ConvertKit vs Drip: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Find out which is superior in 2024: ConvertKit or Drip. This article compares features and usability to help you decide on the best email marketing tool.

Hey there! Are you on a quest to find the best email marketing tool for your business in 2024? You’re in luck because today we’re diving deep into a head-to-head comparison of two giants in the email marketing world: ConvertKit and Drip. These platforms are at the top of their game, but which one is the champion for your needs? Let’s break it down, feature by feature, to help you make an informed decision. Grab a coffee, and let’s get started!

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User Interface and Ease of Use: First Impressions Matter

ConvertKit: The Epitome of User-Friendly Design

First up, let’s talk about ConvertKit. Imagine walking into a room where everything is exactly where you expect it to be. That’s ConvertKit’s user interface for you. Designed with bloggers, creatives, and small business owners in mind, it’s the epitome of user-friendly design.

The beauty of ConvertKit lies in its simplicity and intuitive nature. Whether you’re crafting an email, setting up a landing page, or segmenting your audience, the process is straightforward. ConvertKit eliminates the guesswork, making it perfect for those who are new to email marketing or those who prefer to focus more on content rather than wrestling with a complex tool.

Drip: Power Meets Sophistication

Now, let’s switch gears to Drip. Stepping into Drip’s interface is like stepping into a high-tech cockpit. It’s packed with features and customization options. Drip is designed for those who crave detailed data and advanced automation capabilities. It’s a bit more intricate than ConvertKit, but for a good reason.

Drip’s interface offers a level of detail and control that marketing pros and data enthusiasts will love. From intricate workflow builders to comprehensive analytics, Drip gives you the tools to fine-tune every aspect of your email campaigns. However, this sophistication means there’s a steeper learning curve compared to ConvertKit.

Navigating the User Experience

In the realm of user experience, ConvertKit and Drip cater to different crowds. ConvertKit is your go-to if you’re looking for ease of use, straightforward processes, and a no-frills approach to email marketing. It’s all about saving time and hassle, allowing you to focus on what you do best – creating great content and connecting with your audience.

Drip, on the other hand, is for the email marketing pros who love diving into the details, tweaking every campaign for maximum efficiency, and utilizing data to its fullest. If you’re someone who gets excited about crafting complex automation sequences and dissecting campaign analytics, Drip is your battlefield.

Deliverability: The Key to Reaching Inboxes

ConvertKit: Reliable and Trusted

In email marketing, deliverability is non-negotiable. It’s like ensuring your letter makes it to the mailbox and not lost in transit. ConvertKit understands this and has built a solid reputation for high deliverability rates. They have robust systems in place to make sure your emails land where they should – in your subscribers’ inboxes.

ConvertKit achieves this by maintaining strong relationships with email service providers and adhering to best practices in email marketing. This includes helping you manage your list health, offering tips to improve open rates, and ensuring your emails are compliant with spam regulations. With ConvertKit, you can have peace of mind knowing your emails have a great chance of hitting their mark.

Drip: Advanced Deliverability Tactics

Drip approaches deliverability with a mix of advanced technology and smart tactics. They’re like the special ops of email marketing deliverability – always strategizing to stay one step ahead. Drip uses sophisticated tools to monitor and improve email deliverability, including spam filter testing and email authentication technologies.

Drip’s focus is on ensuring that not only do your emails reach inboxes but also that they are optimized for engagement. This means leveraging data to understand the best sending times, crafting compelling subject lines, and continuously testing and refining your approach to keep your deliverability rates high.

Deliverability Face-Off

When it comes to deliverability, both ConvertKit and Drip shine, but in slightly different ways. ConvertKit offers reliability and trustworthiness, making it a safe bet for those who want a dependable platform that takes care of the basics exceptionally well.

Drip, with its more analytical and tactical approach, is ideal for those who want to dive deep into the science of email deliverability. If you’re keen on leveraging data and advanced tools to maximize your email reach, Drip is your ally.

Automation Features: Crafting Engaging Customer Journeys

ConvertKit: Simplifying Automation

Automation in email marketing is like setting up a series of dominos; once you set them up correctly, they seamlessly fall into place, guiding your customer through their journey. ConvertKit offers a level of automation that is both powerful and surprisingly simple to use. It’s perfect for those who want to create effective, automated email sequences without needing a degree in computer science.

ConvertKit’s visual automation builder is a standout feature. With it, you can easily create workflows based on subscriber actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product. This allows for personalized subscriber experiences without the need for constant manual intervention. Whether you’re welcoming new subscribers, nurturing leads, or driving sales, ConvertKit makes it easy to automate these processes with a few clicks.

Drip: Advanced Automation Capabilities

Drip takes automation to the next level. It’s like having a personal assistant who not only knows your customers inside and out but also anticipates their needs. Drip’s automation features are more advanced, allowing for highly sophisticated and customized workflows.

With Drip, you can delve into detailed segmentation, behavioral email triggers, and multi-channel marketing automation. This platform is designed for those who want to create complex, data-driven email sequences that cater to the specific needs and behaviors of their audience. Drip’s automation tools are powerful, offering endless possibilities for personalizing and optimizing your email marketing strategy.

I primarily use ConvertKit for content-driven projects, such as managing email lists for blogs and personal brand websites. ConvertKit’s intuitive interface and focus on content creators make it an excellent tool for building and engaging with an audience through newsletters and automated email sequences.

The visual automation builder in ConvertKit is a standout feature for me. It allows me to easily create complex subscriber journeys, ensuring that my audience receives relevant content based on their interactions and interests.

For my e-commerce projects, Drip has been my go-to tool. Its advanced segmentation, automation features, and deep integration with e-commerce platforms like Shopify make it incredibly powerful for driving sales and engaging customers at various stages of the buyer’s journey. Drip’s e-commerce CRM capabilities are invaluable.

Tracking customer behavior in such detail allows me to send highly targeted emails, from cart abandonment reminders to personalized product recommendations based on past purchases.

Using ConvertKit and Drip Together Using ConvertKit and Drip together allows me to leverage the strengths of each platform for different purposes.

ConvertKit’s ease of use and focus on content engagement are perfect for my content marketing efforts. At the same time, Drip’s advanced e-commerce features help me maximize sales and customer retention in my online stores.

Jonathan Simpson, Owner/CEO of 427 Digital

Automation Showdown

In the automation showdown, ConvertKit and Drip cater to different levels of complexity and user experience. ConvertKit is ideal for those who need straightforward, effective automation tools that are easy to set up and manage. It’s perfect for bloggers, creatives, and small businesses looking to automate their email marketing without any fuss.

Drip, on the other hand, is a powerhouse for marketers who crave depth and detail in their automation strategies. It’s suited for larger businesses or those with a focus on data-driven, personalized customer journeys. If you have the time and resources to invest in intricate automation sequences, Drip is an excellent choice.

Pricing and Affordability: Matching Your Budget

ConvertKitFree Plan: Offers basic features for up to 1,000 subscribers, including email broadcasts, landing pages, and forms.
Creator Plan: Starting at $29/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, including automation and third-party integrations. The price increases with more subscribers.
Creator Pro Plan: Starting at $59/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, adding advanced features like newsletter referral system, subscriber scoring, and advanced reporting.
DripPricing is based on the number of subscribers:
Up to 2,500 subscribers: $39/month.
Up to 5,000 subscribers: $89/month.
Up to 10,000 subscribers: $154/month.
Custom pricing for more than 10,000 subscribers.
All plans include unlimited email sends, automation, segmentation, detailed reporting, third-party integrations, and SMS notifications.

ConvertKit: Transparent and Scalable Pricing

When it comes to pricing, clarity and scalability are crucial. ConvertKit addresses these aspects with a transparent pricing structure that scales based on the number of subscribers. This approach is akin to a “pay as you grow” model, making it particularly appealing for small businesses and individual creators.

ConvertKit offers a free plan for beginners, which includes basic features suitable for getting your feet wet in the world of email marketing. As your subscriber list grows, you can move to their paid plans, which offer more advanced features like automation, integrations, and premium support. The pricing is straightforward, with no hidden fees, making budget planning more manageable.

Drip: Tailored for E-Commerce Growth

Drip’s pricing model is slightly different, tailored more towards e-commerce businesses and those with larger lists or more advanced needs. While Drip does not offer a free plan, their pricing is based on the number of contacts in your database, and each plan includes full access to all of Drip’s features.

This all-inclusive approach means that even on the lowest tier, you have access to advanced automation, segmentation, and analytics tools. For businesses that are scaling quickly and need a comprehensive set of tools without worrying about upgrading plans for additional features, Drip’s pricing model is advantageous.

Assessing Value for Money

Choosing between ConvertKit and Drip in terms of pricing will depend on your specific needs and growth stage. ConvertKit is more budget-friendly for beginners and those with smaller lists, offering essential features at no cost and more advanced features as you grow. It’s ideal for those who want a straightforward, scalable solution.

Drip, while more expensive, offers a robust suite of features even at its entry-level price point. It’s a strong contender for businesses that require advanced email marketing capabilities from the get-go and are willing to invest more in their marketing tools.

Analytics and Reporting: Gaining Insights into Campaign Performance

ConvertKit: Simplified, Actionable Analytics

In the ocean of email marketing, analytics are your compass. They guide your decisions and strategies. ConvertKit provides analytics that are straightforward yet comprehensive enough to give you a clear picture of your campaign’s performance. It’s like having a dashboard that tells you what’s working and what’s not, without overwhelming you with data.

With ConvertKit, you can easily track open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber growth over time. These metrics are presented in a user-friendly format, making it simple to interpret the data and take action. ConvertKit also allows for segment-specific reporting, giving you deeper insights into different parts of your audience. This level of analytics is perfect for those who want essential insights to guide their email marketing strategies without getting bogged down by too much detail.

Drip: Advanced Reporting for Data-Driven Decisions

Drip takes analytics a step further, offering advanced reporting features for those who thrive on detailed data. It’s like having a high-powered microscope through which you can examine the finer details of your campaigns.

Drip’s analytics provide in-depth insights into subscriber behavior, campaign engagement, and e-commerce data. You can track metrics like customer lifetime value, conversion rates from email campaigns, and much more. These advanced analytics are particularly useful for businesses that want to deeply understand their audience and tailor their strategies accordingly.

Deciphering the Data

When it comes to analytics and reporting, ConvertKit and Drip cater to different needs. ConvertKit is ideal for those who need clear, straightforward insights to inform their email marketing strategies. It’s well-suited for bloggers, creators, and small businesses that require actionable data without excessive complexity.

Drip, on the other hand, is perfect for those who need detailed, data-driven insights, especially e-commerce businesses. It’s suited for marketers who want to delve deep into analytics to refine their strategies and drive business growth.

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Integration Capabilities: Enhancing Your Marketing Ecosystem

ConvertKit: Streamlined and Essential Integrations

In today’s digital landscape, the ability to integrate your email marketing tool with other platforms is vital. ConvertKit shines in this area by offering streamlined and essential integrations. It’s like having a set of keys that unlock various doors to your online presence.

ConvertKit integrates seamlessly with popular platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and Squarespace, enabling you to connect your email marketing with your website or e-commerce store effortlessly. These integrations are crucial for content creators and small businesses, as they allow for automating sign-ups, segmenting audiences based on user behavior, and more. ConvertKit makes it easy to connect with the tools you already use, enhancing your overall marketing strategy without adding complexity.

Drip: Comprehensive and E-commerce Focused Integrations

Drip takes integration to a more comprehensive level, particularly focusing on e-commerce integrations. It’s like having a multi-tool that fits perfectly into every aspect of your e-commerce ecosystem.

With advanced integrations for platforms like Magento, WooCommerce, and Shopify, Drip goes beyond basic email marketing. These integrations allow you to leverage customer data for personalized marketing campaigns, track e-commerce metrics, and automate workflows based on purchasing behavior. For e-commerce businesses, Drip offers an integrated solution that ties together various aspects of online selling and marketing.

The Integration Showdown

In the world of integrations, ConvertKit and Drip serve different purposes. ConvertKit is ideal for bloggers, creators, and small businesses looking for essential integrations that are straightforward and easy to implement. It’s perfect for those who need their email marketing tool to work seamlessly with their content platforms and basic business tools.

Drip, on the other hand, is a boon for e-commerce businesses. Its wide range of integrations with e-commerce platforms makes it a powerful tool for businesses looking to deeply integrate their email marketing with their online stores, providing a more unified customer experience.

Whether you need the focused, efficient integrations of ConvertKit or the comprehensive, e-commerce-centric capabilities of Drip, both platforms offer effective ways to enhance your marketing ecosystem.

Email Design and Customization: Creating Visually Appealing Campaigns

ConvertKit: Simplicity in Design

Email design is a critical component of your marketing strategy; it’s the dress code for your message. ConvertKit understands that sometimes, less is more. Its email design options are focused on simplicity and readability, ensuring that your content takes center stage.

ConvertKit offers a range of basic templates that are clean and responsive. These templates are designed to be straightforward, emphasizing your message rather than complex design elements. The platform also provides customization options, but these are more about refining and personalizing rather than overhauling the design. This approach is ideal for those who want to create professional-looking emails quickly and without needing a background in design.

Drip: Advanced Customization for Brand Consistency

Drip approaches email design with a more is more philosophy. It offers advanced customization options, allowing you to create emails that align closely with your brand identity. For those who value brand consistency and want their emails to stand out in a crowded inbox, Drip provides the tools to make that happen.

With Drip, you have the freedom to tweak templates extensively or build your own from scratch. This includes adding custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, giving you complete control over the look and feel of your emails. It’s a perfect choice for businesses with a strong brand aesthetic or those who want to experiment with more intricate designs.

The Design Duel

Choosing between ConvertKit and Drip for email design depends on your priorities. If you prefer ease of use, a clean aesthetic, and want to focus on content rather than design, ConvertKit is your ally. It’s great for those who want to maintain a professional appearance without investing too much time in design.

On the other hand, if you prioritize unique, brand-aligned designs and are willing to invest more time in crafting your emails, Drip offers the flexibility and tools required. It’s ideal for brands for whom email design is a critical part of their marketing strategy.

Customer Support and Community Resources: Ensuring User Success

ConvertKit: Personalized Support and a Strong Community

Navigating an email marketing platform can sometimes feel like exploring uncharted waters. ConvertKit makes this journey smoother with its personalized customer support and a strong, supportive community. It’s like having a compass and a crew to help you sail through.

ConvertKit’s customer support is known for being responsive and helpful. They offer support through email and live chat, ensuring that users can get help when they need it. Beyond direct support, ConvertKit has cultivated a vibrant community of users. This community, accessible through forums and social media groups, is a treasure trove of advice, strategies, and shared experiences. It’s an invaluable resource for both new and experienced users.

Drip: Comprehensive Support for Technical Excellence

Drip, with its more technical platform, complements its features with comprehensive customer support. Think of it as having a technical expert on call. Drip’s support team is equipped to help with more complex queries, which is especially beneficial given the advanced nature of the platform.

Besides traditional support channels like email, Drip offers extensive resources such as detailed guides, webinars, and a knowledge base. These resources are particularly useful for users who want to understand the platform deeply and leverage its full potential.

Evaluating Support Services

When it comes to customer support and resources, both ConvertKit and Drip excel, but in slightly different ways. ConvertKit is ideal for those who appreciate a mix of personalized support and community wisdom. It’s great for users who enjoy learning from a community and prefer a more personal touch in customer service.

Drip, with its detailed technical resources and knowledgeable support team, is suited for users who might have more advanced needs or who prefer to deep-dive into resources to solve their queries.

In summary, whether you prefer the community-oriented and personalized support approach of ConvertKit or the comprehensive, technical-oriented support of Drip, both platforms ensure you have the backing you need to succeed in your email marketing endeavors.

Automation and Workflow Capabilities: Enhancing Efficiency

ConvertKit: User-Friendly Automation for Streamlined Workflows

In the realm of email marketing, effective automation can be like setting a well-oiled machine in motion. ConvertKit offers automation features that are both powerful and user-friendly, ideal for those who want to streamline their email marketing without getting tangled in complexity.

ConvertKit’s automation tools allow you to set up email sequences based on triggers such as subscriber sign-ups or specific interactions with your content. The platform’s visual automation builder simplifies the process of creating these workflows, making it intuitive to set up paths that guide your subscribers through personalized email journeys. This level of automation is particularly beneficial for creators and small businesses looking to maintain engagement without constant manual input.

Drip: Advanced Automation for Detailed Customer Journeys

Drip takes automation to a more advanced level, offering a suite of features for those who want to delve deep into detailed customer journeys. It’s like having a map to plot every possible route your customer might take and automating the appropriate responses.

With Drip, you can create complex automation workflows that go beyond simple email sequences. These include triggered emails based on in-depth subscriber behavior, integrations with e-commerce platforms for targeted product recommendations, and multi-channel marketing automation. Drip’s approach is tailored for businesses that require sophisticated, data-driven automation strategies.

Comparing Automation Capabilities

The choice between ConvertKit and Drip in terms of automation capabilities depends on your specific needs and expertise level. ConvertKit is perfect for those who need straightforward, effective automation tools. Its ease of use and intuitive setup make it a great choice for users who want to automate their email marketing efforts without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

Drip, on the other hand, is ideal for businesses that need more intricate automation capabilities. Its advanced features cater to users who are looking for deep customization and are comfortable navigating more complex marketing automation landscapes.


In conclusion, both ConvertKit and Drip present compelling choices for email marketing in 2024, each catering to different needs. ConvertKit shines with its user-friendly interface, straightforward automation, and strong community support, making it an ideal choice for content creators, bloggers, and small businesses seeking simplicity and effectiveness in their email marketing efforts. Drip, on the other hand, stands out with its advanced automation features, detailed customer journey mapping, and robust integrations, particularly suited for e-commerce businesses and marketers who require a more sophisticated, data-driven approach to email marketing.

Ultimately, the decision between ConvertKit and Drip depends on your specific requirements, the complexity of your email marketing strategies, and the level of technical expertise you possess. Both platforms offer robust capabilities to enhance and streamline your email marketing campaigns, ensuring you can effectively connect with your audience and achieve your marketing goals in 2024.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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