Elementor vs ConvertKit Landing Pages: The Best Landing Page Tool for You

Elementor vs ConvertKit Landing Pages: The Best Landing Page Tool for You" "Discover which landing page builder, Elementor or ConvertKit, fits your needs with our in-depth comparison."

Choosing the right tool for creating landing pages can feel a bit like picking a favorite ice cream flavor at a shop with endless options. It’s exciting, yet slightly overwhelming. Today, we’re diving into two popular flavors in the digital marketing world: Elementor and ConvertKit. Both have their own unique zest, but depending on your taste (or in this case, your needs), one might just be the better pick for you. Let’s scoop into the details and find out which one could be your go-to landing page creator.

ElementorConvertKit Landing Pages
elementorconvert kit landing pages
G2 Score – 4.5 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 8.9/10TrustRadius Score – 8.8/10

Ease of Use

Setting the Stage for Simplicity

When it comes to building landing pages, not everyone is a tech wizard, and honestly, nobody wants to spend hours figuring out how to add a button or change a background. You’re looking for a tool that feels more like having a coffee chat with a friend rather than solving a Rubik’s Cube. Let’s compare how Elementor and ConvertKit fare on the ‘Ease of Use’ front.

Elementor: Drag, Drop, and Design

Elementor operates on a drag-and-drop basis, which is as fun and straightforward as it sounds. Imagine picking up your favorite elements – be it a headline, image, or call-to-action button – and dropping them exactly where you want them on your page. It’s like playing with digital Legos, but instead of building castles, you’re crafting beautiful landing pages.

The beauty of Elementor lies in its visual builder. You get to see your changes in real-time, making it a breeze to tweak things until they’re just right. Got a bit of a creative streak? Elementor is your playground. With a plethora of design options, you can let your imagination run wild. Whether you’re a design novice or have been in the game for years, Elementor ensures the process is smooth and enjoyable.

ConvertKit: Simplicity Meets Functionality

Now, shifting gears to ConvertKit. This tool takes a slightly different approach. It’s not just about landing pages; it’s an email marketing powerhouse that also offers landing page capabilities. The focus here is on simplicity and functionality. ConvertKit understands that your main goal is to grow your audience and convert leads, so it streamlines the process to get you there efficiently.

Creating a landing page in ConvertKit might not offer the same level of design freedom as Elementor, but it’s incredibly user-friendly. You can choose from a selection of templates, which are designed with conversion in mind. Each template is like a pre-made recipe for success, where you just need to add your own ingredients (content) to make it yours.

ConvertKit’s editor is intuitive, making it easy for anyone to jump in and start creating. The templates are flexible yet straightforward, ensuring you don’t get lost in a sea of design options. For those who prioritize ease of use and speed over extensive customization, ConvertKit is like finding that perfect pair of shoes that fit right from the moment you try them on – no break-in period required.

Usability and Learning Curve

Elementor: The Designer’s Dream

Elementor is like a Swiss Army knife for WordPress website builders. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it incredibly intuitive for users, regardless of their technical expertise. Imagine wanting to build your dream house without knowing architecture. Elementor is the tool that hands you the bricks, mortar, and even decorative pieces while guiding you on how to put them together.

With Elementor, the learning curve is gentle. The platform offers a wide array of pre-designed templates and widgets, making it easy to get a professional-looking landing page up and running in no time. Customization is where Elementor truly shines. You can tweak nearly every aspect of your landing page, from fonts and colors to animations and interactions. This level of detail is perfect for brands and businesses that prioritize design and uniqueness in their digital presence.

However, the trade-off for this customization is complexity. While Elementor is designed to be user-friendly, mastering its full suite of features can take time. Beginners might find themselves overwhelmed by the options available. Yet, for those willing to climb the learning curve, Elementor rewards them with unparalleled creative freedom.

ConvertKit: Simplicity Meets Efficiency

On the other side of the ring, we have ConvertKit. Imagine if your landing page tool was a smart assistant, knowing exactly what you need and helping you achieve it with minimal fuss. That’s ConvertKit. It’s designed with non-techies in mind, focusing on what’s essential for marketers: building a subscriber list and turning them into loyal customers.

ConvertKit’s learning curve is as flat as a pancake. From the get-go, you’re greeted with a straightforward interface, guiding you through the process of creating a landing page. There are templates, but the options are more limited than Elementor’s. This limitation is by design, ensuring users can quickly launch a page without getting bogged down by too many choices.

The beauty of ConvertKit lies in its integration with email marketing tools. Every landing page is optimized for conversions, with clear call-to-actions (CTAs) and seamless subscriber management. It’s a no-brainer for entrepreneurs, bloggers, and marketers whose primary goal is to grow their email list and nurture leads.

Integration and Compatibility

Elementor: The Connectivity Hub

Elementor acts as a hub in the WordPress ecosystem, offering extensive compatibility with a wide range of plugins and widgets. This is where Elementor truly excels; its ability to play nice with other tools can turn your website into a powerhouse of functionality. Whether you’re looking to integrate social media feeds, enhance SEO, or connect to marketing tools like MailChimp, Elementor has you covered.

The beauty of Elementor’s approach lies in its open-source nature, encouraging developers to create custom addons and extensions. This means the potential for integration is vast, limited only by the WordPress community’s creativity. For businesses that rely on a variety of tools and platforms, Elementor offers a level of flexibility that’s hard to beat.

However, this strength can also be a weakness. With such a wide range of plugins and extensions available, conflicts can arise. Users need to ensure compatibility between different elements, which can sometimes require a bit of technical know-how or assistance from a developer.

ConvertKit: Streamlined Synergy

ConvertKit, while not offering the same breadth of integrations as Elementor, focuses on providing a streamlined experience that directly supports its core functionality: email marketing. The platform offers seamless integration with popular services such as WooCommerce, Shopify, and Patreon, making it an excellent choice for content creators, e-commerce sites, and anyone looking to monetize their audience.

What sets ConvertKit apart is its emphasis on simplicity and effectiveness. Instead of bombarding users with endless integration options, it focuses on the most impactful ones, ensuring that each addition enhances the user experience. This approach minimizes potential conflicts and ensures that even users with little technical background can create a cohesive digital marketing strategy.

The trade-off, of course, is flexibility. While ConvertKit integrates well with key services, users looking to connect a wide array of specialized tools or requiring deep customization might find it limiting. For those whose needs align with ConvertKit’s streamlined ecosystem, however, this isn’t a drawback but a feature, allowing them to focus on what truly matters: connecting with their audience.

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Performance and Speed

Elementor: High Performance with Considerations

Elementor’s powerful design capabilities come with a caveat when it comes to performance. The very flexibility that makes it an attractive option can also lead to heavier page loads if not managed correctly. Each element, widget, or custom effect added to a page increases its complexity, which can impact load times and, consequently, user experience and SEO rankings.

However, Elementor is well aware of these challenges and provides tools and best practices to mitigate them. For instance, it encourages the use of its built-in optimization settings, like image lazy loading, and supports integration with caching plugins to improve load times. Furthermore, the Elementor team continually works on improving the efficiency of their code to ensure that websites built with their tool are as fast as possible.

For users willing to invest a bit of time in optimization and adhere to best practices, Elementor’s impact on performance can be minimized, allowing for the creation of stunning, fast-loading pages.

ConvertKit: Lean and Mean

ConvertKit’s philosophy of simplicity extends to its approach to performance. By focusing on essential functionalities and limiting the scope of customization, ConvertKit ensures that landing pages are lightweight and fast to load. This is a significant advantage, as it directly contributes to better engagement rates, lower bounce rates, and improved SEO performance.

The platform’s lean approach to design means that ConvertKit landing pages are optimized out of the box, requiring little to no intervention from the user to achieve excellent speed and performance. This makes it an ideal choice for marketers, bloggers, and creators who want to focus on content and conversions without worrying about the technicalities of page optimization.

However, the trade-off for this speed and simplicity is, again, a limit on how much users can customize. For those whose needs are met within the bounds of ConvertKit’s offerings, this trade-off is well worth the benefits in performance.

Pricing and Value for Money.

Elementor and ConvertKit approach pricing with philosophies as distinct as their platforms. Understanding these approaches is crucial for anyone making a decision on which tool to invest in, as the right choice can significantly impact both the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and your bottom line.

ElementorElementor offers a free version with basic widgets and templates. Their paid plans start at $49 per year for one website, including premium widgets, templates, and support, with higher-tier plans available for additional websites and advanced features.
ConvertKitConvertKit allows users to create landing pages for free, aiming at helping creators grow their audience without initial investment. For more advanced automation, integration, and support features, their pricing starts at $9 per month for the Creator plan when billed annually.


Elementor operates on a freemium model, offering a basic version of its page builder at no cost. This free version is surprisingly robust, providing enough functionality for many users to create engaging, professional-looking landing pages without spending a penny. However, for those seeking to unlock the full potential of Elementor, including access to premium templates, widgets, and advanced design capabilities, a subscription to one of its Pro plans is necessary. These plans are tiered, catering to individuals, small businesses, and agencies, with the price increasing as you ascend through the tiers to accommodate higher usage limits and access to more advanced features.

The value proposition of Elementor’s pricing structure lies in its flexibility. Users can start with the free version and only opt for a paid plan when their needs outgrow the capabilities of the free version. This approach allows users to scale their investment in the tool as their business grows, ensuring that they only pay for what they need. For those deeply invested in creating a unique and compelling online presence, the investment in Elementor Pro can be easily justified by the level of customization and control it offers.


ConvertKit, on the other hand, simplifies its pricing model by not offering a traditional free version. Instead, it provides a free trial that allows users to test its features before committing to a subscription. After the trial, users must choose a paid plan to continue using the service. ConvertKit’s plans are based primarily on the number of subscribers, with costs increasing as your subscriber list grows. This pricing model reflects ConvertKit’s focus on email marketing and audience engagement, as the value derived from the platform is directly tied to the size of your audience.

The strength of ConvertKit’s pricing lies in its alignment with the value it provides. As your audience grows, so too does the potential revenue generated from that audience, making the increasing cost of the platform a proportional investment in your marketing efforts. For creators, bloggers, and businesses for whom email marketing is a primary driver of engagement and sales, ConvertKit offers a clear and straightforward path to ROI.


Elementor, with its vast array of customization options, appeals to those who dream in color and design. It caters to the creatives and the designers, offering a sandbox of possibilities for those willing to delve into the details to create truly bespoke digital experiences. Its scalability, from a free basic version to tiered Pro plans, ensures that it can grow alongside your business, making it a tool not just for today but for the future as well.

Conversely, ConvertKit simplifies the path to effective digital marketing, focusing on the power of email communication and audience engagement. It champions the creators, the communicators, and those who seek a direct line to their audience without the complexities of design intricacies. ConvertKit’s straightforward pricing model reflects this focus, aligning the cost of the service with the size of your audience and the potential impact on your business.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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