ConvertKit vs SendinBlue: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Get the lowdown on ConvertKit vs SendinBlue for 2024. Our comparison guide helps you select the best email marketing tool for your business needs.

Welcome to the ultimate face-off in the world of email marketing for 2024 – ConvertKit vs SendinBlue. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned marketer, or somewhere in between, choosing the right email marketing tool can make all the difference in connecting with your audience. In this detailed comparison, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of both platforms, helping you decide which one is your ticket to email marketing success this year. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get started!

G2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars
G2 Score –  4.5 out of 5 stars

TrustRadius Score – 8.8 out of 10TrustRadius Score – 8.0 out of 10

User Interface and Ease of Use

ConvertKit: Simplicity Meets Elegance

ConvertKit has always been synonymous with simplicity, and in 2024, it continues to hold its ground. Imagine walking into a well-organized room where everything is right where you expect it to be – that’s the ConvertKit user interface for you. Its minimalist design is not just about looks; it’s about making your journey from drafting an email to analyzing campaign performance as smooth as silk.

For beginners and those who prefer a no-fuss approach, ConvertKit is a dream. The platform takes you by the hand and guides you through each step. Setting up a campaign? Just a few clicks. Segmenting your audience? A breeze. Plus, its visual automation builder allows you to create complex email sequences with drag-and-drop ease. It’s like playing with building blocks, but each block is a powerful tool to engage your subscribers.

SendinBlue: Robust and Feature-Rich

Enter SendinBlue, a platform where robustness meets modern email marketing needs. SendinBlue’s interface is slightly more detailed than ConvertKit’s, offering a plethora of features at your fingertips. It’s like stepping into a control room with buttons and levers for everything you can imagine – from email campaigns to SMS marketing, and beyond.

For the tech-savvy marketer who loves to have numerous tools and options, SendinBlue is a playground. The platform offers a more comprehensive dashboard, detailed reporting features, and a versatile email design tool. It might take a bit longer to get the hang of it compared to ConvertKit, but once you do, the possibilities are endless.

Interface Showdown: Simplicity vs. Versatility

In the battle of interfaces, it’s a clash between ConvertKit’s simplicity and SendinBlue’s versatility. ConvertKit wins hands down for those who value a clean, intuitive user experience without a steep learning curve. It’s perfect for those who want to focus more on content and less on figuring out the tool.

SendinBlue, however, is the tool for the marketer who desires a more robust platform with a variety of features. It’s suited for those who don’t mind spending a bit more time learning the platform in exchange for a wider range of marketing tools at their disposal.

Deliverability: Getting Your Emails Seen

ConvertKit: Prioritizing Your Inbox Presence

In the world of email marketing, getting your emails successfully delivered to the inbox is like scoring a goal. ConvertKit understands this game well. They’ve built a reputation for high deliverability rates, ensuring that your meticulously crafted emails reach their intended destination – your audience’s inbox.

ConvertKit achieves this with a mix of technology and best practices. They actively manage their sending servers to maintain a positive reputation with email providers. Plus, they offer advice on how to avoid spam filters, like keeping your email list clean and maintaining consistent sending patterns. This commitment to deliverability makes ConvertKit a reliable teammate in your email marketing strategy.

SendinBlue: Delivering With Precision

SendinBlue steps into the deliverability ring with a robust approach. They don’t just send your emails; they make sure they land where they should. SendinBlue uses advanced algorithms and a well-maintained network of sending servers to ensure high deliverability.

Their platform is also equipped with features that let you monitor your sender reputation and email performance. This means you’re not just shooting emails into the dark but sending them with a strategy tailored to maximize inbox placement.

The Deliverability Duel

When it comes to deliverability, both ConvertKit and SendinBlue pack a punch, but their approaches differ slightly. ConvertKit focuses on simplicity and best practices, making it ideal for those who want a straightforward, reliable path to high email deliverability.

SendinBlue, with its more technical approach and detailed monitoring tools, is suited for marketers who want a deeper dive into the mechanics of email deliverability. It’s for those who enjoy having control over every aspect of their email performance.

In this crucial aspect of email marketing, your choice will depend on whether you prefer ConvertKit’s simplicity and solid track record or SendinBlue’s detailed deliverability features and technical control.

Pricing Structures: Balancing Cost and Value

ConvertKitFree Plan: Offers basic features for up to 1,000 subscribers, including email broadcasts, landing pages, and forms.
Creator Plan: Starting at $29/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, including automation and third-party integrations. The price increases with more subscribers.
Creator Pro Plan: Starting at $59/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, adding advanced features like newsletter referral system, subscriber scoring, and advanced reporting.
SendinBlueFree Plan: Includes unlimited contacts with 300 emails per day.
Lite Plan: Starting around $25/month, this plan includes no daily sending limit and is suitable for smaller businesses.
Premium Plan: Starting from around $65/month, offering advanced features like marketing automation, Facebook ads, landing pages, and multi-user access.
Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing with advanced and custom features, dedicated account manager, and priority support.

ConvertKit: Transparent and Scalable

Let’s talk money – because a great email marketing tool that breaks the bank is no good for anyone. ConvertKit approaches pricing with a clear and straightforward model. Imagine a pricing structure that grows with you; that’s ConvertKit. They offer a free plan for beginners, which includes essential features like email broadcasting and basic reporting.

As your subscriber list expands, ConvertKit’s pricing scales accordingly. The more subscribers you have, the more you pay. This scaling is transparent and predictable, making it easier for businesses to plan their budgets. Plus, for the features and reliability it offers, many users find ConvertKit’s pricing to be a valuable investment.

SendinBlue: Flexibility and Volume-Based Pricing

SendinBlue steps into the pricing ring with a different strategy. Instead of subscriber count, their pricing is based on the volume of emails sent. This can be a game-changer, especially for businesses with a large subscriber base but lower email sending frequency.

SendinBlue offers a free plan with a daily sending limit, which is great for small businesses or startups testing the waters. Their paid plans are diverse, catering to a range of business sizes and needs, with each tier offering additional features like advanced segmentation and automation.

Weighing the Cost

In the pricing showdown, the choice between ConvertKit and SendinBlue boils down to your specific business model and email marketing strategy. ConvertKit is ideal for those who want a simple, scalable pricing model tied to the growth of their subscriber base. It’s great if you’re expecting to grow your list and need a service that can grow with you.

SendinBlue, with its focus on the volume of emails rather than subscriber count, offers flexibility that can be more cost-effective for certain business types. If you have a large subscriber list but send emails infrequently, SendinBlue’s pricing model could offer significant savings.

Automation Capabilities: Streamlining Your Email Marketing Efforts

ConvertKit: Making Automation Accessible

Automation is like having a savvy assistant who knows your business inside out. ConvertKit offers automation features that are both powerful and accessible. The platform enables you to set up automated email sequences that respond to subscriber actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product.

What sets ConvertKit apart is its user-friendly automation interface. Even if you’re new to email automation, ConvertKit’s straightforward setup process and visual workflows make it easy to start. You can create complex email sequences without feeling overwhelmed, allowing you to engage with your audience in a timely and relevant manner.

SendinBlue: Advanced Automation with a Personal Touch

SendinBlue takes automation a step further, offering advanced options for those who want to dive deep into personalized customer journeys. Their automation tools allow you to craft detailed scenarios based on subscriber behavior, ensuring that each message is as relevant as possible.

SendinBlue’s strength lies in its ability to handle complex automation workflows while still being relatively user-friendly. You can trigger emails based on a variety of subscriber actions, ensuring your communication is always timely and pertinent. This level of detail is excellent for businesses that want to create highly personalized and engaging subscriber experiences.

Comparing Automation Features

When it comes to automation, both ConvertKit and SendinBlue offer compelling options, but with different strengths. ConvertKit is perfect for those who want an easy-to-use platform that still offers powerful automation capabilities. It’s great for creating straightforward, effective email sequences without needing extensive technical knowledge.

SendinBlue, with its advanced automation options, is ideal for marketers who want to create highly personalized email campaigns based on detailed subscriber behavior. It’s suited for businesses looking to implement complex, behavior-driven email sequences.

So, whether you prefer the simplicity and ease of use of ConvertKit or the advanced, personalized automation capabilities of SendinBlue, both platforms are equipped to enhance your email marketing strategies through automation.

Analytics and Reporting: Measuring Success in Your Campaigns

ConvertKit: Straightforward and Insightful Analytics

In the world of email marketing, understanding how your campaigns perform is crucial. ConvertKit offers analytics that are both straightforward and insightful, perfect for those who want to quickly gauge the effectiveness of their campaigns without getting lost in a sea of data.

ConvertKit provides essential metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber growth, all presented in an easy-to-understand format. This simplicity doesn’t mean a lack of depth; you can still drill down into individual campaign performances and subscriber behaviors. The platform also offers visual representations of your data, making it easy to track trends and make informed decisions.

SendinBlue: Comprehensive Reporting for Data-Driven Marketers

SendinBlue, on the other hand, takes analytics a notch higher. They offer comprehensive reporting features that delve into the finer details of your email campaigns. This is ideal for data-driven marketers who love to analyze every aspect of their campaigns.

With SendinBlue, you can track not just basic metrics but also more advanced statistics like the performance of different email templates, heat maps of clicks within your emails, and detailed subscriber engagement. These insights allow you to fine-tune every aspect of your email marketing strategy for optimal performance.

Analyzing the Analytics

When comparing the analytics and reporting capabilities of ConvertKit and SendinBlue, it’s a matter of preference and need. ConvertKit is ideal for those who want a quick, clear view of their campaign’s performance without overwhelming details. It’s perfect for marketers who need straightforward insights to make fast, effective decisions.

SendinBlue caters to those who crave detailed analytics and want to dive deep into data. It’s suited for marketers who rely on comprehensive data to guide their strategies and fine-tune their campaigns for maximum impact.

In summary, whether you prefer the clarity and simplicity of ConvertKit or the detailed, data-rich reports of SendinBlue, both platforms offer robust analytics to help you understand and improve your email marketing efforts.

Integration Capabilities: Expanding Your Marketing Toolbox

ConvertKit: Streamlined Integrations for Efficiency

In today’s marketing world, the ability to integrate your email platform with other tools can significantly streamline your workflows. ConvertKit recognizes this need and offers a range of integration options with popular services and platforms. This is like having a Swiss Army knife in your toolkit; you get a variety of functionalities all in one place.

ConvertKit seamlessly integrates with platforms such as WordPress, Shopify, and WooCommerce, making it easy to connect your email marketing efforts with your website or e-commerce store. This integration capability is a boon for content creators and online retailers, enabling them to automate email sequences based on user behavior on their sites.

SendinBlue: Diverse Integrations for a Holistic Approach

SendinBlue takes integration capabilities to a broader spectrum. They offer a wide range of integration options that cover various aspects of marketing and customer relationship management. It’s like having a key that unlocks numerous doors in your marketing ecosystem.

With SendinBlue, you can integrate not just with CMS and e-commerce platforms but also with CRM systems, social media tools, and even productivity apps. This wide range of integrations allows businesses to create a more holistic marketing strategy, where email marketing works in tandem with other marketing channels and customer touchpoints.

Integration Showdown

When it comes to integration capabilities, both ConvertKit and SendinBlue offer robust options, but they cater to different needs. ConvertKit is ideal for those who want straightforward, efficient integrations with the most commonly used platforms, especially beneficial for bloggers and e-commerce businesses.

SendinBlue, with its extensive range of integration options, is perfect for businesses that use a variety of tools and want their email marketing software to function as a central hub in their marketing strategy. It’s great for those who are looking for comprehensive integration capabilities that extend beyond the typical email marketing scope.

Whether you need the focused, streamlined integrations of ConvertKit or the diverse, extensive options of SendinBlue, both platforms provide powerful ways to enhance and simplify your marketing efforts.

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Customer Support and Community Engagement

ConvertKit: Personalized Support and a Vibrant Community

Having a support system while navigating an email marketing tool is invaluable. ConvertKit excels in providing not just customer support but also fostering a community around its platform. Imagine having a knowledgeable friend, always ready to help with your email marketing queries – that’s ConvertKit for you.

ConvertKit offers direct customer support through various channels, including email and live chat. Their response times are generally quick, and the support team is known for being helpful and knowledgeable. Beyond direct support, ConvertKit boasts a vibrant community of users. This community is an excellent resource for gaining insights, sharing experiences, and learning best practices from fellow marketers.

SendinBlue: Comprehensive Support with Global Reach

SendinBlue steps up to the plate with a robust customer support system that caters to a global audience. Their support team is not just responsive but also multilingual, which is a significant advantage for a diverse user base.

In addition to the traditional support channels like email and live chat, SendinBlue provides extensive resources including guides, tutorials, and a comprehensive FAQ section. These resources are designed to help users get the most out of their platform, covering everything from basic setup to advanced campaign tactics.

Support Showdown

When comparing the customer support of ConvertKit and SendinBlue, it boils down to personal preference and needs. ConvertKit is ideal for those who value a close-knit community experience along with reliable support. It’s suited for users who enjoy learning from and interacting with a community of like-minded individuals.

SendinBlue, with its multilingual support and extensive online resources, is excellent for a diverse, global user base. It’s perfect for those who prefer a wide range of self-help resources in addition to traditional support channels.

Both platforms show a strong commitment to supporting their users, whether it’s through direct support, community engagement, or online resources. This ensures that as a user, you’re well-equipped to tackle any challenges and make the most of your email marketing tool.

Email Design and Customization: Crafting Engaging Campaigns

ConvertKit: Simplicity and Customization

When it comes to email design, ConvertKit strikes a balance between simplicity and the ability to customize. The platform offers a range of customizable templates, making it easy to create emails that not only look good but also resonate with your brand.

ConvertKit’s email editor is user-friendly, allowing you to tweak templates or build emails from scratch without needing extensive design skills. It’s like having a canvas where you can paint your brand’s message clearly and compellingly. The focus is on delivering content-driven emails that engage readers, with a clean and uncluttered aesthetic.

SendinBlue: Advanced Design with Rich Features

SendinBlue steps up with a more feature-rich email design experience. Their email editor offers advanced customization options, catering to those who want more control over their email’s look and feel. It’s an ideal platform for those who have a clear vision of their email design or those who love experimenting with different layouts and styles.

Apart from a wide range of templates, SendinBlue also provides the option to dive into HTML coding for deeper customization. This is particularly appealing for users with a background in web design or those who want to create something truly unique.

The Design Duel

The choice between ConvertKit and SendinBlue in terms of email design largely depends on your specific needs and skills. ConvertKit is perfect for marketers who prefer simplicity and content-focused designs. It’s great for those who want to create clean, engaging, and straightforward emails without the need for complex design tools.

On the other hand, SendinBlue is the go-to for those who want more creative freedom and advanced design capabilities. It’s suited for users who are comfortable with email design intricacies and desire a high degree of customization.

Whether you lean towards the simplicity and content-centric approach of ConvertKit or the advanced design flexibility of SendinBlue, both platforms provide the tools necessary to create engaging and effective email campaigns.


In conclusion, ConvertKit and SendinBlue each offer distinct advantages in the realm of email marketing for 2024. ConvertKit shines with its user-friendly interface, straightforward yet powerful automation capabilities, and a community-driven approach to customer support. It’s ideal for those who value simplicity, effective communication, and a supportive user community.

SendinBlue, on the other hand, stands out with its robust feature set, advanced email design capabilities, comprehensive analytics, and a global, multilingual support system. It caters to marketers seeking extensive customization options, detailed data analysis, and a platform that supports diverse, global marketing strategies. Ultimately, the choice between ConvertKit and SendinBlue depends on your specific email marketing needs, design preferences, and the level of complexity you’re comfortable handling. Both platforms offer compelling features that can effectively elevate your email marketing efforts in 2024.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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