SendGrid vs Zoho Campaigns: The Best Email Marketing Tool

2024's email marketing face-off: SendGrid vs Zoho Campaigns. Discover which tool excels in features and user experience!

Hey there! Are you scratching your head trying to choose between SendGrid and Zoho Campaigns for your email marketing needs in 2024? You’re not alone. With so many features, prices, and testimonials floating around, it’s like trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. But don’t worry, I’m here to make your decision easier. Let’s dive into a detailed, side-by-side comparison of these two giants in the world of email marketing.

SendGridZoho Campaigns
sendgridzoho campaigns
G2 Score – 4.0 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 4.3 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 7.6/10TrustRadius Score – 8/10

Ease of Use: User Interface and Setup

SendGrid – Simplifying the Complex

First up, let’s talk about SendGrid. Imagine walking into a sleek, modern office where everything is organized, and you know exactly where to find what you need – that’s SendGrid’s user interface for you. It’s designed for both beginners and pros, ensuring you don’t need a PhD in computer science to use it.

Setting up with SendGrid is a breeze. You sign up, and voila, you’re greeted with a dashboard that’s as friendly as a golden retriever. You’ve got clear, intuitive menus and icons that practically hold your hand through the process. Whether it’s crafting your first email campaign or setting up advanced email sequences, SendGrid makes it straightforward.

And let’s talk about customization. You want your emails to pop, right? SendGrid offers a drag-and-drop email builder that’s like playing with Legos – fun, simple, and the possibilities are endless. You can choose from a variety of templates or build your email from scratch. Plus, for the tech-savvy, there’s the HTML editor, giving you complete control over your designs.

Zoho Campaigns – No Frills, Just Efficiency

On the other side, we have Zoho Campaigns. Picture entering a well-organized library – everything is where it should be, but it’s a bit old school. That’s the vibe of Zoho Campaigns. It might not win a beauty contest against SendGrid, but it gets the job done, and sometimes, that’s all that matters.

Setting up with Zoho Campaigns is straightforward, but it can feel a bit like filling out tax forms – necessary, but not exactly thrilling. Once you’re past the initial setup, though, it’s smooth sailing. The interface is more traditional, with drop-down menus and tabs. It might not be as intuitive as SendGrid at first, but give it a little time, and it’ll feel like your cozy, old sweater.

Where Zoho Campaigns shines is in its integration with the Zoho ecosystem. If you’re already using Zoho CRM or other Zoho products, it’s like adding another piece to your puzzle – it just fits. This integration streamlines your workflow, making data sharing between apps seamless.

And customization? Zoho Campaigns offers a range of templates and a drag-and-drop editor, much like SendGrid. It’s not as fancy, but it’s functional. You can create pretty good-looking emails without needing to know a single line of code. However, if you do want to dive into HTML, the option is there.

Deliverability: Ensuring Your Emails Hit the Inbox

Deliverability is a critical aspect of email marketing. It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about making sure they land in the inbox and not the spam folder. This is where both SendGrid and Zoho Campaigns put up a fierce battle to prove their mettle.

SendGrid has built a reputation as a leader in email deliverability. They understand that reaching the inbox is a blend of art and science. Their approach is comprehensive, focusing not just on the technical aspects of email delivery but also on user behavior and engagement. SendGrid’s advanced deliverability features include proactive monitoring and real-time analytics. This means you get insights into how your emails are performing, with suggestions on how to improve open rates and engagement.

Moreover, SendGrid takes an active role in managing your sender reputation. This is crucial because a poor reputation can lead to your emails being flagged as spam, no matter how relevant they might be to your audience. Their system includes feedback loop management and ISP outreach, ensuring that your emails comply with the latest best practices and regulations. The process of warming up an IP address, crucial for businesses sending large volumes of email, is also streamlined with SendGrid. They guide you through this process, helping to establish a strong sender reputation from the outset.

Zoho Campaigns, while not as specialized in deliverability as SendGrid, still offers a solid platform that ensures your emails reach their destination. Their focus on deliverability is rooted in maintaining a clean mailing list and adhering to email sending best practices. With automated list cleaning, Zoho Campaigns helps in reducing bounce rates, which is a key factor in maintaining a healthy sender score. They also implement essential authentication protocols like DKIM and SPF, which are critical in verifying the legitimacy of your emails.

Zoho Campaigns may not provide as detailed analytics as SendGrid, but their approach is straightforward and effective for most email marketing needs. They offer insights into basic metrics like open rates and click-through rates, which are instrumental in tweaking your campaigns for better performance.

Pricing: Getting the Best Bang for Your Buck

When it comes to choosing the right email marketing tool, pricing plays a pivotal role. It’s not just about finding the cheapest option; it’s about finding the most value for your investment. This is where a closer look at SendGrid and Zoho Campaigns can help us understand which service offers the best deal.


  • Free Plan: Offers up to 100 emails per day forever.
  • Essentials Plan: Starting at $14.95 per month for 50,000 emails per month, with no daily sending limit. Includes basic email features.
  • Pro Plan: Starting at $89.95 per month for 100,000 emails per month, includes advanced features like dedicated IP addresses and sub-user management.
  • Premier Plan: Custom pricing for high-volume senders needing advanced features and customization.

Zoho Campaigns

  • Email-based Plan: Starting at approximately $3/month for up to 500 subscribers and unlimited emails. The price scales with the number of subscribers.
  • Subscriber-based Plan: Starting at around $5/month for up to 500 subscribers (with unlimited emails). The cost increases with more subscribers.
  • Pay by Email Credits: Suitable for infrequent senders. Purchase email credits that don’t expire; prices depend on the volume of credits bought.
  • High Volume Plans: Custom pricing for large volume senders, offering advanced features and dedicated support.

SendGrid’s pricing strategy is built on flexibility, catering to a wide range of users from solo entrepreneurs to large enterprises. They start with a free plan, perfect for those just dipping their toes in the email marketing waters. This plan, although basic, gives you a taste of SendGrid’s capabilities without a financial commitment. As your needs grow, SendGrid grows with you. Their tiered pricing plans are designed to accommodate increasing demands, offering more features like dedicated IP addresses, advanced analytics, and additional integrations as you climb up the tiers.

The standout feature of SendGrid’s pricing model is the pay-as-you-go option. This is a boon for businesses with fluctuating email volumes. Instead of locking into a monthly plan with fixed limits, you pay for what you use. It’s an efficient and economical solution that ensures you’re not overspending on unused capacity.

Zoho Campaigns, on the other hand, presents a straightforward and budget-friendly pricing structure. Their plans are designed to be accessible, particularly appealing to small and medium-sized businesses. Starting with a free plan, similar to SendGrid, Zoho Campaigns offers basic features suitable for those starting out. However, the real advantage of Zoho Campaigns becomes apparent when used in conjunction with other Zoho products. The integration with Zoho’s ecosystem can lead to substantial savings, especially if you’re already using their CRM or other tools.

Their pricing is based on the number of subscribers and offers unlimited emails across all plans. This approach is particularly advantageous for businesses focusing on building long-term relationships with their subscribers, as it allows for frequent and consistent communication without worrying about hitting send limits.

In comparing the two, SendGrid’s pricing structure shines in its adaptability and scalability, making it an ideal choice for businesses with varying needs or those expecting growth. Zoho Campaigns, conversely, is more suited for businesses looking for a simple, cost-effective solution, particularly those already embedded in the Zoho ecosystem.

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Customer Support: The Lifeline You Can Rely On

SendGrid – A Support System That Cares

In the world of email marketing, having robust customer support can be a game-changer. This is where SendGrid really steps up. They offer a range of support options designed to cater to different needs and urgencies.

SendGrid’s 24/7 email support is like having a safety net. No matter what time of day (or night), you can reach out and expect a prompt response. For more immediate assistance, there’s live chat and phone support, but these are available only with higher-tier plans. It’s like having a direct line to a team of experts who are ready to jump in and solve your problems.

Moreover, SendGrid provides a comprehensive knowledge base filled with articles, guides, and tutorials. It’s like having an encyclopedia of email marketing at your fingertips. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned marketer, these resources can be incredibly valuable for troubleshooting and learning new strategies.

Zoho Campaigns – Support That Integrates With Your Workflow

Zoho Campaigns also understands the importance of reliable customer support. They offer email, live chat, and phone support, ensuring you have multiple channels to seek help.

One of the unique aspects of Zoho Campaigns’ support is its integration with the Zoho ecosystem. If you’re using multiple Zoho products, having a unified support system can streamline problem-solving. It’s like having a team of specialists who understand your entire business setup, not just your email marketing tool.

Zoho Campaigns also offers a rich repository of help articles, FAQs, and how-to guides. Whether you’re troubleshooting an issue or looking to expand your email marketing skills, these resources are invaluable.

Integration Capabilities: Streamlining Your Workflow

In the realm of email marketing, the ability of a tool to seamlessly integrate with other software is a game-changer. It’s about creating a smooth, efficient workflow where all your tools talk to each other harmoniously. Let’s explore how SendGrid and Zoho Campaigns stack up in this arena.

SendGrid – The Connector

SendGrid is like a universal adapter in the world of integrations. It boasts a vast array of integrations with popular platforms, CRMs, and e-commerce systems. This extensive compatibility is a testament to its flexibility and adaptability. Whether you’re using Salesforce for your customer relationship management, Shopify for e-commerce, or WordPress for your website, SendGrid plugs in effortlessly.

The real strength of SendGrid’s integration capabilities lies in its API. The API is robust and developer-friendly, allowing for deep customization and integration into your existing systems. It’s like having a set of building blocks that you can tailor to fit your specific needs, whether you’re looking to automate your email campaigns or sync data in real-time between different platforms.

Zoho Campaigns – The Ecosystem Player

Zoho Campaigns plays a different but equally impressive game when it comes to integrations. Its strength lies in its seamless integration within the Zoho ecosystem. If you’re already using Zoho CRM, Zoho Books, or any of the other tools in the Zoho suite, Zoho Campaigns fits in like a missing puzzle piece. This integration creates a unified experience, streamlining data flow and processes across your business operations.

Outside of the Zoho ecosystem, Zoho Campaigns still offers a range of integrations with popular apps and services. While not as extensive as SendGrid’s, these integrations cover most of the commonly used platforms. The ease of integration with other tools makes Zoho Campaigns a versatile option, especially for businesses that are already leveraging other Zoho products.


As we wrap up this comprehensive comparison between SendGrid and Zoho Campaigns, it’s clear that both platforms offer compelling features for businesses venturing into the world of email marketing in 2024. Your final decision should hinge on your specific business needs, budget, and long-term marketing goals.

SendGrid emerges as a robust choice for those seeking advanced deliverability options, extensive integrations with a wide array of platforms, and a need for scalability. Its user-friendly interface, detailed analytics, and flexible pricing make it a strong contender for businesses of all sizes, especially those that are growth-oriented and tech-savvy.

Zoho Campaigns, on the other hand, is an excellent option for businesses looking for a cost-effective, straightforward tool, especially for those already integrated into the Zoho ecosystem. Its straightforward pricing, solid deliverability, and seamless integration within the Zoho suite make it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized businesses seeking efficiency and simplicity.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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