Mailshake vs Sendy: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Discover whether Mailshake or Sendy fits your email marketing needs with our in-depth comparison. Make the right choice for your campaigns today.

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, where emails act as crucial bridges connecting brands with their audience, selecting the right email marketing tool is paramount. Amidst a sea of options, Mailshake and Sendy emerge as noteworthy contenders, each with its unique strengths poised to elevate your email campaigns. But which one aligns best with your marketing aspirations? Whether you’re crafting your first campaign or seeking to optimize an established strategy, this exploration into Mailshake and Sendy will illuminate your path, guiding you to the email marketing solution that resonates with your goals.

G2 Score – 4.7 out of 5 stars
G2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars

TrustRadius Score – 8.6 out of 10TrustRadius Score – 9 out of 10

Ease of Use: Steering Through User Experience

The ease of navigating an email marketing platform significantly impacts its effectiveness and the efficiency of your campaigns. A tool that blends intuitiveness with functionality can transform the intricate process of email marketing into a smooth journey. Let’s embark on an exploration of how Mailshake and Sendy fare in delivering a user-friendly experience.

Mailshake: Simplifying Outreach

Mailshake is lauded for its straightforward approach, designed to streamline the outreach process. With a focus on simplicity, the platform facilitates the creation, execution, and monitoring of email campaigns without the need for extensive technical knowledge. Its user interface is clean and intuitive, ensuring that users can quickly grasp the system’s workings and begin their email outreach efforts with minimal setup time.

Mailshake’s strength lies in its ability to make sophisticated email outreach accessible to all marketers, regardless of their technical expertise. Features such as template customization, automated follow-ups, and performance tracking are presented in a user-friendly manner, empowering users to launch effective campaigns with confidence.

Sendy: Leveraging Self-Hosting for Control

Sendy presents a different approach by offering a self-hosted email marketing solution that integrates with Amazon SES for sending emails. This setup provides users with a high degree of control over their email campaigns, from managing subscriber lists to monitoring detailed analytics. While the initial setup of Sendy requires a bit more technical involvement, especially in terms of hosting and integration with Amazon SES, its interface is designed to be straightforward once configured.

The platform appeals to users who are comfortable with a DIY approach and those seeking a cost-effective solution that doesn’t compromise on the power of their email marketing tool. Sendy’s dashboard provides clear access to campaign creation, list management, and analytics, offering a balance between control and ease of use.

Navigating the User Experience Seas

Choosing between Mailshake and Sendy based on ease of use ultimately depends on your preferences for simplicity versus control and your comfort level with technical setups. If you’re looking for an intuitive platform that offers a hands-off approach to email outreach, Mailshake’s user-friendly design and automated features make it an attractive option. However, if you prioritize having detailed control over your campaigns and don’t mind the initial technical setup for a more cost-effective solution, Sendy’s self-hosted model offers the granularity and affordability you might be seeking.

In the quest for the perfect email marketing tool, considering how the platform’s ease of use aligns with your technical expertise and marketing needs is crucial. Whether you choose the streamlined simplicity of Mailshake or the customizable control of Sendy, ensuring your selected platform empowers you to execute your email marketing strategy efficiently is key to achieving your objectives.

Pricing and Affordability: Maximizing Your Marketing Dollar

In the quest to find the best email marketing tool, understanding the pricing structures of Mailshake and Sendy is key to determining which platform offers the best fit for your financial and marketing goals.

MailshakeEmail Outreach Plan: Priced at $59/user/month when billed annually. Includes features like email personalization, lead catchers, and analytics.
Sales Engagement Plan: Priced at $99/user/month when billed annually. Includes additional features like phone dialer, social selling, and Salesforce integration.
Both plans offer features tailored for sales teams and agencies focusing on cold email outreach and sales engagement.
SendySendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that integrates with Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) for sending emails.
One-Time Fee: A one-time purchase price of $69, which allows you to install Sendy on your own web server.
Amazon SES Costs: After purchasing Sendy, you’ll need an Amazon SES account. Amazon SES typically charges $0.10 per thousand emails sent, plus data transfer fees. This can be significantly cheaper than other email marketing services for large volumes of emails.

Mailshake: Subscription-Based Simplicity

Mailshake operates on a subscription-based pricing model, offering several tiers that cater to different needs and scales of operation. The pricing varies based on the features available at each level, with all plans including access to Mailshake’s core capabilities such as email sending, campaign automation, and basic analytics. Higher-tier plans unlock advanced features, including A/B testing, enhanced automation, and more detailed analytics.

One of Mailshake’s strengths is its transparent pricing, making it easy for businesses to predict monthly costs and assess the value provided at each tier. This model is particularly appealing to teams looking for a straightforward, predictable cost structure without the need for complex calculations based on email volume or subscriber counts.

Sendy: Cost-Effectiveness Through Self-Hosting

Sendy’s pricing model is notably different, focusing on affordability and control. As a self-hosted solution, Sendy requires a one-time purchase fee, after which users can send emails at extremely low costs through Amazon SES. This model is highly cost-effective, especially for users with large subscriber lists or those who send emails frequently, as the cost per email can be significantly lower than traditional subscription-based services.

The trade-off with Sendy’s model is the initial setup requirement and ongoing self-management. However, for users comfortable with or capable of managing their hosting, Sendy offers an unparalleled level of affordability, particularly at scale. The one-time fee structure also means that, over time, the cost savings compared to subscription models can be substantial.

Navigating the Waters of Email Marketing Costs

Deciding between Mailshake and Sendy based on pricing involves weighing the immediate and long-term costs against the features and scalability each platform offers. If you value simplicity, predictability, and access to a suite of ready-to-use features without the need for technical setup, Mailshake’s subscription model provides a clear pathway with tiered options to grow.

Conversely, if your priority is minimizing long-term costs and you have the technical capability to manage a self-hosted solution, Sendy’s one-time fee and the low cost of sending emails via Amazon SES present a highly attractive option, especially for high-volume senders.

In choosing the best email marketing tool, assessing how each platform’s pricing structure aligns with your marketing budget, technical resources, and future growth plans is crucial. Whether the predictable, feature-rich environment of Mailshake or the unparalleled cost-effectiveness of Sendy better suits your needs, ensuring your choice delivers both value and performance is key to empowering your email marketing strategy.

Deliverability and Performance: Ensuring Your Messages Hit the Mark

In the competitive landscape of email inboxes, the deliverability of your campaigns directly influences their success. Let’s see how Mailshake and Sendy stack up in getting your emails where they need to go.

Mailshake: Prioritizing Inbox Placement

Mailshake puts a strong emphasis on deliverability, implementing several measures to ensure high inbox placement rates. The platform operates on a robust infrastructure designed to maintain a positive sender reputation, which is crucial for bypassing spam filters and reaching inboxes. Mailshake provides users with best practices and guidelines for crafting email content that avoids triggering spam detection mechanisms, alongside features that help maintain a healthy email list, such as automatic bounce handling and unsubscribe management.

Furthermore, Mailshake’s analytics give detailed insights into campaign performance, allowing users to track deliverability rates, open rates, and click-through rates. This data is invaluable for optimizing future campaigns for better engagement and performance.

Sendy: Leveraging Amazon SES for High Deliverability

Sendy’s unique selling point in deliverability lies in its integration with Amazon SES (Simple Email Service), known for its high deliverability rates. By leveraging Amazon’s infrastructure, Sendy users can benefit from the scale and reliability of one of the largest cloud service providers. This integration means that businesses can enjoy some of the best deliverability rates in the industry at a fraction of the cost compared to other platforms.

However, it’s worth noting that while Sendy provides the tools for managing campaigns and analyzing performance, the onus is on the user to manage their sender reputation and comply with best practices for list management and email content. Sendy offers basic analytics that help track the success of your campaigns, including open and click rates, which are crucial for measuring engagement and tweaking campaigns for better results.

Charting a Course for Email Success

When comparing Mailshake and Sendy on the fronts of deliverability and performance, the choice boils down to the level of control you desire and the infrastructure you trust. Mailshake offers a managed solution with built-in best practices and support designed to optimize deliverability and campaign performance, making it an attractive option for those who prefer a hands-off approach or need guidance to ensure their campaigns reach their audience effectively.

On the other hand, Sendy, with its reliance on Amazon SES, offers a more hands-on approach that can yield excellent deliverability at a lower cost, provided users are willing to take on more responsibility for maintaining their email practices and sender reputation.

In the quest to ensure your email marketing messages not only reach their intended audience but also drive engagement, considering how each platform supports deliverability and performance is key. Whether you lean towards the managed environment and detailed insights of Mailshake or the cost-effective, infrastructure-backed approach of Sendy, selecting a platform that aligns with your operational preferences and marketing goals is essential for achieving email marketing success.

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Integration Capabilities: Enhancing Your Marketing Ecosystem

The capacity for integration plays a crucial role in ensuring that your email marketing efforts are not siloed but are part of a cohesive digital marketing strategy. Here’s a closer look at the integration ecosystems of Mailshake and Sendy.

Mailshake: A Symphony of Integrations

Mailshake excels in providing a robust suite of integration options, enabling users to connect their email marketing activities with a wide range of other digital marketing tools and platforms. This includes native integrations with popular CRMs to ensure that sales and marketing efforts are closely aligned, as well as connections with social media platforms, allowing for the easy sharing of campaign content across different channels.

Additionally, Mailshake offers integration with analytics and reporting tools, giving marketers the ability to track the performance of their campaigns in a comprehensive manner. For tools and services not covered by native integrations, Mailshake supports Zapier, which opens up the possibility of connecting with thousands of other applications, further enhancing the platform’s versatility and the ability to automate workflows across your marketing stack.

Sendy: Focused Integrations with a DIY Spirit

Sendy’s approach to integrations is markedly different, largely due to its self-hosted nature. While it may not offer the same breadth of native integrations as some other platforms, Sendy provides essential connections that support its core functionality. This includes integration with Amazon SES for email delivery, as well as with popular analytics tools to measure campaign performance.

For additional integration needs, Sendy users can leverage the platform’s API to develop custom connections or use third-party services like Zapier to link Sendy with a wide range of other tools and applications. This DIY approach to integrations allows for a high degree of customization, enabling businesses to tailor their email marketing infrastructure to their specific needs, although it may require a bit more technical resourcefulness.

Crafting a Connected Digital Marketing Strategy

When it comes to selecting an email marketing platform based on integration capabilities, your decision will likely hinge on the specific tools you already use or plan to use in your marketing strategy, as well as the level of customization and flexibility you require. If you’re looking for a solution that offers a wide array of ready-to-use integrations and the ability to easily connect with virtually any other tool in your marketing stack, Mailshake’s comprehensive integration options present a compelling choice.

Conversely, if you prefer a more hands-on approach and are comfortable with leveraging APIs or third-party services like Zapier to create a customized integration setup, Sendy’s flexible and cost-effective platform may align more closely with your operational style and marketing objectives.

Integrating your email marketing tool with the rest of your digital marketing ecosystem is crucial for creating seamless workflows and maximizing the impact of your campaigns. Whether through Mailshake’s extensive network of native integrations and Zapier connections or Sendy’s API flexibility, ensuring your chosen platform can communicate effectively with your broader marketing stack is key to achieving a cohesive and efficient marketing strategy.

Customer Support and Resources: Ensuring Smooth Sailing in Email Marketing

The level of customer support and the availability of learning resources can significantly impact your ability to utilize an email marketing platform to its fullest potential. Let’s evaluate what Mailshake and Sendy offer in terms of support and educational content.

Mailshake: Comprehensive Support for All Users

Mailshake is known for its robust customer support system, designed to assist users at every step of their email marketing journey. Offering a variety of channels for support, including email, live chat, and phone support, Mailshake ensures that help is readily accessible for addressing any questions or issues that may arise. This multi-channel support system is particularly beneficial for businesses that require immediate assistance or those with complex queries that need in-depth resolution.

In addition to direct support, Mailshake provides an extensive library of educational resources, including how-to guides, tutorials, webinars, and a blog filled with email marketing tips and best practices. These resources are invaluable for users looking to expand their knowledge, learn new strategies, and get the most out of the platform’s features.

Sendy: Self-Service Support with Community Assistance

Sendy’s approach to customer support is a bit different, largely due to its self-hosted nature. The platform offers a knowledge base that covers a wide range of topics, from setup and configuration to campaign management and troubleshooting. While direct support options may be more limited compared to Mailshake, Sendy has a strong community forum where users can seek advice, share experiences, and find solutions to common problems.

The self-service model encourages users to independently explore solutions through available resources, although it might pose challenges for less tech-savvy users or those encountering complex issues. However, for many users, the community forum serves as a valuable platform for peer-to-peer support and learning.

Navigating Customer Support and Resources

Choosing between Mailshake and Sendy based on their customer support and resources ultimately depends on your preferences for support accessibility and your comfort level with self-service resources. If you prioritize direct access to a variety of support channels and a rich library of educational content to guide your email marketing efforts, Mailshake’s comprehensive support structure provides a strong backbone for both troubleshooting and learning.

On the other hand, if you’re comfortable with a DIY approach to problem-solving and value a community-driven support system, Sendy’s model offers the basics needed to get started, with the added benefit of insights from a user community that can help navigate the platform’s nuances.

Effective customer support and educational resources are crucial for maximizing the impact of your email marketing campaigns and ensuring a positive user experience. Whether through Mailshake’s direct and extensive support system or Sendy’s self-service and community-based approach, having access to the right level of guidance and information is key to leveraging the full power of your chosen email marketing platform.

Automation and Personalization: Tailoring Your Message for Maximum Impact

The right balance of automation and personalization can transform your email marketing strategy, making it possible to send timely, relevant, and engaging content to each segment of your audience. Here’s how Mailshake and Sendy stack up in providing these capabilities.

Mailshake: Streamlining Outreach with Personal Touches

Mailshake offers a robust suite of automation tools designed to streamline your email outreach efforts. With features like automated follow-ups based on recipient actions (e.g., opens, clicks, replies), Mailshake helps ensure your messages stay top of mind without requiring constant manual intervention. This level of automation is invaluable for sales teams and marketers looking to maintain consistent communication with their prospects and customers.

In terms of personalization, Mailshake allows for dynamic content insertion, enabling you to customize each email with information specific to the recipient, such as their name, company, or any other custom field you’ve collected. This capability, combined with Mailshake’s segmentation features, means you can tailor your campaigns to address the specific interests and needs of different audience segments, making your communications more relevant and engaging.

Sendy: Leveraging Data for Personalized Automation

Sendy’s approach to automation and personalization is closely tied to its integration with Amazon SES, offering a cost-effective way to manage and send personalized email campaigns at scale. While Sendy may require a bit more technical setup compared to some other platforms, it provides powerful tools for creating personalized email content based on subscriber data, enabling you to send targeted messages that resonate with your audience.

Sendy supports autoresponders and scheduled campaigns, allowing for basic automation of email sequences. Additionally, through the use of custom fields and segmentation, users can personalize emails to address recipients by name or include other personalized details, enhancing the relevance of each message sent.

Enhancing Campaign Effectiveness Through Smart Targeting

Deciding between Mailshake and Sendy based on their automation and personalization features will largely depend on your specific needs and how much control you want over the customization of your campaigns. If you’re looking for an intuitive platform that offers sophisticated automation capabilities and easy-to-use personalization options, Mailshake is well-equipped to meet those needs, especially for users prioritizing sales and outreach automation.

Conversely, if you prefer a platform that combines the affordability of Amazon SES with the ability to execute personalized email campaigns and are willing to navigate a more hands-on setup, Sendy offers a compelling solution, particularly for those with a technical background or access to technical resources.

In the realm of email marketing, the power to automate personalized communication paths for your audience is key to forging stronger connections and driving higher engagement. Whether through Mailshake’s comprehensive automation features and personalization capabilities or Sendy’s cost-effective, data-driven approach, selecting a platform that empowers you to deliver timely, tailored messages is crucial for maximizing the impact of your email marketing efforts.


Choosing between Mailshake and Sendy for your email marketing needs ultimately hinges on your specific requirements, budget, and technical expertise. Mailshake offers a user-friendly platform with robust automation and personalization features, ideal for sales teams and marketers seeking to streamline their outreach efforts with minimal fuss. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive support make it a standout choice for those who value ease of use alongside powerful functionality.

On the other hand, Sendy presents a more cost-effective solution for those with a technical inclination, leveraging Amazon SES’s high deliverability rates and affordability. While it demands a bit more setup and management effort, Sendy’s model is exceptionally suited for businesses looking to maximize their email marketing ROI over a large scale. Whether you prioritize the simplicity and advanced features of Mailshake or the affordability and control offered by Sendy, both platforms provide formidable tools to enhance your email marketing campaigns, drive engagement, and foster meaningful connections with your audience.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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