Moosend vs SendPulse: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Optimize your email strategy in 2024! Moosend vs SendPulse - explore features and functionalities to determine the best email marketing tool for your business.

Welcome to the ultimate showdown between Moosend and SendPulse, the two giants in the email marketing arena for 2024. As a savvy marketer or business owner, you’re always on the hunt for tools that not only make your life easier but also skyrocket your marketing results. Today, we’re diving deep into a comparison that might just be the key to your next big email marketing success.

Moosend SendPulse
G2 Score – 4.6 out of 5 stars
G2 Score – 4.6 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 9.8 out of 10TrustRadius Score – 7.9 out of 10

Ease of Use: Simplifying Email Marketing

Let’s kick things off by comparing something that’s crucial for any tool: ease of use. After all, what’s the point of having a powerful tool if it feels like you need a PhD to use it?

Moosend – Simplifying the Complex

Moosend has been a favorite for its user-friendly interface. It’s like having a friendly guide by your side, showing you the ropes from creating your first campaign to analyzing complex data. Their drag-and-drop email editor is a dream come true for those who shudder at the thought of coding. You can literally build stunning emails by just dragging elements around – it’s that simple. Their dashboard is clean and intuitive. You won’t find yourself lost in a maze of features; everything is where you expect it to be. Setting up automations, a feature we’ll delve deeper into later, is a breeze. Moosend has taken great strides in ensuring that their platform is accessible to beginners while still packing a punch for the pros.

SendPulse – A Blend of Power and Simplicity

SendPulse, on the other hand, takes a slightly different approach. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of email marketing tools – packed with features but still surprisingly easy to navigate. Their email editor is also a drag-and-drop affair, making it simple for anyone to create professional-looking emails. However, where SendPulse really shines is its multi-channel marketing capabilities. You can manage email, SMS, and web push notifications all from one dashboard. This might sound overwhelming, but SendPulse has done a fantastic job of organizing these features in a way that’s not intimidating, even for beginners.

So, Who Makes Email Marketing Easier?

When it comes to ease of use, both Moosend and SendPulse have their strengths. Moosend’s focus is on making email marketing as straightforward as possible, while SendPulse brings multi-channel marketing into an easy-to-use platform. Your choice here depends on your specific needs. If you’re looking for a dedicated email marketing tool that anyone in your team can pick up quickly, Moosend might be your go-to. However, if you crave a bit more versatility and are eager to explore beyond emails, SendPulse could be your match.

Automation Capabilities: Streamlining Your Campaigns

Moving beyond just the surface-level ease of use, let’s delve into something that truly sets apart good email marketing tools from the great ones: automation. It’s all about doing more with less, and both Moosend and SendPulse pack some serious firepower in this department.

Moosend – The Automation Maestro

Moosend’s automation capabilities are, in one word, impressive. They’ve built their platform with a clear understanding that personalized, timely emails are key to engaging with your audience. Their automation features allow you to create triggers based on subscriber actions or behaviors. Imagine sending a tailored welcome email the moment someone signs up, or a special discount when a customer abandons their cart. That’s the kind of precision Moosend offers. Their automation workflows are not just powerful but also incredibly flexible. You can create complex sequences that ensure your subscribers receive relevant emails at just the right time. This level of customization is a game-changer, especially for businesses looking to create a more personalized experience for their customers.

SendPulse – Automation with a Multi-Channel Twist

SendPulse takes automation into a slightly different territory by integrating it with their multi-channel approach. Yes, you can create email automation sequences, much like Moosend. But SendPulse lets you go a step further by incorporating SMS and push notifications into your automation workflows. This means you’re not just automating your emails; you’re automating your entire communication strategy. For instance, if a subscriber doesn’t open your email, you can set up an SMS as a follow-up. This level of integration across different channels can significantly increase your engagement rates and ensure your message gets through, no matter the medium.

Choosing the Right Automation Tool

If your primary focus is on sophisticated email automation and highly personalized email campaigns, Moosend might be the better choice. Its detailed and user-friendly automation options are hard to beat. However, if you’re looking for a more holistic approach that brings together various communication channels under one automated umbrella, SendPulse’s integrated automation capabilities will be more appealing.

Analytical Insights: Measuring Success and Learning from Data

An often underrated but critical aspect of any email marketing tool is its ability to provide insightful analytics. After all, what’s the use of launching campaigns if you can’t measure their success and learn from the data? Let’s see how Moosend and SendPulse fare in this domain.

Moosend – In-Depth Data at Your Fingertips

Moosend excels in offering detailed analytics that go beyond just open rates and click-through rates. They provide a comprehensive view of your campaigns’ performance, including how subscribers interact with your emails and what actions they take afterwards. This data is gold for understanding your audience’s behavior and preferences. What sets Moosend apart is the clarity and depth of their reporting. You can track everything from the device your subscribers used to open your emails to the exact link they clicked. This level of detail is invaluable for refining your strategies and tailoring your content to what resonates most with your audience.

SendPulse – A Holistic View of Your Campaigns

SendPulse, sticking to its multi-channel nature, offers analytics that encompass more than just email. Alongside standard email metrics, you also get insights into how your SMS and push notifications are performing. This integrated view is crucial for businesses utilizing a multi-channel marketing strategy. Their analytics dashboard is user-friendly, making it easy to understand your campaigns’ performance at a glance. SendPulse also offers features like A/B testing, which helps in fine-tuning your campaigns based on real data, enhancing your overall marketing effectiveness.

Analyzing the Analyzers

If you’re looking for deep, email-specific analytics and want to delve into the nitty-gritty of your email campaigns, Moosend’s extensive reporting capabilities will be your best bet. However, if you value a broader view that encapsulates all your marketing channels, SendPulse’s integrated analytics will serve you better.

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Customer Support and Learning Resources: Ensuring You’re Never Stuck

No matter how intuitive or advanced a tool is, there will be times when you need a helping hand. This is where customer support and learning resources come into play. Let’s examine how Moosend and SendPulse support their users in times of need.

Moosend – Personalized Support at Your Service

Moosend takes customer support seriously. They offer a range of support options, including email, live chat, and phone support. Their response times are commendable, ensuring that you’re not left hanging when you need help the most. What’s more, Moosend’s support team is known for their personalized approach, often going above and beyond to resolve issues or provide guidance.

In addition to their responsive support, Moosend offers a wealth of learning resources. Their blog is filled with insightful articles, guides, and tips on email marketing. They also provide detailed tutorials and webinars, which are fantastic for both beginners and experienced marketers looking to sharpen their skills.

SendPulse – Comprehensive Resources and 24/7 Support

SendPulse matches up well in the customer support arena. They offer 24/7 support through various channels, including live chat, email, and phone. This round-the-clock availability is a huge plus, especially for businesses operating in different time zones or those that need immediate assistance.

Beyond their responsive support team, SendPulse boasts an extensive knowledge base. This includes detailed articles, video tutorials, and FAQs covering all aspects of their platform. They also host regular webinars and have a community forum, providing multiple avenues for learning and peer support.

Navigating Through Support and Resources

Both Moosend and SendPulse shine in their commitment to supporting their users. If you prefer a more personalized touch in customer service, Moosend might edge out slightly. However, for those who value the availability of 24/7 support and a comprehensive set of learning materials, SendPulse is equally impressive.

Pricing and Value for Money: Balancing Cost and Features

In the world of email marketing tools, pricing plays a significant role. It’s not just about how much you pay, but what you get for your money. Let’s break down the pricing structures of Moosend and SendPulse to see which offers better value for your investment.

MoosendFree Plan: Offers access to basic features for up to 1,000 subscribers, including email campaigns, automation, and landing pages.
Pro Plan: Pricing starts at $8 per month for up to 2,000 subscribers, with unlimited emails. Includes advanced features like transactional emails, landing page builder, and phone support. The price scales with the number of subscribers.
Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing for businesses needing custom features like account management, SSO (Single Sign-On), and more.
SendPulseFree Plan: Allows up to 2,500 subscribers and 15,000 emails per month.
Standard Plan: Starts around $6.40/month for up to 500 subscribers, with unlimited emails, and scales up with more subscribers.
Pro Plan: For larger businesses, with advanced features. Pricing starts at higher rates and varies based on the number of subscribers.

Moosend – Affordable and Transparent Pricing

Moosend is known for its straightforward and affordable pricing structure. They offer a free plan, which is great for small businesses or individuals just starting out. This plan includes most of the basic features, allowing you to test the waters without any financial commitment.

As your needs grow, Moosend’s paid plans are reasonably priced and based on the number of subscribers. The good thing is, all features are included across all paid plans. You get access to advanced automation, detailed analytics, and their full suite of tools regardless of the plan you choose. This transparency in pricing means you won’t encounter unexpected limitations as you scale up.

SendPulse – Versatile Pricing with More Options

SendPulse adopts a slightly different approach to pricing. Like Moosend, they have a free plan, but they also offer more varied paid options, including a pay-as-you-go model. This can be particularly appealing for businesses with fluctuating email volumes as it allows for more flexibility.

Their subscription plans are also based on the number of subscribers, but with an added twist. SendPulse charges for the additional multi-channel features, like SMS and web push notifications, separately. This could be an advantage or a drawback, depending on how much you leverage these additional channels.

Weighing Cost Against Features

When it comes to choosing between Moosend and SendPulse based on pricing, it boils down to your specific needs. If you’re looking for an affordable, all-in-one email marketing tool with no hidden costs, Moosend is a fantastic choice. However, if you need a more flexible pricing model and plan to use multiple channels like SMS and push notifications, SendPulse’s varied pricing structure might better suit your needs.

Integration Capabilities: Connecting Your Marketing Tools

In our increasingly connected digital world, the ability of an email marketing tool to integrate seamlessly with other software and services is vital. Let’s see how Moosend and SendPulse fare when it comes to playing well with other tools.

Moosend – Seamless Integration with Popular Services

Moosend offers a robust set of integration options with popular e-commerce platforms, CRM systems, and various other tools that businesses commonly use. This includes integrations with major platforms like Shopify, Magento, WordPress, and Salesforce, among others. These integrations are designed to be straightforward, allowing for easy data transfer and triggering automated workflows based on actions in other systems.

Additionally, Moosend also supports Zapier integrations, which opens up a world of possibilities, connecting with over a thousand other apps. This level of connectivity is a huge plus for businesses looking to automate and streamline their marketing and sales processes.

SendPulse – Broad Range of Integrations with a Multi-Channel Edge

SendPulse matches up with a similar range of integrations. They also cover a wide array of e-commerce platforms, CRMs, and other essential business tools. The advantage SendPulse has is its multi-channel nature. Its integrations are not just limited to enhancing your email marketing efforts but also extend to optimizing your SMS and web push campaigns.

Like Moosend, SendPulse is compatible with Zapier, granting access to a vast network of apps for automation and data synchronization. This makes it incredibly versatile and adaptable to various business needs, particularly for those who are looking to manage multiple channels through a single platform.

Integrating Your Marketing Ecosystem

In terms of integrations, both Moosend and SendPulse offer strong capabilities, allowing you to connect with a wide range of services. The choice here depends on the breadth of your marketing activities. If your focus is primarily on email marketing and you’re using popular e-commerce and CRM platforms, Moosend’s integrations will serve you well. However, if you’re looking for a tool that can also integrate your SMS and push notification campaigns with other services, SendPulse’s broader multi-channel integrations could be more beneficial.


In the dynamic world of email marketing, choosing the right tool can make all the difference. Our comprehensive comparison between Moosend and SendPulse reveals strengths in both platforms, tailored to different needs and strategies. Moosend excels with its user-friendly interface, making it ideal for those new to email marketing or who prefer simplicity and efficiency. Its robust automation features and detailed analytics are top-notch, providing both power and ease of use. The transparent and affordable pricing, along with extensive integrations, make Moosend a great choice for businesses focused on email marketing.

SendPulse, on the other hand, stands out with its multi-channel capabilities, integrating email, SMS, and push notifications. This makes it a versatile option for marketers looking to engage their audience across different platforms. Its 24/7 customer support, flexible pricing models, and broad range of integrations cater to businesses seeking a comprehensive communication tool. In conclusion, if your priority is a straightforward, powerful email marketing tool, Moosend is your go-to option. However, if you require a more versatile solution that covers multiple communication channels, SendPulse offers a compelling package. Ultimately, your choice depends on your specific business needs and marketing goals for 2024.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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