Aritic Mail vs Stripo: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Aritic Mail vs Stripo: Analyze their features and pricing to discover the ultimate email marketing tool for your business

In the dynamic world of email marketing, choosing the right tool is like finding a trusted partner in your journey towards growth and engagement. Today, we’re pitting Aritic Mail against Stripo, two robust platforms in the email marketing sphere. Each comes with its strengths, but the question is, which one will be the right fit for you? Let’s dive in, starting with a critical aspect that often influences the decision

Aritic MailStripo
Aritic MailStripo
G2 Score – 4.0 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 4.8 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – N/ATrustRadius Score – 8.5/10

User Interface and Ease of Use

Aritic Mail: Simplicity at Its Best

Aritic Mail welcomes users with an interface that’s designed for simplicity and functionality. The platform understands the importance of user experience, ensuring that navigating through the multitude of features feels intuitive. The dashboard is meticulously organized, allowing you to find what you need without any fuss.

Getting started with Aritic Mail is a smooth sail. The platform guides you through the setup process with clear instructions, making even the most complex tasks feel straightforward. Whether it’s importing your contact list, segmenting your audience, or crafting your first campaign, each step is designed for ease and efficiency.

Creating emails with Aritic Mail is a delight. The platform offers a rich collection of responsive templates that ensure your messages look professional and engaging on any device. The drag-and-drop editor further simplifies customization, allowing you to infuse your brand’s unique flair into every email effortlessly.

Stripo: Your Efficient Email Craftsman

Stripo steps into the scene with an interface that prioritizes efficiency and precision. The platform caters to those who appreciate a clean, focused approach to email marketing. Its design is purpose-driven, ensuring that every feature and tool is at your fingertips, ready to help you craft compelling campaigns.

The setup process with Stripo is quick and direct. The platform values your time and gets you started on your email campaigns without any unnecessary steps. Stripo may offer less guidance compared to Aritic Mail, but it provides sufficient clarity to ensure a smooth user experience.

Creating emails in Stripo is about functionality and effectiveness. The platform might not boast an extensive template library like Aritic Mail, but it offers essential tools and a powerful editor to craft emails that resonate with your audience. This focus on efficiency makes Stripo an appealing choice for businesses that prioritize directness and effectiveness in their email marketing tool.

Both Aritic Mail and Stripo offer user-friendly experiences but cater to different user preferences. Aritic Mail is like a friendly guide, offering support and visual appeal, while Stripo is the efficient craftsman, ensuring you reach your goals with precision and clarity.

Features Deep Dive

Automation Capabilities

Aritic Mail’s Automation: Customized and Engaging

Aritic Mail recognizes the power of automation in transforming how you connect with your audience. The platform offers an advanced suite of automation tools that allow you to create personalized experiences for each subscriber. Whether you’re nurturing leads, welcoming new subscribers, or re-engaging dormant customers, Aritic Mail’s automation features ensure your messages are timely, relevant, and highly engaging.

The platform’s visual workflow builder is a standout feature, enabling you to design complex, multi-step automation sequences intuitively. This not only streamlines the creation process but also provides a clear overview of your campaign’s flow, ensuring every automated touchpoint is an opportunity to deepen your relationship with your audience.

Moreover, Aritic Mail’s automation extends beyond email, incorporating SMS and push notifications for a multi-channel approach. This ensures that your messages reach your audience wherever they are, increasing engagement and response rates.

Stripo’s Automation: Streamlined and Efficient

Stripo provides a streamlined approach to automation, focusing on efficiency and effectiveness. The platform offers essential automation features that enable you to send the right message at the right time. While Stripo’s automation might not be as intricate as Aritic Mail’s, it’s powerful enough to ensure that your messages are timely and relevant.

Stripo’s strength in automation lies in its simplicity. The platform allows you to set up autoresponders and basic automated sequences quickly, making it an excellent choice for businesses and marketers who prefer a straightforward approach. With Stripo, you can ensure that your campaigns run smoothly and your communications resonate with your audience, without needing to manage complex workflows.


Aritic Mail Pricing

  • Aritic Mail offers a range of plans based on sending volume:
  • Plans typically start for low volume senders and scale up to higher volumes, with pricing available on request from Aritic Mail.


  • Free PlanOffers basic features like email template design and exports to various email service providers (ESPs).
  • Business Plan: Starting at approximately $125 per month, offering advanced features like banner creation, testing on different devices, and integrations with more ESPs.
  • Agency Plan: Custom pricing for agencies, including features like team collaboration tools, unlimited exports, and custom subdomain for email testing.
  • Both paid plans offer increased limits on the number of projects and templates compared to the free plan.

Integration Capabilities

In today’s interconnected digital ecosystem, the ability of an email marketing tool to integrate seamlessly with other systems and platforms is not just a convenience—it’s a necessity. Both Aritic Mail and Stripo recognize this need and offer distinct integration capabilities, each tailored to suit different business environments and requirements.

Aritic Mail’s Seamless Integration Ecosystem

Aritic Mail presents itself as a hub of connectivity, offering a rich suite of integration options designed to fit snugly into your business’s existing digital framework. The platform’s integration capabilities are extensive, covering a broad spectrum of CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, analytics tools, and more. This extensive range of integration options ensures that no matter the complexity or uniqueness of your tech stack, Aritic Mail is likely to provide a compatible, seamless solution.

The true strength of Aritic Mail’s integration prowess lies in its robust API. This powerful feature opens up a world of possibilities for customization and flexibility, allowing businesses to mold and adapt the platform according to their specific needs and workflows. Whether you require a unique customer management solution, a specialized e-commerce setup, or a bespoke analytics configuration, Aritic Mail’s API provides the dexterity and depth to ensure a harmonious fit. This level of adaptability positions Aritic Mail not just as a tool in your marketing arsenal but as an integral, cohesive part of your overall business strategy, capable of enhancing and amplifying your operations.

Stripo’s Integration: Connecting the Essentials

Stripo takes a more streamlined approach to integration, focusing on providing straightforward, essential connections that bring simplicity and efficiency to your email marketing operations. The platform ensures that linking your email campaigns with your CRM, analytics, or other business tools is a smooth, hassle-free process, devoid of unnecessary complexities or technical hurdles.

While Stripo’s integration capabilities may not be as extensive as Aritic Mail’s, they cover the critical bases, ensuring that your email marketing efforts are well-aligned and synchronized with your broader business activities. This focus on essential, no-frills integration makes Stripo an attractive option for businesses, particularly small to medium-sized enterprises, that value ease of use, speed, and efficiency. Stripo’s straightforward API further complements this approach, offering a degree of customization and flexibility that allows businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs without becoming entangled in technical intricacies.

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Analytics and Reporting

Aritic Mail: Data-Driven Insights for Strategic Growth

Aritic Mail stands out with its comprehensive analytics and reporting features, designed to give you a deep understanding of your email marketing campaigns. Recognizing the importance of data-driven decisions, Aritic Mail offers a suite of analytics tools that go beyond basic metrics, allowing you to delve into the nuances of your audience’s engagement and behavior.

With Aritic Mail, you can access detailed reports on various aspects of your campaigns, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. The platform also provides advanced analytics like heatmaps, showing where subscribers are most engaged with your emails. This level of detail is invaluable for optimizing your content and understanding what resonates with your audience.

Furthermore, Aritic Mail’s analytics extend to its automation workflows, giving you insights into how each stage of your automated sequence is performing. This data is crucial for fine-tuning your strategy and ensuring that each communication touchpoint is effective and resonates with your audience.

Stripo: Streamlined Analytics for Quick Decision-Making

Stripo offers a more streamlined approach to analytics, focusing on delivering quick and actionable insights. While it may not provide the depth of analytics found in Aritic Mail, Stripo excels in offering essential metrics in a clear and understandable format, ideal for making swift marketing decisions.

The platform provides key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates, fundamental in gauging the success of your email campaigns. Stripo’s analytics are designed for clarity and simplicity, ensuring you can get a quick overview of your campaign’s performance and make timely adjustments for better results.

While Stripo’s analytics are more focused and less detailed compared to Aritic Mail, they are sufficient for businesses and marketers who need to make quick decisions based on key performance indicators and don’t require extensive data analysis.

Customer Support, Training, and Resources

Aritic Mail: Comprehensive Support and Extensive Learning Resources

Aritic Mail is recognized for its exceptional customer support and extensive learning resources, ensuring that you are well-equipped and well-supported throughout your email marketing journey. The platform acknowledges the importance of robust customer support in navigating the complexities of email marketing, offering an extensive range of support options to ensure that you are never left in the dark.

From detailed documentation and how-to guides that help you get the most out of every feature, to responsive customer support teams ready to assist you with every query, Aritic Mail ensures that help is always at hand. Whether it’s a technical issue or a strategic question, the Aritic Mail support team is known for their expertise and readiness to provide assistance, making your email marketing journey smoother and more effective.

Moreover, Aritic Mail offers a rich array of learning resources, including webinars, tutorials, and a comprehensive blog filled with insights and tips. These resources are designed not just to solve your immediate queries but to enrich your knowledge and skills in email marketing, ensuring continuous growth and improvement in your campaigns.

Stripo: Targeted Support for a Streamlined Experience

Stripo offers a streamlined approach to customer support, focusing on efficiency and effectiveness. The platform provides a focused range of support channels, ensuring that you receive timely assistance without the complexity often associated with extensive support networks.

Stripo’s support system is designed to be straightforward, offering quick solutions to your queries and concerns. The platform’s knowledge base is filled with articles, guides, and tutorials, providing you with the information you need to solve problems quickly and get back to crafting impactful email campaigns.

While Stripo’s customer support might not be as extensive as Aritic Mail’s, it is targeted and efficient, ensuring that you receive the assistance you need in a timely and effective manner. This approach is particularly beneficial for businesses and marketers who value speed and efficiency in their support interactions.


In concluding our in-depth exploration of Aritic Mail and Stripo, it’s clear that both platforms offer robust solutions tailored to enhance and streamline your email marketing efforts. Yet, they cater to distinct preferences and business needs, presenting unique advantages in their respective domains.

Aritic Mail stands out with its extensive feature set, offering a rich array of capabilities designed for businesses seeking a sophisticated, data-driven approach to email marketing. Its advanced automation features, extensive integration options, comprehensive analytics, and a wide-ranging support system provide a holistic tool capable of crafting personalized, multi-channel marketing campaigns. Aritic Mail is particularly suited for businesses that require deep customization, intricate automation workflows, and a seamless integration with a complex digital ecosystem.

On the other hand, Stripo offers a streamlined, efficient approach to email marketing, prioritizing simplicity and directness without compromising effectiveness. Its straightforward automation capabilities, essential integration features, and clear-cut analytics make it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized businesses or marketers who value a no-frills, user-friendly platform. Stripo excels in delivering a straightforward, efficient email marketing solution that allows businesses to quickly set up campaigns, automate essential communications, and monitor their success with ease.

Choosing between Aritic Mail and Stripo ultimately hinges on understanding your business’s specific needs, the complexity of your marketing strategies, and the resources you have at your disposal. Whether you opt for the comprehensive, feature-rich capabilities of Aritic Mail or the streamlined, efficiency-focused approach of Stripo, both platforms are equipped to drive your email marketing campaigns towards success, engaging your audience effectively and achieving your business goals.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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