SAS Visual Analytics vs Kissmetrics: The Best Analytics Tool for You

Evaluate SAS Visual Analytics versus Kissmetrics for your business analytics needs. Insights on features, user experience, and more.

In the digital age, where data is the compass that guides business decisions, choosing the right analytics tool can feel like navigating through a dense fog. Two beacons shine through to light the way: SAS Visual Analytics and Kissmetrics. One, a veteran mapmaker with a tool for every terrain; the other, a modern pathfinder specializing in the journey of the customer. But which will guide you to the treasure trove of insights you seek? Whether you’re charting unknown territories or tailoring the customer voyage, this guide embarks on a journey to uncover the best analytics tool for you.

SAS Visual AnalyticsKissmetrics
SAS Visual AnalyticsKissmetrics
G2 Score -4.4 out of 5G2 Score -4.1 out of 5
TrustRadius Score -8.4 out of 10TrustRadius Score -9.6 out of 10

Area of Comparison: User Interface and Accessibility

SAS Visual Analytics: Navigating the Complex Seas

SAS Visual Analytics is like a seasoned ship equipped for long voyages across complex waters. Its interface, rich with sophisticated functionalities, is designed for those who seek to dive deep into the oceans of data. With SAS Visual Analytics, users have access to a comprehensive suite of tools enabling them to analyze vast datasets, create detailed visualizations, and uncover hidden insights through advanced analytics.

This tool is crafted for the data connoisseur, offering a level of detail and control that satisfies the appetite for deep analytical exploration. However, this sophistication comes with its own navigational challenges. Newcomers may find themselves at the helm of a galleon amidst a storm, with a steep learning curve to master the controls. But for organizations with a crew of skilled data analysts, SAS Visual Analytics proves to be an invaluable vessel, capable of navigating through the most intricate data puzzles.

Kissmetrics: Steering with Clarity

In contrast, Kissmetrics offers a sleek speedboat agilely cutting through the waves, designed with the modern marketer in mind. Its user interface is streamlined and intuitive, focusing on delivering clear, actionable insights into customer behavior and conversion analytics. Kissmetrics simplifies the journey to understanding the customer lifecycle, making it accessible for marketing teams to engage directly with analytics without needing a navigator’s expertise.

This approach does not compromise on depth; rather, Kissmetrics offers specialized tools that allow users to easily track, analyze, and optimize customer interactions and marketing performance. It’s an ideal companion for businesses looking to make quick, informed decisions to enhance customer experiences and drive growth.

Pricing: SAS Visual Analytics vs Kissmetrics

Diving into the Pricing aspect shines a spotlight on a crucial factor that often tips the scales when choosing between SAS Visual Analytics and Kissmetrics. The investment in an analytics platform is a significant consideration, impacting not only immediate budgets but also long-term value and ROI. Let’s navigate the pricing strategies of both platforms to understand how they align with different organizational needs and financial plans.

SAS Visual Analytics: Customized Enterprise Offering

SAS Visual Analytics pricing

SAS Visual Analytics, reflecting its position as a comprehensive, enterprise-level solution, typically follows a customized pricing model. The cost is tailored based on a multitude of factors, including the scale of deployment, the specific functionalities required, and the level of customization and support needed. This bespoke approach ensures that organizations receive a solution perfectly matched to their needs but also means that the initial investment can be considerable.

Organizations interested in SAS Visual Analytics are encouraged to engage directly with SAS representatives to discuss their specific requirements and obtain a customized quote. While this means that pricing is not transparent or immediately accessible, it reflects the platform’s comprehensive nature and the significant value it offers to large enterprises or organizations with complex, multi-faceted analytics needs.

Kissmetrics: Transparent and Scalable Pricing

Kissmetrics pricing

In contrast, Kissmetrics offers a more transparent and scalable approach to pricing. Designed to cater to businesses of various sizes, from startups to large enterprises, Kissmetrics clearly outlines its pricing tiers on its website or through direct inquiries. This approach provides potential users with immediate insights into the costs associated with using the platform, based on the volume of data, the number of events tracked, and the advanced features required.

Kissmetrics’ pricing model is designed to grow with your business, offering plans that accommodate the evolving needs of dynamic organizations. This scalability and transparency make Kissmetrics an attractive option for businesses seeking clear, predictable costs and the flexibility to adjust their investment as their analytics and marketing efforts expand.

Data Integration Capabilities

Continuing our journey to uncover the best analytics tool between SAS Visual Analytics and Kissmetrics, let’s sail into the domain of Data Integration Capabilities. This aspect is crucial as it defines how smoothly and efficiently an analytics tool can gather, harmonize, and make sense of data from various sources—a fundamental step in ensuring that your insights are both comprehensive and reliable.

SAS Visual Analytics: The Versatile Explorer

SAS Visual Analytics demonstrates its prowess as a versatile explorer in the realm of data integration. It is equipped with powerful ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) capabilities, enabling it to navigate and consolidate data from an extensive array of sources. Whether it’s structured data residing in traditional databases or unstructured data from web logs and social media, SAS Visual Analytics can bring it all into one coherent analysis environment.

This platform’s strength lies in its ability to handle complex data landscapes, making it an ideal choice for organizations that operate across multiple data systems and require a holistic view of their operations. The integration process with SAS is designed for depth and precision, ensuring that data is not only collected but also cleansed and prepared accurately for analysis.

Kissmetrics: The Agile Data Gatherer

Kissmetrics, with its focus on marketing analytics, presents a more specialized yet highly agile approach to data integration. It excels in seamlessly collecting data directly from websites, mobile apps, and other digital touchpoints, providing a real-time view of customer behavior and interactions. The platform offers straightforward integration with a variety of marketing tools and platforms, enabling marketers to easily bring together data from their entire digital ecosystem.

While Kissmetrics may not offer the broad ETL capabilities of a platform like SAS Visual Analytics, its strength lies in its simplicity and the direct applicability of its data to marketing analysis. This focus ensures that marketing teams can quickly leverage integrated data to gain insights into customer journeys, campaign performance, and conversion optimization.

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Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning Capabilities

As we continue our comparative journey between SAS Visual Analytics and Kissmetrics, it’s pivotal to steer towards the realms of Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning Capabilities. This domain is essential for organizations seeking not just to navigate their current data seas but also to forecast future currents and trends, leveraging the power of predictive analytics and machine learning to inform strategic decisions.

SAS Visual Analytics: The Deep-Diving Submersible

SAS Visual Analytics is akin to a sophisticated submersible designed for deep ocean exploration, equipped with advanced tools for navigating the unseen depths of data. Its strength in advanced analytics and machine learning is unparalleled, offering users a comprehensive suite of tools for predictive modeling, forecasting, text analytics, and decision trees, among others. This extensive capability allows organizations to not only analyze historical data but also to predict future trends, identify opportunities for growth, and mitigate risks before they emerge.

The platform’s advanced analytics features are built on SAS’s powerful statistical foundation, making it an ideal choice for organizations with complex analytics needs that require deep, scientific exploration of their data. The breadth and depth of SAS’s analytics capabilities ensure that no insight is left buried in the data depths.

Kissmetrics: The Agile Speedboat

In contrast, Kissmetrics operates more like an agile speedboat, skimming the surface with the precision and agility needed to navigate the fast-paced waters of digital marketing analytics. While it may not dive as deep into the advanced analytics ocean as SAS Visual Analytics, Kissmetrics provides powerful tools tailored to marketing needs, including cohort analysis, conversion rate optimization, and behavioral analytics. These capabilities enable marketers to understand customer behavior, optimize campaigns in real-time, and personalize user experiences based on actionable insights.

Kissmetrics leverages machine learning algorithms to offer predictive insights into user actions, helping businesses to anticipate customer needs and preferences. This focus on actionable, marketing-specific analytics makes Kissmetrics an invaluable tool for organizations looking to drive growth through data-informed marketing strategies.

Customer Support and Community Engagement

The level of support provided and the vibrancy of the user community are pivotal in maximizing the value of an analytics tool. They not only ensure smooth sailing through initial adoption and integration but also enhance ongoing optimization and strategic utilization.

SAS Visual Analytics: Comprehensive and Professional Support

SAS Visual Analytics benefits from SAS’s extensive history and reputation in the analytics space, offering a comprehensive support structure. Users have access to SAS’s professional support team for resolving technical challenges and inquiries, ensuring businesses can maintain continuous, effective analytics operations. SAS offers an extensive library of documentation, tutorials, and training programs designed to help users at all levels deepen their analytics knowledge and maximize their use of the platform.

The SAS community is a rich resource, comprising forums, user groups, and conferences where users can exchange knowledge, share best practices, and network with peers. This robust support ecosystem is invaluable for organizations navigating the complex analytics landscapes addressed by SAS Visual Analytics, ensuring users have the resources to leverage the platform to its full potential.

Kissmetrics: Agile Support with a Focus on Marketing Analytics

Kissmetrics, tailored for the digital marketing domain, offers a more agile approach to support, characterized with options for live chat, email support, and online resources, Kissmetrics ensures that users can quickly find answers to their questions and solutions to their issues. An accessible library of guides, how-to articles, and webinars helps users effectively implement and utilize Kissmetrics for marketing analytics.

The Kissmetrics user community, though more niche than SAS’s, is highly engaged, particularly in digital marketing circles. Users benefit from shared insights, strategies, and tips specific to marketing analytics. Kissmetrics’ support and community engagement are particularly beneficial for marketing teams looking for quick, actionable assistance and peer advice on optimizing their digital marketing efforts.


Wrapping up our comprehensive exploration into SAS Visual Analytics and Kissmetrics, we’ve navigated the crucial aspects that distinguish these two powerful analytics tools. From their approaches to user interface and accessibility, data integration capabilities, and advanced analytics and machine learning features, to their differing pricing strategies and the level of customer support and community engagement they offer, it’s clear that each platform is designed to meet distinct needs and priorities within the vast analytics landscape.


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