Nimble vs Apptivo: The Best CRM Tool for You

Evaluate Nimble vs Apptivo to decide which CRM offers better contact management, integration, and customization for your business needs

Navigating the vast sea of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools can be a daunting task. Today, we’re diving into a comparison of two notable players in the CRM field: Nimble and Apptivo. Both platforms offer a suite of features aimed at streamlining your sales processes, managing customer relationships, and driving your business growth. But the big question is, which one is the best CRM tool for you? Let’s break down their features.

Nimble Apptivo
Nimble Apptivo
G2 Score -4.5 out of 5G2 Score -4.4 out of 5
TrustRadius Score -7.4 out of 10TrustRadius Score -8.2 out of 10

Ease of Use and User Interface

In the world of CRM tools, where the complexity of features can be overwhelming, the ease of use and the user interface (UI) play pivotal roles in determining whether a platform enhances your workflow or hinders it. Here’s how Nimble and Apptivo stack up in this domain.


It prides itself on a user-friendly interface that’s both intuitive and visually appealing. When you log into Nimble, you’re greeted with a clean, straightforward dashboard that doesn’t require a manual to navigate. One of Nimble’s standout features is its integration with social media, allowing you to seamlessly connect with your contacts across different platforms. This integration is not just about collecting contact details; it’s about enriching customer profiles with social insights directly within the CRM. Nimble also offers a smart search feature that makes finding the right information a breeze.

For businesses that rely heavily on social interactions and value a comprehensive view of their contacts, Nimble’s UI and ease of use are big pluses. The platform is designed to minimize the time you spend searching for information, maximizing the time you spend engaging with clients. However, some users might find Nimble’s features leaning more towards social CRM aspects, which could be a limitation if you’re looking for more traditional CRM functionalities.


On the other hand, offers a broader suite of features aimed at catering to a wide range of business processes, from project management to invoicing and supply chain management. This extensive feature set is reflected in Apptivo’s UI, which, while highly customizable, can be a bit overwhelming for new users. That said, Apptivo’s strength lies in its ability to be tailored to fit the unique needs of your business. Each app within Apptivo can be customized extensively, and the platform offers a significant amount of flexibility in how data is displayed and managed.

For businesses that require a highly customizable CRM with extensive features beyond customer relationship management, Apptivo is a strong contender. However, the trade-off comes in the form of a steeper learning curve and potentially longer setup times as you customize the platform to suit your needs.

Pricing and Scalability

When it comes to choosing the right CRM for your business, how much it costs versus what you get is a balancing act. Let’s see how Nimble and Apptivo stack up when we talk numbers and scalability.

Nimble’s Pricing Structure

Nimble pricing

Nimble offers a straightforward pricing model designed to keep things simple. With a single main plan that caters to the needs of most businesses, plus a few add-ons for specific functionalities, Nimble aims to make decision-making easy for its users. This approach is especially appealing for small businesses or startups that are looking for a clear, predictable cost without the complexity of multiple tiers and options.

One of the strengths of Nimble is its focus on providing value within its primary offering, including access to its core features like contact management, sales automation, and social media integration. This makes it an attractive option for businesses looking to get started with a CRM without needing extensive customization or additional modules.

However, while Nimble’s simplicity in pricing is a plus, it may pose limitations for rapidly growing businesses or those with more complex needs. As your business expands, you might find yourself looking for more specialized features that aren’t covered in the main plan, leading to a reliance on third-party integrations or a search for a more robust platform.

Apptivo’s Approach to Pricing

Apptivo pricing

Apptivo, in contrast, provides a tiered pricing strategy that allows businesses to scale their CRM solution as they grow. Starting from a basic free tier for up to three users, which is great for very small businesses or those just testing the CRM waters, to more advanced plans that unlock additional features and integrations, Apptivo caters to a wide range of business sizes and needs.

The flexibility of Apptivo’s pricing model means that businesses can start small and upgrade as their needs evolve, adding functionalities like advanced reporting, project management, and inventory management. This scalability is a significant advantage for businesses planning for growth, ensuring that their CRM can grow with them without the need for platform migration.

Moreover, Apptivo’s higher tiers offer customization options that can tailor the CRM to fit the unique workflows and processes of your business. This customization can be a game-changer for businesses with specific requirements that off-the-shelf solutions can’t meet.

Integration Capabilities

In today’s digital landscape, a CRM must play well with other software. Whether it’s email marketing tools, accounting software, or customer support platforms, the ease with which a CRM integrates into your existing tech stack is crucial. Let’s compare how Nimble and Apptivo perform in this arena.

Nimble’s Integration Ecosystem

Nimble stands out for its strong social media integration, designed to enrich contact profiles with valuable insights from social networks. Beyond this, Nimble integrates well with a variety of popular business applications, including Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365, facilitating smooth communication and information sharing within teams. Additionally, Nimble connects with email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, allowing for streamlined marketing campaigns directly tied to your CRM data.

What makes Nimble particularly appealing is its browser extension, which enables users to capture and act on CRM data from within their web browser, regardless of whether they’re browsing LinkedIn profiles or checking emails. This level of integration is designed for ease of use and efficiency, ensuring that valuable data is never more than a click away.

However, while Nimble offers a range of essential integrations, businesses with more specialized or niche tools may find its ecosystem a bit limited. The platform focuses on providing deep integration with a curated list of partners rather than an extensive network of third-party applications.

Apptivo’s Integration Landscape

Apptivo, with its broader approach to CRM functionality, boasts an extensive array of integration options that cater to a wide variety of business needs. From accounting software like QuickBooks and Xero to email marketing services such as Constant Contact and marketing automation platforms like Zapier, Apptivo’s integration capabilities are vast. This wide-ranging support ensures that businesses can maintain a cohesive workflow across different departments and tools.

One of Apptivo’s strengths is its adaptability to various business processes, supported by its comprehensive integration options. Whether you’re looking to streamline your sales pipeline, enhance customer support, or manage inventory, Apptivo likely has an integration that fits your needs. Additionally, for businesses that rely on custom or niche software, Apptivo offers API access for custom integrations, providing the flexibility to create a tailored CRM ecosystem.

Customer Support and Training

Adopting a new CRM system, or getting the most out of an existing one, often requires navigating a learning curve. Here’s how Nimble and Apptivo support their users through this process.

Nimble’s Support and Educational Resources

Nimble offers a variety of support channels to assist users with their queries and issues. Email support and community forums are available for all users, providing a platform to seek answers and share insights. Nimble also hosts a comprehensive knowledge base filled with articles, guides, and how-to videos designed to help users self-serve many of their questions and learn at their own pace.

For more direct assistance, Nimble provides live chat support, ensuring users can get help in real-time. While phone support is not universally available, the platform makes an effort to keep its support responsive and helpful across all channels.

Additionally, Nimble places a strong emphasis on education and training, offering webinars and training sessions to help users maximize the potential of their CRM. These resources are valuable for both new and experienced users, providing insights into best practices and advanced features.

Apptivo’s Approach to Customer Support

Apptivo prides itself on offering a broad spectrum of support options to its users. From live chat and email support to phone support available 24/7 for premium plan users, Apptivo ensures that businesses can get the assistance they need, whenever they need it. This commitment to accessible support is a testament to Apptivo’s focus on customer satisfaction and user experience.

Moreover, Apptivo offers a wealth of educational resources, including a detailed knowledge base, video tutorials, and FAQs, designed to empower users to find answers independently. For more structured learning, Apptivo provides training sessions and webinars, covering everything from basic navigation to leveraging advanced features for business growth.

One of Apptivo’s notable strengths is its personalized support for implementation and customization issues, particularly for users on higher-tier plans. This level of personalized assistance can be invaluable for businesses looking to tailor the CRM to their specific workflows and processes.

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Mobile Accessibility

The best CRM tools don’t just tie you to a desk; they go where you go. Here’s how Nimble and Apptivo stand up to the demands of the mobile-first business environment.

Nimble’s Mobile Experience

Nimble offers a mobile app designed to keep you connected with your contacts and sales pipeline, no matter where you are. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices, ensuring broad accessibility. One of Nimble’s strengths is its seamless integration of social media insights into the mobile interface, providing a rich, contextual view of your contacts on the go. This feature is especially useful for sales and marketing professionals who rely on social engagement and networking as part of their strategy.

The Nimble mobile app also includes essential CRM functionalities such as access to your contact list, task management, and deal tracking. The interface is clean and intuitive, much like its desktop counterpart, which translates into a minimal learning curve for users transitioning between devices. However, some users might find the mobile app’s features somewhat limited compared to the full desktop version, particularly when it comes to more complex tasks and integrations.

Apptivo’s Mobile Capabilities

Apptivo, recognizing the importance of mobile accessibility, also provides a comprehensive mobile app for iOS and Android users. The app encompasses a wide range of functionalities, from contact and lead management to invoicing and project tracking. This extensive feature set makes the Apptivo mobile app a powerful tool for businesses that require full CRM capabilities on the go.

One of the standout features of the Apptivo mobile app is its customization options, allowing users to tailor the mobile experience to their specific needs. The app also supports push notifications, ensuring that you stay informed about important updates and tasks, a critical feature for maintaining responsiveness and customer satisfaction.

While Apptivo’s mobile app is feature-rich, the breadth of functionalities can occasionally make the app feel more complex, potentially requiring a steeper learning curve for new users or those less familiar with the platform.


As we conclude our deep dive into the comparison between Nimble and Apptivo, it’s clear that both CRM platforms bring distinct strengths to the table, catering to different business needs, preferences, and strategies. From ease of use and pricing to integration capabilities, customer support, and mobile accessibility, each platform has its unique advantages.


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