Constant Contact vs Iterable: Best Email Marketing Tool

Compare Constant Contact and Iterable in our 2024 guide to the best email marketing tools, tailored to enhance your marketing strategies.

Welcome to our in-depth analysis of two major players in the email marketing and automation world: Constant Contact and Iterable. If you’re grappling with the decision of which platform to choose for your marketing needs, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll dissect these services, comparing them on various fronts to help you make an informed decision. Let’s dive in.

Ease of Use

First Impressions and Setup

When it comes to choosing an email marketing platform, the ease of getting started is a crucial factor. Both Constant Contact and Iterable offer intuitive interfaces, but they cater to different user groups.

Constant Contact is renowned for its user-friendly design. Right from the sign-up process, the platform guides you with clear instructions. For beginners or small businesses, this is a big plus. The dashboard is well-organized, making it easy to navigate through various features like creating campaigns, managing contacts, and viewing reports.

On the other hand, Iterable presents a more robust and feature-rich interface. It’s designed with a tech-savvy audience in mind. While it might take a bit longer to get accustomed to, the platform offers advanced capabilities that are essential for larger businesses or those with complex marketing needs. Iterable’s setup process is comprehensive, ensuring that all the necessary integrations and configurations are in place for a seamless experience.

Template Selection and Customization

A significant aspect of ease of use is the availability and flexibility of templates for creating emails. Constant Contact scores high in this department. It offers a wide range of customizable templates suitable for various industries and occasions. These templates are not only aesthetically pleasing but also responsive, ensuring that your emails look great on any device.

Iterable, while not as extensive as Constant Contact in template variety, offers a powerful template editor. This is particularly beneficial for teams that require a higher degree of customization. Iterable’s templates are flexible and can be tailored to fit specific branding and design needs.

Drag-and-Drop Editors

Both platforms provide drag-and-drop editors, making it simple to create and design emails without needing any coding knowledge. Constant Contact’s editor is straightforward and intuitive, ideal for users who want to quickly put together professional-looking emails.

Iterable’s editor, though slightly more complex, offers more advanced options. It’s particularly useful for creating dynamic content and personalizing emails based on user behavior and data.

Learning Curve

For new users, the learning curve is an important consideration. Constant Contact, with its straightforward approach, is easier to grasp for beginners. Its support resources, including tutorials and webinars, are tailored to help users get up to speed quickly.

Iterable requires a bit more time to master, especially due to its advanced features like workflow automation and event-triggered messaging. However, for marketers who are willing to invest the time, Iterable opens up a world of possibilities in terms of customization and targeting.

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Feature Set

Email Campaign Capabilities

When delving into the features of Constant Contact and Iterable, it’s crucial to examine their email campaign capabilities, as this is often the core of email marketing efforts.

Constant Contact excels in providing a variety of email campaign types, including newsletters, announcements, promotions, and event invitations. The platform allows for easy segmentation of mailing lists and personalization options, though somewhat limited compared to more advanced platforms. A standout feature is its email automation capabilities, which, while basic, are incredibly user-friendly and effective for standard drip campaigns and welcome series emails.

Iterable, on the other hand, offers a more sophisticated approach to email campaigns. It supports complex multi-step workflows and triggers based on user behavior, making it ideal for targeted and behavior-based campaigns. Its segmentation capabilities are more advanced, allowing for granular targeting based on user data and interactions. Iterable also shines in A/B testing and analytics, providing deeper insights into campaign performance and user engagement.

Integration and API Support

In today’s digital ecosystem, the ability to integrate with other tools and services is crucial. Here, both platforms show strengths but in different ways.

Constant Contact offers a good range of integrations with popular tools like Shopify, WordPress, and Salesforce. These integrations are generally straightforward to set up and use, making Constant Contact a good option for businesses already using these platforms.

Iterable takes integration a step further, offering a robust API that allows for more customized integrations. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with unique needs or those who use less common tools and platforms. Iterable’s API support enables more sophisticated data synchronization and personalized interactions across different marketing channels.

Mobile App Functionality

In an increasingly mobile world, the availability and functionality of mobile apps are important. Constant Contact offers a functional mobile app, allowing users to create and send emails, manage contacts, and view reports on the go. The app is user-friendly and a great extension of the web platform.

Iterable, while not offering a dedicated mobile app for campaign management, ensures its email templates are mobile-responsive. This focus on the end-user experience is critical, considering the growing trend of emails being opened on mobile devices.

Pricing and Value for Money

Constant Contact

  • Email Plan: Starting at $20/month based on the number of contacts. Includes email marketing, customizable templates, and reporting.
  • Email Plus Plan: Starting at $45/month based on contacts, including additional features like automated email series, online donations, and surveys & polls.


  • Iterable does not publicly list its pricing, as it typically offers custom pricing based on the specific needs of a business.
  • The platform is designed for larger companies with advanced needs in cross-channel marketing campaigns, including email, SMS, push notifications, and more.
  • Features usually include workflow automation, segmentation, A/B testing, and personalized messaging.
  • Interested users need to contact Iterable directly for a customized quote based on their scale and requirements.

Pricing Structures

Understanding the pricing structures of Constant Contact and Iterable is crucial for businesses to assess which platform offers better value for their specific needs.

Constant Contact adopts a tiered pricing model based on the number of contacts in your email list. This structure is straightforward and predictable, making it easier for small businesses to budget for their email marketing expenses. The basic plan includes all the essential features like email templates, a drag-and-drop editor, and basic reporting. As you move up the tiers, you gain access to more advanced features like automated email series and online donations.

Iterable, in contrast, offers a custom pricing model. The cost is tailored based on the specific features and scale required by the business. While this provides flexibility and ensures you only pay for what you need, it can be a bit more challenging to predict monthly costs. Iterable’s pricing is typically higher than Constant Contact, reflecting its more advanced features and capabilities aimed at larger businesses or those with more complex marketing needs.

Free Trials and Money-Back Guarantees

Both platforms offer free trials, allowing users to test the services before committing. Constant Contact offers a generous 60-day free trial, one of the longest in the industry. This extended period is beneficial for users to explore the platform thoroughly and assess its fit for their business.

Iterable, while offering a free trial, is more limited in duration. However, it provides enough time to get a feel for its advanced features and decide if the platform suits your marketing strategy.

Assessing Value for Money

When it comes to value for money, the decision largely depends on your business’s specific needs and budget.

Constant Contact is an excellent value for small to medium-sized businesses. Its pricing is competitive, especially considering the range of features offered in its basic plan. The platform’s ease of use also means less time and resources spent on training and troubleshooting.

Iterable, with its custom pricing, can be a significant investment. However, for businesses that need its advanced features like detailed segmentation, behavior-triggered emails, and comprehensive integrations, the return on investment can be substantial. The ability to create highly personalized and targeted campaigns can lead to better engagement and conversion rates, justifying the higher cost.

Customer Support and Resources

Availability and Quality of Support

For many users, the quality and availability of customer support can be a deciding factor when choosing an email marketing platform.

Constant Contact prides itself on providing excellent customer service. They offer multiple channels for support, including phone, email, and live chat. Their phone support is particularly noteworthy, with short wait times and knowledgeable staff. Additionally, Constant Contact has a vast library of online resources, including tutorials, webinars, and a community forum, making it easier for users to find answers to their questions.

Iterable, while offering robust customer support, focuses more on online resources and email support. Their knowledge base is comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics with detailed guides and best practices. While they do offer phone support, it’s more limited compared to Constant Contact. Iterable’s strength lies in its community and online resources, which are immensely valuable for solving complex issues and learning advanced features.

Training and Onboarding

The level of training and onboarding provided can significantly impact the user experience, especially for platforms with advanced features.

Constant Contact offers extensive onboarding and training resources. They have a series of webinars and tutorials geared towards new users, ensuring a smooth start. Their approach is particularly beneficial for those who are new to email marketing, as it reduces the learning curve.

Iterable goes a step further in training and onboarding, especially for enterprise clients. They provide personalized onboarding experiences, including dedicated account managers for large accounts. This ensures that businesses can fully leverage the platform’s capabilities. Their training is more in-depth, covering not just the basics but also advanced strategies and best practices.

Summary and Recommendations

Constant Contact: The Ideal Choice for Small to Medium Businesses

  • Ease of Use: With a user-friendly interface and straightforward functionalities, Constant Contact is ideal for beginners and those who prefer simplicity.
  • Feature Set: Offers essential email marketing features that are more than sufficient for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Pricing: Provides a predictable and affordable pricing structure, excellent for businesses with a tight budget.
  • Customer Support: Exceptional with multiple channels of support, including phone, email, and live chat, along with a wealth of online resources.

Iterable: The Go-to for Larger Businesses and Complex Campaigns

  • Ease of Use: Offers a more sophisticated interface suited for tech-savvy users and businesses with complex marketing needs.
  • Feature Set: Boasts advanced features like detailed segmentation, behavior-triggered emails, and comprehensive integrations, ideal for targeted and personalized campaigns.
  • Pricing: Follows a custom pricing model, which can be higher, but offers a great return on investment for businesses utilizing its advanced capabilities.
  • Customer Support: Focuses more on comprehensive online resources and personalized onboarding, especially beneficial for enterprises.


For Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: The Appeal of Constant Contact

  • User-Friendly for Beginners: Constant Contact’s intuitive interface is a significant advantage for those new to email marketing or who prefer a straightforward approach.
  • Affordability: With a tiered pricing structure, it offers a budget-friendly option, especially for businesses with a smaller email list.
  • Solid Feature Set for Basic Needs: It covers all the essential features you need to launch effective email campaigns, manage contacts, and track results without overwhelming the user.
  • Exceptional Support: Its standout customer service ensures that any issues you encounter can be resolved quickly, which is crucial for businesses without dedicated technical support.

For Larger Businesses or Complex Marketing Needs: The Strengths of Iterable

  • Advanced Features: Iterable’s sophisticated platform caters to complex marketing strategies with its advanced segmentation, automation, and personalization capabilities.
  • Customization and Integration: Its robust API and integration options mean you can tailor the platform to your precise marketing needs and link it seamlessly with other business tools.
  • Data-Driven Marketing: Iterable excels in handling large volumes of data, allowing for highly targeted and behavior-based campaigns.
  • In-Depth Training and Support for Enterprises: Larger businesses will benefit from Iterable’s comprehensive training resources and dedicated account management, ensuring they can maximize the platform’s potential.

In the end, the best platform is the one that not only meets your current needs but also aligns with your future growth and evolving marketing strategies. Whichever you choose, ensure it supports your goals and helps you effectively connect with your audience.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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