Sendy vs ReachMail: The Best Email Marketing Tool for You

Evaluate Sendy vs ReachMail for your email marketing needs. Our comparison breaks down the key differences to guide your best choice

In the bustling world of email marketing, choosing the right tool is like picking the perfect companion for a cross-country road trip. You want someone reliable, who doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg, and most importantly, someone who understands your needs. In the digital equivalent of this journey, we find ourselves comparing Sendy and ReachMail—two platforms that promise to make your email marketing efforts smooth and effective, but in very different ways.

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Ease of Use and User Interface

In the quest for the best email marketing tool, a user-friendly interface isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential. Let’s see how Sendy and ReachMail stack up in terms of usability.

Sendy: Simplistic Yet Requires Technical Savvy

Sendy’s approach to design emphasizes simplicity and functionality. The UI is straightforward, avoiding unnecessary frills to focus on the task at hand. This no-nonsense approach can be a breath of fresh air for users who prefer a clean and uncluttered workspace. However, it’s worth noting that Sendy’s simplicity in design does not necessarily translate to ease of use for everyone.

The initial setup process for Sendy is where most of the technical challenge lies. You’ll need to be comfortable with concepts like setting up a server, configuring DNS settings, and integrating with Amazon SES. For those with the technical know-how, these steps are a small hurdle. But for marketers less familiar with these tasks, the setup process can be daunting.

Once up and running, Sendy offers a functional interface for creating, managing, and sending email campaigns. The platform supports basic segmentation, batch sending, and campaign tracking. However, users looking for drag-and-drop editors or visually intuitive design tools might find Sendy’s offerings a bit lacking.

ReachMail: Intuitive Design for Marketers of All Levels

ReachMail positions itself as a more accessible option for users at all technical skill levels. The platform features a clean, intuitive UI that makes navigating its features straightforward. From the moment you sign up, ReachMail guides you through the process of creating and sending your first campaign with helpful prompts and an easy-to-use visual editor.

The strength of ReachMail’s UI lies in its balance between simplicity and functionality. Users can easily create complex campaigns with advanced segmentation, personalized content, and automated workflows without feeling overwhelmed by the options available. The drag-and-drop editor is particularly user-friendly, allowing for the easy design of visually appealing emails without needing extensive design experience.

Automation and Integration Capabilities

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the power of automation cannot be overstated. It enables personalized communication on a large scale, while integrations streamline workflows by connecting your email marketing platform with other essential business tools. Here’s how Sendy and ReachMail fare in these critical areas.

Sendy: Basic Automation with Extensive Integration Potential

Sendy’s primary strength lies in its simplicity and affordability, and as such, its native automation features are relatively basic. It offers the ability to set up autoresponders and send follow-up emails based on specific triggers, such as subscription confirmations. For small to medium-sized businesses with straightforward email marketing needs, these features may suffice.

However, where Sendy truly shines is in its potential for integration. Thanks to its robust API, Sendy can be connected with a wide range of third-party applications and services. This allows users to create custom automation workflows that go beyond Sendy’s basic offerings. For example, integrating Sendy with a CRM system can automate the process of segmenting subscribers based on their interactions with your business, enabling more targeted and personalized email campaigns.

ReachMail: Advanced Automation and Seamless Integrations

ReachMail is designed to cater to businesses looking for a more comprehensive email marketing solution, including advanced automation features. The platform allows users to create complex email sequences triggered by subscribers’ actions, ensuring timely and relevant communication. Additionally, ReachMail offers built-in workflows for activities like lead nurturing and customer engagement, making it easier for businesses to implement sophisticated marketing strategies without significant manual effort.

On the integration front, ReachMail provides seamless connectivity with a variety of CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and social media tools. These integrations empower businesses to synchronize their marketing efforts across channels, enhancing the overall effectiveness of their campaigns. The ability to automatically import contacts from other systems and track the performance of email campaigns in conjunction with other marketing activities is particularly valuable for businesses operating at scale.

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Analytics and Reporting

The depth and accessibility of analytics and reporting features can significantly influence your ability to optimize email campaigns and drive better results. Here’s how Sendy and ReachMail stack up in providing valuable insights into your email marketing efforts.

Sendy: Essential Metrics with a Focus on Simplicity

Sendy provides a straightforward approach to analytics, offering essential metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribe rates. This data is fundamental for gauging the general health and performance of your email campaigns. Additionally, Sendy allows you to track conversions by integrating with Google Analytics, enabling you to see how email campaigns contribute to your broader marketing goals.

While Sendy covers the basics, its reporting features may not satisfy marketers looking for more detailed insights into subscriber behavior or more advanced segmentation of data. However, for businesses that need a simple and effective way to monitor their email marketing performance, Sendy’s analytics are more than capable.

ReachMail: Comprehensive Analytics for In-depth Insights

ReachMail takes analytics a step further by offering a more comprehensive suite of reporting tools. Beyond basic metrics, ReachMail provides advanced analytics features, including engagement over time, device and location tracking, and the ability to compare the performance of different campaigns side-by-side. This level of detail is invaluable for marketers who rely on data-driven strategies to refine their email campaigns.

Furthermore, ReachMail offers A/B testing capabilities, allowing you to test different variables in your emails (such as subject lines, content, and send times) to see what resonates best with your audience. The platform then provides clear, actionable reports on the results of these tests, helping you make informed decisions to optimize future campaigns.

Customer Support and Community Engagement

The level of customer support and the presence of an engaged user community can be decisive factors in choosing the right email marketing tool. Both Sendy and ReachMail offer support structures, but they cater to their audiences in different ways.

Sendy: Community-Driven Support

Sendy’s approach to customer support is somewhat unconventional due to its one-time purchase model. Direct support is limited; however, Sendy compensates for this with a comprehensive knowledge base and a community forum. The forum is a place where users can ask questions, share experiences, and offer solutions, facilitating peer-to-peer support. This setup can be incredibly effective, leveraging the collective knowledge and experience of a broad user base.

While the community forum is a valuable resource, the lack of direct, personalized support from Sendy might be a drawback for users who prefer more structured assistance. It’s important for potential Sendy users to consider their comfort level with self-service resources and community forums as their primary means of support.

ReachMail: Dedicated Support for All Users

In contrast, ReachMail provides a more traditional support model, including email, phone, and live chat support options. This ensures that users can access direct assistance whenever they need it, which can be particularly reassuring for businesses that rely heavily on their email marketing campaigns. Additionally, ReachMail offers a resource center filled with tutorials, guides, and FAQs designed to help users understand and utilize all aspects of the platform effectively.

ReachMail’s commitment to customer support is evident in its efforts to make resources readily available and easily accessible. For businesses that value the availability of direct support and detailed instructional materials, ReachMail’s approach to customer service provides a significant advantage.

Pricing and Affordability

When it comes to email marketing tools, your budget isn’t just about what you can afford; it’s about maximizing value for every dollar spent. In this regard, Sendy and ReachMail offer contrasting approaches that cater to different types of marketers.

SendySendy is a self-hosted email newsletter application that integrates with Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) for sending emails.
One-Time Fee: A one-time purchase price of $69, which allows you to install Sendy on your own web server.
Amazon SES Costs: After purchasing Sendy, you’ll need an Amazon SES account. Amazon SES typically charges $0.10 per thousand emails sent, plus data transfer fees. This can be significantly cheaper than other email marketing services for large volumes of emails.
ReachMailPricing is based on the volume of emails sent per month:
Plans start from around $10 per month for up to 7,500 emails, with various tiers up to over $70 per month for higher volumes.
Features include list management, detailed reporting, and advanced segmentation.
Custom enterprise solutions are also available, which include additional features and dedicated support.

Sendy: The Budget-Friendly Powerhouse

Sendy is a self-hosted email marketing tool that stands out for its one-time licensing fee and incredibly low ongoing costs. For a single payment of $59, you get the software that you can install on your own server. From there, Sendy uses Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) to send out your emails, which costs as little as $1 per 10,000 emails.

This pricing model is a game-changer for businesses with a large email list or those planning to scale up. The catch? You’ll need a bit of technical know-how to set up Sendy and manage your server. But for the price-conscious marketer who doesn’t shy away from a DIY approach, Sendy offers unparalleled long-term savings.

ReachMail: Flexibility and Scalability

ReachMail takes a different route, offering a more traditional SaaS (Software as a Service) model with various pricing tiers to suit businesses of all sizes. The platform provides a free plan for small-scale marketers, with paid plans scaling up based on the number of emails sent or contacts stored. This model offers great flexibility, allowing businesses to scale their email marketing efforts in line with their growth.

What sets ReachMail apart is its inclusive offering of features across all plans, including advanced segmentation, A/B testing, and detailed analytics. While the cost may be higher than Sendy’s in the long run, ReachMail provides a hassle-free solution with no need for technical setup or maintenance.


In concluding our detailed comparison between Sendy and ReachMail, it’s clear that each email marketing tool offers unique strengths tailored to meet the needs of different types of users and businesses. The decision on which platform is the best fit for your email marketing efforts hinges on several critical factors, including pricing and affordability, ease of use, automation and integration capabilities, analytics and reporting depth, and the level of customer support and community engagement.

Sendy emerges as a highly cost-effective option for those with a bit of technical know-how, offering a one-time purchase price and low ongoing costs through its use of Amazon SES. It’s particularly suited for users comfortable with a more hands-on approach to their email marketing infrastructure and those who value simplicity and control over their campaigns. While direct support is limited, Sendy’s active community forum provides a rich resource for peer assistance and shared knowledge.

ReachMail, on the other hand, is designed for ease and convenience, offering a scalable, subscription-based model that caters to businesses of all sizes. With its intuitive user interface, comprehensive automation and integration options, and in-depth analytics, ReachMail is an excellent choice for marketers seeking a full-featured platform that simplifies the email marketing process. The platform’s strong commitment to customer support, through direct channels and extensive resources, ensures users have the assistance they need to optimize their campaigns.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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