Mailchimp vs ActiveCampaign: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Explore the showdown between Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign for 2024. Find out which tool excels in features, usability, and value.

In the dynamic world of digital marketing in 2024, choosing the right email marketing tool is crucial for businesses looking to effectively engage their audience. Among the plethora of options, Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign stand out as leading contenders. But which one reigns supreme for your marketing needs? In this detailed exploration, we’ll dive into the core features, strengths, and weaknesses of both platforms, starting with an in-depth comparison of one critical aspect:

Automation and Personalization: The Heart of Email Marketing

In today’s digital marketing landscape, the true power of an email marketing tool lies in its ability to automate processes and personalize content. Let’s compare how Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign perform in these essential areas.

Mailchimp – Simplifying Automation

Mailchimp has long been recognized for its user-friendly approach to automation. It offers a range of automated workflows that cater to different stages of the customer journey, from welcome sequences to re-engagement campaigns. These automation features are designed to save time while maintaining consistent communication with your audience.

Personalization in Mailchimp goes beyond just addressing subscribers by their names. It allows for segmentation based on subscriber behavior, preferences, and engagement, enabling you to tailor your messages accordingly. This level of personalization helps in crafting campaigns that resonate more deeply with each segment of your audience, potentially increasing engagement and conversion rates.

ActiveCampaign – Advanced Automation and Deep Personalization

ActiveCampaign stands out with its advanced automation capabilities, which are among the most sophisticated in the email marketing space. It offers a visual automation builder that allows for the creation of complex, multi-step workflows. These can be customized based on various subscriber actions and behaviors, providing a high degree of control over how and when emails are sent.

ActiveCampaign takes personalization a step further by integrating CRM functionalities. This allows for a deeper understanding of each subscriber, enabling highly targeted and relevant communication. By leveraging detailed subscriber data, ActiveCampaign helps in creating highly personalized and effective email marketing campaigns.

Weighing the Strengths for Your Strategy

Choosing between Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign in the realm of automation and personalization hinges on the specific needs of your email marketing campaigns.

If you’re looking for a tool that is user-friendly and offers a good range of automation features with basic to intermediate personalization options, Mailchimp is a great choice. It’s particularly suited for small to medium-sized businesses or those just starting with email marketing.

For more advanced automation needs and deeper personalization, particularly if you’re integrating email marketing with sales and CRM processes, ActiveCampaign is the superior choice. Its sophisticated automation capabilities and CRM integration make it ideal for businesses that require a more comprehensive email marketing solution.

I use Mailchimp for newsletters and everyday correspondence because of its powerful statistics and easy-to-use UI. On the other side, I like ActiveCampaign more since it provides powerful automation and segmentation features for more customized and targeted marketing.

Their main functional differences are that whereas ActiveCampaign is great at building experiences that are specifically suited for certain groups, Mailchimp is great at reaching a large audience.

The nicest thing about Mailchimp is how simple it is to use, which makes it perfect for swiftly establishing campaigns. The most notable aspect of ActiveCampaign is its automated process, which enables complex client journeys depending on behaviour and preferences.

Mark McShane, Marketing Director of Boiler Cover UK

Pricing and Plans: Matching Your Financial Strategy

In the competitive landscape of 2024, understanding the pricing and plans of email marketing tools is as important as assessing their features. Let’s compare the pricing structures of Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign to understand which platform offers the best value for businesses of different sizes and needs.


  • Free Plan: Available with basic features, suitable for up to 2,000 contacts and 10,000 sends per month with a daily limit of 2,000.
  • Essentials Plan: Starting at around $9.99/month, this plan includes all email templates, A/B testing, custom branding, and support for up to 50,000 contacts.
  • Standard Plan: Starting at approximately $14.99/month, this offers additional features like retargeting ads, advanced insights, and automation tools, catering to up to 100,000 contacts.
  • Premium Plan: Starting from $299/month, aimed at larger businesses, offering advanced segmentation, multivariate testing, and unlimited seats and role-based access.


  • Lite Plan: Starting at $15/month (for up to 500 contacts), offering basic email marketing, marketing automation, and a customer CRM.
  • Plus Plan: Starting at $70/month, with additional features like landing pages, Facebook Custom Audiences integration, and lead scoring.
  • Professional Plan: Starting at $159/month, including site messaging, attribution, and predictive sending.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing, offering custom reporting, custom mailserver domain, and dedicated account rep.

Mailchimp – A Range of Flexible Options

Mailchimp’s pricing model is designed to accommodate businesses of various scales. It begins with a free plan, an attractive option for small businesses or startups just venturing into email marketing. This plan includes basic features but has limitations in terms of contacts and email sends.

As businesses grow and their needs become more complex, Mailchimp offers several tiered plans. Each higher tier adds more advanced features, including sophisticated segmentation, multivariate testing, and extensive analytics. The pricing tiers are based on the number of contacts, making it a scalable option for growing businesses. While the costs for larger lists can be significant, the value provided in terms of features and capabilities can justify the investment for businesses with extensive email marketing strategies.

ActiveCampaign – Pricing for Advanced Needs

ActiveCampaign’s pricing strategy is tailored more towards businesses looking for advanced automation and CRM functionalities. The platform doesn’t offer a free plan, but its entry-level plan is reasonably priced, providing access to basic email marketing features and some automation capabilities.

ActiveCampaign’s higher-tier plans, which are priced based on the number of contacts, offer advanced features like sales automation, CRM, and deep data analytics. These plans are particularly suited for businesses that require detailed automation workflows and are looking to integrate their email marketing efforts closely with their sales processes.

Aligning Pricing with Your Business Goals

Deciding between Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign based on pricing involves considering the scale and complexity of your email marketing requirements.

Mailchimp is a great choice for businesses that need a balance of features and affordability. Its flexible pricing plans cater to a wide range of business sizes, making it ideal for growth and scalability.

On the other hand, ActiveCampaign is more suited for businesses that require advanced email marketing and CRM features and are willing to invest more in these capabilities. Its pricing reflects the advanced functionality it offers, particularly in automation and subscriber engagement.

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User Interface and Ease of Use: Navigating Email Marketing Tools

The Significance of User Experience in Email Marketing Success

In the digital marketing world of 2024, the user interface and ease of use of an email marketing tool are as crucial as the features it offers. A platform that combines powerful capabilities with an intuitive user experience can significantly enhance marketing efficiency and effectiveness. Let’s delve into how Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign stack up in terms of user interface and usability.

Mailchimp – Emphasizing Intuitiveness and Simplicity

Mailchimp has long been lauded for its user-friendly interface, making it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes, especially those new to email marketing. The platform is known for its clean, intuitive dashboard, which simplifies navigating through various functionalities, from managing subscriber lists to creating and tracking campaigns.

A standout feature of Mailchimp’s interface is its renowned drag-and-drop editor. This tool allows users to easily design visually appealing emails, irrespective of their design skills. Furthermore, Mailchimp offers a range of customizable templates, enabling users to create professional-looking emails that resonate with their brand identity. This blend of simplicity and functionality makes Mailchimp a preferred choice for businesses seeking an accessible yet powerful email marketing tool.

ActiveCampaign – Balancing Advanced Features with Usability

ActiveCampaign, while offering a more sophisticated set of features, also focuses on maintaining a user-friendly interface. The platform is designed for users who require advanced functionalities but still appreciate an accessible and navigable interface.

The strength of ActiveCampaign’s interface lies in its visual automation builder, which allows users to create complex, multi-step email workflows with ease. While the platform offers advanced capabilities, especially in automation and CRM integration, it manages to present these features in a user-friendly layout. For businesses that need more detailed and nuanced marketing tools without a steep learning curve, ActiveCampaign provides an effective solution.

Matching Platform Usability with Your Needs

When choosing between Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign, consider your team’s familiarity with email marketing tools and the level of complexity you’re comfortable handling.

If your team prefers an easy-to-use platform with a straightforward approach to email marketing, Mailchimp is an excellent choice. Its user-friendly nature makes it suitable for a wide range of users, from beginners to those with more experience.

For businesses that require a comprehensive set of email marketing tools and are comfortable with a slightly more complex system, ActiveCampaign is a strong contender. It strikes a balance between offering advanced features and maintaining a user-friendly interface.

Integration Capabilities: Expanding Your Digital Marketing Arsenal

The Power of Connectivity in Email Marketing

In the fast-paced digital world of 2024, the ability of an email marketing tool to integrate seamlessly with other business applications can be a game-changer. It’s like having a well-connected network that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Let’s compare the integration capabilities of Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign.

Mailchimp – The Versatile Integrator

Mailchimp is known for its extensive range of integrations, connecting with a wide array of platforms and services. This includes CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, social media tools, and more. Such a broad spectrum of integrations positions Mailchimp as a versatile tool that can fit into various digital marketing strategies.

These integrations allow for a streamlined workflow, ensuring data flows seamlessly between Mailchimp and other business tools. Whether it’s for syncing customer information from e-commerce platforms, integrating with CRM for deeper insights, or connecting with analytics tools for detailed campaign analysis, Mailchimp’s integrations enhance the overall functionality and reach of your email marketing campaigns.

ActiveCampaign – Focused and Efficient Integrations

ActiveCampaign, while offering a somewhat more focused range of integrations compared to Mailchimp, provides highly efficient connectivity options. Its integrations are particularly strong in areas that complement its advanced automation and CRM features.

The integrations provided by ActiveCampaign are designed to maximize the efficiency of its email marketing, automation, and CRM functionalities. This includes seamless connections with leading e-commerce platforms, CRM systems, and other essential marketing tools. For businesses looking for a tool that integrates deeply with customer relationship management and sales processes, ActiveCampaign offers valuable solutions.

Selecting a Tool that Suits Your Integration Needs

Choosing between Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign in terms of integration capabilities depends on the complexity of your digital marketing ecosystem and the specific needs of your business.

If you require a tool with a wide range of integrations that can act as a central hub in your digital marketing strategy, Mailchimp’s extensive integration network makes it an ideal choice. Its ability to connect with various platforms can provide flexibility and enhance the reach of your marketing efforts.

For businesses that need a tool with a strong focus on sales and CRM integrations, particularly those looking to tightly integrate their email marketing with customer relationship management, ActiveCampaign offers targeted solutions. Its integrations are designed to bolster the platform’s powerful automation and CRM capabilities.


Mailchimp has established itself as a highly user-friendly platform, offering a wide range of features and extensive integration capabilities. This makes it particularly appealing to small and medium-sized businesses or those just starting their journey in email marketing. Its intuitive interface, combined with a versatile range of functionalities, makes Mailchimp an excellent all-in-one solution for businesses looking to manage their email marketing campaigns with ease and efficiency.

ActiveCampaign, on the other hand, stands out for its advanced automation features and CRM integration capabilities. It caters to businesses that require a more sophisticated approach to email marketing, particularly those looking to closely align their email campaigns with sales and CRM processes. Its focus on detailed customer insights and tailored communication makes it a powerful tool for businesses aiming to create highly personalized and effective email marketing strategies.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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