SendGrid vs Campaigner: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Compare SendGrid and Campaigner to find your ideal email marketing solution. We analyze features and benefits to guide your choice

Hey there! Are you in a fix choosing between SendGrid and Campaigner for your email marketing needs? Well, you’re not alone. Picking the right tool can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. But worry not, because we’re about to dive deep into a head-to-head comparison of these two popular platforms. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear picture of which service fits your email marketing needs like a glove. Let’s kick off this journey with a key area of comparison.

G2 Score – 4.0 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 3.6 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 7.6/10TrustRadius Score – 2.4/10

Feature Set: The Tools of the Trade

When choosing an email marketing platform, the range and quality of features available can make or break your decision. SendGrid and Campaigner both offer an array of tools, but how do they stack up against each other? Let’s break it down.

SendGrid: A Powerhouse of Features

SendGrid is like the Swiss Army knife of email marketing tools. It’s packed with features that cater to a variety of needs, from the basics to more advanced requirements.

Easy-to-Use Email Editor

SendGrid’s email editor is a standout. It’s intuitive, user-friendly, and perfect for those who want to quickly put together emails without a steep learning curve. The drag-and-drop functionality makes it a breeze to design emails, even if you don’t have a background in design.

Advanced Deliverability

Deliverability is where SendGrid really shines. They offer advanced tools to ensure your emails actually land in your subscribers’ inboxes, not the spam folder. This includes dedicated IP addresses, domain authentication, and more. It’s like having a GPS for your emails, guiding them to the right destination.

Scalable Analytics

SendGrid also offers comprehensive analytics, allowing you to track everything from open rates to click-through rates, and tailor your campaigns accordingly. These insights are crucial for fine-tuning your strategies and maximizing the impact of your email campaigns.

Campaigner: Rich in Customization and Integration

Campaigner may not be as well-known as SendGrid, but it’s a powerhouse in its own right, especially when it comes to customization and integration.

Customizable Email Workflows

Campaigner’s strength lies in its customizable workflows. You can create complex, automated email sequences that are triggered by specific subscriber actions. This level of customization allows for highly targeted and effective email campaigns.

Extensive Integration

Another area where Campaigner excels is in its integration capabilities. It seamlessly integrates with a wide range of third-party apps and services, enhancing the functionality and reach of your email marketing efforts. This is perfect for those who rely on a variety of tools and want everything to work together smoothly.

Robust Reporting Features

Campaigner also offers robust reporting features. You can dive deep into the performance of your campaigns with detailed analytics, which are invaluable for understanding your audience and improving your campaigns over time.

Pricing and Plans

Matching Your Budget with the Right Tool

In the quest for the perfect email marketing tool, understanding the nuances of pricing and plans offered by SendGrid and Campaigner is crucial. Let’s dive deeper into how each platform structures its pricing and what it means for you as a user.


  • Free Plan: Offers up to 100 emails per day forever.
  • Essentials Plan: Starting at $14.95 per month for 50,000 emails per month, with no daily sending limit. Includes basic email features.
  • Pro Plan: Starting at $89.95 per month for 100,000 emails per month, includes advanced features like dedicated IP addresses and sub-user management.
  • Premier Plan: Custom pricing for high-volume senders needing advanced features and customization.


  • Starter Plan: Begins around $59 per month for up to 5,000 contacts, including basic email marketing features and 24/7 support.
  • Essential Plan: Priced around $179 per month for up to 25,000 contacts, adding features like advanced segmentation and A/B testing.
  • Advanced Plan: Starting from around $649 per month for up to 50,000 contacts, offering advanced automation, reporting, and integrations.
  • eCommerce Plan: Designed specifically for eCommerce businesses with custom pricing, including features like purchase behavior tracking and predictive analytics.

SendGrid’s Flexible Pricing Model

SendGrid’s pricing structure is designed with scalability in mind, accommodating businesses of all sizes and stages. It starts with a free plan, a significant draw for small businesses or individuals just stepping into the realm of email marketing. This plan typically includes a basic set of features and a generous email volume, allowing users to test the waters without financial commitment.

As businesses grow and their needs become more complex, SendGrid’s paid plans come into play. These plans are structured around email volumes, ensuring that you pay in proportion to your use. This approach is especially beneficial for businesses with variable email marketing volumes, as it allows them to scale up or down based on their current needs without being locked into a rigid plan.

High-tier plans in SendGrid offer more than just increased email limits. They come with advanced features such as dedicated IP addresses, sophisticated analytics, and enhanced customer support. These features are crucial for businesses that rely heavily on email marketing and need deeper insights and control over their campaigns.

The adaptability of SendGrid’s pricing is one of its strongest points. It allows businesses to start modestly and expand their plan as they grow, aligning their expenditure with their email marketing needs.

Campaigner’s Comprehensive Plan Structure

Campaigner approaches its pricing model differently. Their plans are designed to offer a comprehensive suite of features from the outset. This approach is particularly appealing for businesses that require a wide array of functionalities without the need to upgrade continually.

The entry-level plans of Campaigner, despite being the base tier, are packed with robust features. These include advanced automation, detailed segmentation, and A/B testing capabilities. This means even small businesses or startups can access powerful tools typically reserved for higher-paying customers.

As you move to the higher-tier plans, Campaigner introduces more advanced features. These may include more sophisticated automation capabilities, enhanced reporting tools, and higher email sending volumes. These plans are tailored for businesses with intensive email marketing demands, providing them with the necessary tools to execute complex, large-scale campaigns.

One of the defining aspects of Campaigner’s pricing is its all-inclusive nature. Rather than paying extra for essential features, users have access to a wide range of tools across all plans, ensuring that even the most basic plan is robust enough to run effective email marketing campaigns.

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Customer Support and Resources: Ensuring Smooth Email Marketing Journeys

In the world of email marketing, having a reliable support system and access to comprehensive resources can significantly enhance your experience. Let’s delve deeper into the customer support and educational offerings of SendGrid and Campaigner to see how they ensure their users are well-equipped to manage their email marketing campaigns.

SendGrid’s Approach to Customer Support

SendGrid has developed a robust support system designed to meet various customer needs. Their approach is multifaceted, ensuring that every user, regardless of their expertise or the complexity of their issues, has access to the help they need.

The diversity in support channels offered by SendGrid stands out. With options like email, phone, and live chat, users can choose the mode of communication that best suits their needs. This flexibility is particularly beneficial when dealing with time-sensitive issues or when seeking quick clarifications.

The strength of SendGrid’s support, however, extends beyond these direct channels. They have put considerable effort into developing a comprehensive knowledge base. This online resource is replete with detailed articles, step-by-step guides, and answers to frequently asked questions. It’s an invaluable tool for users who prefer self-service and those who wish to deepen their understanding of the platform’s capabilities.

In addition, SendGrid encourages community support through forums where users can interact, share experiences, and offer solutions. This peer-to-peer platform can be especially helpful for gaining practical advice and learning from the experiences of fellow users.

Campaigner’s Customer Support and Resources

Campaigner takes a slightly different but equally effective approach to customer support. Their focus is on providing thorough and specialized assistance to ensure users can leverage the full potential of their platform.

While Campaigner might not offer as wide a range of support channels as SendGrid, their email and phone support are noteworthy for their responsiveness and quality. Users often find that their queries are addressed in a detailed and helpful manner, reflecting the depth of knowledge and commitment of Campaigner’s support staff.

Beyond direct customer support, Campaigner invests in educating and informing its users. They offer a wealth of educational materials, including insightful webinars, comprehensive whitepapers, and a regularly updated blog. These resources cover a wide range of topics, from basic email marketing principles to advanced strategies and trends.

Campaigner also recognizes the importance of hands-on learning, especially for new users or those undertaking complex campaigns. Their training and onboarding sessions are tailored to provide users with practical knowledge and skills needed to effectively utilize the platform.

Integration Capabilities: Enhancing Email Marketing Efficiency

In today’s multifaceted digital landscape, the integration capabilities of an email marketing tool can significantly amplify its effectiveness. A closer look at how SendGrid and Campaigner integrate with other systems and applications reveals much about their adaptability and efficiency in broader marketing ecosystems.

Exploring SendGrid’s Integration Landscape

SendGrid’s approach to integration is expansive, reflecting its role as a comprehensive email marketing solution. It’s designed to seamlessly mesh with a broad spectrum of other software and platforms, enhancing its utility and efficiency.

The platform excels in its ability to integrate with popular CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and a variety of other essential business tools. This extensive range of integrations ensures that email marketing efforts using SendGrid are not isolated but are instead an integrated part of the overall business strategy. Such connectivity is crucial for maintaining coherence and continuity across different marketing and operational channels.

Moreover, SendGrid’s robust API plays a pivotal role in its integration capabilities. The API is versatile and well-documented, catering to businesses that require custom integrations. This level of flexibility is invaluable for organizations with unique needs that standard integrations may not fulfill. The ability to tailor and build custom integrations means SendGrid can adapt to virtually any business requirement, making it a versatile choice for diverse business models.

SendGrid’s focus on e-commerce integration deserves special mention. By linking with platforms like Shopify or Magento, SendGrid enables businesses to automate and personalize email communications based on customer behavior and purchase history. This feature not only enhances the effectiveness of email campaigns but also contributes to a more personalized and engaging customer experience.

Campaigner’s Integration Capabilities

Campaigner’s integration capabilities, while perhaps not as extensive as SendGrid’s, are nonetheless robust and focused, particularly on enhancing marketing efficiency.

The platform offers solid integration options with various marketing tools, notably in areas like analytics, social media, and customer relationship management. These integrations are designed to ensure that email marketing campaigns managed through Campaigner are well-aligned with other marketing initiatives. The seamless flow of data and insights across different platforms empowers businesses to make informed, data-driven decisions.

Additionally, Campaigner provides API access, allowing for custom integrations. This feature, while perhaps not as broad as SendGrid’s, still offers a degree of flexibility and adaptability. It enables businesses to tailor the platform to their specific operational and marketing ecosystems.

A particular strength of Campaigner’s integration is its focus on analytics and reporting tools. By ensuring easy connectivity with these tools, Campaigner allows businesses to deeply analyze the performance of their email campaigns. This focus on data-driven insights is crucial for refining marketing strategies and achieving better outcomes.


In conclusion, when we juxtapose SendGrid and Campaigner in the realm of email marketing tools, we’re presented with two robust platforms, each with its unique strengths and offerings. SendGrid emerges as a highly adaptable and scalable solution, ideal for businesses of various sizes and needs. Its extensive integration capabilities, flexible pricing, and comprehensive support system make it a strong contender for those seeking an all-in-one email marketing solution.

Campaigner, on the other hand, shines with its focus on providing a feature-rich experience at every pricing tier, coupled with targeted integration capabilities, particularly in analytics and marketing tools. This makes it an attractive choice for businesses that require a comprehensive set of features from the get-go and those who prioritize a data-driven approach to email marketing.

Ultimately, the decision between SendGrid and Campaigner will hinge on your specific business requirements, the scale of your email marketing operations, and the level of customization and integration you need. SendGrid is well-suited for those who seek flexibility and scalability, while Campaigner is ideal for businesses looking for a robust, feature-intensive platform from the outset.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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