Klaviyo vs Keap: The Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Revolutionize your email marketing strategy for 2024! Klaviyo vs Keap - uncover the differences and make an informed decision for your business success.

Hey there! Are you tangled in the web of choosing the right email marketing tool for your business in 2024? It’s a common puzzle, but fret not! Today, we’re going to untangle this knot by comparing two heavy hitters in the email marketing arena: Klaviyo and Keap. Our aim is to arm you with all the info you need to make a choice that’ll catapult your email marketing to new heights. So, let’s jump right in!

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Automation Capabilities: The Game-Changer in Email Marketing

In the ever-evolving world of email marketing, automation isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have. It’s about sending the right message at the right time without manually sweating over every email. Let’s see how Klaviyo and Keap measure up in this crucial field.

Klaviyo’s Automation: A Deep Dive

Klaviyo is like the grandmaster of email automation. It doesn’t just automate; it personalizes at scale. Picture this: You can set up emails that respond not just to what your customers do, but also to what they don’t do. Abandoned cart? Klaviyo has an email for that. First-time buyer? There’s an automated thank you email with a personalized recommendation.

But what truly sets Klaviyo apart is its laser-focused integration with e-commerce platforms. This integration allows you to utilize customer data in real-time, making your automated emails incredibly relevant and timely. Plus, with Klaviyo, you can create complex automation workflows that feel genuinely personal to your customers.

Keap’s Automation: Simplifying Complexity

Keap, formerly known as Infusionsoft, approaches automation with a slightly different lens. It’s more than an email marketing tool; it’s an all-in-one CRM and sales platform. This means you get automation that not only covers email but also sales pipelines, appointments, and more.

Keap’s strength lies in its ability to create detailed, multi-step automation sequences that are remarkably easy to set up, thanks to its visual campaign builder. This makes it an attractive option for businesses that need a comprehensive tool for more than just email marketing and are looking for an integrated approach to manage customer interactions.

The Verdict

When it comes to automation, Klaviyo shines with its advanced, e-commerce-centric features and deep personalization capabilities. It’s the go-to for businesses that need sophisticated email automation tied closely to customer behavior and e-commerce activities. Keap, on the other hand, offers a broader suite of automation tools that extend beyond email. It’s ideal for businesses looking for an all-in-one solution to manage various aspects of customer relationships and sales processes.

Customer Segmentation and Personalization

In the world of email marketing, speaking directly to the interests and needs of your audience is crucial. This is where customer segmentation and personalization come into play. Let’s delve into how Klaviyo and Keap handle these aspects.

Klaviyo’s Approach to Segmentation

Klaviyo is a bit like a skilled tailor, crafting emails that fit each segment of your audience perfectly. It offers incredibly detailed segmentation capabilities, allowing you to divide your audience based on a myriad of criteria like purchasing behavior, browsing activity, and engagement levels.

This granular segmentation is what powers Klaviyo’s strong personalization. You can create highly tailored content that resonates with each segment, making your emails feel more personal and relevant. Whether it’s a VIP customer or someone who hasn’t purchased in a while, Klaviyo lets you target them with pinpoint accuracy.

Keap’s Segmentation and Personalization

Keap also understands the importance of talking to your customers and not at them. Its segmentation tools are robust, enabling you to segment contacts based on their interactions with your business, their demographics, and other custom criteria.

While Keap’s segmentation is powerful, it’s integrated within its broader CRM functionality. This means that personalization in Keap goes beyond just email. You can personalize your entire customer journey, from emails to sales calls to follow-up processes. This integrated approach ensures a cohesive experience for your customers across all touchpoints.

The Verdict

Klaviyo takes the lead if your primary focus is on sophisticated email segmentation and personalization, especially for e-commerce. Its ability to leverage detailed customer data results in highly relevant and personalized email campaigns. Keap, offering robust segmentation within a comprehensive CRM system, is ideal for businesses that want a more holistic approach to customer relationship management. It’s well-suited for those who seek to personalize the entire customer journey, not just the email experience.

Integration and Ecosystem Compatibility

The ability of an email marketing tool to seamlessly integrate with other platforms and services is a critical factor in today’s interconnected digital environment. Let’s compare Klaviyo and Keap in terms of their integration capabilities.

Klaviyo’s Integration Strengths

Klaviyo is like the central hub in a wheel, effectively connecting with a wide array of e-commerce platforms, CRM systems, and other marketing tools. Its integration list is impressive, especially with major e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce. These integrations are deep and allow for a seamless flow of customer data into your email marketing efforts.

This level of integration empowers Klaviyo users to create highly personalized and targeted email campaigns based on rich customer data. Whether it’s tracking purchase history, understanding browsing behavior, or leveraging loyalty program data, Klaviyo makes it all possible.

Keap’s Ecosystem Compatibility

Keap, on the other hand, takes a slightly different approach. It’s not just an email marketing tool; it’s a comprehensive CRM and sales platform, which means its integrations are geared toward creating a complete business management solution.

Keap integrates with a variety of tools, including e-commerce platforms, payment processing services, and other productivity tools. These integrations are designed to streamline various aspects of your business, from managing customer data to handling sales and invoicing processes.

While Keap’s integration list might not be as extensive as Klaviyo’s, especially in the realm of e-commerce, it offers a more holistic approach, integrating email marketing with other critical business functions.

The Verdict

If your primary need is for deep, e-commerce-focused integrations that feed directly into your email marketing campaigns, Klaviyo is the better choice. Its strong e-commerce integrations make it ideal for businesses that rely heavily on online sales. Keap, with its broader business management focus, is well-suited for businesses looking for an all-in-one solution that covers CRM, sales, and email marketing. Its integrations are more about overall business management than solely focused on e-commerce.

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Pricing and Value for Money

In the world of business tools, pricing is a critical consideration. It’s not just about the cost, but also about the value you receive for your investment. Let’s examine how Klaviyo and Keap stack up in terms of pricing and the value they offer.

KlaviyoFree Plan: Allows up to 250 contacts and 500 email sends, with Klaviyo branding on emails.
Email Plans: Pricing starts based on the number of contacts. For example, for up to 500 contacts, the cost is around $20 per month. Includes email and SMS capabilities, segmentation, and automation. Pricing scales with the number of contacts.
SMS and Email Combined Plans: Offers combined packages for businesses that want to use both email and SMS marketing. Pricing is based on the number of contacts and SMS messages sent.
KeapKeap Grow: Starting at approximately $79/month, offering basic CRM, email marketing, and automation capabilities.
Keap Pro: Starting at around $149/month, this plan includes more advanced CRM features, automation, and ecommerce functionalities.
Infusionsoft: Starting from $199/month, offering a comprehensive set of features for advanced business needs, including sales pipeline, advanced reporting, and ecommerce tools.

Klaviyo’s Pricing Model

Klaviyo’s pricing structure is primarily based on the number of contacts in your email list. This model can be both a blessing and a challenge. For smaller businesses with fewer contacts, it means accessing a powerful tool at a lower cost. However, as your list grows, so does your monthly bill.

One of the key advantages of Klaviyo’s pricing is its transparency. You get access to all features at any level, which means no surprises or hidden costs for advanced functionalities. This all-inclusive approach is particularly beneficial for businesses that plan to scale and want full access to powerful features from the get-go.

Keap’s Pricing Approach

Keap’s pricing is a bit different. It offers tiered plans, which vary based on the number of contacts and the level of functionality you need. Their pricing includes not just email marketing, but also CRM and sales automation features, reflecting its nature as an all-in-one business platform.

Keap provides a comprehensive solution, which can be more cost-effective than piecing together multiple tools. However, for businesses primarily focused on email marketing, Keap’s broader range of features might represent an unnecessary expense.

The Verdict

When it comes to choosing between Klaviyo and Keap based on pricing, it comes down to your specific business needs. Klaviyo is ideal for businesses that focus heavily on email marketing, particularly in the e-commerce space. Its pricing is straightforward and scales with your contact list, offering a full suite of features at every level. Keap, on the other hand, might be a better value for businesses looking for an all-encompassing tool that integrates CRM, sales automation, and email marketing. It’s more about getting a complete package than just an email marketing solution.

Analytics and Reporting: Gaining Insights into Campaign Performance

In email marketing, the ability to analyze and understand your campaign’s performance is vital for making informed decisions. Let’s compare the analytics and reporting capabilities of Klaviyo and Keap.

Klaviyo’s Analytical Power

Klaviyo is like having a data scientist in your team. It offers deep analytical insights that go beyond open rates and click-through rates. You get detailed reports on customer behavior, purchase patterns, and even predictive analytics like customer lifetime value and churn risk.

Klaviyo’s strength in analytics lies in its integration with e-commerce platforms, allowing you to directly correlate email campaigns with sales data. This connection provides a clear picture of how your email efforts are impacting your bottom line. Plus, with advanced segmentation, you can dive deep into how different customer groups are interacting with your emails.

Keap’s Reporting Capabilities

Keap, while also providing comprehensive analytics, takes a broader approach. Its reporting covers not just email marketing, but also sales and customer interactions. You can track the entire customer journey from first contact to sale and beyond.

Keap’s dashboards are customizable, giving you the flexibility to focus on the metrics that matter most to your business. While it might not offer the same level of e-commerce-specific analytics as Klaviyo, it provides a well-rounded view of your business’s overall health and performance.

The Verdict

If your primary need is for in-depth, e-commerce-driven analytics that can directly tie email campaigns to sales, Klaviyo is the superior choice. Its detailed reports and data-driven insights are invaluable for businesses looking to optimize their email marketing for maximum ROI. Keap, on the other hand, is ideal for businesses that want a holistic view of their customer interactions across various channels, including email. Its reporting is robust and versatile, suitable for businesses that value a comprehensive overview of their sales and marketing efforts.

Email Design and Customization: Crafting the Perfect Message

The design and customization of your emails play a crucial role in engaging your audience and reflecting your brand’s identity. Let’s explore how Klaviyo and Keap stack up in terms of their email design capabilities.

Klaviyo’s Design Flexibility

Klaviyo is like an artist’s studio for your emails. It offers a robust email editor with a wide range of customization options, allowing you to create emails that align perfectly with your brand’s aesthetic. Whether you’re starting from scratch or using one of their many templates, Klaviyo gives you the freedom to tweak every element to your liking.

Klaviyo’s strength in design lies in its balance of flexibility and ease of use. The drag-and-drop editor makes it simple to design stunning emails without needing extensive design skills. Plus, with features like dynamic content blocks and A/B testing, you can tailor your emails to different segments and test what works best.

Keap’s Customization Capabilities

Keap approaches email design with a focus on efficiency and effectiveness. It provides a variety of templates that are easy to customize, ensuring you can quickly create professional-looking emails that resonate with your audience.

While Keap’s design options might not be as extensive as Klaviyo’s, they cover all the essentials. The email builder is intuitive, allowing you to modify templates to match your brand style. Additionally, Keap offers personalization features, letting you insert custom fields and tailor your messages to individual recipients.

The Verdict

If you’re looking for extensive design capabilities and the ability to create highly customized, brand-specific emails, Klaviyo is the way to go. Its powerful editor and wide range of templates make it an ideal choice for businesses that prioritize email aesthetics and customization. Keap, while more limited in design flexibility, offers a streamlined and efficient approach to email creation. It’s perfect for businesses that want to quickly craft effective emails without getting bogged down in design complexities.


Deciding between Klaviyo and Keap for your 2024 email marketing needs boils down to understanding your business’s specific requirements and goals. Klaviyo emerges as a powerhouse in email marketing, especially for e-commerce-centric businesses. Its strengths lie in advanced automation, deep segmentation, and e-commerce integrations, coupled with powerful analytics. It’s ideal for those who need detailed insights and customization in their email campaigns, focusing on driving sales and personalized customer journeys.

On the other hand, Keap offers a broader approach as an all-in-one CRM and email marketing solution. It shines in its ability to manage not just email campaigns but the entire customer lifecycle, from lead capture to sales and follow-ups. Keap is well-suited for businesses looking for a comprehensive tool that integrates CRM, sales automation, and email marketing in one platform.

In summary, choose Klaviyo if your priority is sophisticated, data-driven email marketing with a strong e-commerce focus. Opt for Keap if you’re seeking an integrated solution that combines CRM, sales, and email marketing capabilities. Both tools offer robust features to elevate your email marketing strategy in 2024, but the best choice ultimately aligns with your business’s specific needs and growth plans.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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