Tailwind vs MeetEdgar: The Best Social Media Management Tool for You

Compare Tailwind and MeetEdgar to see which social media tool excels in automation and content management for your marketing strategy.

Choosing the right social media management tool is like picking the perfect espresso in a coffee shop full of options; it’s about finding that unique blend that suits your taste, meets your needs, and keeps you coming back for more. In the vast world of social media tools, two names often crop up with the promise of transforming your social media game: Tailwind and MeetEdgar. Both are powerful contenders, but like choosing between a bold espresso or a creamy latte, it boils down to personal preference and goals. So, let’s dive into the heart of this discussion, comparing these two giants on a journey to find the best social media management tool for you.

Tailwind MeetEdgar
G2 Score -4.3 out of 5G2 Score -4.2 out of 5
TrustRadius Score -6.7 out of 10TrustRadius Score -9.3 out of 10

Ease of Use and Interface

When it comes to managing social media, the last thing you need is a tool that feels like deciphering ancient hieroglyphs. The ease of use and the intuitiveness of the interface can make or break your experience. After all, social media is fast-paced, and your tools should help you keep up, not slow you down.


It is known for its user-friendly interface, especially for those who are visually inclined. Imagine walking into a well-organized room where everything has its place. That’s Tailwind. It’s designed specifically for Pinterest and Instagram, platforms where visuals reign supreme. Tailwind’s dashboard is a haven for visual planners, offering a drag-and-drop calendar that makes scheduling posts a breeze. You can see your entire week or month at a glance, making it easier to maintain a consistent posting schedule.

One of Tailwind’s standout features is its SmartSchedule. Picture this: instead of guessing the best time to post, Tailwind analyzes your audience’s engagement patterns and suggests the optimal times. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows your audience inside out. This feature is a game-changer for increasing engagement without the guesswork.


It brings a different flavor to the table. If Tailwind is a visual planner’s paradise, MeetEdgar is the strategist’s toolbox. MeetEdgar excels in automation and content recycling, ideal for businesses or individuals who want to get the most out of their content. Its interface may not win beauty contests, but it’s designed for efficiency. Think of MeetEdgar as a no-nonsense workspace where every tool serves a purpose.

MeetEdgar’s unique selling point is its evergreen content feature. Imagine writing a great post and knowing it will automatically be reshared at optimal times, breathing new life into your content. This ensures your best work continues to engage your audience, without you lifting a finger. It’s like having a content recycling plant at your disposal, ensuring nothing goes to waste.

Content Planning and Strategy

When it comes to standing out on social media, having a solid content plan and strategy is non-negotiable. It’s not just about posting regularly; it’s about posting the right content at the right time to engage your audience effectively. Both Tailwind and MeetEdgar offer features to help you master your content strategy, but they approach it from slightly different angles.

Tailwind: A Visual Storyteller’s Dream

Tailwind takes content planning to a visual level, particularly with its focus on Pinterest and Instagram. These platforms are all about the visual impact, and Tailwind ensures you’re equipped to create a visually appealing content calendar. Tailwind’s Pinterest capabilities are unmatched. It offers features like Pin scheduling, Tailwind Tribes, and analytics that are specifically tailored for Pinterest. With Tribes, you can collaborate with other creators to share content and increase your reach. It’s like joining a club where everyone supports each other’s growth. For Instagram, Tailwind provides hashtag suggestions, a bio link tool, and post analytics.

The hashtag suggestions are particularly useful, acting as a compass to navigate the vast sea of Instagram hashtags and find the ones that will elevate your content’s visibility. Tailwind also excels in helping you discover content to share. Through its suggestions, you can find trending topics or content that resonates with your audience. This keeps your feed fresh and engaging, ensuring you never run out of ideas.

MeetEdgar: The Strategic Content Librarian

MeetEdgar approaches content planning with a focus on maximizing the lifespan of your content. It’s designed for businesses and marketers who want to ensure their content reaches the audience multiple times across different platforms. MeetEdgar’s strongest feature is its ability to recycle evergreen content. You can categorize your content into different libraries, and MeetEdgar will reshare posts from these libraries on a schedule you set. This approach ensures that your content stays in circulation, reaching new followers and keeping your feed active.

MeetEdgar’s Variations feature allows for A/B testing of your content. By creating different messages for the same piece of content, you can test which versions perform better. This data-driven approach helps refine your messaging and improve engagement over time. Unlike Tailwind, which specializes in Pinterest and Instagram, MeetEdgar offers broader platform support. You can schedule content for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, making it a versatile tool for businesses managing multiple social media channels.

Analytics and Reporting

In the world of social media, data is king. Understanding how your content performs is crucial to refining your strategy and achieving your goals. This is where analytics and reporting come into play, offering insights into what works, what doesn’t, and why. Both Tailwind and MeetEdgar provide analytics features, but their approaches and the depth of insights they offer can vary.

Tailwind: Insights That Inform Strategy

Tailwind offers comprehensive analytics for Pinterest and Instagram, designed to help you understand your audience and how they interact with your content. Tailwind’s Pinterest analytics dive deep into your pins’ performance. You can see which pins are driving traffic to your website, which are most engaging, and how your boards are performing. This level of detail is invaluable for tweaking your Pinterest strategy to ensure maximum engagement and website traffic.

Similarly, Tailwind’s Instagram analytics offer a breakdown of your post performance, follower growth, and engagement rates. It goes further by providing insights into the best times to post and the effectiveness of your hashtags. These insights are instrumental in crafting posts that resonate with your audience and encourage engagement. Tailwind provides a high-level overview of your account’s performance, including trends in follower growth, engagement, and content performance. This snapshot allows you to quickly assess the health of your social media presence and adjust your strategy accordingly.

MeetEdgar: Simplified Analytics for Strategic Decisions

MeetEdgar’s analytics are more streamlined, focusing on the essentials you need to evaluate your content’s performance and make informed decisions. MeetEdgar provides data on how your content is performing in terms of likes, shares, comments, and overall reach. This information helps you understand which types of content resonate with your audience, allowing you to produce more of what they love. For businesses focused on driving traffic to their website, MeetEdgar’s analytics include click-through rates. This metric is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of your social media efforts in converting followers into website visitors.

Since MeetEdgar allows you to categorize your content, it also offers insights into how each category performs. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that share a mix of content types (e.g., blog posts, product announcements, industry news) and want to understand which categories drive the most engagement. In the battle of analytics and reporting, Tailwind shines for businesses and creators focused on visual platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, offering detailed insights tailored to these platforms. Its comprehensive analytics help inform a visually-driven strategy, ensuring that your content not only looks good but also performs well.

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Pricing and Value for Money

When it comes to selecting the right social media management tool, pricing plays a pivotal role. It’s not just about the cost; it’s about what you get for your money. Both Tailwind and MeetEdgar offer various pricing plans, each with its own set of features and benefits. Let’s delve into how these two platforms stack up in terms of pricing and value for money.

TailwindFree Plan: Tailwind offers a limited free plan designed to introduce users to the platform, with basic scheduling features for Pinterest and Instagram.
Pro Plan: Starting at $9.99 per month (billed annually), offering 1 Pinterest and 1 Instagram account, 100 posts per month, and basic analytics.
Advanced Plan: Starting at $19.99 per month (billed annually), including 2 Pinterest and 2 Instagram accounts, 1,000 posts per month, and more advanced analytics.
Max Plan: Starting at $39.99 per month (billed annually), with unlimited scheduling for Pinterest and Instagram, advanced analytics, and more.
MeetEdgarEdgar Lite: Starting at $19 per month, for basic scheduling needs.
Edgar: The price was around $49 per month, offering unlimited scheduled posts, more social accounts, and access to all features.

Tailwind: Flexible Pricing for Growing Brands

Tailwind offers a tiered pricing structure that caters to different needs and budgets, making it accessible for individuals, small businesses, and larger enterprises alike. Tailwind provides a free trial that allows users to schedule up to 100 Pinterest pins and 30 Instagram posts. This trial period is a great way to get a feel for the platform’s capabilities without committing financially.

Designed for small businesses and solopreneurs, the Pro Plan includes basic features such as 1 Pinterest and 1 Instagram account, 100 posts per month, and basic analytics. This plan is priced affordably, making it a good entry point for those just starting with social media management. For businesses looking to scale their social media efforts, Tailwind offers Advanced and Max plans. These plans support more accounts, offer unlimited posting, and provide access to advanced analytics and additional features like Tailwind Create and SmartSchedule. The cost increases with the level of features, but the value is evident for those heavily invested in social media marketing.

MeetEdgar: Simplified Pricing for Efficient Content Management

MeetEdgar takes a more straightforward approach to pricing, with a focus on offering a comprehensive set of features without the complexity of multiple tiers. Similar to Tailwind, MeetEdgar offers a free trial to test out the platform. This trial period allows potential users to explore the tool’s content management and automation features. MeetEdgar simplifies its offering with a single plan that includes unlimited content scheduling, access to all supported social media platforms, and the ability to store an unlimited number of posts in your content library.

This plan is slightly more expensive than Tailwind’s entry-level options, but it’s designed to offer everything a business needs for effective social media management without the need to upgrade for more features.When considering the value for money, it’s important to look beyond the price tag and evaluate what each plan offers in terms of features, usability, and potential impact on your social media strategy. Tailwind’s tiered pricing structure allows users to choose a plan that matches their current needs, with the option to upgrade as their business grows.


Navigating the world of social media management tools can feel like searching for a needle in a digital haystack. Yet, when we zero in on Tailwind and MeetEdgar, it becomes clear that each tool has its unique strengths tailored to different types of users and needs. The choice between them boils down to your specific goals, preferred platforms, and how you like to interact with your audience. Tailwind shines as a beacon for those immersed in the visually-rich platforms of Pinterest and Instagram. MeetEdgar, on the other hand, emerges as a strategic powerhouse for content recycling and automation across multiple platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.


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