ConvertKit vs eSputnik: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Explore ConvertKit vs eSputnik for 2024's best email marketing solutions. Our review provides essential insights for your digital marketing.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the right email marketing tool can be a game-changer for your business or personal brand. As we stride into 2024, the competition is fierce, but two platforms stand out: ConvertKit and eSputnik. Both have their strengths and unique features, but which one is the best fit for your email marketing needs? Let’s dive into a detailed comparison, starting with one of the most crucial aspects.

ConvertKit eSputnik
G2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 stars
G2 Score –  4.7 out of 5 stars

TrustRadius Score – 8.8 out of 10TrustRadius Score – Nil

User Experience and Interface: Ease of Use Matters

In the world of email marketing, the complexity or simplicity of a tool can significantly impact your workflow and efficiency. Let’s compare ConvertKit and eSputnik in terms of their user experience (UX) and interface.

ConvertKit: Designed for Simplicity and Creators

ConvertKit has carved a niche for itself with a platform that’s intuitive and user-friendly. Aimed primarily at bloggers, creators, and small businesses, its interface is clean, minimalistic, and easy to navigate. This simplicity is ConvertKit’s biggest strength, as it allows users to focus on creating and managing campaigns without getting bogged down by overly complex features.

Setting up a campaign in ConvertKit is straightforward. The process is guided, intuitive, and free from technical jargon, making it accessible even for those who are new to email marketing. The dashboard is uncluttered, with a clear view of your subscriber lists, campaign performance, and automation workflows.

ConvertKit’s focus on simplicity doesn’t mean it lacks power. It offers robust features like email automation, segmenting subscribers, and detailed analytics, but all these features are presented in a way that is easy to understand and use.

eSputnik: Comprehensive with Advanced Features

eSputnik, on the other hand, takes a more comprehensive approach. It’s designed for medium to larger-sized businesses that require advanced functionalities. The platform offers a wide array of features, including detailed segmentation, multi-channel marketing, and sophisticated automation capabilities.

While eSputnik packs in more features compared to ConvertKit, this also means its interface is more complex. New users might experience a steeper learning curve as they navigate through the various options available. However, for marketers who need these advanced features, the learning curve is a worthwhile investment.

The platform’s strength lies in its ability to handle complex marketing campaigns that span across emails, SMS, web push notifications, and more. This makes eSputnik a versatile tool for businesses looking to execute a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.


In this first area of comparison, we see a clear distinction between ConvertKit and eSputnik. ConvertKit offers simplicity and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for creators, bloggers, and small businesses that need an effective, straightforward email marketing tool. eSputnik, with its advanced features and comprehensive marketing capabilities, is more suited for medium to large businesses that require a more robust solution.

Deliverability: Ensuring Your Emails Reach the Inbox

Deliverability is a critical aspect of any email marketing tool. It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about ensuring they land in your audience’s inbox and not the spam folder. Let’s compare ConvertKit and eSputnik in terms of their deliverability capabilities.

ConvertKit: High Deliverability with a Personal Touch

ConvertKit has built a reputation for high deliverability rates, which is crucial for bloggers, creators, and small businesses. They achieve this through a combination of well-maintained server reputations and by enforcing good sending practices among their users.

One of ConvertKit’s key strengths in deliverability is its focus on helping users create engaging, personalized content. The platform encourages the use of simple, authentic email designs, which tend to have higher engagement and lower spam rates. This approach not only aids in maintaining high deliverability but also resonates well with the audience, making it feel more like a personal conversation than a mass broadcast.

Moreover, ConvertKit provides users with insightful tips and best practices on maintaining list hygiene and improving open rates. These practices are crucial for keeping your sender reputation intact and ensuring your emails consistently reach your audience’s inbox.

eSputnik: Advanced Deliverability for Complex Campaigns

eSputnik approaches deliverability with a more technical angle, catering to medium and large businesses that run complex email campaigns. The platform offers advanced tools for managing deliverability, including sophisticated list segmentation, email authentication protocols, and proactive monitoring of sending reputation.

One of the standout features of eSputnik in terms of deliverability is its ability to handle high-volume sending without compromising on email deliverability. This is particularly important for larger businesses that need to send out vast numbers of emails as part of their marketing campaigns.

eSputnik also offers detailed analytics on email performance, which includes deliverability metrics. This data allows businesses to make informed decisions and adjustments to their strategies, ensuring their emails continue to achieve high deliverability rates.


When it comes to deliverability, both ConvertKit and eSputnik offer strong capabilities but cater to different needs. ConvertKit excels with its focus on personalization and engagement, which is ideal for creators and small businesses looking for reliable inbox placement. eSputnik, with its advanced deliverability features, is more suitable for larger businesses that require robust solutions to manage complex and high-volume email campaigns.

Analytics and Reporting: Turning Data into Strategy

In email marketing, the ability to analyze and interpret campaign data effectively can be the key to refining strategies and achieving better results. Let’s compare how ConvertKit and eSputnik handle analytics and reporting.

ConvertKit: User-Friendly Analytics for Creators

ConvertKit’s analytics are designed with simplicity and actionability in mind. The platform offers straightforward reporting tools that allow creators and small businesses to quickly understand their campaign performance.

The dashboard in ConvertKit provides essential metrics such as open rates, click rates, and subscriber growth. This data is presented in an easily digestible format, making it simple for users to gauge the success of their campaigns and make necessary adjustments. The platform’s focus on essential metrics means that users won’t get overwhelmed by too much data, which can be a common issue with more complex analytics tools.

Additionally, ConvertKit offers insights into how different types of content and strategies resonate with your audience. This feature is particularly useful for creators and bloggers, as it helps them tailor their content to what their audience finds most engaging.

eSputnik: Comprehensive Analytics for Informed Decision-Making

eSputnik offers a more robust and comprehensive analytics suite, catering to the needs of medium to large businesses that require in-depth analysis of their email campaigns.

The platform provides detailed reports that cover a wide array of metrics, including subscriber behavior, campaign ROI, and conversion tracking. This level of detail is invaluable for businesses that need to understand the nuances of their email marketing strategies.

One of eSputnik’s strengths is its ability to deliver advanced segmentation analytics, allowing businesses to drill down into specific audience segments and tailor their strategies accordingly. Moreover, eSputnik’s analytics can integrate data from multiple channels, providing a holistic view of the marketing efforts.


In the realm of analytics and reporting, ConvertKit and eSputnik again serve different market needs. ConvertKit is ideal for those who need straightforward, easy-to-understand analytics to quickly adapt their strategies – a perfect match for individual creators and small businesses. eSputnik, with its comprehensive and detailed analytics, suits larger businesses and enterprises that need to analyze large sets of data and integrate insights from various marketing channels.

Integration Capabilities: Enhancing Email Marketing with Other Tools

In the digital marketing ecosystem, the ability to integrate seamlessly with other tools and platforms can significantly amplify your email marketing efforts. Let’s see how ConvertKit and eSputnik fare in terms of integration capabilities.

ConvertKit: Streamlined Integrations for Creators

ConvertKit offers a range of integrations that are particularly beneficial for bloggers, creators, and small businesses. The platform understands that these users often rely on a variety of tools for their online presence and business operations.

ConvertKit integrates seamlessly with popular blogging platforms, e-commerce sites, and lead capture tools. These integrations are straightforward, enabling users to connect their email marketing campaigns with their websites, online stores, and social media platforms with minimal fuss.

The platform also offers integrations with third-party tools for advanced functionalities like analytics, customer relationship management, and more. These integrations are designed to be user-friendly, allowing creators to enhance their email marketing without needing deep technical expertise.

eSputnik: Extensive Integration for Multichannel Marketing

eSputnik steps up in terms of the breadth and depth of its integration capabilities, catering to the needs of medium to large-sized businesses. The platform’s focus on multichannel marketing means it offers integrations that go beyond email marketing.

eSputnik integrates with a wide array of e-commerce platforms, CRM systems, social media networks, and data management tools. This allows businesses to synchronize their marketing efforts across different channels and platforms, creating a cohesive and unified marketing strategy.

Moreover, eSputnik’s API offers advanced integration capabilities for businesses that need custom solutions. This feature is particularly beneficial for larger businesses with specific needs that require more than the standard integrations.


In terms of integration capabilities, ConvertKit and eSputnik cater to different levels of needs. ConvertKit provides essential and straightforward integrations that are more than sufficient for creators, bloggers, and small businesses. On the other hand, eSputnik offers a more extensive range of integrations, including advanced API access, making it suitable for larger businesses that require a comprehensive multichannel marketing approach.

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Pricing Structure: Balancing Cost and Features

When selecting an email marketing tool, understanding the pricing structure is crucial. It’s not just about the cost, but also about the value you get for your investment. Let’s compare how ConvertKit and eSputnik approach their pricing and what it means for different types of users.

ConvertKitFree Plan: Offers basic features for up to 1,000 subscribers, including email broadcasts, landing pages, and forms.
Creator Plan: Starting at $29/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, including automation and third-party integrations. The price increases with more subscribers.
Creator Pro Plan: Starting at $59/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, adding advanced features like newsletter referral system, subscriber scoring, and advanced reporting.
eSputnikeSputnik operates on a pay-as-you-go model, where you pay for the number of emails sent.
Email Marketing: Charges per email sent, starting at around $1.5 per 1,000 emails.
SMS Marketing: Charges per SMS sent, with prices varying based on the country.
Viber Messaging: Also offers Viber messaging services, with prices depending on the volume.
The platform also provides advanced features like automation, segmentation, and personalization, with prices varying based on usage.

ConvertKit: Affordable and Transparent Pricing

ConvertKit is known for its transparent and straightforward pricing structure, which is especially appealing to creators, bloggers, and small businesses. The platform offers various plans, each scaling based on the number of subscribers. This model is beneficial as it allows users to predict costs as their subscriber list grows.

The platform also offers a free plan with basic features, which is a great starting point for those new to email marketing or with limited budgets. As your needs grow, you can easily upgrade to a paid plan, which offers more advanced features like automated funnels and premium support.

ConvertKit’s pricing model is designed to provide value for money, offering essential features in its lower-tier plans while including more advanced options in its higher-tier plans. This makes it a cost-effective solution for users who are looking for a balance between functionality and affordability.

eSputnik: Custom Pricing for Advanced Needs

eSputnik’s pricing structure is tailored to cater to medium and large businesses with more complex and varied needs. The platform offers custom pricing based on the specific requirements of the business, including the volume of emails, the number of subscribers, and the range of features needed.

This custom pricing approach is beneficial for businesses that require a comprehensive email marketing solution with advanced features like multichannel marketing, detailed segmentation, and extensive integrations. While this might result in a higher price point compared to ConvertKit, it reflects the advanced capabilities and scalability that eSputnik provides.

eSputnik’s approach to pricing ensures that businesses pay for what they need, which can be a cost-effective solution for larger organizations with specific and extensive email marketing requirements.


The pricing structures of ConvertKit and eSputnik are reflective of their target audiences. ConvertKit offers an affordable and scalable solution for creators, bloggers, and small businesses, making it an attractive option for those who need essential email marketing features without a hefty price tag. eSputnik, with its custom pricing model, caters to larger businesses looking for a comprehensive and advanced email marketing platform.

Customer Support and Community Engagement

The quality of customer support and the extent of community engagement can significantly influence the overall experience with an email marketing tool. Let’s evaluate how ConvertKit and eSputnik perform in these areas.

ConvertKit: Dedicated Support and Community for Creators

ConvertKit excels in providing excellent customer support, which is crucial for their primary user base of creators, bloggers, and small businesses. The platform offers various channels for support, including email and live chat, ensuring users can quickly find help when needed.

One of the standout features of ConvertKit’s support system is its responsiveness and personalized approach. The support team is known for being knowledgeable and helpful, addressing specific user queries and issues effectively. This level of support is particularly valuable for users who may not have extensive technical expertise.

Beyond direct support, ConvertKit places a strong emphasis on community building. They offer various resources like webinars, workshops, and an active online community. These platforms provide a space for users to learn, share experiences, and connect with other creators, adding significant value to the overall user experience.

eSputnik: Comprehensive Support for Diverse Businesses

eSputnik, catering to a more diverse and larger business clientele, offers a comprehensive customer support system designed to handle a wide range of queries and issues. The platform provides support through email, phone, and live chat, ensuring businesses have access to timely and effective assistance.

The level of support offered by eSputnik is robust, with a focus on addressing the complex needs of medium to large-sized businesses. The support team is equipped to provide detailed technical assistance and strategic advice, which is essential for businesses running sophisticated and large-scale email marketing campaigns.

In addition to traditional support channels, eSputnik provides a wealth of online resources, including detailed guides, FAQs, and best practice tips. These resources are invaluable for businesses looking to maximize the potential of their email marketing strategies.


In terms of customer support and community engagement, ConvertKit and eSputnik again cater to their respective audiences effectively. ConvertKit’s approach is ideal for individual creators and small businesses, offering personalized support and a vibrant community for learning and sharing. eSputnik, on the other hand, provides comprehensive support suited for larger businesses with more complex needs, ensuring these businesses can fully leverage the platform’s capabilities.

Wrapping Up

As we conclude our in-depth exploration of ConvertKit and eSputnik, it’s evident that both platforms offer distinctive strengths tailored to their respective audiences. Your choice between them should align with your specific email marketing needs, the scale of your operations, and the nature of your audience. ConvertKit emerges as a highly user-friendly platform, ideal for individual creators, bloggers, and small businesses. Its strengths lie in its simplicity, ease of use, and excellent customer support. ConvertKit is particularly suited for those who need an effective, straightforward email marketing tool that allows them to focus on creating content and building relationships with their audience.

eSputnik, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive solution for medium to large businesses that require advanced features and capabilities. Its robust analytics, extensive integrations, and sophisticated automation make it a suitable choice for larger operations that need to manage complex, data-driven email marketing campaigns across multiple channels. In summary, ConvertKit is the go-to option for those who value simplicity and effectiveness, while eSputnik is the better choice for businesses seeking a feature-rich platform capable of handling complex marketing needs.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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