MailerLite vs Campaigner: The Best Email Marketing Tool

Choosing the best email marketing tool for 2024? Read our in-depth analysis of MailerLite vs Campaigner to make an informed decision

Hello and welcome to our comprehensive guide where we’re pitting two popular email marketing tools against each other: MailerLite and Campaigner. In 2024, the digital marketing arena is more competitive than ever, and choosing the right tool could be the game-changer for your business. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this article aims to provide clear, actionable insights to help you make an informed decision. So, let’s dive into the first area of comparison and see which tool might be the best fit for your email marketing needs.

G2 Score – 4.7 out of 5 starsG2 Score – 3.6 out of 5 stars
TrustRadius Score – 7.8/10TrustRadius Score – 2.4/10 

Ease of Use and User-Friendly Interface

In the digital marketing world, time is money, and a user-friendly interface in an email marketing tool is non-negotiable. Both MailerLite and Campaigner promise to offer this, but let’s see how they actually stack up.

MailerLite: Simplifying Email Marketing

MailerLite has built its reputation on being incredibly user-friendly. It’s designed for ease and efficiency, making it a favorite among small business owners and solo entrepreneurs.

  • Intuitive Dashboard: Right from the start, MailerLite welcomes you with a clean, intuitive dashboard. Navigation is straightforward, making it easy to find what you need quickly.
  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: Creating emails in MailerLite is as simple as dragging and dropping elements. This feature is a boon for those who aren’t necessarily design-savvy but still want to create visually appealing emails.
  • Simplified Campaign Creation: MailerLite streamlines the process of setting up a campaign. From choosing your audience to hitting send, every step is clear and uncomplicated.

Campaigner: Catering to a Range of Users

Campaigner, while also focusing on usability, tends to cater to a slightly more advanced user base. It offers a blend of simplicity for beginners and advanced features for more seasoned marketers.

  • User Interface: The Campaigner interface is robust and well-organized. While it may take a bit longer to get the hang of, it’s still accessible, even for beginners.
  • Advanced Features Accessibility: For those who need more than just the basics, Campaigner offers advanced features without making them feel too intimidating.
  • Customization Options: With Campaigner, you have more room to customize your campaigns, which can be a big plus for marketers looking to implement more complex strategies.

Comparing the User Experience

When it comes to user experience, both MailerLite and Campaigner have their strengths, but they appeal to different types of users.

MailerLite shines in its ability to make email marketing feel effortless, especially for those who might be new to it or prefer a more straightforward approach. Its simplicity doesn’t sacrifice functionality, making it a solid choice for a wide range of users.

Campaigner, while also user-friendly, offers a bit more in terms of advanced capabilities. It’s a great fit for users who are comfortable with email marketing basics and are looking to explore more sophisticated options.

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Email Automation Capabilities

MailerLite: Simplifying Automation

MailerLite’s approach to email automation is about making the process accessible and manageable, even for those who might not be technically inclined. The platform takes the complexity out of setting up automated email sequences, making it a favorite for users who appreciate efficiency and simplicity.

Imagine a tool that streamlines the automation process to the point where it feels almost effortless. MailerLite does just that. It guides you through the creation of automated workflows with an intuitive interface, making it easy to design sequences that trigger based on subscriber actions or set time intervals. This simplicity is a significant advantage for small businesses or solo entrepreneurs who need to focus their energy on running their operations, not wrestling with complex marketing tools.

Moreover, MailerLite’s automation features don’t just stop at ease of use; they also allow for personalization. You can tailor your automated emails to address subscribers by name, respond to their specific actions, or even celebrate special occasions like birthdays. This level of personalization, combined with the ease of setting up campaigns, makes MailerLite a compelling choice for those looking to create effective, engaging email campaigns without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

Campaigner: Advanced Automation for the Experienced User

Campaigner takes a different approach, offering a suite of advanced automation features that cater to users with a deeper understanding of email marketing nuances. The platform is designed for those who are ready to take their email campaigns to a more sophisticated level.

With Campaigner, the possibilities for automation are extensive. Users can set up complex, multi-step workflows that respond to a variety of subscriber behaviors and actions. This level of detail allows for highly targeted and personalized email campaigns. Imagine being able to craft a journey for your subscribers that’s not just based on the basics like sign-ups or purchases but also on their interactions with previous emails, their preferences, and behaviors. Campaigner makes this possible, offering a depth of customization that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy.

However, it’s important to note that this advanced functionality comes with a steeper learning curve. Campaigner is best suited for marketers who are not only comfortable with the basics of email marketing but are also looking to explore its more intricate capabilities. The platform offers the tools to craft highly sophisticated email sequences, but leveraging these tools to their fullest potential requires a certain level of expertise and a willingness to delve into more complex marketing concepts.

Automation: A Tailored Approach

In comparing the email automation capabilities of MailerLite and Campaigner, it becomes clear that each platform caters to different types of users and needs.

MailerLite offers a streamlined, user-friendly approach to automation, making it an ideal choice for those who value simplicity and effectiveness. It’s perfect for users who want to quickly set up automated campaigns without getting bogged down by too many complexities.

On the other hand, Campaigner provides a platform for creating highly detailed and customized automated email sequences. It’s a powerful tool for experienced marketers who are looking to leverage advanced automation features to craft sophisticated and highly targeted email campaigns.

Integration and Compatibility: Finding Your Fit

Delving deeper into the realm of integration and compatibility, the distinctions between MailerLite and Campaigner become increasingly evident, each aligning with different user requirements and technical environments.

MailerLite’s approach to integration mirrors its overall ethos of simplicity and user-friendliness. It’s akin to a welcoming host that effortlessly mingles with a wide array of guests. The platform’s ability to integrate with popular e-commerce platforms, CRM systems, and social media tools makes it a versatile and adaptable choice for a diverse range of business models. This ease of integration is especially beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses or those who may not have extensive technical resources. The process of connecting MailerLite with other services is typically straightforward, removing potential barriers for users who may be less tech-savvy. It ensures that even those with minimal technical expertise can enjoy the benefits of a cohesive digital marketing strategy.

On the other hand, Campaigner offers a more robust and intricate approach to integration, catering to businesses with complex and specific needs. Think of Campaigner as a specialized technician who can finely tune a complex machine. Its broad spectrum of integration options, including advanced CRM and e-commerce solutions, makes it a powerful ally for businesses that operate with a diverse and sophisticated set of tools. The depth provided by Campaigner’s advanced API capabilities opens up a realm of customization and integration possibilities that can be particularly advantageous for large enterprises or businesses with intricate, multifaceted workflows. However, this level of integration sophistication might necessitate a higher degree of technical know-how, making Campaigner a more suitable option for organizations that possess the technical acumen or resources to fully exploit these capabilities.

Pricing and Value for Money

In any business decision, especially when it comes to selecting a marketing tool, pricing and the value you get for your money are critical factors. Let’s examine how MailerLite and Campaigner stack up in terms of their pricing structures and the value they offer.


  • Free Plan: For up to 1,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month, including basic features.
  • Premium Plans: Starting at $10/month for up to 1,000 subscribers, with pricing increasing for more subscribers. Includes unlimited emails, autoresponders, advanced segmentation, and more.
  • The premium plan cost varies based on the number of subscribers and additional features chosen.


  • Starter Plan: Begins around $59 per month for up to 5,000 contacts, including basic email marketing features and 24/7 support.
  • Essential Plan: Priced around $179 per month for up to 25,000 contacts, adding features like advanced segmentation and A/B testing.
  • Advanced Plan: Starting from around $649 per month for up to 50,000 contacts, offering advanced automation, reporting, and integrations.
  • eCommerce Plan: Designed specifically for eCommerce businesses with custom pricing, including features like purchase behavior tracking and predictive analytics.

MailerLite: Affordability Meets Quality

MailerLite is often praised for its competitive pricing, making it a highly attractive option for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. The platform offers a blend of affordability and quality, which is a key consideration for those with limited budgets.

  • Free Plan Availability: MailerLite offers a free plan with basic features, which is great for those just starting out or with minimal email marketing needs. This allows users to test the waters without any financial commitment.
  • Scalable Pricing Plans: As your needs grow, MailerLite’s pricing scales accordingly. This means you pay more as your subscriber list or feature requirements increase, ensuring that you’re always getting value for your money.
  • No Compromise on Features: Despite its affordability, MailerLite doesn’t skimp on functionality. Even the lower-tiered plans come with a robust set of features, making it a cost-effective solution without sacrificing quality.

Campaigner: Premium Features at a Higher Cost

Campaigner positions itself in a higher pricing bracket, reflecting its advanced features and capabilities. It’s designed for businesses that are willing to invest more in their email marketing tools for added functionality and sophistication.

  • Advanced Features for Higher Plans: Campaigner’s more advanced features, particularly in automation and integration, are available in its higher-tier plans. This makes it a suitable option for businesses with more complex needs and the budget to match.
  • Customizable Plans: Depending on your business’s size and requirements, Campaigner offers customizable plans. This flexibility can be advantageous for businesses with specific needs, ensuring they only pay for the features they use.
  • Investment for Larger Returns: The pricing of Campaigner reflects its target market – businesses that view email marketing as a key component of their strategy and are looking for an in-depth, feature-rich platform.

Pricing: Balancing Cost and Features

When it comes to pricing and value for money, MailerLite and Campaigner cater to different segments of the market.

MailerLite is an excellent choice for those who are looking for an affordable yet feature-rich email marketing solution. Its straightforward pricing structure and free plan option make it accessible to businesses with limited budgets or those just starting out. You get a good range of features without a significant investment, making it a cost-effective solution for many users.

Campaigner, with its higher price point, is aimed at businesses that require advanced features and have the budget to invest in a more comprehensive tool. The platform’s pricing reflects the depth and breadth of its capabilities, particularly in terms of automation and integration. It’s a platform for businesses that are looking to scale their email marketing efforts and require a tool that can support more complex strategies.


As we wrap up our comprehensive comparison between MailerLite and Campaigner, it’s clear that both platforms have their unique strengths and cater to different needs in the email marketing domain.

MailerLite stands out for its user-friendliness, affordability, and effective email automation capabilities. It’s an excellent choice for small businesses, startups, and individual entrepreneurs who are looking for a straightforward, cost-effective solution for their email marketing needs. With its intuitive interface, scalable pricing plans, and a solid range of features, MailerLite offers a balance of simplicity and functionality that makes email marketing accessible and manageable for users of all skill levels.

Campaigner, on the other hand, is tailored for businesses with more advanced email marketing needs and a larger budget. Its robust automation features, extensive integration capabilities, and comprehensive analytics make it a powerful tool for experienced marketers and larger enterprises. If you’re looking to delve deep into personalized email marketing campaigns and require a platform that offers sophisticated tools and customization options, Campaigner is an excellent choice.

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Ritu Dey
Rituparna is our go-to for all things tech. She delves into each business software in-depth for a hands-on review, as soon as they arrive. She hails from a Masters in English background and at WinSavvy, she usually writes on email marketing, SEO and social media marketing.
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