Mailchimp Landing Pages vs Lander: The Best Landing Page Tool for You

Choosing between Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander? Compare features, benefits, and pick the ideal tool for your business projects.

When it comes to crafting the perfect landing page, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Your landing page is like the front door to your online business – it’s the first thing visitors see, and it can make or break their decision to dive deeper into what you have to offer. So, choosing the right tool to build your landing page is no small decision. Today, we’re zooming in on two popular choices: Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander. By the end of this discussion, you’ll have a clearer picture of which tool might be the best fit for you.

Mailchimp Landing PagesLander
mailchimp landing pagesLander
G2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 3.0 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 7.9/10TrustRadius Score – 3.6/10

Ease of Use: The Make or Break Factor

Let’s kick things off by talking about ease of use. After all, if you can’t navigate the tool easily, how are you expected to create anything, let alone a landing page that converts? Both Mailchimp and Lander claim to offer intuitive design experiences, but let’s dive deeper to see how they truly stack up against each other in this arena.

Mailchimp Landing Pages: A Familiar Friend

For those already in the Mailchimp ecosystem, the landing page builder feels like meeting an old friend in a new city. Known primarily for its email marketing prowess, Mailchimp has ventured into the landing page territory with a promise of simplicity and integration. The drag-and-drop editor is straightforward, making it simple for even the most technologically averse users to put together a page that looks professional and polished.

But it’s not just about being able to drag a picture here or a textbox there. Mailchimp offers a variety of templates that are not only modern and eye-catching but also tailored to specific goals, such as product launches, event registrations, or lead capture. This means that you’re not just throwing elements together hoping they stick; you’re given a strong starting point that’s aligned with your objectives.

Moreover, for those who are already using Mailchimp for email campaigns, the integration is seamless. You can easily add a signup form to your landing page to grow your mailing list, and then use Mailchimp’s robust analytics to track the success of your page in converting visitors into subscribers or customers.

Lander: The Specialist

On the flip side, we have Lander, a tool that’s dedicated solely to the art and science of landing pages. Lander prides itself on a high level of customization and control, catering to users who want to fine-tune every aspect of their page. The platform offers a robust editor that goes beyond basic drag-and-drop, allowing for more sophisticated designs and functionality.

Lander also shines with its A/B testing feature, which is built into the platform. This means you can easily create variations of your landing page to see which elements perform best, whether it’s a headline, an image, or a call-to-action button. This level of detail extends to Lander’s templates, which are designed with conversion optimization in mind, and its analytics, which provide deep insights into how your landing pages are performing.

However, this sophistication comes with a bit of a learning curve. While not overly complex, Lander requires a bit more patience and experimentation to master compared to the more straightforward approach of Mailchimp. This might be a trade-off worth making for those who prioritize the ability to meticulously craft every element of their landing page.

The Verdict on Ease of Use

So, which platform wins the ease of use battle? If you’re looking for simplicity and are already using Mailchimp for other aspects of your marketing, Mailchimp Landing Pages offers a smooth, integrated experience that feels familiar and straightforward. On the other hand, if you’re willing to climb a slightly steeper learning curve in exchange for greater control and customization, Lander might be the way to go.

Flexibility and Customization: Tailoring Your Landing Page to Perfection

In the world of digital marketing, the ability to customize your landing page to match your brand’s identity and meet your specific goals is crucial. After all, a landing page that resonates with your audience can significantly boost conversions. Let’s explore how Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander stack up when it comes to flexibility and customization.

Mailchimp Landing Pages: Simplicity with Limits

Mailchimp’s approach to landing pages is very much in line with its overall ethos: keep things simple and effective. This philosophy extends to its customization options. With Mailchimp, you get a variety of templates that are easy to tweak with the platform’s drag-and-drop editor. Changing text, colors, and images is straightforward, allowing you to quickly align the page with your brand’s aesthetic.

However, this simplicity also means there are limitations. While you can modify templates to a certain extent, you’re ultimately working within a framework that prioritizes ease of use over extensive customization. This can be a bit restrictive for those who have specific design visions that require more intricate modifications. The templates provide a great starting point, but if you’re looking to push the boundaries of design, you might find Mailchimp’s capabilities a bit limiting.

Lander: The Customization Powerhouse

Lander, being a platform dedicated exclusively to landing pages, offers a wider range of customization options. It’s designed for those who want to delve deeper into the nuances of their landing page design. The editor allows for a higher degree of customization, enabling you to manipulate layout, fonts, colors, and more with precision.

Beyond basic design elements, Lander also offers advanced features like parallax scrolling, dynamic text replacement, and integration with Google Analytics for deeper insights. These features are invaluable for marketers looking to create highly targeted, conversion-optimized landing pages.

Lander’s commitment to flexibility extends to its A/B testing capabilities, allowing you to experiment with different versions of your landing page at a granular level. This means you can not only customize what visitors see but also scientifically determine which elements are most effective in achieving your goals.

The Verdict on Flexibility and Customization

When it comes to flexibility and customization, Lander takes the lead. Its platform is built with the specific needs of landing page creation in mind, offering a level of control and sophistication that Mailchimp’s more generalized approach can’t match. For businesses and marketers who prioritize having the ability to finely tune every aspect of their landing page, Lander provides the tools necessary to do so.

However, it’s essential to consider your needs and skills. Mailchimp Landing Pages might be the better choice for those who prefer a more straightforward, less time-consuming process, especially if you’re already using Mailchimp for your email campaigns. On the other hand, if your strategy demands highly customized landing pages and you’re willing to invest the time to learn and utilize Lander’s more advanced features, Lander is the way to go.

Integration Capabilities: Enhancing Your Marketing Ecosystem

In today’s interconnected digital marketing landscape, the ability of your landing page tool to seamlessly integrate with other tools and platforms can dramatically enhance your marketing efforts. Let’s dive into how Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander perform when it comes to integrating with CRMs, email marketing platforms, social media, and other essential marketing tools.

Mailchimp Landing Pages: The Seamless Synchronizer

Mailchimp’s strength in integration largely stems from its roots as an email marketing platform. It naturally excels at integrating its landing pages with its own email marketing services, making it a breeze to capture leads from your landing page and funnel them directly into your Mailchimp email campaigns. This seamless integration extends to automated workflows, allowing you to trigger email sequences based on user actions on your landing page, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a free resource.

Beyond its in-house email marketing service, Mailchimp has worked hard to ensure its landing pages play well with others. It offers integrations with a variety of popular CRM platforms, e-commerce solutions like Shopify, and social media advertising tools, enabling you to extend the reach and effectiveness of your landing pages across your marketing ecosystem. However, while Mailchimp offers a solid range of integration options, its focus remains on strengthening the synergy within its own suite of tools.

Lander: The Versatile Connector

Lander understands the importance of being a team player in the marketing toolset. It boasts a wide range of integrations designed to maximize the efficiency and impact of your landing pages. From CRM software like Salesforce and Zoho to email marketing platforms beyond its own, Lander aims to ensure that your landing page can effectively communicate and exchange data with the tools your business relies on.

Moreover, Lander’s integrations extend to analytics and optimization tools, including Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. This allows for detailed tracking and analysis of your landing page performance, giving you the insights needed to optimize your pages for higher conversion rates. Lander also supports webhooks and API access for custom integrations, offering flexibility for businesses with unique or specialized integration needs.

The Verdict on Integration Capabilities

Both Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander offer strong integration capabilities, but the best choice depends on your specific needs and existing marketing tools. If you’re already using Mailchimp for your email marketing efforts, or you value the simplicity and efficiency of having your landing pages and email campaigns tightly integrated, Mailchimp Landing Pages is a compelling choice.

On the other hand, if you require a broader range of integrations or need to connect your landing pages to a wider variety of third-party tools and platforms, Lander’s extensive integration options make it a strong contender. Its ability to connect with multiple CRM systems, analytics tools, and custom solutions via API means it can adapt to fit into virtually any marketing stack.

Choosing between Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander isn’t just about comparing features in isolation; it’s about considering which platform aligns best with your overall marketing strategy, existing tools, and workflow. Both platforms have their strengths, and the right choice will depend on the specific needs and goals of your business.

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Pricing and Value for Money: Balancing Cost and Features

When it comes to choosing a landing page tool, pricing is often a deciding factor. But it’s not just about the sticker price; it’s about what you get for your money. Let’s compare Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander in terms of their pricing structures and the value they offer to businesses of different sizes and needs.

Mailchimp Landing PagesMailchimp offers free landing page creation within its Free plan, which includes basic features suitable for small businesses or individuals starting out. For advanced features like A/B testing, custom branding, and more, users need to upgrade to paid plans starting at $11 per month (Essentials plan) as of my last update.
LanderLander’s pricing typically starts with a Basic plan aimed at small businesses, which can range around $16 per month when billed annually. They also offer more advanced plans with additional features and higher page views and domains, with prices increasing accordingly.

Mailchimp Landing Pages: Free to Start, with Scalable Options

One of the attractive features of Mailchimp is its freemium model, which allows users to start with a basic package at no cost. This free tier includes access to the landing page builder, making it an excellent option for small businesses, startups, or individuals just beginning their online journey. You can create and publish landing pages without spending a dime, which is a huge plus if you’re on a tight budget.

As your needs grow, Mailchimp offers scalable pricing plans that increase in cost based on the number of contacts in your database and the level of features you need. These plans include additional marketing tools beyond landing pages, such as advanced segmentation, A/B testing, and custom branding. For businesses already using Mailchimp for email marketing, adding landing pages into the mix can provide significant value, leveraging an integrated set of tools within one platform.

Lander: Focused Pricing for Dedicated Features

Lander’s pricing model is straightforward, with plans designed to cater to different sizes of businesses and marketing needs. Unlike Mailchimp, Lander does not offer a free plan, but it does provide a free trial that allows you to test the platform’s capabilities before committing. After the trial, you’ll need to choose a paid plan to continue using the service.

Lander’s plans are based on the number of visitors your landing pages receive and the number of domains you wish to use. This focus on landing page-specific metrics makes it easy to choose a plan that matches your traffic levels. Higher-tier plans include features like A/B testing, dynamic text replacement, and additional integration capabilities, which are essential for optimizing your landing pages and improving conversion rates.

The Verdict on Pricing and Value for Money

The best choice between Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander from a pricing perspective depends on your specific needs and how landing pages fit into your broader marketing strategy. If you’re just starting out or have minimal needs for landing pages, Mailchimp’s free tier is an unbeatable value, especially if you’re already using Mailchimp for other marketing activities.

However, for businesses that expect high traffic to their landing pages or require more sophisticated landing page features and integrations, Lander’s dedicated plans may offer better value. While you’ll need to invest in a paid plan, the focus on landing page performance and optimization can justify the cost, especially for businesses looking to maximize their conversion rates.

Ultimately, both Mailchimp and Lander offer compelling options at various price points, but the right choice will hinge on your budget, traffic expectations, and how much you value integration with other marketing tools versus specialized landing page functionality.

Customer Support and Resources: Ensuring You’re Never Left in the Dark

In the digital age, where your online presence is crucial, having access to responsive and helpful customer support can make a significant difference. Additionally, a wealth of resources like tutorials, guides, and community forums can empower you to make the most of your landing page tool. Let’s compare how Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander support their users in these critical areas.

Mailchimp Landing Pages: Comprehensive Support with a Personal Touch

Mailchimp has long been praised for its customer support and extensive library of resources. When you encounter an obstacle or have a question about Mailchimp Landing Pages, you have multiple support channels at your disposal. This includes email support, live chat, and for premium plan subscribers, phone support. The availability of live chat and phone support is particularly valuable for urgent issues that require immediate attention.

Beyond direct support, Mailchimp offers a rich repository of tutorials, articles, and video guides that cover not only the technical aspects of using its platform but also marketing best practices. This educational content is designed to help users improve their overall marketing strategy, making it a valuable resource for businesses of all sizes.

Mailchimp also fosters a vibrant community forum where users can exchange tips, advice, and solutions. This peer-to-peer support can be incredibly useful, offering real-world insights and creative ideas from other Mailchimp users.

Lander: Targeted Support Focused on Landing Pages

Lander, while smaller in scale compared to Mailchimp, is no slouch when it comes to supporting its users. The platform offers email support and an extensive knowledge base filled with articles and tutorials specifically focused on landing page creation and optimization. This dedicated focus ensures that the resources available are highly relevant and actionable for Lander users.

Although Lander’s direct customer support might not include as many channels as Mailchimp, the quality of support is tailored to the specific needs of landing page marketers. The knowledge base is particularly noteworthy for its depth of information on landing page best practices, A/B testing, and conversion rate optimization.

Additionally, Lander provides resources and blog articles that delve into advanced landing page strategies and marketing insights. While Lander may not have a community forum as expansive as Mailchimp’s, the quality of its educational content and the targeted support make it a solid resource for users looking to optimize their landing pages.

The Verdict on Customer Support and Resources

Both Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander excel in providing their users with the support and resources needed to succeed. Mailchimp stands out for its variety of support channels and the breadth of its educational content, making it an excellent choice for users who value having multiple ways to seek help and learn. Its community forum adds another layer of support, offering peer insights that can be incredibly valuable.

Lander, on the other hand, offers more targeted support and resources focused specifically on landing pages. This makes it ideal for users looking for in-depth information and best practices related to landing page optimization. While it may not offer as many direct support channels as Mailchimp, its dedicated focus ensures that the help and information provided are highly relevant to landing page creators.

Ultimately, the choice between Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander in terms of customer support and resources will depend on your preferences for support type and the depth of information you’re looking for in relation to landing pages.

Reporting and Analytics: Measuring Success on Your Terms

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, the ability to track performance and measure success is crucial. A detailed understanding of how your landing pages are performing can help you optimize for better results over time. Let’s delve into how Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander equip users with reporting and analytics capabilities.

Mailchimp Landing Pages: Integrated Analytics for Holistic Insights

Mailchimp’s analytics capabilities are deeply integrated with its landing pages and broader marketing platform. This integration provides a comprehensive view of your marketing funnel, from email campaigns to landing page performance. Mailchimp’s dashboard presents key metrics such as page views, clicks, and conversion rates in an accessible and visually appealing manner.

One of the strengths of Mailchimp’s analytics is the ability to track the performance of your landing pages in the context of your email campaigns. This holistic approach allows you to see how different elements of your marketing strategy work together, enabling more informed decisions. For instance, you can easily assess how changes to your landing page affect your email subscription rates or how your email campaigns drive traffic to your landing pages.

Mailchimp also offers advanced features like click maps and the ability to segment your analytics by audience, giving you deeper insights into how different groups interact with your pages. These features are invaluable for refining your targeting and personalization strategies.

Lander: Precision Tools for Landing Page Optimization

Lander’s approach to analytics is laser-focused on landing page performance. The platform provides detailed reports on key metrics such as conversion rates, visitor behavior, and A/B testing results. This focus ensures that you have the data you need to optimize each element of your landing pages for maximum impact.

A standout feature of Lander’s analytics is its built-in A/B testing capabilities. This allows you to create variations of your landing pages and directly measure which versions perform better. Lander’s reporting tools make it easy to analyze the results of these tests, helping you to continuously improve your pages based on empirical data.

Lander also integrates with Google Analytics and other third-party analytics tools, offering flexibility for those who are already using these services for broader website analytics. This integration ensures that you can maintain a consistent analytics framework across all your digital assets.

The Verdict on Reporting and Analytics

The choice between Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander for reporting and analytics ultimately depends on your specific needs and how you prefer to measure success. If you’re looking for integrated analytics that ties your landing pages into a broader marketing ecosystem, Mailchimp provides valuable insights that encompass not just your landing pages but your email campaigns and audience engagement as well.

On the other hand, if your primary focus is on optimizing landing page performance with precise, actionable data, Lander’s specialized analytics and robust A/B testing features offer the tools you need to make data-driven decisions about your landing page design and content. Both platforms offer powerful analytics capabilities, but the right choice for you will depend on whether you value a holistic view of your marketing efforts or a dedicated focus on landing page optimization.


Choosing between Mailchimp Landing Pages and Lander boils down to your specific needs, your existing marketing stack, and your priorities in terms of ease of use, customization, integration, support, and analytics. If you’re looking for a straightforward, integrated solution that ties in seamlessly with email marketing and provides a wide range of support and learning resources, Mailchimp Landing Pages is an excellent choice. It’s especially appealing for those just starting out or operating on a tight budget, thanks to its free tier.

On the other hand, if your focus is on creating highly customized, conversion-optimized landing pages with detailed analytics and A/B testing capabilities, Lander is the go-to tool. It offers a level of specificity and control that can be crucial for businesses focused on maximizing the effectiveness of each landing page. Ultimately, both platforms have their strengths, and the best choice for you will align with your business goals, budget, and how you plan to use landing pages within your overall marketing strategy.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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