Planoly vs Post Planner: The Best Social Media Management Tool for You

Unsure between Planoly and Post Planner? Our comparison highlights key features to help you choose the best social media tool.

Navigating the vast ocean of social media management tools can feel like an endless quest. In your journey to find the perfect ally, two names might have caught your eye: Planoly and Post Planner. Both promise to simplify your social media strategy, but which one is the captain of this ship? Let’s dive deep into this comparison, examining the treasures each tool offers, to help you find the one that truly aligns with your social media goals.

PlanolyPost Planner
PlanolyPost Planner
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The Battle of Features: Scheduling and Automation

When it comes to social media management, scheduling and automation are the compass and map, guiding your content strategy towards success. Let’s compare how Planoly and Post Planner handle these crucial tasks.

Planoly: The Visual Planner’s Dream

Planoly was designed with the visual content creator in mind. It’s not just a tool; it’s your personal social media gallery curator. The platform stands out for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to visually plan and schedule your Instagram posts and stories. This feature is a game-changer for brands and influencers for whom aesthetics are key. Imagine being able to lay out your feed visually before anything goes live, ensuring your grid looks cohesive and on-brand. This visual planning capability extends to Pinterest, offering a seamless integration that makes managing a visually driven platform a breeze.

But Planoly isn’t just about looks. It offers robust scheduling features, allowing you to auto-post to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. This means you can set your content to go live at the best times for engagement without being glued to your device. The auto-post feature supports single images and videos, making your content strategy diverse and dynamic.

Furthermore, Planoly’s ShopLink feature provides an ecommerce bridge for Instagram, turning your feed into a shoppable gallery. This direct integration with your online store can enhance your social commerce strategy, driving sales directly from your social media content.

Post Planner: The Strategy Powerhouse

On the flip side, Post Planner isn’t just another tool in the shed; it’s the Swiss Army knife for content strategists. Where Planoly focuses on the visual aspect, Post Planner shines with its strategic depth. The platform is built around finding, planning, and posting the most engaging content for your audience.

One of Post Planner’s standout features is its content discovery engine. This tool allows you to tap into a wealth of content ideas across various niches, giving you a constant stream of inspiration for your social media channels. Whether you’re looking for the latest industry news, evergreen content, or viral posts, Post Planner can surface relevant content that’s proven to engage audiences.

But it’s not just about finding content; it’s about scheduling it smartly. Post Planner’s scheduling tools are designed to maximize engagement by recommending the optimal times to post based on your audience’s behavior. This means your content is more likely to hit the mark, driving interactions and growth. Moreover, the platform’s performance analytics give you a bird’s-eye view of what’s working and what’s not, allowing you to tweak your strategy for maximum impact.

Both Planoly and Post Planner offer unique sets of features tailored to different aspects of social media management. Planoly is the go-to for creators prioritizing visual content and aesthetics, while Post Planner is a strategic tool for those focused on content discovery and engagement.

Pricing and Accessibility: The Cost of Commanding Your Content

When charting the course for your social media voyage, the cost of tools is a crucial factor to consider. Both Planoly and Post Planner offer a range of pricing options, tailored to suit various needs and budgets. Let’s navigate through the pricing structures and accessibility of these two platforms to see which one offers the best value for your treasure chest.

PlanolyFree Plan: Planoly offers a free version that includes 1 user, 2 social profiles (Instagram and Pinterest), and 30 uploads per month per profile.Solo Plan: Starting at $7 per month (billed annually), this plan includes 1 user, 2 social profiles, and unlimited uploads.Duo Plan: Starting at $15 per month (billed annually), offering 2 users, 2 social profiles, and unlimited uploads, plus additional analytics features.Custom Plan: Planoly also offers custom plans for businesses with greater needs, which include more social profiles and additional features.
Post PlannerStarting at $3 per month (billed annually), designed for individuals, offering up to 3 social accounts and 30 posts per day.
At $11 per month (billed annually), for up to 10 social accounts and 100 posts per day, including more advanced features.Starting at $24 per month (billed annually), targeting small businesses, with up to 25 social accounts and 500 posts per day.

Planoly: Flexible Pricing for Growing Needs

Planoly understands that every social media captain has different needs, depending on the size of their crew and the scope of their voyage. The platform offers a tiered pricing structure, starting with a free plan that’s perfect for solo adventurers. This free version allows you to manage one social profile and schedule up to 30 posts per month, which is a great way to dip your toes into the waters of social media planning without any investment.

As your journey expands, Planoly’s paid plans offer more robust features. The pricing ranges from a modest monthly fee for the Solo plan, suitable for individual creators and small businesses, to more comprehensive plans designed for larger teams and agencies. These paid options increase the number of posts you can schedule, social profiles you can manage, and unlock additional features like analytics and multi-user collaboration.

One of the standout aspects of Planoly’s pricing is its flexibility. You can start small and scale up as your needs grow, without feeling like you’re paying for features you don’t use. Plus, the addition of ecommerce features in higher-tier plans makes Planoly a valuable tool for businesses looking to integrate their social media and sales strategies.

Post Planner: Strategic Investment for Maximum Engagement

Post Planner positions itself as an investment in your social media strategy’s effectiveness. Its pricing structure is designed to cater to serious content strategists who are focused on maximizing engagement and growing their audience. The platform does not offer a free plan, which might be a drawback for individuals or small businesses on a tight budget. However, its entry-level plan is reasonably priced, providing access to the core features that make Post Planner stand out, including the content discovery engine and engagement analytics.

The higher-tier plans of Post Planner are aimed at businesses and agencies that require advanced capabilities, such as larger content queues, more posts per day, and the ability to manage multiple social profiles. These plans unlock the full power of Post Planner’s strategic tools, including in-depth analytics and team collaboration features.

One of the key advantages of Post Planner’s pricing is the focus on content performance. The platform’s tools are designed to ensure that every dollar you spend translates into higher engagement and more effective social media campaigns. This makes Post Planner an attractive option for businesses and marketers who are looking for a tool that can directly contribute to their social media ROI.

Choosing the Right Tool for Your Budget and Goals

When it comes to pricing and accessibility, both Planoly and Post Planner have their merits. Planoly offers a more flexible and scalable solution, with a free plan that’s perfect for getting started. Its tiered pricing allows you to grow your social media management tools in tandem with your business. On the other hand, Post Planner is a strategic investment, with a focus on maximizing engagement and content performance. Its pricing reflects the platform’s value as a tool for serious marketers and businesses looking to optimize their social media impact.

The decision between Planoly and Post Planner will largely depend on your specific needs, budget, and social media goals. If visual content and aesthetics are central to your strategy, and you’re looking for a tool that can grow with you, Planoly might be the way to go. But if you’re focused on content strategy, engagement, and analytics, Post Planner’s investment could yield the high returns you’re seeking.

User Experience and Ease of Use: Navigating the Seas of Social Media Management

In the vast sea of social media management, the ease with which you can navigate your chosen tool is crucial. A platform that’s intuitive and user-friendly can make the difference between smooth sailing and choppy waters. Let’s explore how Planoly and Post Planner fare in terms of user experience and ease of use, ensuring your voyage through content planning and scheduling is as efficient as possible.

Planoly: Aesthetic and Intuitive Interface

Planoly sets sail with a clean, visually appealing interface that mirrors the aesthetic focus of its target users—brands, influencers, and visual content creators. The platform takes pride in its drag-and-drop functionality, which not only makes scheduling posts a breeze but also ensures your social media feed is exactly how you envision it. This visual planning tool is a lighthouse for users who prioritize the appearance of their social media channels, offering a grid view that helps in maintaining a cohesive aesthetic.

Beyond its visual planning capabilities, Planoly simplifies the content creation process with an easy-to-navigate dashboard. From uploading content to scheduling posts and analyzing performance, every feature is designed with the user in mind. The platform also offers a mobile app, allowing users to manage their social media on the go. This flexibility ensures that you can keep your social media ship steering in the right direction, whether you’re at your desk or on the move.

Post Planner: Focused on Functionality and Efficiency

Post Planner, with its compass set towards maximizing engagement and content discovery, offers a user experience focused on functionality. The platform might not win the same aesthetic awards as Planoly, but it shines in its streamlined approach to content strategy. The content discovery engine, one of Post Planner’s crowning jewels, is straightforward to use, enabling users to find and schedule engaging content with just a few clicks.

The interface of Post Planner is designed with the strategist in mind, prioritizing efficiency over aesthetics. Scheduling content across multiple platforms is made simple, with features that help predict the best times to post for optimal engagement. While the platform may lack the visual planning capabilities of Planoly, it compensates with a robust set of tools that help users quickly identify, plan, and execute their content strategy.

Post Planner also emphasizes analytics, providing users with insights into their content’s performance. This data-driven approach to social media management is accessible through an interface that, while utilitarian, is user-friendly and effective in delivering the insights needed to refine your strategy.

Sailing Smoothly with the Right Tool

The user experience and ease of use of Planoly and Post Planner reflect their core focuses and target audiences. Planoly’s intuitive, visually driven interface is a haven for those who value aesthetics and visual content strategy. Its drag-and-drop functionality and grid planning tools are like a smooth current guiding visual content creators to their destination.

On the other hand, Post Planner offers a more straightforward, efficiency-focused interface that caters to users concentrated on content discovery, scheduling, and analytics. Its streamlined approach is perfect for strategists looking to navigate the waters of social media management without the frills but with all the necessary tools to ensure engagement and growth.

Choosing between Planoly and Post Planner on the basis of user experience depends on what you value most in your social media management journey. If a visually appealing and intuitive interface that aids in creating a cohesive social media aesthetic is your priority, Planoly might be your ally. However, if you prefer a no-nonsense, functionality-driven platform that streamlines content strategy and analytics, Post Planner could be the captain of your ship.

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Analytics and Reporting: Charting Your Social Media Course

In the quest for social media success, analytics and reporting are your compass and sextant—tools essential for navigating the digital landscape and charting a course that leads to increased engagement and growth. Understanding how Planoly and Post Planner equip you with data to steer your strategy can help determine which tool is best suited to your needs. Let’s delve into the analytical capabilities of both platforms to see how they measure up in helping you understand and optimize your social media presence.

Planoly: Visual Analytics for Creative Content

Planoly’s approach to analytics is much like its overall ethos—visually intuitive and straightforward. The platform provides users with a comprehensive suite of analytics tools designed to offer insights into post performance, audience engagement, and overall account growth. These tools are especially valuable for visual content creators who need to understand what resonates with their audience in terms of aesthetics and content type.

With Planoly, you can easily track the performance of individual posts and stories, including metrics such as likes, comments, saves, and reach. This granular data allows for a detailed understanding of which types of content drive the most engagement, enabling users to fine-tune their content strategy accordingly. Additionally, Planoly offers insights into the best times to post based on historical engagement data, helping users optimize their posting schedule for maximum visibility.

The platform’s analytics also extend to follower demographics, providing a breakdown of audience characteristics such as age, gender, and location. This information is crucial for tailoring content to the specific preferences and behaviors of your audience.

Post Planner: Strategic Insights for Content Optimization

Post Planner takes a more strategic approach to analytics, with a focus on maximizing content performance and engagement. The platform’s analytics tools are designed to go beyond surface-level metrics, offering deeper insights into how content is performing across different social networks. This allows users to identify not just what content is performing well, but why it’s resonating with audiences.

One of Post Planner’s standout features is its ability to score content based on its potential for engagement, using historical data to predict how well a piece of content will perform. This predictive analytics feature is a powerful tool for content strategists, enabling them to make data-driven decisions about which content to share and when.

Additionally, Post Planner provides comprehensive reports on overall account performance, including metrics such as engagement rate, growth in followers, and content reach. These reports are customizable, allowing users to focus on the metrics that matter most to their strategy. The platform also offers competitive analysis tools, enabling users to benchmark their performance against that of their competitors, a valuable feature for businesses looking to gain an edge in a crowded market.

Navigating Your Strategy with the Right Analytics Tools

The analytics and reporting capabilities of Planoly and Post Planner offer different advantages, depending on your social media management needs. Planoly is ideal for content creators and brands that prioritize visual content and need intuitive, visual analytics to understand engagement patterns and audience preferences. Its analytics provide the insights needed to maintain a visually appealing and engaging social media presence.

On the other hand, Post Planner is suited for those who prioritize content strategy and engagement optimization. Its analytical tools offer deep insights into content performance, allowing users to refine their content strategy with a data-driven approach. The predictive analytics and competitive analysis features make Post Planner a powerful tool for businesses and marketers looking to maximize their social media impact.

Choosing between Planoly and Post Planner for analytics and reporting comes down to what aspects of your social media strategy you wish to optimize. If visual engagement and understanding audience aesthetics are your focus, Planoly’s analytics will serve you well. If strategic content planning and competitive analysis are paramount, Post Planner’s insights will guide you to success.

Integration and Ecosystem: Sailing into Social Media Waters

In the sprawling ocean of digital marketing, the ability of your social media management tool to integrate with other platforms and tools is akin to having a fleet of allied ships. These integrations expand your capabilities, streamline workflows, and ensure that your social media efforts are part of a cohesive digital marketing strategy. Let’s explore how Planoly and Post Planner fare in terms of integration with other apps and services, and how this impacts your social media management journey.

Planoly: Seamless Integration for Creative Workflows

Planoly’s strength in visual content planning is complemented by its integrations with various platforms and tools, enhancing its utility for content creators and marketers. Recognizing the importance of a streamlined workflow, Planoly offers integrations that facilitate content creation, scheduling, and analytics.

One of the key integrations is with Canva, a popular graphic design tool. This integration allows users to create visually appealing content directly within Planoly, simplifying the process of designing and scheduling social media posts. For businesses that rely on visual storytelling, this integration is a powerful feature that combines creativity with convenience.

Additionally, Planoly integrates with e-commerce platforms like Shopify, enabling brands to turn their social media profiles into shoppable experiences. This direct link between social media content and e-commerce functionality is crucial for brands looking to drive sales through their social channels.

Planoly also offers a range of analytics integrations, providing deeper insights into social media performance. By connecting with platforms like Google Analytics, users can track the impact of their social media efforts on website traffic and conversions, offering a holistic view of their online presence.

Post Planner: Strategic Integrations for Content Mastery

Post Planner’s focus on content strategy and engagement is supported by its integrations with various content sources and analytics tools. These integrations are designed to enhance the platform’s core capabilities, making it easier for users to discover, plan, and analyze content across multiple social networks.

A standout feature of Post Planner is its integration with content discovery sources. The platform pulls in trending content from across the web, including blogs, news sites, and social media platforms, helping users stay ahead of the curve with fresh, engaging content. This access to a vast content library is invaluable for businesses and marketers looking to maintain a dynamic and relevant social media presence.

In terms of analytics, Post Planner integrates with major social media networks to provide detailed performance metrics. These integrations allow for a comprehensive analysis of engagement, reach, and growth, enabling users to fine-tune their content strategy based on data-driven insights.

Moreover, Post Planner’s ability to integrate with team collaboration tools enhances its utility for agencies and businesses with multiple team members working on social media. This facilitates a collaborative approach to social media management, ensuring that everyone is aligned on the strategy and execution.

Choosing Your Ally in Social Media Integration

The integration capabilities of Planoly and Post Planner highlight their distinct approaches to social media management. Planoly excels in providing a seamless workflow for content creators, with integrations that support visual content creation, e-commerce, and analytics. This makes it an ideal choice for brands and influencers who prioritize visual storytelling and want to integrate their social media efforts with their broader digital marketing strategy.

On the other hand, Post Planner’s strength lies in its content discovery and strategic planning integrations, making it a powerful tool for marketers and businesses focused on content performance and engagement. Its ability to source and analyze content across multiple platforms, combined with collaboration tools, positions it as a strategic ally for teams looking to optimize their social media impact.

Ultimately, the choice between Planoly and Post Planner will depend on your specific needs and goals. If your strategy revolves around creating and managing visually compelling content with seamless integration into your e-commerce and analytics ecosystem, Planoly could be your go-to tool. Conversely, if your focus is on leveraging content strategy and collaboration to maximize engagement, Post Planner offers the integrations necessary to navigate those waters successfully.

Customer Support and Community: Navigating Through Troubled Waters

In the journey of social media management, encountering rough seas is inevitable. Whether it’s a technical glitch, a feature query, or needing strategic advice, having a reliable crew in the form of customer support and an engaged community can make all the difference. Let’s set sail into the realms of customer support and community engagement provided by Planoly and Post Planner to see which platform offers the lifebuoy you might need in times of trouble.

Planoly: A Compassionate Support Crew

Planoly understands the importance of timely and effective support. The platform offers a variety of support channels designed to guide users through any issues they may encounter. From an extensive knowledge base filled with articles, tutorials, and FAQs, users can often find answers to their questions without needing direct intervention.

For more personalized assistance, Planoly provides email support, where users can reach out with specific queries or issues. The response times are generally commendable, with the support team making efforts to address user concerns as quickly as possible. While Planoly does not offer live chat or phone support, the depth and accessibility of their online resources, combined with responsive email support, ensure that users are not left adrift.

Moreover, Planoly’s commitment to community engagement shines through its active social media presence and blog. These platforms are not just about troubleshooting; they’re also about inspiration, education, and building a community around visual content creation. Planoly hosts webinars and tutorials that offer users insights into social media trends, content strategy, and platform optimization, fostering a sense of community among its users.

Post Planner: Strategic Support at the Helm

Post Planner steers its customer support with a focus on strategic content optimization. The platform offers a comprehensive knowledge base that covers everything from getting started to advanced features, ensuring users have access to the information they need to navigate the platform effectively.

For direct support, Post Planner provides email support to address specific user inquiries and issues. While the platform also lacks real-time support options like live chat or phone support, the detailed nature of their resources and the strategic focus of their content help bridge this gap. The support team is known for being knowledgeable, not just about the technical aspects of the platform but also about content strategy and social media marketing best practices.

Post Planner extends its support beyond the platform through its blog and social media channels, where it shares valuable insights into content strategy, engagement tactics, and social media trends. These resources are designed to help users not only overcome technical hurdles but also enhance their content strategy and social media presence.

The Lifeline of Support and Community

Both Planoly and Post Planner recognize the importance of support and community in the social media management ecosystem. Planoly excels in providing a supportive environment for visual content creators, offering resources that blend technical guidance with creative inspiration. Its emphasis on community building through educational content and social media engagement makes it a valuable ally for users looking to not only solve problems but also grow their skills and network.

Post Planner, with its strategic focus, offers support that goes beyond troubleshooting, aiming to educate users on content optimization and social media strategy. Its resources are tailored to users who are keen on diving deeper into the mechanics of content engagement and performance, making it ideal for those looking to sharpen their strategic edge.

Choosing between Planoly and Post Planner in terms of customer support and community engagement ultimately depends on your specific needs. If you value a blend of creative inspiration and technical support, Planoly’s approach may resonate more with you. Conversely, if strategic content planning and optimization are your main goals, Post Planner’s support ecosystem might be better suited to your voyage.

With this exploration of customer support and community, we’ve navigated through various aspects of Planoly and Post Planner. Each platform offers unique strengths, making them suitable for different types of social media sailors. Whether you’re drawn to the visual aesthetics and community of Planoly or the strategic depth and content focus of Post Planner, your choice will anchor your social media management strategy to the right shore.


In the vast and ever-changing sea of social media management, Planoly and Post Planner emerge as two leading lights, each guiding a different course. Planoly, with its visually intuitive platform, caters to the aesthetically driven creator, offering seamless integrations, a supportive community, and an emphasis on visual content planning. It’s the go-to for those who see social media as a canvas.

Post Planner, on the other hand, navigates the strategic depths of content discovery and optimization, ideal for the data-driven marketer focused on engagement and efficiency. It equips users with the tools to unearth engaging content and refine strategies based on analytical insights. Choosing between them hinges on your voyage’s nature—whether you’re charting a course through the visual stories of Instagram or navigating the analytical waters of content strategy. Whichever tool you choose, let it be the one that aligns with your vision, strategy, and the audience you aim to captivate. As we dock at the end of our exploration, remember that the right social media management tool not only simplifies your journey but also amplifies your message across the digital seas.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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