ContentCal vs Zoho Social: The Best Social Media Management Tool for You

See how ContentCal compares to Zoho Social in our comprehensive review to help you choose the best tool for your social media needs.

In the ever-expanding universe of social media, where the stars are content and the gravity is engagement, navigating through the cosmos with the right management tool is crucial for any marketer’s mission. Enter ContentCal and Zoho Social, two of the most acclaimed spacecrafts in the social media galaxy, each offering unique features and capabilities to help you chart your course. But which vessel is right for your journey? Whether you’re a solo astronaut or part of a larger crew, buckle up as we launch into a detailed exploration to find the best social media management tool for you. Our first destination? The realm of User Interface and Experience.

ContentCalZoho Social
ContentCalzoho social
G2 Score – 4.2 out of 5 stars
G2 Score – 4.6 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 8.6 out of 10TrustRadius Score – 9.1 out of 10

User Interface and Experience: Your Control Panel

ContentCal: Navigating with Ease

ContentCal is like the cockpit of a modern spacecraft—intuitive, well-organized, and designed to make your journey through social media space as smooth as possible. The dashboard is your mission control, where planning, scheduling, and collaboration come together in a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. The content calendar, ContentCal’s centerpiece, allows you to visualize your content strategy across all platforms at a glance, making it easy to plot your course and adjust your trajectory as needed.

The platform is built with collaboration in mind, allowing your crew to work together seamlessly, whether you’re brainstorming ideas in the Content Hub or assigning tasks and approvals. It’s the ideal control panel for teams looking for a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics in their social media management journey.

Zoho Social: Precision and Power

Zoho Social, on the other hand, is like the control room of a space station—packed with powerful tools and detailed analytics, all within reach. The interface is designed for precision, allowing you to manage multiple social channels, monitor real-time updates, and engage with your audience effectively. Zoho Social’s strength lies in its detailed analytics and reporting capabilities, giving you the insights you need to make data-driven decisions and optimize your social media strategy.

With Zoho Social, you have a comprehensive dashboard that offers an overview of your social media performance, with the ability to dive deeper into metrics that matter most to you. The platform’s focus on analytics makes it a strong contender for businesses and marketers who prioritize data analysis and want to keep a close eye on their social media pulse.

The Verdict: A Matter of Preference

Choosing between ContentCal and Zoho Social based on user interface and experience boils down to your mission preferences. If you value a visually appealing, collaborative environment that simplifies social media management, ContentCal’s intuitive design and content calendar will serve you well. Its user-friendly interface makes navigating the complexities of social media a breeze, ideal for teams that prioritize ease of use and collaboration.

Conversely, if you’re on a quest for detailed analytics and a powerful dashboard that puts control at your fingertips, Zoho Social’s precision-focused interface is your ally. It’s suited for marketers who dive deep into data to steer their social media strategy, offering the tools and insights needed for a data-driven journey.

Both ContentCal and Zoho Social offer unique advantages in their interface and user experience, but the right choice for you will depend on the balance you seek between aesthetics, functionality, and data analysis in your social media management tool.

Content Planning and Scheduling: Charting Your Course

ContentCal: The Art of Organized Exploration

ContentCal excels in making content planning and scheduling not just a task but an art form. Imagine being an interstellar explorer with a detailed map that not only guides you through the galaxy but also allows you to mark points of interest, plot your journey, and share insights with your fellow astronauts. That’s the experience ContentCal aims to replicate with its comprehensive content calendar.

The platform’s drag-and-drop interface simplifies the process of organizing your content across different social media channels, making it easy to visualize your publishing schedule at a glance. With ContentCal, you can craft your posts within the platform, save them for later, or schedule them to go live at the optimal moment. Its collaborative features shine here as well, enabling your crew to contribute ideas, edit drafts, and approve content, ensuring that every piece of communication is finely tuned before launch.

Zoho Social: Navigating with Precision and Automation

Zoho Social approaches content planning and scheduling with the precision of a finely-tuned spacecraft. It provides a robust set of tools designed to automate your social media operations, ensuring that your content reaches your audience at the right time, without manual intervention. Zoho Social’s SmartQ feature is particularly noteworthy, suggesting the best times to post based on when your audience is most likely to be engaged and active.

The platform also allows for bulk scheduling, which is akin to setting your spacecraft on autopilot, knowing it will reach multiple destinations efficiently. Zoho Social’s content calendar provides a clear view of your scheduled and published posts across all channels, with the ability to adjust your course as needed. Its integration with Zoho’s CRM system adds another layer of intelligence, enabling you to tailor your content based on audience data and interactions.

The Verdict: A Journey Tailored to Your Needs

When deciding between ContentCal and Zoho Social for content planning and scheduling, consider the nature of your mission. If you seek a platform that emphasizes collaboration, visual organization, and the flexibility to craft a detailed content strategy with your team, ContentCal is your ally. Its user-friendly calendar and team-focused features are ideal for groups looking to navigate the social media galaxy together.

On the other hand, if your journey requires a tool that focuses on automation, data-driven scheduling, and the ability to manage your content strategy with precision, Zoho Social is your command center. Its SmartQ feature and CRM integration provide a strategic advantage, ensuring your content reaches the farthest corners of your audience universe.

Both ContentCal and Zoho Social offer stellar capabilities in content planning and scheduling, but the best fit for you will orbit around your specific needs for collaboration, automation, and data integration in managing your social media strategy.

Analytics and Reporting: Deciphering the Cosmic Data

ContentCal: Insightful Voyages into Social Metrics

ContentCal serves as your observatory, providing a panoramic view of your social media universe. With its analytics dashboard, you embark on insightful voyages, deciphering the data behind your social media engagement, reach, and overall performance. ContentCal doesn’t just present numbers; it offers a narrative, allowing you to understand the story behind your social media activities.

The platform enables you to track the performance of each post across different channels, gather insights on audience engagement patterns, and measure the effectiveness of your content strategy over time. Customizable reports make it easy to share these insights with your crew or stakeholders, ensuring everyone is aligned on the mission’s objectives and outcomes. ContentCal’s approach to analytics is about making data accessible and actionable, guiding your strategic decisions with clarity.

Zoho Social: Navigating the Depths of Social Analytics

Zoho Social, on the other hand, equips you with a high-powered telescope to navigate the depths of social analytics. It offers a comprehensive suite of reporting tools that dive deep into the metrics, providing detailed analyses of your social media performance. With Zoho Social, you can track a wide range of metrics, from basic engagement statistics to more advanced analytics like audience demographics and the best times to post.

What sets Zoho Social apart is its integration with the Zoho ecosystem, allowing for a richer data analysis experience. This integration enables you to connect your social media efforts with broader business outcomes, offering insights that extend beyond likes and shares to include lead generation and conversion metrics. Zoho Social’s analytics are designed for those who crave depth in their data, offering a wealth of information to inform every decision.

The Verdict: Choosing Your Guide Through the Social Cosmos

The choice between ContentCal and Zoho Social for analytics and reporting depends on how you prefer to navigate through the vast amount of social media data. If you’re looking for a tool that provides a clear, narrative-driven view of your social media performance, with insights that are easy to digest and act upon, ContentCal is your guiding star. Its emphasis on storytelling through data makes complex metrics accessible to all members of your team.

Conversely, if your mission requires deep dives into data, with a comprehensive analysis that links social media performance to broader business metrics, Zoho Social is your vessel. Its detailed analytics and integration capabilities offer a powerful way to understand the impact of your social media strategy in the context of your overall business objectives.

Both platforms offer valuable insights into your social media journey, but the right choice will orbit around your specific needs for data analysis and how those insights will fuel your strategic decisions.

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Pricing: The Fuel for Your Social Media Journey

ContentCalPro Plan: Starting at $17 per month per user (billed annually), offering 4 social profiles, unlimited posts, and content planning features.Company Plan: Custom pricing for teams and businesses that need more social profiles, additional users, and advanced features like analytics and priority support.
Zoho SocialStandard Plan: Starting at $10 per month (billed annually) for 1 brand (7 channels) and 2 team members, including basic publishing and monitoring features.Professional Plan: At $30 per month (billed annually), adding more advanced features like the bulk scheduler and custom reports for 1 brand.Premium Plan: Starting at $40 per month (billed annually), for 1 brand with additional features like ad integration and advanced analytics.Agency Plan: At $200 per month (billed annually), managing up to 10 brands, designed for agencies and larger teams.Agency Plus Plan: Starting at $300 per month (billed annually), with the capacity to manage up to 20 brands.

ContentCal: Customizable Plans for Every Space Mission

ContentCal approaches pricing with the flexibility of a spacecraft adjusting its trajectory based on mission requirements. The platform offers a range of plans designed to cater to different types of social media astronauts, from solo explorers to full-fledged crews. At the heart of ContentCal’s pricing model is the recognition that not all social media missions are the same, hence the customizable plans that allow users to select features based on their specific needs.

The entry-level plan provides a solid launchpad for small teams or individual marketers, offering access to the core content planning and collaboration features. As you ascend to higher plans, additional features like advanced analytics, more user seats, and increased content storage become available, making it easier for larger teams to navigate the complexities of social media space together. ContentCal’s approach to pricing ensures that businesses can scale their social media management efforts without having to switch command centers mid-mission.

Zoho Social: Strategic Pricing for Efficient Exploration

Zoho Social sets its coordinates with a pricing strategy that emphasizes efficiency and strategic exploration. The platform offers a tiered pricing model that aligns with the varying needs of businesses, from small enterprises embarking on their first social media voyage to large organizations commanding a fleet of social channels. Zoho Social’s pricing is crafted to ensure that businesses can access a suite of powerful tools without incurring unnecessary costs, focusing on delivering value at every level.

The basic plan is geared towards individuals or small teams, providing essential tools for managing social media effectively. As businesses grow and their social media strategy becomes more complex, Zoho Social offers higher-tier plans that unlock additional features like team collaboration tools, advanced analytics, and the ability to manage multiple brands. This tiered approach allows businesses to invest in their social media management tool in proportion to their growth, ensuring that Zoho Social remains a valuable ally throughout their journey.

The Verdict: Navigating the Cost Cosmos

Deciding between ContentCal and Zoho Social based on pricing involves weighing the features, scalability, and overall value each platform offers against its cost. ContentCal’s customizable plans make it a compelling choice for businesses looking for flexibility and collaboration tools that can scale with their social media efforts. Its pricing model is designed to accommodate the evolving needs of its users, making it a suitable companion for a wide range of social media missions.

On the other hand, Zoho Social’s tiered pricing strategy offers a clear path for growth, with each plan providing a balanced mix of features and efficiency. This makes Zoho Social an attractive option for businesses focused on strategic social media management and data-driven decision-making, ensuring they have access to the tools they need at every stage of their growth.

Both ContentCal and Zoho Social offer competitive pricing structures, but the best choice for your social media expedition will depend on your mission’s scope, the size of your crew, and the depth of features you require to explore the social media cosmos successfully.

Integration Capabilities: Expanding Your Social Media Universe

ContentCal: The Hub of Connectivity

ContentCal is akin to a bustling space station, serving as a central hub where various modules and spacecraft—representing different tools and platforms—dock seamlessly. Its integration capabilities are designed to streamline your social media workflow, connecting directly with major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest for publishing and analytics.

Beyond these basic integrations, ContentCal extends its reach into the wider marketing galaxy through Zapier, a tool that connects ContentCal with over 2,000 other apps. This includes everything from project management tools like Trello and Asana to email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, and even CRM systems like Salesforce. This extensive network of integrations allows for a highly automated and cohesive digital marketing strategy, where data and content flow smoothly across different channels and tools.

Zoho Social: The Precision Engineered Ecosystem

Zoho Social, on the other hand, operates with the precision of a well-engineered spacecraft, designed to fit perfectly within the Zoho ecosystem. Its native integrations with other Zoho apps provide a streamlined experience for businesses already navigating the Zoho universe. This includes direct connections to Zoho CRM, allowing for advanced lead generation and tracking capabilities that link social media activities directly to sales and customer engagement metrics.

But Zoho Social’s integrations aren’t limited to the Zoho ecosystem. It also offers integrations with other major social media platforms, ensuring efficient management of your social media presence across multiple channels. While it might not boast the same breadth of third-party app connections as ContentCal via Zapier, Zoho Social’s integrations are deeply integrated and optimized for users within the Zoho orbit, providing a seamless workflow for those who rely on Zoho’s suite of business tools.

The Verdict: Choosing Your Integration Pathway

When deciding between ContentCal and Zoho Social based on integration capabilities, it’s essential to consider the existing tools and platforms your business currently uses or plans to use. ContentCal emerges as the more versatile option for businesses looking for a broad range of integration possibilities, especially those seeking to automate and streamline their workflow across various digital marketing tools. Its role as a hub in the digital marketing ecosystem makes it ideal for businesses that use a wide array of apps and services.

Conversely, Zoho Social is the go-to choice for businesses already entrenched in the Zoho ecosystem or those looking for a social media management tool that offers deep integration with Zoho’s suite of business applications. Its precise and seamless integration within the Zoho ecosystem provides a unified experience that can enhance productivity and data coherence across your business operations.

Both ContentCal and Zoho Social offer powerful integration capabilities, but the right choice will ultimately depend on your business’s specific needs, the tools you already use, and how you envision your social media management tool fitting into your broader digital marketing strategy.

Content Curation and Discovery: Unearthing Social Gems

ContentCal: Orchestrating Content Harmony

ContentCal approaches content curation with the finesse of a conductor, orchestrating a harmonious blend of original and curated content. It provides a platform where you can not only plan and schedule your content but also store ideas and inspiration for future use. The Content Hub acts as a repository for all things inspirational – from articles and images to post ideas that can be easily accessed and transformed into engaging content for your audience.

While direct content discovery tools are not ContentCal’s primary focus, its integrations, particularly with platforms like Zapier, enable users to connect with a myriad of content sources. This allows for an automated flow of content ideas and inspiration into the Content Hub, where they can be assessed, refined, and scheduled, ensuring a consistent and engaging presence across your social channels.

Zoho Social: The Radar for Relevant Content

Zoho Social, with its sophisticated radar, scans the vastness of the social media landscape to bring relevant content directly to your dashboard. The platform emphasizes content discovery through features that allow you to monitor social media for mentions, keywords, and hashtags relevant to your brand and industry. This not only aids in finding content that can be shared with your audience but also helps in engaging with trending topics and conversations, keeping your brand relevant and active.

Additionally, Zoho Social’s integration with Zoho’s CRM and other parts of the Zoho ecosystem means that content discovery and curation can be deeply aligned with your audience’s interests and interactions. This ensures that the content you curate and share is not only engaging but also strategically targeted, enhancing your social media ROI.

The Verdict: Navigating the Content Cosmos

The choice between ContentCal and Zoho Social for content curation and discovery depends on your brand’s approach to engaging with your audience. If your strategy leans towards a balanced mix of original and curated content, supported by a robust planning and collaboration platform, ContentCal offers the tools to orchestrate this harmony effectively. Its Content Hub provides a centralized space for storing and managing inspirational content, making it easier to maintain an active and varied social media presence.

On the other hand, if your focus is on leveraging trending topics, conversations, and keywords to stay relevant and engage with your audience, Zoho Social’s content discovery features offer a powerful radar for identifying content opportunities. Its ability to integrate content curation with broader marketing and sales strategies via the Zoho ecosystem makes it a potent tool for businesses looking to align their social media activities closely with their overall business objectives.

Both platforms offer distinct approaches to content curation and discovery, but the best fit for your brand will depend on how you wish to engage with your audience and the role of curated content in your social media strategy.


Choosing between ContentCal and Zoho Social hinges on aligning each tool’s strengths with your social media strategy’s unique demands. ContentCal shines for teams craving a visually intuitive platform that excels in collaborative content planning and organization, ideal for those who value structured creativity and teamwork in their social media endeavors. Its Content Hub serves as a creative reservoir, ensuring a seamless flow of content ideas. Zoho Social, conversely, offers a robust suite for those prioritizing content discovery and audience engagement, backed by powerful analytics to inform strategic decisions. Its integration with the Zoho ecosystem makes it particularly valuable for users seeking to closely align their social media efforts with broader business objectives.

Ultimately, the decision rests on whether your focus is on crafting a cohesive content strategy with a collaborative tool like ContentCal, or diving deep into social media trends and analytics with Zoho Social to drive engagement and growth. Each platform offers unique pathways to achieving social media success, guiding your journey based on your strategic priorities and operational style.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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