Keap vs Sendy: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Optimize campaigns with our Keap vs Sendy comparison. Make an informed decision to boost your business and achieve unparalleled success in email marketing!

Choosing the right email marketing tool is like picking the perfect pair of shoes – it needs to fit your style, comfort, and purpose. In the digital marketing world, this choice often boils down to two popular contenders: Keap and Sendy. But which one is the right fit for you? Is it Keap with its robust automation features, or Sendy, known for its affordability and simplicity? Let’s dive into a detailed comparison to help you make an informed decision.

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Ease of Use: User Interface and Setup

When it comes to adopting a new tool, the ease of initial setup and the user interface’s intuitiveness are crucial. Let’s start by looking at how Keap and Sendy fare in these aspects.

Keap: A Guided Approach

Keap is designed with the user’s comfort in mind. From the moment you sign up, you’re greeted with a guided setup process. This includes a series of instructional videos and step-by-step prompts that ensure you’re not left scratching your head. The interface is clean and modern, with clearly labeled menus and a dashboard that provides a quick overview of your campaigns and performance metrics.

For someone who is not very tech-savvy or is new to email marketing, Keap’s approach is a breath of fresh air. It’s like having a knowledgeable friend walk you through the process, making sure you understand each step before moving on.

Sendy: Simple, Yet Requires a Bit More

Sendy, on the other hand, takes a more hands-on approach. Its setup is relatively straightforward, but it assumes a certain level of comfort with technology. You’ll need to have your SMTP server details at hand and be ready to tweak a few settings here and there. The interface is quite minimalistic, which can be a plus for users who prefer a no-frills approach.

However, this simplicity also means that you’re on your own for the most part. New users might need a bit of time to familiarize themselves with where everything is and how it works. It’s akin to being given the keys to a new car without a walkthrough of its features.

Customization and Flexibility

Both Keap and Sendy offer a range of customization options, but their approaches differ.

Keap shines in its ability to create highly personalized email campaigns. The drag-and-drop email builder is not only easy to use but also offers a variety of templates and customization options. You can tailor your emails to resonate with your audience, adding a personal touch that often leads to better engagement.

Moreover, Keap’s robust segmentation capabilities allow you to send targeted messages based on user behavior, preferences, and previous interactions. This level of detail ensures that your emails are always relevant to the recipient.

Sendy’s customization options are more basic compared to Keap. You get a straightforward email builder that gets the job done but doesn’t offer much in terms of flair. However, this is not necessarily a downside. For businesses that prefer simplicity and speed over elaborate designs, Sendy’s approach is more than adequate.

In terms of segmentation, Sendy provides basic options. You can segment your lists based on subscriber data, but the process is not as intuitive or detailed as Keap’s. This might be a limiting factor for businesses that rely heavily on personalized marketing.

Pricing and Affordability: What Fits Your Budget?

In the world of email marketing, the cost can be a deciding factor. Let’s compare Keap and Sendy in terms of pricing, understanding not just the numbers but what you get for your investment.

KeapKeap Grow: Starting at approximately $79/month, offering basic CRM, email marketing, and automation capabilities.
Keap Pro: Starting at around $149/month, this plan includes more advanced CRM features, automation, and ecommerce functionalities.
Infusionsoft: Starting from $199/month, offering a comprehensive set of features for advanced business needs, including sales pipeline, advanced reporting, and ecommerce tools.
SendySendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that integrates with Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) for sending emails.
One-Time Fee: A one-time purchase price of $69, which allows you to install Sendy on your own web server.
Amazon SES Costs: After purchasing Sendy, you’ll need an Amazon SES account. Amazon SES typically charges $0.10 per thousand emails sent, plus data transfer fees. This can be significantly cheaper than other email marketing services for large volumes of emails.

Keap: Higher Price, More Features

Keap is often perceived as the pricier option, and rightly so. Its pricing plans are tiered based on the number of contacts and the range of features you need. The basic plan starts at a higher price point compared to Sendy, but it comes with a comprehensive set of features, including CRM capabilities, advanced automation, and detailed reporting.

For businesses that need a full suite of tools to manage not just email campaigns but customer relationships and sales pipelines, Keap offers good value for money. It’s an investment that can streamline multiple aspects of your business, potentially saving you time and resources in the long run.

Sendy: Budget-Friendly with a One-Time Fee

Sendy’s unique selling point is its affordability. It operates on a one-time licensing fee model, making it significantly cheaper in the long term, especially for businesses with a large number of contacts. After the initial purchase, your only ongoing cost is the Amazon SES fees, which are remarkably low.

This pricing model is a game-changer for small businesses or startups operating on a tight budget. It provides access to a reliable email marketing tool without the recurring monthly expenses typical of most SaaS platforms.

Evaluating the Return on Investment

When considering cost, it’s essential to look beyond the price tag and evaluate the potential return on investment (ROI).

With Keap, the higher investment might translate to a higher ROI, especially for businesses that can leverage its advanced features. The time saved through automation, the insights gained from detailed analytics, and the increased sales from effective CRM integration can offset the higher cost.

Keap is a robust platform that can grow with your business. Its scalability means you won’t quickly outgrow its capabilities, potentially avoiding the need to switch to another platform as your business expands.

Sendy, while less feature-rich, can still offer a substantial ROI, particularly for businesses that have a clear, email-focused marketing strategy. Its simplicity and low cost make it an excellent choice for businesses that need a straightforward, effective tool for mass email campaigns without the bells and whistles.

For startups and small businesses, the savings from using Sendy can be allocated to other areas, such as content creation or ad spend, potentially driving growth in other ways.

Automation and Integration: Streamlining Your Marketing Efforts

In email marketing, the ability to automate tasks is not just a convenience; it’s a game-changer. Let’s delve into how Keap and Sendy handle automation.

Keap: Advanced Automation Capabilities

Keap is renowned for its advanced automation features. It allows you to create complex automation sequences based on user actions, preferences, and engagement levels. You can automate email sequences, follow-ups, and even certain aspects of your sales process.

This level of automation is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to create a seamless customer journey. With Keap, you can ensure that your leads are nurtured automatically, with personalized content delivered at the right time. This not only saves time but also enhances the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Sendy: Simplicity in Automation

Sendy offers basic automation features, focusing primarily on autoresponders and scheduled emails. While it lacks the sophisticated automation workflows of Keap, it still serves the purpose for businesses that require simple, time-based email sequences.

For those who are new to email marketing or have straightforward needs, Sendy’s automation tools are more than sufficient. They allow you to stay in touch with your audience without the need for constant manual intervention.

Integration with Other Tools

The ability to integrate with other software and tools can significantly enhance the functionality of an email marketing platform.

Keap stands out in its integration capabilities. It seamlessly integrates with a wide range of third-party applications, including e-commerce platforms, payment processors, and CRM systems. This means you can connect Keap with the tools you already use, creating a cohesive ecosystem for your business operations.

The integration capabilities extend the utility of Keap beyond just email marketing. It can become a central hub for managing various aspects of your business, from sales to customer service.

Sendy’s integration options are more limited compared to Keap. It focuses on essential integrations, particularly with Amazon SES for email delivery. However, it does support basic integrations with some popular services through third-party plugins and APIs.

For businesses that do not require extensive integrations and are primarily looking for an effective way to send emails, Sendy’s simpler ecosystem can be a perfect fit. It offers the essential functionalities without overwhelming users with too many options.

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Customer Support and Community: Ensuring a Smooth Experience

In the realm of email marketing tools, having access to responsive and helpful customer support can make a significant difference. Let’s compare how Keap and Sendy stack up in this regard.

Keap: Comprehensive Support System

Keap excels in providing comprehensive customer support. Users have access to a variety of support options including live chat, email support, and a phone hotline. The response times are generally quick, and the support team is known for being knowledgeable and helpful.

Additionally, Keap offers an extensive library of resources such as tutorials, webinars, and articles. These resources are invaluable, especially for those who are new to email marketing or want to deepen their understanding of Keap’s features.

The presence of a strong online community further enhances the support experience. Users can connect with other Keap users, share insights, and learn from each other’s experiences. This community aspect can be a significant advantage, offering peer-to-peer support and networking opportunities.

Sendy: Self-Supported with a Growing Community

Sendy’s approach to customer support is more self-reliant. While it does offer email support, the response times can vary, and the support is more basic compared to Keap. This is partly due to Sendy’s smaller scale and more straightforward functionality.

However, Sendy compensates for this with a strong and growing community of users. Online forums and user groups are active, with members willing to help each other out. For many common issues or questions, you can find answers and solutions through these community channels.

The Sendy documentation is also quite comprehensive, covering most aspects of its setup and use. For users who prefer a DIY approach to troubleshooting and learning, Sendy’s resources can be quite sufficient.

Evaluating the Overall Support Experience

When choosing between Keap and Sendy, consider how important direct customer support is for your business.

If you prefer having the assurance of hands-on support and extensive resources at your disposal, Keap is the better choice. Its customer support structure is designed to assist you at every step, ensuring a smooth experience even if you encounter complex issues.

On the other hand, if you are comfortable with a more independent approach and don’t mind relying on community advice and self-help resources, Sendy’s model will serve you well. It’s particularly suited for users who have a basic understanding of email marketing and prefer a more straightforward tool.

Performance and Deliverability: Ensuring Your Emails Hit the Mark

At the heart of email marketing is the ability to reach your audience effectively. This is where performance and deliverability play a critical role. Let’s see how Keap and Sendy fare in these vital aspects.

Keap: High Performance with Strong Deliverability

Keap is known for its high deliverability rates. The platform employs advanced techniques to ensure that emails are not only sent but also land in the recipient’s inbox, avoiding the spam folder. Keap’s strong reputation and robust infrastructure contribute to this success, making it a reliable choice for businesses that prioritize deliverability.

In terms of performance, Keap’s emails are optimized for different devices and email clients, ensuring that they look good and function well, regardless of where they’re opened. This attention to detail enhances user engagement and overall campaign effectiveness.

Sendy: Dependence on Amazon SES for Deliverability

Sendy’s deliverability largely depends on Amazon SES (Simple Email Service), which it uses for sending emails. Amazon SES has a good reputation for deliverability, but it also requires users to adhere strictly to best practices to maintain high deliverability rates. This means that with Sendy, much of the responsibility for maintaining good deliverability lies with the user.

Performance-wise, Sendy is efficient and capable of handling large volumes of emails. However, the onus is on the user to ensure that their emails are well-designed and responsive, as Sendy offers fewer built-in tools for email optimization compared to Keap.

Making the Right Choice for Your Business

When it comes to choosing between Keap and Sendy based on performance and deliverability, consider your expertise and the resources you have for managing email campaigns.

If you want a more hands-off approach and assurance of high deliverability without needing to delve deeply into the technicalities, Keap is the better choice. Its built-in optimization and strong infrastructure offer peace of mind, especially for businesses that run large-scale or critical email campaigns.

Conversely, if you are tech-savvy and comfortable with taking a more hands-on approach to maintain deliverability, Sendy’s reliance on Amazon SES won’t be a hindrance. It’s well-suited for those who have the know-how to manage email campaigns effectively and adhere to best practices.

Analytics and Reporting: Measuring Success in Email Marketing

In today’s digital marketing landscape, the ability to track and analyze your email campaign’s performance is vital. It informs your decisions and helps tailor future campaigns for better results. Let’s compare how Keap and Sendy approach analytics and reporting.

Keap: In-Depth Analytics for Strategic Decisions

Keap offers comprehensive analytics and reporting features. It provides detailed insights into various aspects of your email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics. These reports are not only detailed but also presented in an easy-to-understand format, making data analysis accessible even to those who aren’t data experts.

Beyond basic campaign metrics, Keap also offers insights into customer behavior and engagement patterns. This level of detail allows you to refine your marketing strategies and create more targeted and effective campaigns. For businesses that rely heavily on data to drive their marketing efforts, Keap’s analytics are a significant asset.

Sendy: Basic Reporting for Essential Metrics

Sendy’s approach to analytics is more straightforward. It provides essential metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounces. While these reports are basic compared to Keap, they cover the fundamental needs of most email marketing campaigns.

For users who require simple and clear insights without the need for complex data analysis, Sendy’s reporting system is more than adequate. It allows you to track the performance of your campaigns and make informed decisions, although it might not offer the depth of insights found in Keap.

Tailoring Your Choice to Your Analytical Needs

The decision between Keap and Sendy in terms of analytics and reporting should be based on your specific needs and how much value you place on data-driven insights.

If your marketing strategy relies heavily on detailed analytics and you need in-depth reports to guide your decisions, Keap is the better choice. Its advanced analytics capabilities offer valuable insights that can drive strategic marketing decisions and contribute to the overall success of your campaigns.

However, if your needs are more straightforward and you’re looking for a tool that provides essential metrics without the complexity of in-depth data analysis, Sendy is a suitable choice. It gives you enough information to understand your campaign’s performance and make necessary adjustments without overwhelming you with data.


In the journey of finding the best email marketing tool, we’ve navigated through various aspects of Keap and Sendy, understanding their strengths and areas where they differ. It’s clear that the choice between these two tools is not about finding the ‘best’ one in absolute terms, but rather the one that aligns best with your specific business needs, skills, and goals.

Keap stands out with its advanced features, robust automation, and comprehensive customer support. It’s a tool that not only manages your email campaigns but also integrates CRM and sales processes into a seamless experience. Its detailed analytics provide deep insights, making it ideal for businesses that base their strategies on data-driven decisions. However, this comes at a higher price, making it more suitable for established businesses or those that need a wide range of features.

On the other hand, Sendy offers a more budget-friendly solution. Its strength lies in its simplicity and affordability, making it a great choice for small businesses or startups. While its features are more basic compared to Keap, it efficiently covers the essentials of email marketing. The reliance on Amazon SES for deliverability ensures effective email campaigns, albeit with a bit more hands-on management required.

Both tools have their unique appeals. Keap is like a multi-functional Swiss Army knife, equipped to handle diverse needs with efficiency and sophistication. Sendy, in contrast, is akin to a reliable pocket knife – straightforward, cost-effective, and sufficient for basic needs.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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