam testing and email design testing. They also offer advice on best practices for email content and list management to avoid common pitfalls that can hurt deliverability.

Moreover, ActiveCampaign’s robust infrastructure and strong relationships with email service providers contribute to its high deliverability rates. Their focus on maintaining a reputable sender status benefits all users on the platform.

Elastic Email: Focused Approach to Maximizing Reach

Elastic Email also places a high emphasis on email deliverability. The platform offers several features designed to help maximize the chances of your emails reaching the inbox. This includes advanced analytics to track email performance and tools to clean your email list, ensuring that you’re sending to engaged and valid email addresses.

Elastic Email provides detailed feedback on issues that might affect deliverability, like bounces and spam complaints. This feedback is invaluable for making necessary adjustments to your email strategy.

The platform also maintains a strong infrastructure to support high deliverability, including compliance with email sending best practices and regular monitoring of sender reputation.

Integration Capabilities: Expanding Your Marketing Ecosystem

The ability to integrate seamlessly with other digital tools can greatly enhance the effectiveness of an email marketing platform. Let’s delve into how ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email fare in terms of integration with other software and services.

ActiveCampaign: A Hub for Integrations

ActiveCampaign stands out with its extensive integration capabilities. It connects with a wide array of third-party applications, including popular CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, social media tools, and more. This range of integrations allows you to streamline your marketing efforts, centralizing various aspects of your digital strategy.

For instance, integrating ActiveCampaign with a CRM like Salesforce or a shopping cart system like Shopify can unlock powerful synergies. You can automate email campaigns based on customer behavior or sales data, creating a more personalized and effective marketing approach.

Furthermore, ActiveCampaign’s API opens the door for custom integrations. This is particularly useful for businesses with unique needs that require a more tailored solution.

Elastic Email: Focused and Functional Integrations

Elastic Email also offers integration capabilities, though the range is not as extensive as ActiveCampaign. The platform focuses on key integrations that are most relevant to email marketing, such as connecting with CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and analytics tools.

While the selection may be more limited, the available integrations are well-executed and offer the essential functionalities needed for most email marketing strategies. Elastic Email’s API is also available for creating custom integrations, providing flexibility for businesses with specific requirements.

Analytics and Reporting: Gaining Insights from Your Campaigns

The ability to track and analyze the performance of your email campaigns is crucial for refining your strategies and achieving better results. Let’s look at how ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email provide analytics and reporting features.

ActiveCampaign: Comprehensive Analytics for Informed Decisions

ActiveCampaign offers a rich set of analytics and reporting tools. These tools give you a detailed view of how your campaigns are performing, with metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. The depth of these analytics allows you to gain valuable insights into subscriber behavior and campaign effectiveness.

Beyond basic metrics, ActiveCampaign provides advanced reporting features like engagement over time, campaign comparisons, and automation reports. These insights are invaluable for understanding the nuances of your audience’s interactions with your emails and for adjusting your strategies accordingly.

Additionally, ActiveCampaign’s split testing feature enables you to test different elements of your emails to see what works best with your audience. This data-driven approach to email marketing helps in continuously optimizing your campaigns for higher engagement and better results.

Elastic Email: Streamlined Analytics for Clear Insights

Elastic Email offers a straightforward approach to analytics and reporting. The platform provides essential metrics such as open rates, click rates, and unsubscribe rates, which are easy to understand and act upon. This makes it suitable for businesses that prefer a more direct and less complicated approach to campaign analytics.

While Elastic Email may not offer the same level of depth in analytics as ActiveCampaign, it covers all the fundamental reporting needs of a standard email campaign. The platform’s focus on simplicity means that you can quickly get a clear picture of your campaign’s performance and make necessary adjustments without getting overwhelmed by data.

One of Elastic Email’s strengths in this area is its real-time reporting. You can see how your campaigns are performing as they unfold, allowing for timely interventions and adjustments.

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Pricing and Plans: Balancing Cost and Features

A crucial aspect when choosing an email marketing tool is the pricing structure and what you get for your investment. Let’s examine how ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email differ in their pricing strategies and what they offer at various price points.

ActiveCampaignLite Plan: Starting at $15/month (for up to 500 contacts), offering basic email marketing, marketing automation, and a customer CRM.
Plus Plan: Starting at $70/month, with additional features like landing pages, Facebook Custom Audiences integration, and lead scoring.
Professional Plan: Starting at $159/month, including site messaging, attribution, and predictive sending.
Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing, offering custom reporting, custom mailserver domain, and dedicated account rep.
Elastic EmailUnlimited Email Plan: Offers unlimited email sends per month. Pricing starts at $15/month for up to 5,000 contacts, with increasing rates for more contacts.
Pay as You Go Plan: Charges based on the volume of emails sent. Starts at $0.09 per 1,000 emails, with the price decreasing for higher volumes.
Email API Plan: Tailored for developers and high-volume senders. Offers robust API with detailed reporting. Pricing is based on volume and specific requirements.

ActiveCampaign: Flexible Pricing with Scalable Features

ActiveCampaign offers a tiered pricing structure, which scales based on the number of contacts and the level of features you need. The pricing tiers start with a basic plan, which includes essential email marketing features, and extend to more advanced plans that include CRM functionality, advanced automation, and more detailed analytics.

This tiered approach allows businesses of all sizes to find a plan that suits their needs and budget. Smaller businesses or those just starting with email marketing can opt for lower-tier plans, while larger businesses with more complex needs can choose higher-tier plans.

ActiveCampaign also offers a free trial, enabling potential users to test the platform and its features before making a financial commitment. This is a valuable option for those who want to ensure the platform aligns with their specific needs.

Elastic Email: Cost-Effective Plans for Budget-Conscious Users

Elastic Email presents a more straightforward and often more cost-effective pricing model. Their plans are primarily based on the volume of emails sent, making it a potentially more affordable option for businesses that have a large number of contacts but send emails less frequently.

Elastic Email’s pricing is particularly appealing for small businesses or startups that are conscious of their marketing budgets. The platform offers a basic plan that covers essential email marketing needs at a competitive price.

For businesses that require more advanced features, such as automation or more detailed analytics, Elastic Email’s higher-tier plans remain competitively priced, offering a good balance of functionality and affordability.

Customer Support and Resources: Ensuring You’re Well Supported

The level of customer support and the availability of learning resources are essential aspects, especially when navigating sophisticated email marketing tools. Let’s compare the support and resources offered by ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email.

ActiveCampaign: Comprehensive Support and Rich Educational Content

ActiveCampaign excels in providing extensive customer support. Users can access support through various channels, including email, live chat, and phone support, ensuring assistance is readily available for any issues or queries. The response time is generally quick, and the support team is known for being knowledgeable and helpful.

In addition to direct support, ActiveCampaign offers a wealth of educational resources. Their online library includes guides, webinars, and an extensive knowledge base. These resources are not only helpful for troubleshooting but also offer valuable insights and tips for maximizing the use of the platform. For businesses looking to deepen their email marketing knowledge, these learning materials are a significant advantage.

Elastic Email: Efficient Support with a Focus on Self-Help

Elastic Email also provides reliable customer support, with a focus on efficiency. The platform offers support primarily through email and a ticketing system, with a reputation for providing prompt and helpful responses. While the support channels might be more limited compared to ActiveCampaign, the quality of support is generally high.

Elastic Email also offers a range of self-help resources. Their knowledge base is filled with articles, guides, and FAQs that cover various aspects of using the platform. These resources are particularly useful for quickly finding answers to common questions and troubleshooting basic issues.

Template Quality and Customization: Crafting Engaging Emails

The quality and customization options of email templates are vital for creating visually appealing and effective email campaigns. Let’s see how ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email compare in this area.

ActiveCampaign: Diverse and Highly Customizable Templates

ActiveCampaign is known for its extensive range of email templates. These templates are not only professionally designed but also highly customizable, allowing you to tailor them to fit your brand’s unique style and messaging. Whether you’re looking for a sleek newsletter layout, a vibrant promotional email, or a simple transactional template, ActiveCampaign has options to suit various needs.

The platform’s drag-and-drop email builder makes customization easy, even for users with no technical background. You can adjust layouts, change colors, add images, and modify content effortlessly. This level of customization enables businesses to create emails that are both on-brand and engaging, enhancing the overall effectiveness of their campaigns.

Elastic Email: Simple and Functional Templates

Elastic Email offers a selection of email templates that are more focused on functionality and simplicity. While the range may not be as extensive as ActiveCampaign’s, the available templates cover basic email types and are easy to use.

Customization in Elastic Email is straightforward, with a user-friendly interface that allows for basic modifications like changing colors and text. While the customization options are not as advanced as ActiveCampaign’s, they are sufficient for creating clean and professional-looking emails without requiring a lot of time or design skills.


In the quest to find the best email marketing tool for 2024, both ActiveCampaign and Elastic Email present compelling features. ActiveCampaign stands out for its user-friendly interface, advanced automation capabilities, comprehensive analytics, extensive integrations, and customizable email templates. It’s an excellent choice for businesses seeking a feature-rich platform that offers flexibility and scalability.

Elastic Email, on the other hand, appeals with its straightforward approach, focusing on simplicity and functionality. Its cost-effective pricing and efficient support make it a viable option for small businesses or those just starting with email marketing. Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific business needs, budget, and the level of sophistication required for your email marketing campaigns. ActiveCampaign is suited for those needing a more comprehensive tool, while Elastic Email is ideal for users seeking simplicity and basic functionality.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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