Campaign Monitor vs HubSpot Email Marketing: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Compare Campaign Monitor and HubSpot for 2024's best email marketing tool. Our analysis gives you the insights needed for a strategic choice.

Welcome to the ultimate showdown of email marketing tools for 2024 – Campaign Monitor and HubSpot Email Marketing. As businesses continue to leverage email marketing’s power in connecting with customers, choosing the right tool becomes pivotal. But here’s the thing, amidst a sea of options, how do you decide which is the ideal pick for your business? Let’s dive deep and uncover the strengths, weaknesses, and unique features of these two giants, guiding you to make an informed choice that aligns with your marketing goals.

Campaign MonitorHubSpot Email Marketing
Campaign MonitorHubSpot Email Marketing tool
G2 Score – 4.1 out of 5 stars
G2 Score –   4.4 out of 5 stars

TrustRadius Score – 7.6 out of 10TrustRadius Score – 8.5 out of 10

User Interface and Experience: Simplicity Meets Sophistication

One of the first aspects we’ll explore is the user interface and experience, a crucial element that often dictates your team’s productivity and overall enjoyment using the tool.

Campaign Monitor: Effortless Navigation for Every User

Campaign Monitor prides itself on its clean, intuitive interface. This simplicity is its crowning glory, making it a favorite for beginners and those who value straightforwardness. Its drag-and-drop email builder is a delight, allowing you to craft beautiful emails without needing a degree in design. It’s about empowering you, regardless of your technical skill level, to create professional-looking emails quickly.

The dashboard is uncluttered, presenting key metrics at a glance. This straightforward approach is especially beneficial for smaller teams or solo entrepreneurs who cannot afford to spend hours deciphering complex analytics. In Campaign Monitor, everything is a few clicks away, ensuring a smooth, frustration-free experience.

HubSpot Email Marketing: A Comprehensive Suite with Depth

HubSpot, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive suite of tools, of which email marketing is a part. The interface, while more complex than Campaign Monitor’s, is thoughtfully designed, catering to those who crave depth and extensive functionality. It’s the tool of choice for marketers who want more than just email marketing – those looking for a complete inbound marketing solution.

The email tool within HubSpot allows for intricate customization and segmentation, making it a powerful asset for detailed-oriented marketers. The learning curve is steeper, but the payoff is a robust, all-in-one platform that handles not just email marketing but CRM, social media, content management, and more.

The beauty of HubSpot lies in its integration. Every tool and feature is interconnected, offering a holistic view of your marketing efforts. This integration means that your email marketing strategies can be seamlessly aligned with other channels, offering a more cohesive and effective marketing approach.

The Verdict: Choose Based on Your Needs

In the battle of user interfaces, it’s not about declaring a definitive winner but rather understanding which tool aligns with your needs. If simplicity and ease of use are your top priorities, Campaign Monitor is your go-to. Its user-friendly interface ensures you spend more time creating and less time navigating.

For those looking for a more comprehensive tool that goes beyond email marketing, HubSpot is the clear choice. Its detailed interface, while complex, offers unparalleled depth and integration, making it ideal for larger teams or businesses seeking a more holistic marketing approach.

As we continue to delve into other aspects of these email marketing tools, remember, the best choice is the one that fits seamlessly into your marketing strategy and helps you achieve your business goals.

Automation Capabilities: Streamlining Your Email Marketing

Moving beyond the initial interface encounter, let’s dive into automation – a critical feature that can significantly enhance your email marketing strategy. Automation not only saves time but also ensures a personalized experience for your audience, a key factor in boosting engagement and conversions.

Campaign Monitor: Simplified Automation for Effective Engagement

Campaign Monitor offers automation features that are both powerful and user-friendly. Its strength lies in simplicity – enabling you to set up automated email sequences without a hitch. These sequences can be triggered by various actions, such as signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or reaching a birthday. The process is intuitive, making it easy for anyone, regardless of their technical expertise, to set up and manage automated campaigns.

Another standout feature is its ability to create customer journeys. These are essentially roadmaps that guide your subscribers through a series of emails based on their interactions with your previous messages. Campaign Monitor’s customer journey tool is highly visual, making it easy to conceptualize and execute complex sequences. This feature is particularly useful for nurturing leads and gently guiding them towards making a purchase.

HubSpot Email Marketing: Advanced Automation for a Holistic Approach

HubSpot takes automation to another level. Its capabilities are more advanced and integrated deeply with its CRM system. This integration allows for highly sophisticated and targeted email sequences based on a multitude of user behaviors and interactions with your business.

HubSpot’s automation tools enable you to create detailed workflows that can do more than just send emails. They can update contact information, score leads, rotate them to sales, and even trigger internal notifications. This comprehensive approach ensures that your email marketing efforts are perfectly aligned with your overall marketing strategy.

Additionally, HubSpot’s analytics play a crucial role in its automation effectiveness. The platform provides deep insights into how subscribers interact with your emails, website, and other touchpoints. These insights enable you to refine your automation strategies, ensuring that your emails are as relevant and engaging as possible.

The Verdict: Complexity vs. Accessibility

In automation, the choice between Campaign Monitor and HubSpot depends on the complexity of your needs and your team’s technical capability. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use tool that covers the basics of email automation, Campaign Monitor is an excellent choice. It provides the essential features to create effective automated campaigns without overwhelming you with complexity.

On the other hand, if your strategy requires more advanced automation, especially integrated with other marketing activities, HubSpot is the way to go. Its deep integration with the CRM and sophisticated automation capabilities make it suitable for businesses looking for a comprehensive, all-in-one marketing solution.

Analytics and Reporting: Measuring Success in Email Marketing

A crucial component of any email marketing tool is its ability to provide actionable insights through analytics and reporting. Understanding how your campaigns perform is key to refining your strategy and achieving better results. Let’s compare how Campaign Monitor and HubSpot stack up in this vital area.

Campaign Monitor: Straightforward Analytics for Quick Insights

Campaign Monitor offers a suite of analytics tools designed for clarity and ease of use. When you launch a campaign, you can immediately access data such as open rates, click-through rates, and the number of unsubscribes. This data is presented in a clear, visually appealing format, making it easy to grasp your campaign’s performance at a glance.

One of the more impressive features is the heatmap, which shows where subscribers are clicking within your emails. This insight is invaluable for understanding which parts of your email are most engaging and can guide you in optimizing your email design for higher engagement.

Campaign Monitor also offers excellent tools for list management, allowing you to see which subscribers are most engaged and segment your lists accordingly. This segmentation can be crucial for targeted campaigns, ensuring your messages are reaching the most receptive audience.

HubSpot Email Marketing: In-depth Reporting for Strategic Decisions

HubSpot offers a more robust analytics and reporting system, aligning with its overall approach of providing comprehensive marketing tools. Its analytics go beyond basic email performance metrics, diving deep into how your email campaigns influence your broader marketing objectives.

In HubSpot, you can track not just how many people opened an email, but how these interactions contribute to your sales funnel. For example, you can see how many leads generated from an email campaign converted into customers, providing a direct link between your email marketing efforts and your revenue.

Another powerful feature is the ability to track a subscriber’s journey across multiple touchpoints. This means you can see how a subscriber interacts with your emails in the context of their entire relationship with your brand, including website visits, social media interactions, and more.

The Verdict: Depth vs. Simplicity

When it comes to analytics and reporting, your choice between Campaign Monitor and HubSpot should hinge on the level of depth you need. Campaign Monitor is excellent for those who want straightforward insights without delving too deep into data analysis. Its user-friendly reports are perfect for quick decision-making and immediate improvements.

HubSpot, conversely, is the go-to option for businesses that rely heavily on data-driven decisions and need comprehensive insights into how their email marketing ties into larger marketing and sales objectives. Its detailed analytics are ideal for fine-tuning not just email campaigns but your entire marketing strategy.

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Integration and Compatibility: Enhancing Your Marketing Ecosystem

In today’s interconnected digital world, the ability of an email marketing tool to integrate seamlessly with other software and platforms is crucial. It can significantly amplify your marketing efforts, ensuring a cohesive and efficient strategy. Let’s see how Campaign Monitor and HubSpot fare in this aspect.

Campaign Monitor: Streamlined Integration for Essential Tools

Campaign Monitor offers a range of integrations with popular tools and services. These integrations are designed to be straightforward, enabling you to connect Campaign Monitor with your existing software ecosystem with minimal fuss. Key integrations include e-commerce platforms like Shopify, CRM systems like Salesforce, and social media platforms.

The strength of Campaign Monitor’s integrations lies in their simplicity. They are easy to set up and manage, even for users with limited technical expertise. This accessibility ensures that you can quickly connect your email marketing activities with other aspects of your business, like sales and customer service, without needing a dedicated IT team.

HubSpot Email Marketing: Extensive Integration for a Unified Marketing Approach

HubSpot takes integration a step further by offering a vast array of compatible software and services. Given its nature as an all-in-one marketing platform, its integrations are not just add-ons but integral parts of a cohesive marketing ecosystem.

In addition to the usual suspects like CRM systems, social media, and e-commerce platforms, HubSpot integrates with a multitude of other tools, enhancing its capabilities as a central hub for all your marketing activities. This extensive integration supports a more unified approach, allowing for seamless data flow and consistent messaging across all channels.

The HubSpot App Marketplace is a treasure trove of integrations, offering solutions for various needs, including analytics, customer support, and content management. The depth and breadth of these integrations make HubSpot an incredibly versatile platform, capable of adapting to a wide range of business needs.

The Verdict: Accessibility vs. Comprehensive Integration

In choosing between Campaign Monitor and HubSpot based on integration capabilities, consider the complexity of your current tech stack and the level of integration you need. Campaign Monitor is ideal for businesses that require straightforward, hassle-free integrations with key tools and services. Its approach ensures you can enhance your email marketing efforts without needing extensive technical knowledge.

HubSpot, in contrast, is better suited for businesses that seek deep, comprehensive integration across a wide range of tools. Its extensive integration options make it a powerful choice for those who view email marketing as a component of a larger, interconnected marketing strategy.

Pricing and Value for Money: Balancing Cost and Features

A critical factor in choosing an email marketing tool is its pricing structure and the value it offers for your investment. Both Campaign Monitor and HubSpot offer various pricing tiers, catering to different business sizes and needs. Let’s break down their pricing models and evaluate their value for money.

Campaign MonitorBasic Plan: Starting at $9/month, includes basic email sending features, with a limit of 2,500 emails across your campaigns and automated emails.
Unlimited Plan: Starting at $29/month, offering unlimited sends, time zone sending, countdown timers, and more.
Premier Plan: Starting at $149/month, includes advanced features like pre-built engagement segments, send-time optimization, and advanced link tracking.
Custom enterprise solutions are also available with custom pricing.
HubSpot Email MarketingHubSpot’s email marketing tool is part of the HubSpot Marketing Hub, which offers the following plans:
Free Tools: Basic email marketing features with HubSpot branding.
Starter Plan: Starting at $45/month, includes email marketing, ad management, landing pages, forms, and more.
Professional Plan: Starting at $800/month, offers advanced marketing automation, smart content, and A/B testing.
Enterprise Plan: Starting at $3,200/month, adds features like adaptive testing, advanced reporting, and custom event triggers.

Campaign Monitor: Flexible Pricing for Businesses of All Sizes

Campaign Monitor’s pricing is structured to accommodate businesses of all sizes, with plans scaling based on the number of subscribers. This scalability is particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses or those just starting with email marketing.

The basic plan offers access to all of Campaign Monitor’s core features, including the intuitive email builder, automation tools, and basic analytics. As you move up the tiers, additional features like advanced segmentation and multivariate testing become available.

One of the attractive aspects of Campaign Monitor’s pricing is its transparency. There are no hidden fees, and you can easily estimate your monthly costs based on your subscriber count. This clarity is invaluable for budget-conscious businesses that need to plan their expenses carefully.

HubSpot Email Marketing: Comprehensive Packages for Advanced Needs

HubSpot’s pricing is a bit more complex, reflecting its position as an all-in-one marketing platform. The email marketing tool is part of HubSpot’s broader suite of marketing tools, and its pricing reflects that.

The basic plan, while offering a robust set of features, is more expensive than Campaign Monitor’s equivalent. However, it includes access to HubSpot’s CRM, social media tools, and content management system, making it a comprehensive package for businesses looking to consolidate their marketing efforts.

For larger businesses or those with advanced marketing needs, HubSpot’s higher-tier plans offer expanded capabilities, including more sophisticated automation, detailed analytics, and greater customization options. While these plans come at a higher cost, the value lies in the integration and depth of features available.

The Verdict: Choosing Based on Budget and Scope

When comparing Campaign Monitor and HubSpot in terms of pricing and value, the decision largely hinges on your budget and the scope of your marketing needs. Campaign Monitor offers a more affordable and straightforward solution, ideal for businesses focusing primarily on email marketing or those with a limited budget. HubSpot, while more expensive, provides significant value for businesses looking for an all-encompassing marketing platform. Its pricing is justified for those who will utilize the full range of features and integrations it offers, particularly businesses with more complex marketing strategies that span multiple channels.


In the quest to find the best email marketing tool for 2024, both Campaign Monitor and HubSpot stand out, each with its unique strengths tailored to different business needs. Campaign Monitor shines with its user-friendly interface, straightforward analytics, and flexible pricing, making it an excellent choice for small to medium businesses or those new to email marketing. Its simplicity in design and operation ensures a smooth user experience, allowing businesses to quickly and effectively engage with their audience through email.

HubSpot, in contrast, is a powerhouse for those seeking a comprehensive, all-in-one marketing platform. Its advanced automation, in-depth analytics, and extensive integration capabilities make it ideal for larger businesses or those with intricate, multi-channel marketing strategies. While its pricing is higher, the value it offers in terms of features and overall marketing integration justifies the investment for businesses looking to fully leverage their marketing potential. Ultimately, the choice between Campaign Monitor and HubSpot boils down to your specific business needs, budget, and marketing goals. Whether you prioritize simplicity and cost-effectiveness or comprehensive features and advanced integration, both platforms offer robust solutions to elevate your email marketing efforts in 2024.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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