MailerLite vs Mailigen: The Best Email Marketing Tool

Mailigen vs MailerLite: Analyze who leads in email marketing for 2024 with insights on their features, pricing, and usability

Choosing the right email marketing tool can be like finding a needle in a haystack. With the digital world buzzing with countless options, it’s easy to get lost. Today, we’re simplifying your search by comparing two of the most popular platforms in 2024: MailerLite and Mailigen. Both have their fans, but which one will be your email marketing hero? Let’s dive into a detailed, head-to-head comparison that’s as straightforward as your morning coffee.

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TrustRadius Score – Score 7.8 out of 10.TrustRadius Score – 7.1 out of 10

Ease of Use: Simplifying Email Marketing

Getting Started: The First Impression

MailerLite: Imagine opening your favorite app and knowing exactly where everything is. That’s MailerLite for you. Its interface is a breeze, making you feel like an email marketing pro from day one. The dashboard is clean, intuitive, and everything is just a click away. Setting up your first campaign? It’s as simple as pie.

Mailigen: Now, let’s talk about Mailigen. If MailerLite is the friendly neighborhood café, Mailigen is the high-tech coffee machine. It might take a minute to figure out which button brews your espresso, but once you do, it’s smooth sailing. Mailigen offers robust features, but it requires a bit more patience at the start. The interface is sleek, yet for a newbie, it might feel like a maze.

Template Design: Crafting Your Message

When it comes to template design, both MailerLite and Mailigen provide a canvas for your creativity, but each with its own unique set of brushes and colors.

MailerLite’s template design experience is all about ease and accessibility. Picture yourself walking into a well-organized art studio where everything you need is within arm’s reach. That’s the vibe of MailerLite’s template editor. Its drag-and-drop editor is a dream for anyone who wants to create professional-looking emails without needing a degree in design. The templates are like a collection of beautiful canvases, each ready to be turned into a masterpiece with just a few clicks. They’re modern, responsive, and cater to a wide range of styles and purposes. Whether you’re announcing a new product, sending a newsletter, or crafting a holiday greeting, there’s a template that fits the bill perfectly. Customizing these templates is straightforward and enjoyable – change colors, fonts, and images effortlessly. This user-friendly approach makes MailerLite a favorite among small businesses and individuals who want great results with minimal fuss.

Switching over to Mailigen, the template design experience is akin to entering a high-end design studio equipped with advanced tools. It offers a level of customization that’s a step above, like having a full palette of colors and a range of sophisticated brushes at your disposal. The templates here are versatile and diverse, catering to a broader range of business needs and aesthetic preferences. For those who have a specific vision in mind or require more detailed customization, Mailigen’s template editor is the ideal playground. It allows you to tweak every little element, ensuring that every pixel of your email aligns with your brand identity. This is particularly appealing to marketers and businesses that have a clear brand image and want their emails to reflect this sophistication. However, this advanced customization capability does mean a steeper learning curve. It’s perfect for those who are willing to invest a bit more time to achieve a higher degree of personalization in their emails.

Automation: Setting Your Emails on Auto-Pilot

When diving into the world of email automation, MailerLite and Mailigen offer distinctly different experiences, each catering to varied user needs and sophistication levels.

Starting with MailerLite, its approach to automation is akin to having a reliable, easy-to-use assistant. It’s designed for those who appreciate simplicity without sacrificing functionality. Imagine setting up your first automated campaign: you choose a trigger, like a new subscriber or a specific date, and then you build your sequence with a series of intuitive steps. The process is seamless, guiding you through setting up basic to moderately complex workflows. It’s perfect for those who want to automate their email campaigns efficiently without getting bogged down by overly complex features. The beauty of MailerLite’s automation lies in its clarity and ease of use, making it a go-to choice for small businesses or individuals who are stepping into automation for the first time.

Contrast this with the automation capabilities of Mailigen. Here, you’re stepping into a realm where possibilities seem almost limitless. It’s like having a team of advanced robots at your disposal, each programmed to perform a specific task based on intricate triggers and conditions. The level of customization and precision you can achieve with Mailigen’s automation is impressive. You can create highly detailed and targeted campaigns that resonate with different segments of your audience. From a simple welcome email sequence to complex behavioral-based triggers, Mailigen handles it all with finesse. However, this advanced capability comes with a learning curve. It’s more suited for those who are comfortable navigating a more sophisticated system or businesses that require detailed, segmented automation strategies. With Mailigen, you can tailor your communication to an extent that every subscriber feels like they’re receiving a personal, one-on-one message, enhancing engagement and ultimately, conversion rates.

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Deliverability: Ensuring Your Emails Hit the Inbox

Hitting the Mark: Getting Your Emails Seen

MailerLite: When it comes to deliverability, MailerLite doesn’t just hit the mark; it nails it. Their robust infrastructure and strong ISP relationships mean your emails are more likely to end up in the inbox and not the spam folder. Regular updates and maintenance ensure that MailerLite stays on top of deliverability trends and best practices.

Mailigen: Mailigen is no slouch in this department either. They offer advanced deliverability features, including dedicated IP addresses for high-volume senders. This is a huge plus for businesses with large email lists, as it gives them more control over their sending reputation. Mailigen also provides detailed reports to help you track and improve your deliverability rates.



  • Free Plan: For up to 1,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month, including basic features.
  • Premium Plans: Starting at $10/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, with pricing increasing for more subscribers. Includes unlimited emails, autoresponders, advanced segmentation, and more.
  • The premium plan cost varies based on the number of subscribers and additional features chosen.


  • Pricing Structure: Based on the number of subscribers.
  • Basic Plans:
  • Up to 500 subscribers: Starts at approximately $10/month.
  • Up to 2,500 subscribers: Starts at approximately $25/month.
  • Up to 5,000 subscribers: Starts at approximately $40/month.
  • Higher Volume Plans:
  • Up to 10,000 subscribers: Pricing available upon request.
  • Up to 25,000 subscribers and more: Custom pricing.

Bounce and Spam Management: Keeping Your List Clean

Managing bounces and spam is a critical aspect of email marketing, and both MailerLite and Mailigen approach this with their unique methodologies, ensuring your list remains clean and your campaigns effective.

Starting with MailerLite, its bounce and spam management is designed to be proactive and user-friendly. Imagine a self-cleaning system that automatically tidies up after a party. That’s how MailerLite operates. It continuously monitors your email lists, identifying and removing invalid email addresses and managing unsubscribes efficiently. This proactive approach is not just about keeping your list clean; it’s also about maintaining a high sender reputation. By automatically filtering out addresses that result in bounces and quickly processing spam complaints, MailerLite ensures that your future campaigns have a higher chance of reaching the inbox. This automated cleaning process is a boon for marketers and business owners who want to focus on creating great content rather than worrying about list hygiene.

Turning to Mailigen, bounce and spam management is taken to a more advanced level. Picture a sophisticated filtration system that not only cleans but also provides insights on how to keep the environment cleaner. Mailigen offers comprehensive tools that do more than just manage bounces and spam complaints. They provide in-depth analytics and recommendations on how to reduce these issues. Their system intelligently learns from each campaign, adapting and improving its ability to manage and prevent deliverability problems. This feature is particularly valuable for businesses that send out large volumes of emails and need to keep a close eye on their sender reputation. With Mailigen, you get detailed insights into why bounces and spam complaints are happening and how to prevent them, thus continuously enhancing the health and effectiveness of your email campaigns.

Testing and Optimization: Making Every Email Count

In the realm of email marketing, testing and optimization are the secret ingredients to ensuring your emails not only reach your audience but also engage them effectively. MailerLite and Mailigen both offer robust tools in this domain, but they approach it in ways as distinct as their overall philosophies.

MailerLite’s approach to testing and optimization is built around user-friendliness and accessibility. It’s like having a set of smart, easy-to-use tools that help you polish your emails to perfection. Before you send out a campaign, MailerLite allows you to use its preview and spam testing features, giving you a clear picture of how your email will look across different email clients and devices. This is crucial because an email that looks great in one client might not look the same in another. Additionally, their spam test helps ensure that your carefully crafted message doesn’t end up in the junk folder. This kind of testing is invaluable, especially when you’re trying to optimize for open rates and engagement. It’s like doing a dress rehearsal before the big show, ensuring everything looks and performs just as you intended.

Mailigen, on the other hand, takes a more analytical approach to testing and optimization. It offers a suite of tools that are like a laboratory for email experimentation. The standout feature here is the A/B testing capability. With Mailigen, you can create multiple versions of your email, changing elements like subject lines, content, images, and send times. Then, you send these versions to a small segment of your list to see which performs best. This kind of testing is a goldmine for data-driven marketers. It allows you to fine-tune every aspect of your email based on actual user responses, leading to more effective and impactful campaigns. The depth of testing available with Mailigen can lead to significant improvements in engagement and conversion rates over time, as you continuously learn and apply insights from each campaign.

Reporting and Analytics: Understanding Your Audience

In the dynamic world of email marketing, reporting and analytics are the compass and map that guide your strategy and decision-making. Both MailerLite and Mailigen offer comprehensive tools in this area, but they cater to different navigational styles.

MailerLite’s approach to reporting and analytics is centered around clarity and simplicity. It’s like having a dashboard in your car that tells you exactly what you need to know – how fast you’re going, how much fuel you have left, and when you need to take the next turn. In the context of email marketing, this means providing you with straightforward, easy-to-digest reports that offer a clear view of your campaign performance. When you send out an email, you get detailed insights into key metrics like open rates, click rates, and subscriber behavior. This information is presented in a user-friendly format, making it easy for you to understand what’s working and what’s not. For small businesses or individuals who need essential insights without getting overwhelmed by data, MailerLite’s reporting tools are a perfect fit. They help you track the effectiveness of your campaigns and make informed decisions to improve future emails.

Switching over to Mailigen, the reporting and analytics experience is like stepping into a command center with screens displaying various types of data and trends. Mailigen offers a more sophisticated set of tools for analyzing your email campaigns. Real-time reporting and advanced segmentation capabilities stand out, allowing you to delve deep into how different segments of your audience interact with your emails. You can break down your data by demographics, subscriber behavior, or any other custom metric that’s important to your business. This granular level of detail is particularly valuable for marketers and businesses that need to tailor their strategies to diverse audience segments. With Mailigen, you’re not just seeing how your emails perform; you’re gaining insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors, enabling you to craft more personalized and effective email campaigns.


In the digital arena of email marketing, both MailerLite and Mailigen shine as formidable tools, but your choice ultimately boils down to your specific needs, expertise level, and the nature of your campaigns.

MailerLite is the ideal choice if you’re seeking simplicity, user-friendliness, and an efficient way to create beautiful email campaigns. Its intuitive interface, straightforward automation, and easy-to-use design tools make it perfect for small businesses, startups, and individuals who are new to email marketing or who prefer a no-fuss approach. The strength of MailerLite lies in its ability to deliver essential email marketing features in a package that’s easy to understand and manage.

Mailigen, on the other hand, is a powerhouse for those who crave depth, customization, and detailed analytics. It’s suited for marketers, businesses, and organizations that require advanced features like intricate automation, comprehensive A/B testing, and in-depth reporting and analytics. If you’re looking to fine-tune every aspect of your email marketing strategy with precision and have the expertise to navigate its more complex features, Mailigen is your go-to tool.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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