CoSchedule vs Post Planner: The Best Social Media Management Tool for You

Discover the best social media planner between CoSchedule and Post Planner with our detailed comparison on usability, features, and cost.

Navigating the bustling world of social media can feel like steering a ship through stormy seas. With so many platforms to manage and content to share, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Enter the heroes of our story: CoSchedule and Post Planner. Both tools promise to be the compass that guides you to calm waters, but which one is the right fit for your journey? Let’s dive into an epic comparison to help you chart your course.

CoSchedulePost Planner
CoSchedulePost Planner
G2 Score – 4.4 out of 5 
G2 Score – 3.8 out of 5
TrustRadius Score – 8.3 out of 10TrustRadius Score – Nil

User Interface and Experience: Navigating with Ease

The first thing you’ll notice when you embark on your social media management journey is the user interface (UI). It’s the steering wheel of your ship, and its design can make your voyage smooth sailing or a tumultuous trek.

CoSchedule: The Captain’s Dashboard

Imagine walking into a ship’s control room, where everything you need to navigate is at your fingertips. That’s CoSchedule. It’s designed with marketers in mind, offering a comprehensive dashboard that integrates your social media posts, content marketing, email campaigns, and more in one visually appealing calendar.

CoSchedule’s UI is both elegant and functional, with a drag-and-drop calendar that makes rescheduling content as easy as shifting winds. This visual approach not only helps in planning but also provides a clear overview of your marketing strategy at a glance. Whether you’re plotting a course months ahead or adjusting your sails for the next week, CoSchedule ensures you’re never lost at sea.

Post Planner: The Navigator’s Tool

Post Planner, on the other hand, is like a trusty compass, guiding you with precision and simplicity. Its UI is streamlined and focused, with a strong emphasis on finding and scheduling content that’s proven to engage your audience.

Where Post Planner shines is in its content discovery and recommendation engine. It’s like having a lookout in the crow’s nest, spotting the most engaging content across the web and social media. This makes it incredibly easy to fill your content calendar with high-performing posts, ensuring your social media channels are always lively and engaging.

Choosing Your Navigation Tool

Deciding between CoSchedule and Post Planner on the basis of UI and user experience depends on what you seek from your voyage. If you’re a marketer looking for a comprehensive dashboard that brings together all aspects of your digital marketing strategy, CoSchedule is your captain’s wheel. It’s especially suitable for teams needing to collaborate on a diverse content strategy.

On the other hand, if your main quest is to conquer the high seas of social engagement with content that resonates with your audience, Post Planner is your compass. It’s ideal for solo adventurers or small teams focused on maximizing engagement with less emphasis on broader marketing integration.

Content Discovery and Curation: The Treasure Maps of Social Media

The ability to unearth content that captivates your audience is akin to finding treasure on the high seas. Both CoSchedule and Post Planner claim to lead you to riches, but their approaches and tools differ significantly.

CoSchedule: Charting Your Own Course

CoSchedule doesn’t specifically focus on content discovery within its platform. It’s more like being given a ship and a map to chart your own course. The tool excels in organizing and scheduling your original content and the treasures you’ve already found. However, it relies on you to scout the islands and dive into the depths of the internet to find those engaging articles, images, and videos yourself.

Where CoSchedule helps is by providing a centralized platform to plan, schedule, and publish the content you discover. It’s about taking the treasures you find and plotting them on your marketing calendar for the best impact. Integration with tools like Google Docs and WordPress makes it easier to manage your content creation process from ideation to publication.

Post Planner: Your Social Media Compass

Post Planner, in contrast, shines brightly in the realm of content discovery and curation. It acts more like a compass, guiding you directly to the treasure. With its built-in content recommendation engine, Post Planner not only suggests content that’s proven to engage based on data analytics but also organizes these suggestions by industry or interest.

This platform is designed to help you maintain an active and engaging social media presence with minimal effort. By analyzing thousands of content pieces to identify what has performed best in terms of engagement, Post Planner makes it easy to fill your content calendar with external articles, images, and videos that are likely to resonate with your audience.

Navigating the Waters of Content Discovery

Choosing between CoSchedule and Post Planner for content discovery and curation depends on the nature of your voyage. If your journey is powered by original content and you’re looking for a tool to help organize, schedule, and publish that content effectively, CoSchedule is your sturdy ship. Its strength lies in the integration of your marketing efforts, though it requires you to lead the charge in finding content.

If, however, you’re venturing into the social media sea with a smaller crew or limited time to scout for engaging content manually, Post Planner offers a valuable compass. Its content recommendation feature is a powerful ally, helping you navigate towards content that’s already proven to engage audiences similar to yours.

Analytics and Reporting: Navigating Through the Data Seas

In the quest for social media dominance, having a detailed map of your journey’s performance is indispensable. Analytics and reporting capabilities of your chosen tool can either act as a lighthouse guiding you to success or leave you adrift in a sea of data.

CoSchedule: The Cartographer’s Dream

CoSchedule approaches analytics with the thoroughness of a master cartographer, offering detailed maps of your marketing efforts’ performance. It’s not just about where you’ve been; it’s about understanding every nuance of the journey.

With CoSchedule, you can access comprehensive analytics that span across your entire marketing calendar. This includes social media performance, blog traffic, email campaign results, and more. The platform allows you to see how each piece of content performs, giving insights into what’s working and what’s not. This bird’s-eye view is invaluable for marketers looking to refine their strategy based on solid data.

One of CoSchedule’s strengths is the ability to generate customizable reports. This flexibility allows you to focus on the metrics that matter most to your voyage, whether that’s engagement rates, best posting times, or content performance across different platforms. These reports can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, helping to secure stakeholder buy-in or to adjust your strategy in real-time.

Post Planner: The Lookout’s Report

Post Planner, on the other hand, acts as your lookout, offering focused insights specifically for your social media content. While it may not chart the broader marketing oceans like CoSchedule, it provides precise and actionable data on your social media performance.

Post Planner’s analytics zero in on the performance of your curated and scheduled content, offering clear metrics on engagement, reach, and audience growth. This specialized focus can be particularly beneficial for social media managers who need to quickly assess what content types and topics are resonating with their audience and why.

The platform offers streamlined reporting that makes it easy to understand your social media success at a glance. These reports are designed to be actionable, providing clear insights that can inform your content strategy without overwhelming you with unnecessary data. For teams or individuals who prioritize agility and quick adjustments, Post Planner’s analytics provide the necessary compass points to steer by.

Charting Your Course with Analytics

The choice between CoSchedule and Post Planner, when it comes to analytics and reporting, depends on the breadth of your exploratory needs and the detail of the map you require. CoSchedule is well-suited for marketers who need a comprehensive overview of their entire marketing strategy, offering detailed analytics that help optimize across multiple channels. Its customizable reports are particularly useful for deep dives into performance data and strategic planning.

Post Planner, with its focus on providing targeted insights for social media content, is ideal for those who value simplicity and directness in their analytics. It offers the tools to quickly adjust your content strategy based on what’s proving most engaging, making it a strong choice for social media-centric voyages.

Integration Capabilities: Connecting Islands in the Digital Sea

The right integrations can streamline workflows, automate processes, and provide deeper insights, acting as bridges between different aspects of your digital marketing efforts.

CoSchedule: The Central Hub

CoSchedule positions itself as a central hub in your marketing archipelago, offering extensive integration capabilities with a wide range of other tools and platforms.

With CoSchedule, you can integrate with popular content management systems like WordPress, allowing you to seamlessly connect your content creation process with your social media schedule. Email marketing platforms such as MailChimp and ActiveCampaign, as well as analytics tools like Google Analytics, can also be integrated, providing a cohesive view of your marketing efforts and their performance.

These integrations are designed to streamline the workflow between content creation, email marketing, social posting, and analysis, making CoSchedule an attractive option for teams looking for a comprehensive solution that brings together various aspects of their digital marketing strategy.

Post Planner: Focused Connections

While Post Planner may not offer the broad spectrum of integrations found in CoSchedule, it focuses on the essentials to enhance its core functionality: social media management.

Post Planner’s integrations are primarily centered around social media platforms, ensuring a smooth process for discovering, scheduling, and posting content. By concentrating on these key integrations, Post Planner ensures that users can efficiently manage their social media presence without the need for constant platform switching or manual data transfer.

This focused approach to integration makes Post Planner a streamlined tool for users whose primary need is managing and optimizing their social media content, offering direct paths to publish and analyze without the complexity of broader marketing tool integrations.

Choosing Your Integration Allies

The decision between CoSchedule and Post Planner, in terms of integration capabilities, hinges on the complexity of your digital marketing ecosystem and where social media management fits within it.

If your voyage through the digital marketing sea involves navigating through content marketing, email campaigns, and detailed analytics, CoSchedule’s wide range of integrations offers the connectivity you need. Its ability to act as a central hub for various marketing tools can significantly simplify your workflow, making it a powerful ally for comprehensive digital marketing strategies.

On the other hand, if your journey is more focused on mastering the social media waves, with less need for extensive cross-platform integration, Post Planner’s streamlined approach provides the essential connections to keep your social media management efficient and effective. Its focus on social media platform integrations ensures you have the tools necessary for a strong social presence, without the complexity of additional integrations.

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Pricing: Charting the Cost of Your Voyage

In the vast sea of social media management, the price of admission can vary widely. Let’s delve into how CoSchedule and Post Planner structure their pricing and what you can expect to invest in these tools.

CoScheduleMarketing Calendar: The free version offers a basic marketing calendar for planning and scheduling.Marketing Suite: Custom pricing based on the needs of your team or organization, including content marketing, social media scheduling, work management, and more.
Post PlannerStarting at $3 per month (billed annually), designed for individuals, offering up to 3 social accounts and 30 posts per day.
At $11 per month (billed annually), for up to 10 social accounts and 100 posts per day, including more advanced features.Starting at $24 per month (billed annually), targeting small businesses, with up to 25 social accounts and 500 posts per day.

CoSchedule: Tailored Plans for Diverse Crews

CoSchedule offers a tiered pricing model, designed to cater to a wide range of needs, from solo marketers to large enterprises. This flexibility ensures that whether you’re manning a small sloop or commanding a large galleon, there’s a plan that fits your crew size and treasure chest.

The journey with CoSchedule begins with its basic plan, which provides access to the core features needed to manage your social media and marketing calendar. As you climb the tiers, additional features like advanced analytics, integration options, and team collaboration tools become available, allowing for a more comprehensive management of your marketing strategy. The flagship offering, aimed at large marketing teams and agencies, includes bespoke features and dedicated support, tailored to the needs of large-scale digital marketing campaigns.

Post Planner: Navigating Efficient Waters

Post Planner takes a different approach, focusing on providing a streamlined and efficient tool specifically for social media management. Its pricing strategy reflects this focus, offering plans that are generally more affordable and straightforward, aimed at small to medium-sized businesses and individual marketers.

With Post Planner, you can expect to start with a basic plan that covers the essential features for social media scheduling and content discovery. Higher tiers offer increased posting limits and access to more advanced content curation and analytics features. The simplicity of Post Planner’s pricing model makes it an attractive option for those who are looking for a cost-effective solution to enhance their social media strategy without the need for broader marketing tool integration.

Navigating the Pricing Seas

The choice between CoSchedule and Post Planner from a pricing perspective depends largely on the scope of your marketing endeavors and the size of your treasure chest. CoSchedule’s tiered pricing model provides the flexibility to scale up as your marketing strategy grows, making it a suitable choice for businesses with evolving needs and those who require a comprehensive marketing platform.

On the other hand, Post Planner’s more accessible pricing makes it an appealing choice for small businesses, solo marketers, and those with a focused need for improving their social media presence. Its straightforward approach ensures that you’re not paying for additional features you may not need, making it a cost-effective solution for social media management.

Navigating the Supportive Waters

The journey through social media management is fraught with challenges and learning curves. Here, the availability and quality of customer support and educational resources become the guiding stars for users, especially when navigating through stormy technical difficulties or seeking to expand one’s knowledge horizon.

CoSchedule: A Guiding Light in Customer Support

CoSchedule understands the importance of support in the user’s journey, offering a comprehensive array of resources and direct assistance to ensure smooth sailing.

With CoSchedule, users have access to a rich library of educational content, including blogs, webinars, guides, and video tutorials. These resources cover a wide range of topics from basic navigation to advanced marketing strategies, catering to users at different proficiency levels. Whether you’re a novice sailor in the digital marketing sea or a seasoned captain, CoSchedule’s educational resources provide the knowledge you need to steer your ship confidently.

In terms of customer support, CoSchedule offers various channels, including email support, live chat, and a ticketing system, ensuring that users can find help whenever they need it. The response times are generally swift, with a dedicated team ready to tackle any issues that arise, helping to keep your marketing journey on course.

Post Planner: Streamlining for Efficiency

Post Planner, with its focus on simplicity and efficiency, extends these principles to its approach to customer support and educational resources.

While Post Planner might not boast as extensive a library as CoSchedule, it provides users with targeted guides, tutorials, and an FAQ section designed to quickly get to the heart of common questions and issues. This focused approach ensures that users can easily find answers to specific queries without wading through a sea of unrelated content.

For direct support, Post Planner offers a streamlined system, primarily via email and support tickets. While it may lack the immediate response capabilities of live chat, Post Planner prides itself on providing detailed and helpful responses to ensure users can navigate any issues they encounter. This approach aligns with Post Planner’s overall ethos of efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring users receive the support they need without unnecessary frills.

Choosing Your Support Crew

The decision between CoSchedule and Post Planner, when it comes to customer support and educational resources, depends on what kind of support you anticipate needing on your social media management voyage. CoSchedule offers a broader array of resources and multiple support channels, suitable for businesses that might require extensive assistance and learning opportunities as they develop complex marketing strategies.

Post Planner, with its streamlined and focused approach, is ideal for users who prefer quick, to-the-point support and resources that allow them to efficiently manage their social media efforts without the need for deep dives into broader marketing education.

Social Media Platform Coverage: Casting a Wide Net

In the quest to dominate the social media seas, the range of platforms a tool covers can determine how far and wide your net can be cast. Let’s navigate through how CoSchedule and Post Planner fare in terms of social media platform coverage.

CoSchedule: The Versatile Fleet

CoSchedule aims to be a comprehensive command center for your marketing efforts, which includes offering broad social media platform coverage. It understands that a diverse social media presence can amplify your marketing messages and increase your brand’s reach.

With CoSchedule, you can expect integration with major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. This wide range of platform support enables marketers to manage and schedule content across different social channels from a single dashboard. The versatility of CoSchedule’s platform coverage makes it an excellent choice for businesses and marketers looking to maintain a dynamic presence across the digital landscape.

Post Planner: The Focused Navigator

Post Planner, with its emphasis on content discovery and efficiency, also provides support for key social media platforms but with a more focused approach. Its primary mission is to help you discover, plan, and post content that maximizes engagement.

Post Planner primarily supports major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, focusing on the spaces where content engagement can have a significant impact. While it may not offer as broad a coverage as CoSchedule, Post Planner’s targeted approach is designed to optimize your efforts on platforms that are most likely to drive engagement and reach for your content.

Setting Your Sails: Choosing Based on Platform Needs

The choice between CoSchedule and Post Planner, in terms of social media platform coverage, hinges on your specific strategy and where your audience is most active. If your brand thrives on engaging audiences across a wide variety of platforms, CoSchedule’s versatile fleet allows you to manage a comprehensive social media strategy from one place.

On the other hand, if your strategy is focused on deep engagement in specific channels where your audience spends most of their time, Post Planner’s focused navigator can guide you to success with its optimized content discovery and scheduling for those key platforms.


In the vast sea of social media management, both CoSchedule and Post Planner emerge as formidable vessels, each with its unique strengths and navigational tools. CoSchedule stands out as a versatile fleet, offering a broad suite of integrations, extensive platform coverage, and comprehensive analytics, making it ideal for marketers seeking an all-in-one command center for their digital marketing strategy. On the other hand, Post Planner shines as a focused navigator, guiding users towards maximizing engagement through efficient content discovery and scheduling, tailored for key social media platforms.

The choice between the two depends on the scale of your voyage and the treasures you seek in the social media ocean. Whether you need the wide-reaching capabilities of CoSchedule to manage a diverse marketing strategy or the targeted efficiency of Post Planner to engage deeply on specific platforms, selecting the right tool is crucial for navigating the currents of digital marketing successfully.

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Poulomi Chakraborty
Poulomi Chakraborty is at the heart of our digital marketing team at WinSavvy. With a keen grasp on the ever-evolving world of SEO and digital trends, she is known for her thoughtful and strategic approach. Poulomi blends deep industry knowledge with a genuine enthusiasm for helping businesses shine online. Her ability to translate complex digital concepts into clear, actionable strategies is what sets her apart.
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