M-Files vs Tresorit: The Best Document Management Tool for You

Evaluate M-Files against Tresorit to determine which provides superior security, cloud storage solutions, and collaboration features

In today’s digital age, where data is as precious as gold, picking the right document management tool isn’t just an IT decision—it’s a strategic business move. On the quest for the perfect system to organize, secure, and streamline our digital files, two contenders stand out: M-Files and Tresorit. But how do they stack up against each other? M-Files, with its innovative, metadata-driven approach, offers a sophisticated way to manage documents by what they are, not where they’re stored. Tresorit, on the other hand, shines with its strong emphasis on security and encryption, promising peace of mind for businesses handling sensitive information.

G2 Score – 4.3 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 4.5 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 9.2/10TrustRadius Score –  9.8/10

Security and Compliance: The Pillars of Trustworthy Document Management

In an era where cyber threats loom large and data privacy regulations tighten, the security and compliance features of your chosen document management tool are more critical than ever.

M-Files: Robust Security Meets Comprehensive Compliance

M-Files offers top-tier security measures, including advanced encryption for data at rest and in transit, ensuring that your documents are protected against unauthorized access. It leverages a unique metadata-driven approach to manage access controls, allowing for precise, role-based permissions that keep sensitive information locked down.

M-Files shines when it comes to compliance, providing extensive support for a range of regulatory frameworks such as GDPR, HIPAA, and more. Its ability to automate compliance-related processes, like retention schedules and audit trails, reduces the burden of maintaining compliance and minimizes the risk of human error.

Tresorit: Encryption-First Approach for Maximum Security

Tresorit’s claim to fame is its unparalleled commitment to security, with end-to-end encryption that protects your files from the moment they leave your device until they reach their intended recipient. This zero-knowledge policy ensures that not even Tresorit’s servers can access your unencrypted data, offering a level of security that’s hard to beat.

While Tresorit may not offer the same breadth of compliance tools as M-Files, it still provides solid support for key regulations, ensuring that businesses can meet their legal obligations. Its secure data handling and privacy-focused features make it a strong contender for organizations prioritizing data protection above all else.

Integration Capabilities: Bridging Systems for Seamless Workflows

The ability of a document management system (DMS) to seamlessly integrate with existing software ecosystems is a pivotal factor in its effectiveness. It can significantly impact productivity, ensuring that workflows are streamlined and that there is a cohesive environment for users to work within. The degree to which a DMS can connect with other business tools—ranging from CRM and ERP systems to email platforms and beyond—determines its value in facilitating a unified and efficient operational framework.

M-Files: The Agile Integrator

M-Files stands out for its flexible and powerful integration capabilities, designed to enhance connectivity across the business software landscape. Thanks to its API-first approach and extensive partner ecosystem, M-Files can be seamlessly integrated with a wide array of systems, including Microsoft 365, Salesforce, SAP, and more. This interoperability allows for the creation of a cohesive digital workspace where documents and data flow smoothly between applications.

For specialized needs, M-Files supports custom development, enabling businesses to tailor integrations to their unique requirements. Additionally, a variety of off-the-shelf plugins and connectors are available, simplifying the integration process for common software platforms.

Tresorit: Secure Syncing with Essential Systems

Tresorit focuses on providing secure cloud storage and sharing capabilities, with a particular emphasis on security. Its integration capabilities are designed to ensure that data remains protected while offering syncing with essential productivity tools. Tresorit offers integration with Microsoft 365 for editing and collaboration, ensuring that documents stored in Tresorit can be easily accessed and worked on using familiar office applications.

While Tresorit delivers on security and basic productivity integrations, its options for custom integration or connectivity with a broader range of business systems are more limited compared to M-Files. Organizations requiring deep integration with industry-specific or custom-built software may find Tresorit’s offerings to be somewhat restrictive.

Collaboration and Workflow Automation: Streamlining Processes and Enhancing Teamwork

The right DMS should not only facilitate secure and efficient document storage but also enhance how teams work together and manage document-related tasks.

M-Files: Intelligent Collaboration Meets Customizable Workflows

M-Files shines in fostering collaboration through its metadata-driven organization, which naturally enhances document discoverability and relevance for teams. It allows for real-time co-authoring, version control, and notifications, ensuring that team members are always working with the most up-to-date information. Additionally, its ability to integrate with common communication tools enhances its collaborative capabilities.

One of M-Files’ standout features is its highly customizable workflow automation. Leveraging the power of metadata, M-Files can automate document-based processes, from simple approvals to complex cross-departmental workflows. This not only speeds up operations but also reduces the potential for human error, making processes more consistent and reliable.

Tresorit: Secure Collaboration with Streamlined Workflows

Tresorit prioritizes secure collaboration, providing teams with encrypted spaces to store, share, and work on documents. While it may not offer the same level of real-time co-authoring as M-Files, it excels in secure file sharing, both internally and externally. Tresorit’s approach ensures that sensitive information remains protected, even when collaborating with stakeholders outside the organization.

Tresorit offers basic workflow automation capabilities, focusing on secure document sharing and approvals. Its automation features are designed to streamline common document management tasks, such as review cycles and access management, ensuring that documents move through the organization securely and efficiently.

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User Experience (UX) and Ease of Use: Simplifying the Complex

The intuitiveness of a DMS and the ease with which users can navigate its features are critical for minimizing training time, enhancing productivity, and ensuring the system’s effective use across the organization.

M-Files: Intuitive Design Powered by Intelligence

M-Files delivers an exceptionally user-friendly experience, highlighted by its clean and intuitive interface. Its unique metadata-driven approach transcends traditional folder hierarchies, enabling users to find documents based on what they are, not where they are. This not only simplifies document retrieval but also introduces a level of efficiency that traditional file storage systems struggle to match.

M-Files excels in offering a personalized user experience through its dynamic views, which adjust based on the user’s role, projects, or specific tasks. This tailored approach ensures that users have quick access to the documents most relevant to their work, further enhancing productivity.

Tresorit: Streamlined Simplicity with a Focus on Security

Tresorit provides a straightforward and secure user experience, emphasizing simplicity and data protection. Its interface is designed to be accessible, allowing users to easily upload, access, and share documents. The emphasis on security is evident throughout the user experience, with robust encryption processes seamlessly integrated into everyday tasks.

Tresorit shines in its ease of use, particularly for basic document management tasks like storage, retrieval, and sharing. Its straightforward design minimizes the learning curve for new users, making it an attractive option for organizations looking for a secure yet user-friendly document management solution.

Mobile Accessibility and Remote Work Support: Empowering the Modern Workforce

The modern workforce is more mobile and dispersed than ever before, making the ability of a document management system (DMS) to provide reliable access and collaborative features across distances critical for maintaining productivity and operational continuity. The capability of a DMS to offer seamless, secure access to documents from anywhere, on any device, is a significant factor in its effectiveness, particularly in today’s fast-paced, remote-first business environment.

M-Files: Seamless Access, Anywhere

M-Files offers a robust mobile application designed to extend the full power of its DMS to smartphones and tablets. Users can access, edit, and share documents directly from their mobile devices, ensuring productivity remains unhindered regardless of location. The app integrates the same metadata-driven document management approach found in the desktop version, providing a consistent, efficient experience.

Beyond mobile access, M-Files supports remote work through features like cloud storage options, online collaboration tools, and advanced search capabilities. Its ability to integrate with various communication and project management platforms further enhances its utility for remote teams, ensuring documents and information flow freely and securely across the organization.

Tresorit: Secure Document Management on the Go

Tresorit’s mobile app prioritizes security without compromising on accessibility. It allows users to securely access, manage, and share documents from their mobile devices, with end-to-end encryption ensuring data is protected at all times. The app is designed to be intuitive, mirroring the simplicity of the desktop interface, which is particularly beneficial for teams on the move.

Tresorit excels in facilitating remote work through its secure link sharing, collaboration spaces, and digital rights management features. These tools enable remote teams to collaborate on documents securely and efficiently, with controls in place to manage access rights and permissions, ensuring sensitive information remains confidential.

Version Control and Document History: Ensuring Document Integrity and Collaboration Efficiency

A document management system (DMS) that offers robust version control and comprehensive document history capabilities is essential for any organization looking to enhance accountability and collaboration among its team members.

M-Files: Advanced Version Control with Metadata Enrichment

M-Files excels in version control, providing users with the ability to track every change made to a document, who made it, and when. Its unique approach incorporates metadata into version tracking, enabling more than just a chronological understanding of document evolution—it allows users to understand the context of each version.

The platform offers an extensive document history feature, detailing each interaction with a document. This not only includes edits but also views, shares, and discussions, offering a comprehensive audit trail. This level of detail supports stringent compliance requirements and enhances collaboration by providing clear visibility into document workflows.

Tresorit: Secure Version Tracking and Simplified Document History

Tresorit provides strong version control capabilities, automatically saving versions of documents as changes are made. This ensures that users can easily revert to earlier versions if needed. While Tresorit focuses on security, its version control system is straightforward, ensuring that document integrity is maintained without compromising on user accessibility.

Tresorit’s document history functionality offers insights into who accessed or modified a document and when, supporting audit requirements and team collaboration. While it may not offer the same level of metadata integration as M-Files, Tresorit’s approach is secure and user-friendly, focusing on the essentials of version tracking and history.



M-Files price


Tresorit price


Concluding our in-depth comparison of M-Files and Tresorit, we’ve journeyed through critical dimensions of document management systems that are pivotal for organizations navigating the complexities of digital document management. Both M-Files and Tresorit have showcased their strengths, catering to diverse business needs.

M-Files stands out as a comprehensive, metadata-driven solution that excels in customization, advanced integration, and intelligent workflow automation, making it ideal for organizations seeking to optimize complex processes and enhance collaborative efforts across diverse teams. Its strong emphasis on security and compliance further positions M-Files as a versatile tool for businesses in regulated industries or those handling sensitive information.

Tresorit, on the other hand, prioritizes security and simplicity, offering robust encryption and a user-friendly platform that supports secure collaboration and basic workflow automation. Its focus on secure access and sharing, both internally and externally, makes it a reliable choice for organizations that value data protection and straightforward document management functionalities.

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Abir Das
Abir Das is a seasoned writer with a Bachelor's in Technology, specializing in insightful reviews and comparisons of business software. His expertise lies in dissecting complex software tools, helping readers navigate the evolving landscape of business technologies.
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