Planoly vs Social Report: The Best Social Media Management Tool for You

Our comparison of Planoly and Social Report sheds light on features and usability, guiding you to the perfect social media tool.

In the whirlwind world of social media, finding the perfect tool to manage your digital presence can be as daunting as finding a needle in a haystack. With a plethora of platforms at your fingertips, each promising to be the secret sauce to your online success, how do you choose? Today, we’re zeroing in on two contenders: Planoly and Social Report (now known as Traject Social), diving deep into what sets them apart and aiming to guide you to the tool that fits like a glove.

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Ease of Use and Interface

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to software. A clunky, complicated interface can turn what should be a smooth sail into a navigational nightmare. Let’s talk about how Planoly and Social Report stand up to the test of user-friendliness and design aesthetics.

Planoly: A Visual Storyteller’s Dream

Planoly was designed with the visually inclined in mind, particularly those who live and breathe Instagram. Its interface is clean, intuitive, and most importantly, visual. Imagine being able to drag and drop your posts into a grid, visually planning how your Instagram feed will unfold. That’s Planoly in a nutshell.

But it’s not just about looks; functionality plays a leading role too. Planoly makes scheduling posts, stories, and even IGTV a seamless experience. With features like auto-posting and detailed analytics integrated into a visually appealing dashboard, it’s like having a personal assistant for your Instagram account. The beauty of Planoly lies in its simplicity, making it a favorite among influencers, brands, and businesses looking to up their Instagram game without getting bogged down by complexity.

Social Report (Traject Social): The Data-Driven Dynamo

On the flip side, Social Report (rebranded as Traject Social) takes a more analytical approach. It’s the Swiss Army knife of social media tools, offering a broad range of features that cater to the nerdy side of social media management. From detailed analytics to scheduling posts across multiple platforms, including the biggies like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, it’s all about giving you control.

The interface may not win beauty contests, especially when compared to Planoly, but what it lacks in aesthetics, it makes up for in functionality. It’s a platform built for those who crave data and analytics, offering insights that can help shape your social media strategy. With Social Report, you’re not just posting content; you’re informed every step of the way about how your content performs, who your audience is, and the best times to engage them.

The Verdict on Ease of Use and Interface

Choosing between Planoly and Social Report boils down to what you value more: aesthetics and simplicity or comprehensive analytics and control. If your social media strategy revolves around Instagram and visual storytelling, Planoly’s user-friendly interface will likely be your best bet. Its focus on visual planning and straightforward analytics makes it an ideal tool for creatives looking to craft a cohesive, engaging Instagram presence.

Conversely, if your approach to social media is rooted in data and spans multiple platforms, Social Report offers the robustness you need. Its detailed analytics and cross-platform scheduling capabilities make it a powerhouse for businesses and social media managers who base their decisions on data and require a tool that can keep up with their diverse social media activities.

Analytics and Reporting: The Insightful Deep Dive

In the realm of social media management, flying blind is not an option. Analytics and reporting give you the radar to navigate the vast digital ocean. How do Planoly and Social Report stack up when it comes to offering insights and data? Let’s dive in.

Planoly: Insights with an Aesthetic Edge

Planoly doesn’t just focus on making your feed look good; it also provides you with the tools to understand how your content resonates with your audience. The analytics feature in Planoly offers a visually appealing and straightforward way to track your performance on Instagram. You get insights into your post engagement, audience growth, and the best times to post to maximize engagement.

One of Planoly’s strengths in analytics is its focus on visual content performance. You can see at a glance which types of posts (images, videos, carousels) are hitting the mark with your followers. However, while Planoly’s analytics are robust for Instagram, they might not offer the same depth across other platforms. This is something to consider if you’re looking for comprehensive analytics that span beyond Instagram.

Social Report (Traject Social): A Data Analyst’s Dream

Social Report (Traject Social), on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive suite of analytics tools designed to cater to the needs of businesses and agencies that manage multiple social media accounts across different platforms. It provides in-depth insights into your social media performance, including audience demographics, engagement rates, and content effectiveness across all platforms you manage.

A standout feature of Social Report is its ability to track conversions and website traffic originating from your social media efforts. This integration with web analytics tools like Google Analytics allows you to see not just how your content is performing on social media but also how it contributes to your overall business goals. Furthermore, its reporting capabilities are highly customizable, enabling you to generate detailed reports tailored to specific metrics or goals.

The Verdict on Analytics and Reporting

If your primary focus is on creating and maintaining a visually cohesive Instagram presence, Planoly offers the analytics features you need in a user-friendly package. Its insights are straightforward and easy to understand, making it simple to track your progress and adjust your strategy as needed.

However, if you’re managing a broader social media strategy across multiple platforms and need detailed analytics to inform your decisions, Social Report (Traject Social) is the more powerful option. Its comprehensive analytics capabilities, coupled with the ability to track conversions and customize reports, make it an invaluable tool for businesses and agencies looking to maximize their social media ROI.

In conclusion, the choice between Planoly and Social Report for analytics and reporting depends on the scope of your social media strategy and the depth of insights you require. Both tools offer valuable data, but their strengths cater to different needs and objectives within the social media management spectrum.

Scheduling and Automation: The Time-Savers Showdown

In the battle for your social media efficiency, how do Planoly and Social Report (Traject Social) equip you to schedule content and automate tasks? This comparison could be the deciding factor for many digital marketers, businesses, and content creators.

Planoly: Simplify to Amplify

Planoly has built its reputation on simplifying social media management, particularly for Instagram enthusiasts. Its scheduling feature is a testament to this philosophy, offering a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to visually plan your feed before anything goes live. This is incredibly helpful for maintaining a cohesive aesthetic and brand identity on Instagram.

Moreover, Planoly extends its scheduling capabilities to stories and posts on other platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, albeit with a stronger emphasis on Instagram. The ability to auto-post Instagram content (within the limits set by Instagram’s API) is a game-changer, freeing up valuable time and ensuring your content strategy is executed without a hitch.

Where Planoly keeps it simple with scheduling, it’s somewhat light on the automation front. The focus here is on planning and scheduling rather than automating engagement or other repetitive tasks. For users whose primary goal is to maintain a visually appealing and consistent posting schedule, Planoly hits the mark.

Social Report (Traject Social): The Automation Powerhouse

In contrast, Social Report (now Traject Social) offers a more robust toolkit for scheduling and automation designed to cater to the needs of businesses and social media managers handling multiple accounts across various platforms. With Social Report, you’re not just scheduling posts; you’re also able to queue content, recycle evergreen posts, and automate publishing based on the optimal engagement times for your audience.

One of the standout features of Social Report is its Smart Queues, which allow you to categorize content and ensure a balanced mix of post types across your social media channels. This, combined with the ability to monitor social conversations and automate responses to certain keywords or phrases, makes Social Report a formidable tool for those looking to automate as much of their social media workflow as possible.

The Verdict on Scheduling and Automation

When it comes to choosing between Planoly and Social Report based on scheduling and automation capabilities, the decision hinges on your specific needs and goals.

If Instagram is your primary or sole focus and you value a tool that makes visual planning straightforward and efficient, Planoly is your best bet. Its user-friendly interface and focus on aesthetic planning make it ideal for creators, influencers, and brands looking to captivate their audience with a visually cohesive feed.

However, if your social media strategy encompasses multiple platforms and you require a tool that offers not just advanced scheduling options but also comprehensive automation features, Social Report (Traject Social) stands out. Its ability to streamline content management, automate engagement, and optimize posting times across various channels makes it a powerhouse for users with extensive social media management needs.

In summary, both Planoly and Social Report offer compelling solutions for scheduling and automation, but the scale and scope of your social media endeavors will ultimately guide which tool offers the best fit for you.

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Team Collaboration and Multi-Account Management: Harnessing Collective Efforts

Effective collaboration and the ability to manage multiple accounts efficiently can significantly impact the success of social media campaigns. Let’s see how Planoly and Social Report address these needs.

Planoly: Streamlined Collaboration with a Visual Twist

Planoly acknowledges the importance of team collaboration, especially for agencies and businesses that manage various client accounts or brands that juggle multiple campaign strategies. It allows for multiple users to access and manage the account, making it easier for teams to work together on planning and scheduling content. The visual planning tool is not just beneficial for individual users; it becomes a collaborative canvas for teams to visualize and plan campaigns cohesively.

However, while Planoly offers some collaboration capabilities, its focus remains on the visual planning and scheduling aspects, particularly for Instagram. The platform may lack some of the more advanced collaboration features found in tools specifically designed with large teams in mind, such as detailed role assignments and approval workflows.

Social Report (Traject Social): Empowering Teams with Advanced Management Features

Social Report (Traject Social) takes multi-account management and team collaboration to another level. It’s built to accommodate the complex needs of agencies managing multiple client accounts and businesses overseeing several brands across different platforms. With features like custom user roles and permissions, Social Report enables teams to define specific access levels for each team member, ensuring that everyone has the right tools and permissions to perform their tasks efficiently.

Moreover, the platform supports an unlimited number of social profiles and integrates team approval workflows, making it straightforward to review, approve, or reject posts before they go live. This level of control and flexibility is invaluable for teams needing to maintain a high standard of quality and consistency across all social media efforts.

The Verdict on Team Collaboration and Multi-Account Management

When it comes to team collaboration and managing multiple accounts, the choice between Planoly and Social Report hinges on the complexity of your needs and the size of your team.

For smaller teams or those primarily focused on Instagram, Planoly offers a simple and visually oriented platform that supports basic collaboration. Its intuitive interface and focus on visual content planning make it a good fit for teams that prioritize aesthetics and consistency in their Instagram strategy.

In contrast, Social Report is the go-to option for larger teams and agencies requiring robust multi-account management and advanced collaboration features. Its comprehensive set of tools for custom roles, permissions, and approval workflows makes it ideal for teams that need to operate at a higher level of complexity and coordination across multiple social media platforms.

Both platforms provide valuable features for team collaboration and account management, but your team’s size, workflow complexity, and the range of platforms you manage will guide which tool best supports your collaborative efforts.

Content Discovery and Curation: Fueling Engagement

Content is the lifeblood of social media, and the ability to discover and curate relevant, engaging content can set a brand apart. How do Planoly and Social Report equip users to stay ahead in the content game?

Planoly: Focused Curation for Visual Content

Planoly’s strengths lie in its design and visual content planning capabilities, primarily for Instagram. While it excels in scheduling and planning content, Planoly offers limited features directly within the app for content discovery and curation. Users can plan and manage their content effectively, focusing on creating a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed, but they might need to rely on external sources or inspiration for content discovery.

That said, Planoly does provide some level of support for content curation through its user-generated content (UGC) features. Users can repost content from other Instagram users, providing a way to curate content that aligns with their brand’s visual theme and engage with their community. This feature is particularly useful for brands and influencers looking to leverage UGC to enhance their content strategy.

Social Report (Traject Social): Comprehensive Tools for Content Discovery

Social Report offers a more robust set of features for content discovery and curation across multiple social media platforms. The platform includes built-in tools that help users find trending topics, hashtags, and content ideas, making it easier to stay relevant and engage with your audience. This is particularly valuable for businesses and social media managers who need to generate a constant stream of content across various channels.

Moreover, Social Report’s content curation features are integrated with its scheduling tools, allowing users to discover, curate, and schedule content all from one place. The platform also supports RSS feeds, enabling users to automatically share content from preferred websites and blogs. This comprehensive approach to content discovery and curation makes Social Report a powerful ally in keeping your social media feeds interesting and engaging.

The Verdict on Content Discovery and Curation

The choice between Planoly and Social Report for content discovery and curation depends on your primary platforms and how central content discovery is to your social media strategy.

If Instagram is your main focus and you’re particularly interested in curating a visually cohesive feed, Planoly’s UGC features may suffice. Its ability to seamlessly incorporate user-generated content into your planning process can enrich your content strategy while maintaining a strong visual identity.

On the other hand, if you’re managing a broader social media strategy across multiple platforms and need a tool that offers extensive content discovery and curation capabilities, Social Report is the clear choice. Its comprehensive tools for finding and scheduling relevant content can save time and enhance engagement across all your social channels.

In summary, both Planoly and Social Report offer solutions to support your content strategy, but the depth of your needs for discovery and curation features will determine which platform is the better fit for you.

Pricing: Balancing Cost with Value

In the world of social media tools, the pricing models are as varied as the features they offer. Both Planoly and Social Report have structured their pricing to cater to a range of users, from solo entrepreneurs to large agencies. Understanding these nuances is key to choosing the tool that not only fits your budget but also your social media management needs.

PlanolyFree Plan: Planoly offers a free version that includes 1 user, 2 social profiles (Instagram and Pinterest), and 30 uploads per month per profile.Solo Plan: Starting at $7 per month (billed annually), this plan includes 1 user, 2 social profiles, and unlimited uploads.Duo Plan: Starting at $15 per month (billed annually), offering 2 users, 2 social profiles, and unlimited uploads, plus additional analytics features.Custom Plan: Planoly also offers custom plans for businesses with greater needs, which include more social profiles and additional features.
Social Report (now known as Traject Social)Standard Plan: Pricing started around $49 per month, offering full access to all features for small businesses and professional marketers.
Advanced Plan: Aimed at larger businesses and agencies, starting around $99 per month, with additional collaboration tools and higher limits.
Enterprise solutions: Were available with custom pricing for large organizations needing bespoke features and support.

Planoly: Flexibility for Creatives and Brands

Planoly’s pricing strategy is particularly friendly to individuals and small businesses, starting with a free plan that caters to users who are just getting started or have minimal requirements. This free version allows for a limited number of uploads per month and provides basic analytics, which can be a great way to dip your toes into the platform’s capabilities.

As you move up the tiers, Planoly introduces more features, including increased upload limits, additional social profiles, and more advanced analytics. The pricing escalates accordingly, but remains within a range that is accessible for small to medium-sized businesses or professionals who focus primarily on Instagram but still want some presence on other platforms.

Planoly’s approach to pricing is designed to grow with you, offering upgrades that unlock more features as your needs expand. This makes it a viable option for users who anticipate scaling their social media efforts gradually.

Social Report (Traject Social): Comprehensive Solutions for Professionals

Social Report positions itself as a more comprehensive solution, and its pricing reflects its broad feature set aimed at businesses and agencies that manage multiple accounts across various platforms. Unlike Planoly, Social Report does not offer a free plan, which might deter some potential users. However, its starting tier includes a wealth of features, including robust analytics, scheduling for numerous platforms, and team collaboration tools.

As the plans increase in price, so does the capacity for more profiles, users, and access to premium features like white labeling for agencies. The platform is designed to serve the needs of social media professionals who require a detailed, data-driven approach to manage their online presence effectively.

Social Report’s pricing is an investment in a tool that aims to be the central hub for your social media strategy, offering depth and breadth in its features. For businesses and agencies looking for a comprehensive tool that can handle a high volume of content across multiple platforms, Social Report presents a value proposition that aligns with the complexities of managing a diverse social media portfolio.

Finding the Right Fit for Your Budget

When it comes to choosing between Planoly and Social Report based on pricing, the decision hinges on your specific needs and the scale of your social media operations. Planoly offers an attractive entry point for individuals and small businesses focused on Instagram, with the flexibility to scale up affordably. Its pricing model is conducive to visual content creators who value simplicity and effectiveness.

On the other hand, Social Report is suited for users who require a more robust platform capable of handling a complex, multi-platform social media strategy. Its comprehensive feature set is reflected in its pricing, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses and agencies that need deep analytics, extensive scheduling options, and advanced collaboration features.

Ultimately, the choice between Planoly and Social Report will depend on where you see the best value for your investment, considering the size of your team, the breadth of your social media presence, and the depth of features you require to execute your strategy effectively.


In the quest for the ideal social media management tool, Planoly and Social Report (Traject Social) offer distinct advantages tailored to different needs and preferences. Planoly shines with its user-friendly interface and visual planning tools, making it a favorite among Instagram-focused users, influencers, and brands who prioritize aesthetic coherence and simplicity. Its scalable pricing model also makes it accessible for individuals and small businesses looking to grow their social media presence thoughtfully.

Conversely, Social Report appeals to businesses and agencies requiring a comprehensive suite of features for managing a multifaceted social media strategy across multiple platforms. Its robust analytics, advanced scheduling options, and collaborative features provide a solid foundation for data-driven decision-making and efficiency, justified by a pricing model that reflects its extensive capabilities.

Choosing between Planoly and Social Report ultimately hinges on your specific social media goals, the platforms you prioritize, and the depth of features you need to effectively manage your digital presence. Each tool offers a pathway to enhanced social media engagement and strategy execution, but the right choice depends on aligning those offerings with your unique requirements and aspirations in the digital realm.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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